Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Lay All Your Love On Me ❯ Who are You? ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.

So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 17 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… As all my readers have known Kaoru and Kenshin would be a couple already… not to say they are sleeping at each other house…. Haha~ No hentai thoughts ne…. anyway…. Kenshin's a doc and Kaoru's the nurse…. They work in the same department. Megumi have known Kenshin longer than Kaoru, the both of them had met each other since…. School time. Megumi has this BIG crush on him, so when she saw Kenshin and Kaoru together. She loathes what she sees. Thus she wants Kenshin to ditch Kaoru. Megumi has a plan…. But… it just went a little too far. Enjoy the story ne.>

Lay All Your Love On Me

Chapter 14: Who are You?

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Previous: --

"Himura sensei! It's Kaoru! Kaoru..."

"What about Kaoru? What happen?" It got Kenshin full attention as Kenshin's heart cringed in fear for his beloved.

"She's giving birth now!" Tetsuya practically shouted through the phone.

"I'm coming down now!" he quickly slammed the phone down and grabbed the bunch of keys beside him.

"Kaoru.... I'm coming now... wait for me..."

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"Misao! Where's Kaoru?" Kenshin yelled not bothering about his surroundings. Misao tried to calm Kenshin down but her efforts were futile.

"Himura... relax! Megumi is helping in the operation in operating her."

"Why the hell does she need operation?"

"She's giving birth!" Misao was as nervous and afraid at the same time. Kenshin pushed his way to the operating room. Just as he was about to enter to see how Kaoru was, Akira came out of the operating room.

"Akira! Kaoru! Where's Kaoru?"

"She's fine... for now... I need you... I need you to choose between Kaoru... or the baby... Megumi has stated the dangers... only 50% of surviving that operation can be given to you... she might die... while we help the baby..." Kenshin paled visibly. No matter how much he wanted them to focus on Kaoru... he knew that Kaoru had loved every single thing about the baby they were having. She was only a month pregnant and she had started buying toys and things for him or her already. He knew how much it meant to Kaoru... and it meant a lot to Kenshin too.

"Himura... make the decision fast... she can't wait too long..."

"I... I want the both of them..." Kenshin whispered as he tightened his hold on Akira's collar.


"I repeat... I want the BOTH of them safe!" Kenshin growled. He knew he was being selfish and unreasonable... but he didn't bother.

"I'll try my best... Ken-san..." A feminine voice rang. Kenshin looked up and saw Megumi. She was wearing the surgery uniform and a mask. Beads of perspiration could be seen gathering around her forehead.


"She will be fine... I promise you..." Megumi took Kenshin's hand and smiled down at him. Kenshin nodded and sat down at the nearby bench.

All he wanted was both Kaoru and his child safety.

"Himura... Kaoru will be fine... and so would the blessing the both of you got from god. The both of them will be healthy. Believe me... they will..." Misao comforted Kenshin as she sat beside him as Kenshin stayed motionlessly holding his hand together. Silently praying for the both of them.

Minutes have pass... hours have pass...

Why the hell is it taking so long? Kenshin stood up from his chair and started pacing around the waiting room.

"I'm going to check on them..." Kenshin started walking to the door when Sanosuke held on to him.

"We are just as anxious and worried as you for Kaoru... just let Megumi do the job... At least let her repay for what she has done..." Sanosuke talked sensed into him as he lead him to the chair and sat down.

"Relax buddy... she will be fine..."

Footsteps could be heard rushing down from the operation room to the waiting room. Just as the door opened, Kenshin got out of Sanosuke's hold and grab the person.

"What happen? How's Kaoru..?"

"Hi-hi-himura Sensei... you are choking me..." Tetsuya tried to loosen his grip and thanks to Sanosuke it got lighter. After a few coughs he smiled a weak smile at Kenshin.

"Congratulations Himura Sensei... Kaoru... Kaoru gave birth to a boy... a baby boy." Kenshin heaved a sigh relieve and waited for the other news that didn't come after the news of the baby. He looked back up at Tetsuya.

"What about Kaoru?"

"Sh-she... she's in the ICU... according to Kiyosato sensei... she might not live through today..." Tetsuya was being pushed aside as Kenshin sprinted towards the ICU corner. Akira and Megumi just came out.

"Can... can I see her now?" Kenshin asked with furrowed eyebrows. Kaoru HAVE to be alright. Megumi looked away while Akira nodded his head. Kenshin wasted no time and entered the room.

The room was in total darkness, only a little light from the hallway shone through the small window at the door. He staggered to the side of Kaoru and knelt down beside the bed.

