Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Lay All Your Love On Me ❯ My baby or my beloved ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.

So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 17 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… As all my readers have known Kaoru and Kenshin would be a couple already… not to say they are sleeping at each other house…. Haha~ No hentai thoughts ne…. anyway…. Kenshin's a doc and Kaoru's the nurse…. They work in the same department. Megumi have known Kenshin longer than Kaoru, the both of them had met each other since…. School time. Megumi has this BIG crush on him, so when she saw Kenshin and Kaoru together. She loathes what she sees. Thus she wants Kenshin to ditch Kaoru. Megumi has a plan…. But… it just went a little too far. Enjoy the story ne.>

Lay All Your Love On Me

Chapter 13: My Baby or My Beloved?

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Previous: --

"I... I understand..." Kenshin knew that what Hiko said was right. If he continue to dwell on Kaoru's mishap... Kaoru's effort in the last few years was wasted. Kenshin looked up at Hiko.

"I'll start duty tomorrow... just let me have another day alone with Kaoru... onegai..." Kenshin pleaded. Hiko looked at Kaoru again.

"Another day it shall be... I'll leave the both of you alone now." Hiko said as he exited the room. Not before he heard Kenshin's thanks. He smiled in triumph to himself. His son had come back again. Kenshin was alive again. This time... it was because of Kaoru.

"Arigatou... Koishii...."

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"Ken nii... where's Kaoru nee? Ayame chan hasn't seen Kaoru nee for a long long looonnng time!" Ayame complained to Kenshin whose heart immediately sank.

"Suzume chan see no Kaoru nee... where Kaoru nee?" Suzume asked as she pulled on Kenshin's long white coat. Kenshin gathered the two sisters in his arms. His cheek lying on their crown.

"Kaoru nee has gone to a place and rest..." Without letting Kenshin to finish Ayame broke his sentence and pulled away so she could look at Kenshin's violet eye.

"Did you and Kaoru nee quarrel? Why? Why did she go for a rest!! Tell her to come back! Ayame chan misses her! Ayame chan wants her back..." Ayame finished her last sentence in a small whispering voice. She was on the verge for crying. Suzume just kept quiet and looked at Kenshin's eyes with her teary big brown eyes. Kenshin wiped the involuntary tears away from Ayame's puffy cheeks.

"No. Kaoru nee and Ken nii didn't got into a fight. Ken nii misses her as well. Ken nii misses her so much. But... we can't be selfish right? Kaoru nee taught the both of you to think of how others feel and how your actions will affect them. You may bring joy and laughter... you may bring hurt and disappointment. Kaoru nee... needs the rest... so can Ayame chan and Suzume chan wait for Kaoru nee till she's feeling better?" Ayame and Suzume kept quiet. Both of their faces got tightened together. But soon Ayame nodded her head and smiled. Her little sister did the same.

"Tell Kaoru nee Ayame chan and Suzume chan misses her A LOT!!" Ayame told Kenshin as Suzume echoed what Ayame had just said. Kenshin could only smile ruefully and nod. He still had other rounds to do. He bid the two cute little sister goodbye and walked to the other wards.

`Kaoru... when will you open those blue eyes for me again?'


Megumi passed Kaoru's ward and stood by the door. Should I or should I not? Megumi thought over and over again. Megumi decided to enter and check Kaoru's condition. She still lay there as peaceful as ever.

`What have I done?'

She neared Kaoru with each small step and sat on the chair beside her. Her cinnamon eyes fell onto Kaoru's growing stomach. Months have passed and Kaoru's baby was growing each second. New tears brimmed around her eyes as she placed a timid hand on top of it. She gasped when a reaction was given. The baby kicked.

"Tanuki... your baby is healthy and well... Wake up soon..." Megumi's voice broke as she rubbed the tummy gently and as if the baby or Kaoru thanked her. She was awarded with a small kick from the baby. She smiled with tears in her eyes.

"Ken-san is worried about you... I have my rounds to do now... I have to check the other babies' condition. Ja..." Megumi whispered as she exited the block to the gynecology department.

She asked for a transfer to it, as she knew that staying in the same department, as Kenshin would, spelled trouble. Not only that, she knew that Kenshin was trying his best not to get angry with her therefore, he avoided her. She didn't want to make things worst. Besides, she had mastered in gynecology too. Hiko had granted her transfer as she wished.

Once she entered the building, a nurse came running to her.

"Takani Sensei! Takahashi san is giving birth now! We need you there, Nakata sensei is asking for you!" the nurse said in between her breath as Megumi nodded.

"Which room are they in Namiko?"

"Room 4." Namiko raced after Megumi as they ran down the hallway.

But no matter how many she had saved... her heart still weighed down by her own conscience. Guiltiness.

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Misao and Sabrina strolled down to their best friend's ward before they went home.

"Ne~ Misao chan... what do you think of Enishi?" Sabrina suddenly asked as they walked up the flight of stairs. Misao jaded eyes brightened and nudged her shoulders.

"Ahuhuhuhu... Ara... Sabrina chan... Don't tell me... You want Enishi soooo much ne~" Misao teased as she continued to giggle.

"Misao chan! I'm serious! I... I want to go out with him... just the both of us..." Sabrina confessed.

