Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Venomous Revelations ❯ Trust And Truth ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Venomous Revelations

A Romantic Drama by: Serenity-chan

POV = * *
Thoughts = ' '
Speaking = " " (Did I really need to say that?)

Trust and Truth

Misao woke up screaming and crying.

"Aoshi-sama! No! NO Aoshi-sama!" she pleaded, screaming at the top of her lungs as tears poured down her face.

Her screams woke all the light sleepers in the Aoiya. Everyone. Surprisingly, it was Sano who got to the door first. Sano, who had come back early feeling guilty about leaving (though he wasn't going to admit it to anyone), was in fact NOT a light sleeper. A worried crowd had gathered behind him. Even Kenshin couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"Sounds like something's hurting her!" fretted Omasu. "She's screaming for Aoshi-san!"

"Maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions..." said Kenshin---


--- and was promptly knocked spiral-eyed by Kaoru.

"You're such a JERK, Kenshin!" she yelled. "I think Misao's in trouble!"

"Just go get her outta there, ya big useless chicken-head!" hollered Yahiko, brandishing his shinai at Sano. "If you won't, I Yahiko Miyoujin, Tokyo samurai, will---"

"You'll sit down and shut up!" snapped Kaoru, snatching his shinai out of his hand and whacking him over the head with it.

Sano decided it was time to be the hero. Where was that icicle when the weasel was in danger?

"You're gonna be alright, Weasel Girl!" he yelled at the door, preparing to make a big production of throwing it open.

"No!" hollered Kenshin, who had just figured it out, lunging forward--- "Sano, wait!"

--- as the shoji crashed to the floor.

"What the HELL!?" hollered Sano, staring wide-eyed at the scene in front of him.

A wide-eyed Aoshi was trying to calm a frightened, screaming Misao. She was apparently still deeply asleep, but she was writhing as if she were dying in agony. Everyone was staring at the ninja girl, unable to help her. Finally, Aoshi looked up at the crowd.

"There's no need to panic, Sagara," he said placidly. "Everyone, go back to bed. I assure you I can handle this."

"Sorry," muttered Sano. "Good luck..."

Everyone shuffled back to their rooms, worried and embarrassed. Aoshi took Misao's shaking body in his arms. Within minutes, she started to settle down, though she was still crying. One hand tightened into a fist in the material of his onmitsu top. Aoshi disentangled her grip and laid her back down on her futon. There was no reason for him to hold her anymore if she was finally going to settle down. But Misao was still crying.

"Aoshi-sama... tell me you don't mean it..." she whimpered. "Tell me it's not true!"

Finally Aoshi found himself unable to watch her suffer anymore.

"Misao-chan, wake up," he whispered, taking a firm grip on her shoulder. "Wake up..."

As Misao's green eyes fluttered open, Aoshi pulled her into his lap again. Misao couldn't force out coherent words as she woke up. She was still crying as if her heart had shattered. When she found herself in Aoshi's lap, she screamed and pulled away, turning over and curling up. She was still shaking. Finally, Aoshi took hold of her shoulders and pulled her up face to face with him.

"Misao-chan, what's wrong?" he asked, his eyes giving away his anxiety.

Misao opened her eyes for only a moment before she threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder.

"Y-y-you... You... You told me to leave you!" she sobbed, thoroughly soaking his shirt with her tears. "... told me never to come near you again! Oh Aoshi-sama, tell me you didn't mean it!"

Aoshi's eyes widened again. Had she been dreaming about the time she confronted him after he fought Okina? His heart clenched painfully as he remembered telling her that he never wanted to see her face in front of him again. Slowly, he moved to wrap his arms around her. Soon Misao was calm enough to choke out coherent speech.

"Misao-chan, what were you dreaming about?" asked Aoshi, his deep voice soft and soothing. "Was it... when I fought Okina?"

Misao shook her head.

"No... At first it was a good dream..." she said wistfully.

"Is it something you can tell me?" inquired Aoshi.

"I was little again... And I woke up early---" Misao started.

Aoshi nodded.

"--- so I came to see you," continued Misao. "You took me outside and showed me how pretty the temple was at sunrise. And you said you wished you could see the inside of it..."

"What happened to make you cry?" asked Aoshi.

"I went to talk to you..." Misao started timidly. "And you were there like you always are."

Aoshi nodded again.

"I just wanted to tell you something and I tried to and you didn't answer so I put my hand on your shoulder," Misao rattled out on one breath.

She hung her head and took a deep breath.

"But you grabbed my wrist so hard it hurt and told me to leave you," she continued miserably. "You pushed me away and left without a word..."

Her soft, sad voice trailed off and she continued crying into Aoshi's shoulder. He rocked her back and forth, whispering comforting words as he thought over what she said. It seemed that he had been right. She feared his rejection just about as much, if not more than he feared hers.

"Misao-chan, do you think I would ever push you away so roughly?" he asked gently, stroking her braid.

"*sniffle*" went Misao.

Aoshi shifted Misao so that she lay cradled in his arms. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes waiting to be shed. One escaped and Aoshi tenderly brushed the little drop away with one fingertip. He flicked it away and curled his fingers under her chin.

"I know I've hurt you, Misao-chan," he said softly, his tone almost quivering in an attempt to apologize for all the times he knew he was referring to. "Mentally and emotionally... so, so many times. But I promise you Misao-chan, as long as I live, I will never hurt you physically."

"Aoshi-sama..." whimpered Misao. "I just want to know... Why do you keep me and everyone else so far away? We're all worried---"

"Shh... shh..." whispered Aoshi, gently placing one callused finger on Misao's lips. "Right now, I'm more worried about you."

"But Aoshi-sama," protested Misao. "I lo---"

Aoshi's finger pressed a little more firmly.

"Don't say it, Misao-chan," he said, a little sadly. "You're seriously ill and I don't want to hear words you don't mean..."

Misao clutched frantically at Aoshi's onmitsu top, staring up at him with pleading eyes.

"But I DO mean it!" she cried, loud enough to wake people. "I LOVE YOU, AOSHI-SAMA!"

Immediately, a female crowd, plus Okina and Yahiko was gathered outside Misao's room, pushing each other and whispering. Soon Shiro and Kuro showed up, yawning, to drag Okon and Omasu back to their respective rooms, grumbling over lost sleep. Sano popped up to forcibly remove Yahiko from the proceedings. A sleepy Kenshin followed, trying to coax a nosy Kaoru back to bed.


A sleepy, spiral-eyed Kenshin scuttled back to his room. Sano showed up again to shove Okina into his bedroom and jam the shoji. Then he leaned on the wall, chewing his fishbone and grinning annoyingly at Kaoru.

"So Jou-chan, does Kenshin know you're this much of a hentai?" he asked casually.

"WHAT!?!?!?!?" screeched Kaoru, jumping up and grabbing her bokken.

Sano sized up the situation and ran for Kenshin's room. Without a thought, Kaoru followed, swinging in every direction. She brained Kenshin in the process and he sank to the floor with spiraly eyes and a large lump on his head. Sano laughed out loud and sprinted out the door, slamming and jamming it behind him.

"I'll teach you to call me a hentai, you big chicken-head!" screamed Kaoru, banging on the door.