"Kaoru... Kaoru..." Kenshin pleaded as he held onto her hand. Suddenly, a little baby cry caught his attention. He looked across Kaoru, he saw a little box-like container. He slowly let go of Kaoru's hand and made his way to the baby.

There he saw a little red haired figure within the blue blankets. He was reaching out for something as those small hands held out for something to hold on. As if he knew that Kenshin was sorrowful over something... Kenshin held the small hands within his. Immediately, the tiny fingers tried to curl around Kenshin's little finger.

He looked at his son's effort to somehow comfort him. Kenshin slowly carried the little boy in his hands. The boy was laughing as it touched Kenshin's face. Unexpectedly... Kenshin's heart was lifted from its sorrow just with that little touch. He sat at the side of the bed and looked at Kaoru lovingly.

"Kaoru... I think the boy inherited your magic fingers that always make a person feel well." Kenshin took her hand and place it on the baby's little finger. Expectedly, it curled around Kaoru's slender finger. A tear fell from Kenshin's closed eyes.

If only you are awake to see him...

Kenshin could already imagine her screaming for joy when she sees the baby. She had endure so much for the little fellow... she has to wake up...

"Let's see... we have to think of a name for you ne..." Kenshin whispered to the baby. He smiled at the memory that just flashed by...

=-=-=-=- FLASHBACK=-=-=-

"KENSHIN!!" Kaoru called as she looked at the stove dangerously.

"Kaoru! What the hell are you trying to do? You are supposed to rest!" Kenshin quickly reprimanded her as he closed the switch to the gas pipe. The fire slowly died down. He let out a sigh but then remembered about his beautiful wife.

"Are you hurt?" Kenshin quickly ask as he started examining her.

"Ne~ Kenshin... If I'm being undress... wouldn't it be better to examine me like that?" Kaoru teases as she wrapped her hands around his neck. Kenshin just chuckled and effortlessly carried her to their room.

"Next time... if you want something to eat... tell me... besides... I wouldn't want my baby to be pois-" Before he could finished his sentence a pillow flew to his direction.

"I won't poison the baby! The first person if I ever have the chance to poison anyone would be you Himura Kenshin!" Kaoru pouted angrily. She knew she couldn't cook... that well... but she was really trying very hard to learn. At least this time... she didn't burn down the whole kitchen.

"Gomen koishii..." Kenshin apologized as he returned her fluffy pillow and hugged her from behind.

"Ne... Kenshin... let's think of our baby's name...." Kenshin eyed the clock.

"At this hour?" Kenshin saw that it was two in the morning. But as long as Kaoru wants to... he would surely go on with it. Kaoru nodded and leaned on him.

"Since the both of us have no duties tomorrow... besides... we need to visit Hiko Jii chan tomorrow..." Kaoru explained. Kenshin chuckled and nodded his head.

"You want a boy or a girl?" Kaoru asked as she eyed on her stomach. It was still flat not much of a change actually.

"Boy or girl... they are still as precious as you are darling..." Kenshin replied sweetly. Seriously... she had the nicest hubby in the world. She snuggled further into his warmth. He tightened his hold around her.

"If it's a boy... what should we call him?" Kenshin asked as he drew invisible circles around her tummy.

"Ken... Kenji... Yup! Kenji!" Kenshin laughed at her enthusiasm. It is their first child. Who can he blame.

"Why Kenji?"

"'Ken' is from you... cause I want him to look just like you then I can really cuddle him everytime. `Ji' is from my father, Koshijirou... You don't like it?" Kaoru asked as she held onto his hand.

"I think it's great... how about the girl?"

"I thought for the boy... so now you think..." Kaoru complained as she stifled a small yawn.

"Hmm... if that's the case... How about... Kasumi." Kaoru gave a nod for agreement. Then she giggled.

"What is so funny dearest?" Kenshin teased as Kaoru's laughter echoed through the room.

"Ne... if you haven't found out... our family is going to be filled with `K'! All of our names start with `Ks'" Kaoru continue to giggle as Kenshin joined in.


Another cry from the baby boy brought Kenshin back into reality. Kenshin smiled down at the baby in his arms.

"And you my little boy... Kenji... Himura Kenji... you will be..." Kenshin named the boy. Like he agreed on the given name he gave Kenshin's little finger a small squeeze.

"Wake up my dear... the both of us are waiting for you..."


"Megumi... I want to thank you for helping me taking care of the baby since she's under your department." Kenshin thanked Megumi as she smiled.

"No need for that Ken-san... I am... I am just doing what I can..." Megumi replied as she saw some nurses walking by.

