Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Lay All Your Love On Me ❯ you were the one all along... why? ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… As all my readers have known Kaoru and Kenshin would be a couple already… not to say they are sleeping at each other house…. Haha~ No hentai thoughts ne…. anyway…. Kenshin's a doc and Kaoru's the nurse…. They work in the same department. Megumi have known Kenshin longer than Kaoru, the both of them had met each other since…. School time. Megumi has this BIG crush on him, so when she saw Kenshin and Kaoru together. She loathes what she sees. Thus she wants Kenshin to ditch Kaoru. Megumi has a plan…. But… it just went a little too far. Enjoy the story ne.>

Lay All Your Love On Me

Chapter 11: You Were The One All Along... Why?

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Previous: --

"Kao... ru..." Kenshin called out... hoping there was a reply... none came. Tears collected at the brim at the corner of his eyes. Threatening to spill.

"Kao... ru... be safe... onegai... if not for your sake... please... for mine... I need you... I want you so much... please don't leave me..." Kenshin called out dejectedly. Just then a hand grabbed him from behind. Just as he was about to shrugged or smacked it off. He saw from the side of his eyes that it was Sanosuke.

"Kaoru's out from the operation room." Sanosuke announced. Without a second word, Kenshin sprinted back to where he came from the operation room.

But the scene that welcomed him... was not of the best he could ever imagine.

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Kenshin went to grabbed a hand, which belonged to Misao.

"Why? Why are you crying? You said Kaoru would be ALRIGHT! DIDN'T YOU? SO WHY ARE YOU CRYING?" It didn't help much as Misao doubled the crying. Aoshi placed a hand on his shoulders.

"Himura..." Kenshin looked at Aoshi. His amber eyes getting narrower, he swept his hands away. He stormed towards Akira who took off his mouth mask. His hands held onto his collar.

"How is Kaoru?" Kenshin asked or more like demanded from him. Akira held on to Kenshin's wrist, his eyes holding tons of sadness...

"I tried my best.... I managed to save her... and the baby" Kenshin's features softened knowing his love was still alive and breathing.

"But... there's this blood clot in her brain. It would be too risky to clear the clot; if I ever made a small mistake there she would die... straight away..." Colour drained from Kenshin's face.

'Die?' He thought over and over again.

"She would be in coma... For how long... I do not know... If she goes through tonight smoothly... She will continue to live on..." Kenshin let go of Akira and went towards the door that held between Kaoru and him. He turned the doorknob. There his love was... tucked under the warm blanket sleeping... the only problem now was that... he didn't know would she ever wake up to love him again.


"K aoru chan.... you got to be okay... For Kenshin and for your own sake..." Sabrina and Misao took their time off and took care of Kaoru. Kenshin was nowhere in sight. Enishi opened the door with a strong impact.

"Kaoru!" Enishi paled at the sight of her.

"Where were you? I tried calling you the whole night yesterday!" Misao chided him.

"I left my cell phone at the information counter and... I went out with Soujirou and Tetsuya." Enishi said as he looked at Kaoru. Sadness turned into anger.

"Where's that bastard!" Enishi yelled.

"Please... Enishi... don't shout in here... Let Kaoru rest..." Sabrina whispered as her eyes never left Kaoru. Enishi couldn't hold his anger but looking at Kaoru made his heart cringed.

"Where's Himura?" Enishi hissed.

"He's at the reference library." Sabrina said again. Head bowed forward till her forehead met the blanket.

"Library?" Both Misao and Enishi asked in union.

"He's looking through books on neurologist's cases." Enishi was taken back. Without a moment to think he bolted towards the reference corner.

In there, he found that red head buried himself with files, documents and thick books. Black bags under his bloodshot eyes. A cup of coffee untouched beside all the books.

'He's torturing himself....' Enishi thought as he walked towards him. For once he held respect for the doctor. He could see how much Kaoru meant to him, and how much he loved her.

"Himura sensei... what are you doing?" Kenshin looked up to find the platinum hair doctor looking at him. Kenshin gave a small nod and continue his search. Something to help Kaoru... to make her open her eyes again...