"Then tell him not me... anyway... if you haven't notice... he's behind you my dear..." Misao whispered then sprinted up the stairs and waved to her goodbye. Sabrina took a second to absords the information given.

"EH!!" She spun around and saw a platinum headed man. Ahem... sexy man.

"... E-e-e-enishi!" Sabrina blushed furiously when she saw him smiling at her.

"Y-y-you heard everything?" Sabrina gulped as she waited anxiously for her awaited answer.

"Are you free this Sunday?" Enishi suddenly asked.

"Eh? Erm... I need to ch-"

"I won't take `no' for an answer... besides the both of us have no duty during this Sunday..." Enishi cut Sabrina's sentence as he leaned on the wall behind him. Sabrina continue to blush into a deeper one as she notice how cute Enishi actually looked and by thinking him helping her check her schedule making sure she doesn't escape his plans.

"So?" Enishi urged.

"Hai... I think I will be able to make it..." Sabrina replied shyly... unlike her own self. Enishi's footstep got nearer when he was just an inch beside her he blew into he ear.

"I'll fetch you at eight then..." With that he left Sabrina with her thoughts alone.

"He... asked me out..." Sabrina started whispering. A smile tugged the corners of her lips.

"MISAO CHAN!!" Sabrina called for her best friend as she raced towards Kaoru's room.


"Soujirou... I'll be going home now... If anything happens... call me." Kenshin ordered and bid his goodbye before he went home. Nine months have past. Kaoru's condition was very stable now. But Katsura had once told Kenshin that he might have to choose between the baby or Kaoru if Kaoru's condition ever get's unstable.

He can't make it if anyone of them die... he knew he can't.

He was going home and take a rest. Then he would come back and take care of Kaoru tonight. He just has a bad feeling that something might happen tonight.

Maybe he was just being paranoid. He brushed that feeling away as he drove home.

Soujirou and Tetsuya took over the night shift again starting from today, they walked to each wards to check the patients' conditions.

"Everyone looks fine here, let go to Kaoru chan's." Tetsuya suggested as Soujirou nodded as they turned the knob to Kaoru's room.

A sound caught their attention. They quickly made their way to Kaoru's side and saw beads of cold sweat gathering around her forehead. The machine beside her was giving off un-stable beeping sounds.

"Soujirou! Call the doctors! Hayaku!" Soujirou made no complains and ran out of the ward while Tetsuya pressed the emergency button beside Kaoru's bed.

"Kaoru chan! Hold on! You have got to hold on!" Tetsuya yelled at her as he wiped her temple. Soon doctors pooled in and other more experienced nurses.

"Soujirou, I'm going to call Himura Sensei." Without waiting for a reply he went off.

"She's going to give birth now..." Soujirou heard from one of the doctors.

"Seta kun! Go to the gynecology building and ask for their doctors now!" Soujirou sped down the hallway as he bumped into somebody.

"Sumimasen! Ah!" Soujirou recognized the person immediately.

"Takani sensei! We need your help! Kaoru chan... She's giving birth now!" Megumi's eyes widen as Soujirou pulled her along to Kaoru's ward. Once she reached there she saw how bad Kaoru's condition was.

"Don't crowd around her, bring her to the operation room this instant. I'll be helping her out." Megumi instructed as the doctors took the message and quickly did as she told.


Kenshin threw his keys on the couch as he slumped into one of the seats. He had a hard day today. He closed his eyes for a moment, as Kaoru's smiling face floated to his memory.

"Kaoru..." How much he missed her... he wonder if she ever misses him during her dreams.

Just then, the phone rang; he lazily picked up the phone.

"Moshi moshi? Himura desu." Kenshin said through the phone.

"Himura sensei! It's Kaoru! Kaoru..."

"What about Kaoru? What happen?" It got Kenshin full attention as Kenshin's heart cringed in fear for his beloved.

"She's giving birth now!" Tetsuya practically shouted through the phone.

"I'm coming down now!" he quickly slammed the phone down and grabbed the bunch of keys beside him.

"Kaoru.... I'm coming now... wait for me..."


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Gomen for the slow update...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… WAI WAI WAI!! Another chappie… Haahahaa~ Hai~ To clear ur doubts... actually when a person is in coma... Giving birth is actually possible but the carrier would be in really unstable conditions and can prove dangerous. And Kaoru is still in coma ne~ I'm starting to make Megumi a nice person here... she is starting a new leaf.. hehe~ Anyone here likes Samurai Deeper Kyo? *huggles chibi Kyo and Yuya* Oh yes... anyone know of a SDK fanfic? Mind telling me? I can't find them anywhere... -__- ^^ Hope you'll like this chap... ^^ R&R ne! THANKS!

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

[Gomen~ no individual thanks... I am short of time you see...]

mama-sama, Red Ninja, Mistress of All Worlds, Sabrina-star, omochi, Jason M. Lee, chitchat, KitKat, White Witch, Hanna-chan, hotaru, Shizuka, Madam Spooky, penggu2000, Miya-chan, SakuraCherryBlossom, Val, Kyrowen Goldenfire.

Anou... those who want me to notify you when I update do tell me and provide your email add ne~ doumo

Review and make Kamimura Kaoru chan HAPPIE!!!