Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Venomous Revelations ❯ Admissions ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Venomous Revelations

A Romantic Drama by: Serenity-chan

POV = * *
Thoughts = ' '
Speaking = " " (Did I really need to say that?)


- "But I DO mean it!" ... "I LOVE YOU AOSHI-SAMA!" -

Aoshi stared down at a sobbing Misao, his eyes wide. She had screamed out that she loved him, then burst into tears. He held her close and let her cry on his shoulder until she had no more tears in her. Finally, Misao silenced and looked up at him.

"There, now I said it," she said sullenly, a note of defiance in her voice. "So what does it mean to you?"

Aoshi closed his eyes so that Misao couldn't read his expression.

"I... I... I care for you, Misao-chan," he said quietly, bowing his head. "I care for you very much."

"You... care for me..." repeated Misao, her once-chipper voice sounding hollow. "You care."

So he couldn't do it, the little voice in his head taunted him. He was screaming at himself inside, berating himself for once again acting like the coward he believed himself to be. He couldn't tell her. At this moment, he wanted nothing more than to hold her, comfort her and tell her that he DID indeed love her. He wanted to kiss her, love her, take her breath away.

Shaking violently, Misao roughly pushed away from him. She pushed herself uneasily to her feet and ran from the room. She wanted to scream and cry, but she had no voice and the tears wouldn't come. Running to the Aoiya's kitchen, she tore drawers and cabinets apart looking for just one certain knife. She found it, grabbed it and crashed through the back door, ignoring the splinters of wood that cut into her skin.

Sprinting at top speed in nothing but her shorts and the binding on her chest, she finally reached the small cave. The place was fairly secluded, set beside a pretty pond fed by a spring that seemed to be right nearby. Misao remembered that she had played here as a child, often running here when she was upset. And now, she would die here...

Not if Aoshi could help it. Snapping out of his horrified trance, he jumped to his feet and flew after her. He had always been able to read her like a book, so her path was only too easy to follow, but when he got to the kitchen, he froze - more horrified than ever. He saw the mess and knew what she had been looking for. He saw the particular drawer and knew she had found it. She hadn't taken just any knife. It was the mate to the dagger he had given Megumi so long ago, the only blade Aoshi owned that had never been stained with blood.

"No..." whispered Aoshi.

He ran faster than he ever had in his life trying to get to Misao. She couldn't die now, he yelled at himself, not without knowing that he loved her! And if it happened that he was too late, though his heart went cold at the thought, he was fully prepared to take her knife to his own chest. But he would do everything in his power not to let that happen. And right now, all he could do was keep running and pray.

Misao sat huddled in the cave, choking on the tears that were stuck in her throat. She had been making little cuts in her wrists, just deep enough to draw blood. Now her wrists were streaked with red. She wasn't brave enough to cut all the way, so she figured she would just keep opening the cuts and slowly bleed to death. She wouldn't feel anything, becoming steadily more and more numb.

But Aoshi knew Misao too well. He found the cave in seconds and found Misao, just as she was about to make one final cut. For a moment, their eyes locked before Misao resumed staring intently at her bleeding wrist. Aoshi knew there was no way he could make it to her side in time just running. In a last, desperate effort, he pulled one of her kunai that she had dropped while she was running and stopped where he was.

"Misao..." he whispered. "Forgive me..."

With that, he let the small knife fly. Misao screamed and dropped her knife, which fell harmlessly in the pond. Aoshi was at her side in an instant, pulling her close to his chest. He felt her blood and tears soaking into his shirt and shifted to cradle her in his arms. Misao gasped softly and her eyes fluttered as Aoshi took hold of her wrist and brought it to his lips. Tenderly, he kissed each little cut and each drop of blood. Misao closed her eyes again as he moved to clean the blood off her arm, then gently let it down. He brought her other wrist up and began kissing all the little nicks and cuts in her skin.

"Misao... I'm so sorry..." he whispered, holding her tight.

"Go away..." whimpered Misao. "If you really *care* about me, you'll leave me alone and let me die!"

Aoshi flinched as if she had hit him. In his heart, he felt it probably would have been easier on him if she had. He never knew Misao could be so cruel. She spat his words at him like a snake spitting venom. But he knew he deserved it. He had broken her heart so many times and she had every right to hate him.

"Misao, I can't let you do that," he said softly. "I do care about you. But not like you think I do. Misao, I lo---"

She cut him off.

"I don't want to hear words you don't mean," she spat, throwing his words back at him.

It stung like a slap in the face.

"But I do mean it," whispered Aoshi, gently reminding Misao of her earlier words.

Though she tried to push him away, Aoshi shifted Misao up closer to him and leaned down until their faces were under an inch apart.

"I love you Misao," he purred.

Tenderly, he swept his lips back and forth over hers, teasing her mouth with the tip of his tongue. He smiled, knowing this was probably her first kiss and wanting to remember it vividly for the rest of her life. Softly, gently, slowly, sweetly, he pressed his lips to hers. Misao gasped and froze, completely motionless in his arms. But when Aoshi's tongue began probing her lips, she parted them instantly, inviting him to taste her mouth.

All too soon, they had to separate for air. Aoshi let Misao lay back in his lap, cradled on one arm. With his free hand, he turned both of her hands palm-up and gently brought them to rest on her thighs. Her wrists were still bleeding.

"Why do you do these things, Misao?" whispered Aoshi. "You worry me..."

"You were really worried about me, Aoshi-sama?" asked Misao, her voice soft and timid.

Aoshi took one of Misao's wrists and kissed away the fresh trails of blood.

"More than worried," he replied, his words a gentle whisper against her skin. "Misao, you scared me. I can't lose you."

"You... You've been calling me Misao," whispered Misao, wishing she could reach up and touch Aoshi's cheek but not wanting to get her blood on his face.

"Then call me Aoshi," he replied, kissing her cheek.

"You really do love me?" she asked hopefully, sounding for a moment like the infatuated little girl she had once been.

Aoshi nodded, guiding her head to rest on his shoulder.

"Then..." she stated softly, slipping her arms under his to wrap around the broadest part of his chest. "I love you too... Aoshi..."

"I'm glad," whispered Aoshi, snuggling her close to him. "Now tell me one thing."

"What is it?" Misao asked absently, kissing Aoshi's neck and delighting when he shivered at her touch.

"Why did you want to die?" he whispered into her hair, his breath sending tingles down her spine. "Would you leave me here with no one?"

"I thought you didn't love me," whimpered Misao, clinging to Aoshi's strong body as if he could protect her from the memory of her dreams. "But... I know I was wrong..."

Aoshi brought Misao down off his shoulder, laying her back in his arms.

"Now let's take you back and get your wrists wrapped," he said gently, rising to his feet with a happy Misao cuddled up to his chest. "I don't ever want to be the cause of your pain again..."