"Take a break... Kaoru chan wouldn't want you to stress yourself up... She will be screaming at you... and you won't want that...." Enishi joked. Kenshin chuckled at it. He looked up again and smiled at Enishi.

"I'm fine if you need to know... I have to do this... I'll check her later on... After I'm done with this pile." Kenshin gestured towards the mountain in front of Enishi. He felt his heart sank at how much Kenshin was contributing. Not wanting to bother him anymore, he went back to the ward where Misao and Sabrina were helping to change Kaoru clothes.

"GET OUT OF THE WARD!" Enishi muttered a sorry as he shut himself out of the room.

'Damn... who would have done this to you... Kaoru...' Enishi's fist hit the wall.

'The fox!'


Ken shin opened the door to the ward of Kaoru. He went in and shut the door as quietly as possible. Sabrina and Misao had gone home. He wanted to be alone with Kaoru. He walked to the side of the bed and sat on the chair.

"Kaoru... koishii..." He tightened his hold on her hand. Tears formed and splashed on her fingertips. He could hold back no longer. He blamed himself for what has happened. It was all his fault.

'If I have arrived faster... If only I have reached there on time... If only I have insisted on letting me go and buy the sake... If only...' His entire fault, if Kaoru really died... he didn't know what he would do. He cried... For so long as he lived... this was the first time he felt so pain. He wanted to be a doctor to save people, to protect the one he loves, to help them... but he couldn't do anything... he wasn't allowed to help... why? WHY? Didn't anyone understand how he felt? How much he needed to help... to save the one he loved? But NO... He could do nothing... he could only stand by the side and witness everything... he felt useless... he felt rotten... He's a famous surgeon... but this famous doctor couldn't even save the one he loves... how ironic life can be... what would Kaoru think of this Kenshin now. How much he wanted to see those blue eyes again...

With that thought in mind... he fell asleep together with his love... A single lone tear fell from the side of his eye.


Mi sao came into the ward early that day and found Kenshin asleep at Kaoru's side. She could hear the soft breathing of Kenshin. She excused herself. Once she was outside she cried silently. Tears kept spilling over; Misao buried her face in her hands.

"Why... why such a terrible thing will happen to you? Why...." Misao couldn't understand... Kaoru was a nice friend... it was such a hard thing to believe that she was being assaulted. Soon strong hands hugged her.

"What happen Misao?" It was Aoshi. Misao hugged back.

"I want Kaoru back... I want Kaoru chan back..." Misao cried softly. Aoshi just hugged her quietly. It was his way of comfort.

"Misao! Aoshi!" Sabrina and Enishi ran to them.

"Nothing has happen right?" Sabrina asked as she looked at them to and fro.

"Everything's the same... How's Saitou's search?" Misao asked as she dried her tears.

"He couldn't find any help through the Internet... all the neurologist he knew had the same answer... it all has to depend on Kaoru's will power..." Sabrina said sadly... totally out of her character. Seeing Sabrina like that was not of Enishi's plan. He didn't want her to be sad. Sadness didn't suit her. His arms found its way around Sabrina's shoulder.

"Kaoru will be fine... don't worry."

"What is going on here? A group gathering? Let's see... oh my... where's the tanuki? She met an accident?" Megumi sneered as she laughed her trademark laugh. Still oblivious to what has happen to Kaoru... she didn't know she had hit the nail.

"Takani sensei... I would appreciate it if you keep your volume down..." Aoshi told her off. Enishi took a step forward and stood right in front of Megumi.

"I think we need to talk... Takani sensei..." Enishi said as he gesticulated the way down the hallway.

"Ladies first..." Takani narrowed her eyes and went along with Enishi.


"What do you want Yukishiro?" Megumi asked as she sat on her office chair.

"It was you isn't it! Kaoru's lying on the bed unconscious! She's in a bloody coma! And it was you wasn't it!" Enishi rebuked. Megumi's eyes widen. She hadn't expected the situation to be so bad. She didn't even know Kaoru was admitted into the hospital.

"ANSWER ME! It was you wasn't it! You told someone to follow her and did it DIDN'T YOU!" Enishi raved at Megumi. Megumi clenched her teeth and tighten her fist.

