Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Disaster? ❯ Bloody Mary ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Rurouni Kenshin Self-Insertion Fic
By: Serenity-chan

Bloody Mary

Ashley, Nicole and Kristin were sitting in Nicole's room, watching Kenshin. They were having what they called an All Night Kenshin Marathon. Fifteen straight hours of uncut Kenshin DVDs, rice balls and Ramen. They had just finished watching the episode where Sano learns the Futae no Kiwami (Nicole likes the apparition of Souzou Sagara) for the thirteenth time when Ashley finally took the DVD away. Kristen sensed a catfight over bishounen and headed for the bathroom across the hall.

"So Ashley, ever heard of Bloody Mary?" asked Nicole when she figured out Ashley wasn't letting up on this one.

(Authors' Note: Those aren't our real names.)

Ashley tilted her head at her best friend of thirteen years.

"Huh?" she asked, puzzled.

"Also known as Mary Tudor, the Queen of England before Elizabeth I," replied Nicole, eager to get to the point. "Called Bloody Mary because she had so many people killed."

"Ok..." said Ashley, now definitely on edge, wondering what her strange friend's twisted mind could possibly be coming up with. "What about her?"

"Well do you remember that thing people always used to dare me to do?" persisted Nicole, irked at her friend.

"No..." Ashley said flatly.

"You go into the bathroom in the middle of the night and shut the door, but you open the window according to some people," announced Nicole, going all dark-like. "And you look in the mirror and turn around three times. Then you say 'Bloody Mary' three times. And you can't scream."

"Ok..." mumbled Ashley uneasily. "Then what?"

She wasn't exactly looking forward to whatever her insane friend had in mind.

"Then Bloody Mary appears in the mirror," said Nicole, her voice getting creepy. "She'll kill you, 'cause the doors lock themselves and the window slams shut on its own."

"NICOLE!" screeched Ashley. "You're scaring me!"

"Wanna give it a try?" inquired Nicole, turning away. "I always chickened out and screamed. Nobody ever said you had to be alone... I'll take my bokken."

"But Nicole..." pleaded Ashley. "Are you -"

"Come on! It's not like anything's actually gonna happen!" said Nicole, dragging her best friend into the bathroom and slamming the door. "And did I mention the sink fills with blood!?"

Ashley squirmed at that and shrugged. Really Nicole was right. It wasn't like anything could actually happen. There was NO dead queen in the mirror and the sink was NOT going to fill with blood and they were NOT going to die.Well, maybe just Nicole...

"Nicole, if anything happens, I'm going to kill you," Ashley threatened.

"Just try it," responded Nicole dismissively. "I'm the one with the sword and the martial arts experience, remember?"

"Suuuuuure," quipped Ashley.

"Ok, here goes," said Nicole, gripping her bokken and standing in front of the mirror in her adjoining bathroom with Ashley crowded in behind her.

She turned around three times and stared into the mirror, gripping her bokken as if it was a lifeline.

"Give me room to swing if anything happens," she ordered, pushing her friend back and taking a deep breath. "Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary..."

"Nicole STOP!" begged Ashley.

Nicole ignored her friend's pleas.

"Bloody Mary!" she finished with a yell.

Both girls stood in a tense silence.

"Well, it looks like nothing's gonna happen," said Nicole nervously, moving towards the door and trying to turn it. "Oh my God..."

The door was locked.

Nicole looked over her shoulder and ---

"Ashley, don't look..."

--- saw the sink filling with blood.

"YEEEEEEEEEEP!" shrieked Ashley at the sight of blood pouring from the bathtub.

Nicole worked up the courage to actually look in the mirror. Instead of a bloody Queen's hand reaching out to kill them both, she saw a peaceful scene of a snowy forest. In her thoughts, it vaguely registered that it looked like Lucy's first glimpse of Narnia through the wardrobe. A very odd look came over her face and she took the two short steps to the mirror and reached out to the glass. A cold wind swirled through the bathroom and both girls were irresistably drawn to the mirror...