Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Lay All Your Love On Me ❯ Forgotten ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.

So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 17 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa… As all my readers have known Kaoru and Kenshin would be a couple already… not to say they are sleeping at each other house…. Haha~ No hentai thoughts ne…. anyway…. Kenshin's a doc and Kaoru's the nurse…. They work in the same department. Megumi have known Kenshin longer than Kaoru, the both of them had met each other since…. School time. Megumi has this BIG crush on him, so when she saw Kenshin and Kaoru together. She loathes what she sees. Thus she wants Kenshin to ditch Kaoru. Megumi has a plan…. But… it just went a little too far. Enjoy the story ne.>

Lay All Your Love On Me

Chapter 15: Forgotten


Previous: --

"Kaoru... you woke... " He started caressing her soft cheeks until his hands got slapped from Kaoru.

"D-don't come near me!" Gasp were heard from both Misao and Sabrina... as for Kenshin... he didn't know what to do...

"Kaoru... stop joking around... I waited a long ti-"

"Who... who are you?"


Those blue eyes he had longed for look around the room that was filled with people. She pointed to Sanosuke

"Shinomori Aoshi." Sanosuke bowed his head in defeat as Kaoru called him Aoshi for the forth time. She tilted her head to the side like a child.

"Wrong?" Kaoru asked sincerely as she looked at Misao. Misao just smiled ruefully.

"He's Sagara Sanosuke. Kaoru-chan... you remember who am I?" Misao hoped as she pointed to herself. Kaoru smiled and nodded.

"Makimachi Misao!" Kaoru chirped. Next she pointed to Sabrina.

"Sabrina Samayoa!" Sabrina brightened up and clapped her hands.

"That's right Kaoru-chan!! You are making a great improvement!" Sabrina encouraged as she sat next to Kaoru hugging her. Kaoru pointed to Aoshi and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Himura Kenshin!" The whole crowd went silent as they eyed Kenshin out of the corner of their eyes seeing what expression he might hold. Enishi walked to her side and ruffled her head.

"Yukishiro Enishi..." Kaoru beamed as she smiled at him. Enishi nodded and gestured to Aoshi again.

"He's not Kenshin... he's Shinomori Aoshi..." Enishi explained as Kaoru tried to take in all the information. Enishi pointed towards Kenshin who had his head down having his red hair covering his eyes.

"Sagara Sanosuke..." Kaoru whispered... but it was audible enough for Kenshin to catch. He slid down to the floor as small droplets of tears riveted down his cheeks. His head still held low... no one knew that he was crying. Wasn't their love strong? Isn't it strong enough to break this curse? Kenshin drew one of his knees to his chest as he leaned his head on it.

No one knew how tight up he felt. How much he wanted to shake Kaoru to ask her why she had forgotten him? He thought she LOVED him... didn't she. He needed to get away from here for a while... maybe just a few minutes alone to think. But... he didn't want to leave Kaoru's side.

Did she really need him now? With all the others by her side... was he necessary. He stood up quietly so that he would go unnoticed. He opened the door quietly and looked at Kaoru one last time before he exited.

A pair of sad cerulean blue eyes followed him until the white door closes the view of his form totally.

Gomen Nasai...

"Where's Kenshin?" Misao asked as she looked around for him.

"I'm tired..." Kaoru's clear voice sounded as she lowered her eyes avoiding eye contact.

"Then I guess you should go and rest... we would be outside if you need us." Enishi told her as every one of them went out. Kaoru slide under the blanket and snuggle into the pillow...

Gomen Nasai...

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Kenshin punched the wall and kicked it as he ventured out his anger through his attacks. Ignoring the swelling pain he created, he release his hits unrelentingly as his always-calm amethyst eyes changed to mellow-yellow strips.

He continued his assaults as his fist trembled at the agony. Mortified, he sat down on the floor. He looked up and saw his blood-fist print on the white walls. He looked at the back of his hands and winced when he saw the skin on the knuckles brushed off and the blood mixed with the whiteness of the bone.

Maybe he had hit the wall... a little bit too hard.

"Ken-san! What are you doing?" Megumi spotted Kenshin as she quickly grabbed his hands so she could examine it. She flinched at the wounds Kenshin had allowed himself to have.


"It is none of your concern." Kenshin replied curtly. He stood and walked away.

"Ken-san... you have not forgiven me... right?" Megumi asked in a low tone as she stood with her hands on the side of the wall.

"..." Kenshin replied nothing as he continued his journey to another part of the hospital. Megumi sobbed quietly.

She knew that he hadn't forgiven her. It was after all her fault as she did all those stuffs to Kaoru.

"Megitsune... you seen Kenshin around here?" Sanosuke appeared and gasped audibly when he saw the blood on the wall making a contrast.