"You have no prove Yukishiro Enishi! You have no right to accuse me!" The next step was unexpected. Enishi laughed.

"If I ever found out it was you Takani sensei... you can prepare to get the largest lawyer letter and rot in jail." With that he walked out, leaving Megumi in trance.

She opened her drawer and saw the golden watch clock. It belonged to Kenshin. For the first time... she was guilty stricken... Her mind was point blank. Nothing was there. She clasped the watch clock in her fist and shut her eyes tight. She hadn't expected her to be lying in the hospital bed. She only wanted Kenshin to leave Kaoru... she only wanted that... she really didn't thought it would have went that far...

'When have I been such a vicious woman? What have I done?'

< br>
Kenshin awoke from his deep slumber. He had thought everything was a dream and that Kaoru would be next to him whispering greetings and exchanging love words. But the world crumbled down on him when he saw Kaoru sleeping on the bed. The constant 'beeping' of the machine beside her. He swept a raven black hair behind her ear.

"Kaoru..." He started humming their song... Kaoru's favorite song. The lyrics played in his heart. Unconsciously he sang it out loud.

Ikutsu namida o nagashitara (If there were many tears falling down)
every heart
sunao ni nareru darou (Would become gentle)
Dare ni omoi tsutaetara (If everybody expresses what they think)
every heart
kokoro mita sareru no darou (can be satisfied)

He remembered clearly what happened during the first time they met. She was late for the first class. She went bumping into him. When she looked up, Kenshin couldn't fight not to stare at those never ending blue eyes.

"Gomen Nasai!" Kaoru shouted and bowed. She picked up all her thick books and went running saying she was late.

Although, Megumi had been her girlfriend at that time... he couldn't forget those eyes. It was as if they were penetrating him. He had long since found out that him and Megumi was a total wrong pair. Her ideas and his were in contrast. In truth was that... he didn't know what she really wanted and their relationship was already breaking.

nagai nagai yoru ni obieteita (I was frightened by the never-ending night)
Tooi hoshi ni inotteta (So I prayed to the distant stars)

meguru meguru toki no naka de (In endlessly repeating time)
Bokutachi wa ai o sagashiteiru (We were searching for love)
Tsuyoku tsuyoku naritai kara (Because we wanted to become stronger)
kyou mo takaisora miageteiru (We look up to the faraway sky)

How much he wanted to see those eyes again. As if the gods above him answered his prayers someone walked pass him. He stopped the girl just in time to find those ocean blue eyes looking at him again. She was listening to her MD and hasn't been paying attention to her surroundings. Immediately, she took her headphones off and asked Kenshin what he wanted.

"Can I help you Himura senpai?" Kaoru asked. Kenshin was shocked at the knowledge of his name.

"How do you know my name...?" Kenshin asked with an amused smile. Kaoru blushed in a deep red shade. She started stuttering.

"Ah! I... My... My friend told me who you are. He's your friend... Sagara Sanosuke." Kaoru answered as she looked across the field. There stood Megumi. She was obviously glaring at her.

'What have I done?' She asked herself. But laughter tinkled into her ears. She turned towards Kenshin.

"And you are?"

"Kaoru... Kamiya Kaoru...." Kaoru beamed as she smiled. This Himura Kenshin was a handsome man. She was just wondering if he was single... so she could ask him out for her class prom reunion.

After much consideration, Kaoru took up the courage and asked him. Amazingly he agreed. That was when the trouble started.

donna egao ni deaetara (The Two of us, smiling, meet here)
every heart
yume wo fumidasereruyo (Has a habit of receiving it's dream)
hitowa kanashimi no mukou ni (Sadness has no effect on us
every heart
shiawase ukabete nemuru (gains happiness when it flies)

They danced on the floor. Many whispering on how matched the couples were. The song they danced to was the song that Kaoru had loved. Every Heart, Minna no Kimochi by BoA. Kenshin had learned to love the song as fast as he learns that he had fallen in love with the jet-blacked hair woman in front of him. Just then Kaoru asked an unexpected question.

"Are you currently going out with Takani senpai?" Kaoru whispered to him. How did she know all the information of him had always been a mystery. Even on his birthday he received a little display of a miniature katana from Kaoru.

