Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Her ❯ Lost and Found ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenshi: Nothing really to talk about here. I'll just skip right to the good stuff.

Sakura: Standard disclaimer applies.



Ch 19: Lost and Found

Masako ran through the dark streets, not caring whether anyone came after her or not. She preferred no one did, she needed to be alone.

Her legs grew tired; she had had a long day and most of it she'd spent on her feet. Ahead of her she could see the bridge that led into town. She needed to find a hiding spot, and under the bridge would be a fine enough place to hide. She clambered down the slope and curled up on the rocks beneath the bridge. The water could not reach her from where she was at, and she was thankful for that. She pulled her knees to her chest and laid her head on her knees. She sat there sobbing into her pants.


"So, then… Sano and Masako…" Kenshin found that words were hard to come by after Megumi and Kaoru had explained what had happened, along with some input from Sano himself. "How long, Sano?" he asked, turning back to him as they walked through the gloom of the dark streets.

"Little over a week…" Sano muttered, barely loud enough for Kenshin to hear.

"I can see why you would like her, Sanosuke," Yahiko chirped, watching Sano prudently, "but I'd have thought she had better taste than that…." A large grin spread across his face.

"We don't need your input, Yahiko!" Sano yelled, narrowly missing his chance to choke Yahiko.

"Sano, just leave him alone," Megumi sighed, "the more people we have, the easier to find Masako it will be. If you kill Yahiko now, there will be less people to find her, and even smaller chances." Sano released Yahiko, reluctantly.

As Yahiko gasped for breath, the bridge that led into town drew nearer. They all knew that if Masako were going to run off, she'd at least be on the other side of town by now.

Their footsteps echoed hollowly on the wooden planks. Each sound erupted in Masako's ears as she wept. Her soft sobbing floated up to the passers-by. All five members of the search party heard the noise. At the same time they all looked at one another. They nodded and carefully walked over to the railing, looking over the side. There, through a small cover of fog, sat Masako, alone and crying. Looking at each other again, they confirmed that it was indeed Masako. The first person to move was Sanosuke. He ran quietly back to the shore that they'd started on, making his way down the slope. Everyone was about to say something, to ask him what he was doing, but they knew that if they said anything, Masako would hear them, and if she heard them, she'd run.

Sano made his way down to Masako, he had to convince her, he just had to.


Tenshi: YAY! My Rottweiler, Punky, had her puppies!!! So far she's had two, but we're hopping for more! ^^

Sakura: Just remember to keep them warm and fed.

Tenshi: Yeah, I know, I got to go, I wanna go check on them!

Sakura: Please review.

Tenshi: AH! UPDATE! Make that three puppies!!! Haha!!! They're all so cute!!!!

Heaven Sent Tenshi