"You... you d-d-did that?" All his answer was a strangle sob and a shake of a head. Sano frowned as he figured out she was crying.

"Oi... you feeling alright?" Megumi immediately fling herself to Sano's broad chest as she cried into his shirt. Sanosuke didn't know that Megumi would literally throw herself to him, especially when she's crying. But he thought nothing of it...

"It's okay..." Another violent shake of her head. Sanosuke buried his strong hands in her hair and stroke it gently. Smoothing her sobs.

"Sano! You found Himura yet?" Misao's genki voice was heard, next trailed a gasp. A few footsteps followed

"Megumi..." Misao hissed. Aoshi, Sabrina and Enishi just kept quiet. Sabrina furrowed her eyebrows as she saw the culprit of the whole situation. She wasn't angry of her anymore... she felt sorry for her. Pity. Because... she still couldn't get what she want... instead she had made the person hate her even more. She deserved it. The fox wasn't really favored by Misao... I mean... who would appreciate her when she hurt the person's friend.

"Misao... I think Kenshin went that way." Sanosuke looked at her sternly, hoping she would just let Megumi go and find Kenshin now.

"Just a word of advice... Takani sensei... Crying won't help." Misao said sarcastically before letting Aoshi to tow her away. It did nothing to help Megumi as the strong doctor broke down even worst. However, Sabrina stayed there and stared at Megumi and Sanosuke.

"Sabrina... please... she had enough..." Sanosuke pleaded. Enishi looked behind when he saw that Sabrina was not moving.

"Takani sensei... seriously... I am not angry with you... truthfully... I really pity you. You could have been friends with Himura sensei. Does loving a person means that the person has to be with you? Is it a must?" Sabrina asked sincerely, she was rewarded a glare as she was being pushed to the wall by a furious fox. Sabrina looked back coolly. Enishi was about to jump into the fight when Megumi scolded Sabrina.

"What do you know? You are just a new recruit so stop saying as if you knew how Ken-san and I belong to each other! You know NOTHING!" Megumi shrieked to her fiercely. Sabrina kept her composure, which was unusual. She would have given the person a piece of her mind during such a time. But...

"I admit... I know exactly, nothing. But I just know one thing... you have made the person you love hate you for a lifetime. Pain? Agony?" Sabrina replied in a monotonous tone, Megumi backed a little.

"Takani sensei... if loving a person means that the person have to BE with you every single second... every single day... I must intrude to your thinking and say... It isn't Love." Sabrina pause for a second to look at Megumi.

"Loving someone is something unique. Yes... it might be painful to see the person you love with another person. Believe me... I know that feeling all to well..." Sabrina glanced at Enishi from the corner of her eyes. Enishi caught it every single emotion in it.

In those cinnamon depths held, hurt, pain and... Love.

"Would you wanna keep that person forever to yourself and make him unhappy? Or would you want him to be happy and free even though he is not yours?" Sabrina inhaled another breath before she continued.

"If you really love this person so much that it hurts... Then you would let him go... so that he can be happy. Although he is not with you... seeing him happy is all I ask for. As long as I can be there when he needs someone... I would be the first to be there... even though he might not find me first." Sabrina stopped again as she felt a mist covering her eyes.

"The last thing you would want is for them to hate you. What you have done is totally unacceptable... because... you have just killed the person you love by hurting Kaoru." Megumi widened her brown eyes as she took a few steps back.

"Kenshin's life is Kaoru. Kaoru's life is Kenshin. Hurting Kaoru would also mean killing Kenshin in an indirect manner. Takani sensei... if you really want to see Kaoru break down... hurt Kenshin then." Sabrina dared.

"Hurting Kenshin WILL kills off Kaoru. You know why?" She paused again.

"It's because they love each other. They have given each other their lives. In order to save the other... they might sell their souls to the devil. This is how deep their love is. And if Kenshin really got back to you and leave Kaoru. Kaoru would still send him off with a smile." Megumi jerked her head towards Sabrina unbelievingly.

"With a smile. That's Kaoru. Despite the hurting she has inside... she would let Kenshin go and bestow him with a smile... because she knows... she understands that her beloved would be happy. As long as Kenshin is happy... Kaoru would do anything. Just this... Kaoru is much more superior than you. Ask yourself a question... would you do all those and still smile for the one you love?" Sabrina finished her little speech and turned on her heels and walk away slowly.

"Sabrina..." Enishi's black eyes never left Sabrina's form as she walked pass him. He caught hold of her trembling hands as she responded by her deadly grip.