"We have stopped..."

"So... you have any other people on mind?" Getting jealous already? Kenshin mused. His smile widen.

"Aa.... she's a kind woman and her presence brings me happiness."

"Oh.." was her only answer... she sounded disappointed. He bent down and whispered into her ear. It made her cry... it made her smile. She had kissed him that night... to prove how much she had loved him.

'No more Himura senpai... from now on call me Kenshin... Kaoru... you are the one.'

itsuka itsuka subete no tamashii ga (someday our souls will unite)
yasuraka ni nareru youni (We will give peaceful approval)

meguru meguru toki no naka de (In endlessly repeating time)
boku tachi wa ikite nanika wo shiru (We know why we are living)
toki ni warai shugoshi naite (We go through the night time, laughing and mourning)
kyou mo mada aruki tsuzukete iku (Even today, we continue to walk on)

The first night spend with her, was the best days he had in his whole life. Kenshin had remembered that single night. He could never forget it. The radio was playing their song again... for some reason... they felt right in that moment. The both of them leaned forward for a kiss. An innocent kiss exploded into a passionate one.

None wanted it to stop.

One by one everything on them was taken off. They wanted to feel each other so badly. One word from Kaoru's mouth drove him up the wall. It was nothing... it was only his name followed up by a morn. It was enough to make his emotions take control of his body.

That night they became one. And after that night... they became closer.

osanai kioku no kata sumi ni (memories of everything has settled)
atatakai basho ga aru soushi (This is a warm place to be)
hoshi tachi ga hanasu mirai ga (The stars separate us from the future)
itsumo kagayaite ita (We are always so brilliant)
so shine

Kenshin's graduation... Kaoru's graduation. Since Kaoru was living alone, she moved into Kenshin's apartment. They wanted to share every single moment together. No matter physically or mentally. They needed each other more than anything. They got their job in the same hospital. Coincidentally, Hiko, Kenshin's father had been working there. It was Kaoru who encouraged him when he was down.

He hated seeing his patients die. He nearly gave up once. It was Kaoru who showed the way to him. Not to give up. She saved him from his own darkness... and with her support he became a well-known surgeon. He owed it all to Kaoru.

meguru meguru toki no naka de (In the endlessly repeating time)
Bokutachi wa ai o sagashiteiru (We were searching for love)
Tsuyoku tsuyoku naritai kara (Because we wanted to become stronger)
kyou mo takaisora miageteiru (Today, We look up to the faraway sky again)

Everything happened so fast...her announcement of their child... how much he loved her couldn't be weigh. He loved her more than life itself. He proposed to her and she agreed. They made love and celebrate within themselves.

But... god wasn't so kind as before... he played them out. He decided to make his game more interesting and made Kaoru like this. Why? What had she done wrong?

meguru meguru toki no naka de (In endlessly repeating time)
boku tachi wa ikite nanika wo shiru (We know why we are living)
toki ni warai shugoshi naite (We go through night time laughing, mourning)
kyou mo mada aruki tsuzukete iku (Even today we continue to walk on)

Flashes of the memories he held with Kaoru flashed by. He stroked her hand. And he then found out... her engagement ring was nowhere to be found.

Did it really matter now?

No... Kaoru matters the most... Kaoru is the only thing that matters now. He was brought back to reality when someone's cell phone rang. He let go of Kaoru's hand gently, afraid to break it. He walked towards the door.


Meg umi's eyes filled with tears as he heard her 'Ken-san' sorrowful voice singing. Just then her cell phone rang. Instantly she answered the phone.

"Takani Megumi here."

"Where's the money?" the man at the other hand hissed.

"You messed up the job and you still want the money? You are thinking too much boy." Venom dropping at each word.

"I never messed the job. You said I was able to do ANYTHING you bitch!"

"For your information... she's in coma now, a blood clot pressing on one of her brain nerves... you want to be jailed? I can always give you the money..." Suddenly the door to the ward opened as she was being pushed to the wall.

"Ken... san..." Megumi dropped whatever she had with her. Her phone and... Kenshin's golden clock watch. Kenshin stared at it not believing what was it right before him. He turned his gaze back to Megumi.