"Namiko! Kieko! I need the files I placed on the information table by today." Megumi ordered as she turned back to Kenshin.

"Then... I would be taking my leave to see Kaoru then..." Kenshin bid his farewell and walked out of the building to the other building where Kaoru was.

Kenshin walked into the room and sat beside her while he continued his daily ritual. He cleaned her body and combed her hair. He knew that she would wake up. And he had a feeling... that it was very soon. Together with their three month old Kenji... they will be a very happy family he believed so.

"The visiting hours are over. Visitors please make your way out by 8.30 pm. Thank you." The nurse announced. Kenshin brushed a few strands of hair away from the peaceful face and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"I love you... wake up soon ne." With that he gave Kaoru's hand a little squeeze.

Before he left, some other nurses came to check on her. Kenshin smiled and thank them once again. Making sure that he had left the nurses started talking among themselves.

"Hitomi chan... Himura sensei is really handsome ne... If only I'm the one his waiting for..." Aya said as she ticked the check board after checking Kaoru's condition.

"Too bad Aya chan... but I think Himura sensei should go with Takani sensei. She is after all richer... smarter and not to mention she has better looks than Kaoru here." Hitomi commented. Aya could only agree.

"Himura sensei and Takani sensei are getting closer these months ne. I heard that they were a couple before in University. And guess who broke them up?"

"Don't tell me it's Kamiya..." Hitomi asked as Aya made a sound of approval.

"It is! I If you ask me... Himura sensei might go after Takani sensei... vice versa of course... But I think Himura sensei is bonded with responsibilities."

"I sympathize Himura sensei though... having to take care of Kamiya in this condition is definitely not worth it... he should turn to Takani sensei." The both of them agreed and after that they made their way out. Without noticing a lone tear trickling down Kaoru's cheek.


"Sabrina... let's go check on Kaoru now... Ayame is looking fine right?" Misao said as she tugged her hands in the front pockets in front of her skirt.

"Eh... I wonder when will she wake up... Himura sensei and Kenji chan are waiting for her for so long..." Sabrina continued her long speech as Misao opened the door. She froze at the doorstep. While Sabrina entered while talking then she noticed that Misao was not walking beside her. Looking behind, she saw Misao unmoving, jaw dropping. She followed her eyesight till she met a pair of azure eyes looking back at her.

If Misao didn't catch her in time, she would have fainted.

"Ka-kaoru...." Sabrina managed to utter out of shock. Misao let go of Sabrina in the mean time while Sabrina went to the side of Kaoru.

"SENSEI!! SENSEI! The patient in Room 1849 is awake! SENSEI!" Misao shouted then she turned her head to the other side and was about to shout again when she met amethyst orbs. He dropped the bouquet of lilies and ran to the room.

"Kao... Kaoru!" Kenshin pushed Sabrina away and cupped her face.

"Kaoru... you woke... " He started caressing her soft cheeks until his hands got slapped from Kaoru.

"D-don't come near me!" Gasp were heard from both Misao and Sabrina... as for Kenshin... he didn't know what to do...

"Kaoru... stop joking around... I waited a long ti-"

"Who... who are you?"


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Gomen for the slow update...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… WAI WAI WAI!! Another chappie… Haahahaa~ Hai~ ^^ KAORU IS AWAKE!! KENJI IS ALIVE TOO!! *ducks thrown tomatoes* Anou... I know that all of you are gonna kill me for this cliffhanger by how Kaoru had amnesia. HAI HAI~ But things may not what you seem desu yo *hint hint* Ok... hmm... When I wrote the part where Kenshin was carrying Kenji... My whole heart sunk... was it me or that part was just to sad? Hope you'll like this chap... ^^ R&R ne! THANKS!

Readers / Reviewers from MediaMiner: Gomen! I always have a tendency to forget about my fics in MediaMiner... Do forgive me!! That's why the sudden updates of all the chappies.. -__-`' Gomen! Do forgive Kamimura Kaoru chan ne *puppy eyes and chibi Kamimura Kaoru latches on readers arm* I promise all of ya that i WOULD update as soon as I update in HAI! This I promise all of ya ne~ Next! I am really touched with the reviews I receive... though they are not as much as I am still happy netherless!! ^__^ YOU GUYS MADE MY DAY!!! ^__^ ARIGATOU!! Lastly... Gomen again ne~ Thanks for reading!!!

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

THANK YOU FOR THOSE WHO REVIEWED!! I'll be doing an individual thanks next time for all of ya!

Anou... those who want me to notify you when I update do tell me and provide your email add ne~ doumo

Review and make Kamimura Kaoru chan HAPPIE!!!