"You are gonna stop the blood flow if you continue holding it so tight... love." Enishi hesitated as he round a corner and pulled her into a fierce hug where Sabrina held on to him and cried out all her doubts and pain. Enishi was hers now... Finally. Enishi swore that he would not ever make Sabrina feel that way ever again.

Sanosuke eyed the doctor sadly. What Sabina said was so true. He knew that feeling all too well too. He held her small hands and pull her so that she was walking.

"I'll bring you back to your office." Sanosuke volunteered as he slowly leaded her away.

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The door creaked open as Kenshin enter in quietly. His hand throbbing from the pain. But the ache was nothing compared to what he was feeling inside. He sat beside Kaoru as he smooth her hair.

"Will you ever remember me?" Kenshin ask her softly.

"Or will you forget about someone who has love you so deeply that it hurts him when you are like this." He cupped her face as he lowered his, his dry lips brushed upon hers softly, afraid to wake her up. But after kissing her innocent lips once, he wanted it again. For long since he touched her? He wanted to feel her... touch her...

He wet his lips with his tongue and went for another one. However, striking blue look straight to his. He let go of her instantly, fearing that she might be disgusted by what he has done. He averted her gaze. Suddenly, small fingertips touched his face. He turned to find her looking at him confusingly.

"Himura... Kenshin..." his eyes got bigger as he registered that she had called his name... correctly.

"You are Himura Kenshin... right?" Kaoru asked again. Just then Kenshin caught her dropping hands and gave it a light kiss.

"Yes... You are making a vast improvement Kaoru."

"Makimachi-san and Sabrina-san... said that we are husband and wife... and that we live together..." Kaoru asked again.

When had Kaoru started using honorifics?

"Yes... we are... and I love you so much Kaoru. And I miss you terribly." Kenshin met his cheeks with the back of her hand. It was still as smooth as before.

"If we are... I am suppose to have a ring right? And we are suppose to have a marriage certificate?" Kenshin jerked away immediately as a dreadful feeling gripped on to his heart.

"Y-yes..." Kenshin couldn't control the tremble in his voice. Kaoru lifted her left hand to her eyesight.

"There is no ring... can I see the marriage certificate?" Kaoru asked as Kenshin shook his head.


"B-because... w-we don't have one..." Kenshin laced his fingers together hoping Kaoru would understand... hoping she would still believe that they are wife and husband... that.. She Kamiya Kaoru is also Himura Kaoru. She belonged to him.

"Then I am not your spouse... and you are not my husband." Kaoru replied abruptly. Kenshin's whole world crumbled at her answer. There was still a chance.

"We have taken thousands of photos together and... we even have a son... Himura Kenji..." Kenshin tried explaining.

"The photos can be made in computer and if I wasn't married why would I have a son. I am not stupid Himura-san." Kenshin's world stopped. Himura-san? HIMURA-SAN? Was he not important to her?

"It's true... it's true..." kenshin couldn't help but lower his head and squeeze his violet eyes tight so as not to let his tears fall.

"It's not true if you can't prove yourself..." Kaoru replied coldly. She turned so that her back would face him. Kenshin finally allowed his droplets of tears coursed down his trembling cheeks.

Kaoru shut her eyes tight as she heard his soft sobs and sniffling.

Gomen nasai

Kenshin looked at the back of his one and only.

Kaoru had already chosen... he was bound to be forgotten...

He curled his fingers into a tightened fist.

No... this is an obstacle for them... and he would make her fall in love with him.. again. He would definitely make her his once again. And when that time comes... he would never let her go ever again.

But... what if she hates him now?

He continued to stare at Kaoru's back. How much he wanted to turn her around and kiss her and taste her. He had waited for a long time for her to open those eyes for him.

Finally, the time has come... but... he cannot touch her, hug her. He only can stand from afar and watch out for her. That would do for now. He would make sure that she can remember him again. Because... he believes that their love was stronger than anything in this world.

Their love is strong... he believes so...



Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Gomen for the slow update...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… WAI WAI WAI!! Another chappie… Haahahaa~ Hai~ ^^ Erm... some little hints on Kaoru's amnesia. You got it? Sabrina and Enishi finally got together!! And Sabrina also manages to knock some sense of LOVE into Megumi >_<. Hehehe~ This chappie is a little on the dark side... hai~ kinda sad for Kenshin... *hugs chibi kenshin* Don't worry... don't forget this is a KxK ficcy in the first place ne~ ^__^ hehe~ Hope you'll like this chap... ^^ R&R ne! THANKS!

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

JML, kiichigo-chan, OtakuBunny, Rin_chan, DBZ Lover, Shizuka, FushigiHikaru12, peach_blossom

*bows* arigatou...

Anou... those who want me to notify you when I update do tell me and provide your email add ne~ doumo

Review and make Kamimura Kaoru chan HAPPIE!!!