"It was always you wasn't it? It was always you."


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… WAI WAI WAI!! Another chappie… Haahahaa~ HAI! LONNG chap.... ^^ hope all of you will like it.... Megumi would be changing her paths now... ^^ can Kenshin forgive Megumi? Can he let it go and move on? Will Kaoru wake up again to love Kenshin? That's for you to think ne ^__~ R&R

The song I have used for Kenshin and Kaoru was
Every Heart (Minna no Kimochi) by a Korean singer... BoA
Some of you might know this song by Inuyasha's 4th ending song.
A real nice song i must say ^__^

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

mama-sama -- Hope you'll like this chappie... thanks for the review ^__^

Kriska -- Here's the end of the suspense that i have gave you... gomen ne... anyways... i hope you'll like this chappie... thanks for the review ^__^

Jason M.Lee -- Oh... icic... gomen... I'm not to educated *wails* anyways... thanks for the tip... and here's the next chappie.. hope you'll like it.. thanks for the review ^__^

Mistress of All Worlds -- I hope this chappie can answer most of your stories.. and thanks for the review... hope you'll like this chappie ^__^

Leigh -- Erm... Hiko would be in the next chap... this chap would focus mainly on Kenshin and Kaoru while you know the discovery of Megumi... stuffs.. anyways... hope you'll enjoy this chappie.. thanks for the review ne ^__^

wai-wai-wai -- Dun worry... I won't bear to kill Kaoru or the Baby.. dun worry ne... but i can't grantee anything.. >__< but... kaoru and the baby won't die... ^^ here's the next chappie.. hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review ^__^

Val -- Hai.. *gives katana to Val...* you wanted to kill Megumi... heehee~ anyways... i hope you'll like this chappie and thanks for the review ^__^

Madam Spooky -- Hai! Here's the next chappie.. hope you'll like ne... thanks for the review ne ^__^

Isis 13 -- ... hai... Her heads are in the clouds... erm... anyway... here's the next chappie.. hope you'll like it... thanks for the review... ^__^

sana lol :) -- Oro... U like Sano... but u hate Megumi? Well quite unusual actually... cause most pairings are SanoxMeg... WEll anyways.. here's the update.. hope you'll like it... thanks for the review ^__^

Willow -- hai... I agree with you too...^^ Anyways... here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it.. thanks for the review ^__^

Chi-dono -- Gomen... anyways... here's the next chappie.. thankss for the review.. hope you'll like this chappie ^__^

White Witch -- Here's the answers to some of your question.. hope you'll like this chappie... thanks for your review ^__^

Red Ninja -- HAI! Here's the next chappie... hope you'll like this chappie.. thanks for the review ne ^__^

Moonwind -- here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it... thanks for the review ^__^

Gypsy-chan -- DUn worry Kaoru won't die.. if i ever make that so... I'll be the next... You cried?? Oro... gomen ne... anyway... here's the next chappie... thanks for the review ne.. hope you'll like this chappie ^__^

omochi -- here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it..thanksfor the reviews.. ^__^

Shizuka -- *hugs back* here's the next chapppie... hope this will cheer u up.. but i doubt so... anyways.. hope you'll still like this... and thanks for the review ne ^__^

Joey -- No... she isn't covered fully by those white sheets dun worry.. anyway... here's the next chappie... hope you'll like it... thanks for the review ^__^

Minako-chan -- Nono.. Kaoru won't die *I have been saying it a lot today but nvm..* Here's the update... hope you'll like it ne.. thanks for the review ^__^

Nadachi-chan -- The baby is fine... ^^ dun worry about it... anyways.. here's the nexxt chappie... hope you'll like it.. thanks for the review en ^__^

digi*girl -- Oro... u cried? Gomen ne... *bows* anyways... I hope you'll like this chappie... thanks for the review ^__^

Sabrina-star -- Yup... you and your Enishi sama... should I wed you to him?? SHould I or should I not?? haahaa~let's see about it ne.. ^^ anyways... here's the next chappie... I hope you'll like this chappie... thanks for the review...

Review and make Kamimura Kaoru chan happie ^^