Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Waiting For The Kiss or Kill ❯ The Switch ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This fic was inspired by the manwha- Kill Me Kiss Me (K2)- by Lee Young Yuu.
RK doesn't belong to me... though I wish it did.. -sob-

Summary- Sanosuke Sagara is a rookie model, who also happens to Kenshin's right hand man.

Kenshin Himura, the leader of one of the strongest gangs in town and the best friend of Sano.

Kaoru Kamiya, a girl madly in love with said model.

Li Yun Kamiya, the twin brother of Kaoru. The stoic loner who managed to get on Himura's bad side.

Kaoru and Li Yun switch places so that Kaoru can be near Sanosuke. However, the girl soon finds out that Sano isn't as nice as he seems. And things just keep getting worse, the one thing preventing her from befriending her crush? Himura Kenshin, his best friend who seems to have a grudge against our heroin. What happens when both friends start to fall for this "guy"? Questioning your sexuality is always fun.
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As usual, the house was rowdy. Music blared from speakers, threatening to blow out. A girl lay sprawled on her bed, lying on her stomach, her feet swaying in the air. She squealed as she turned over; bring the magazine that she'd been gazing so lovingly at towards her lips, planting a soft kiss on the figure of the cover. How she wished those lips would return the caress. She sighed longingly at the picture. The perfect guy in her opinion, and worshiped in all pretty boy fan clubs. Sanosuke Sagara, rookie model, and adored by all the teens of the generation. Her day dream session was suddenly cut short when the sound of a voice clearing reached her ears. She hadn't even noticed that her music had turned off. Moving the magazine so that it lay open on her stomach, she glared up, to be met by blue eyes. "What do you want Li Yun?" Her lips moved into a scowl as he returned the look.

Li Yun was what you would call a Bishonen; pretty boy. His hair was black, and lay in layers on his head, the longest strand no more than 3 inches... He stood at 5'1", the same as Kaoru. In fact, they were built the same- short, thin and lanky. The only difference between the two is Kaoru had a small amount of cleavage, whereas he had none, and the fact that Kaoru's tresses were considerably longer. The two were twins. "I've been calling you 10 times now Kao!"

Kaoru didn't soften her glare. "Well, what is it Li-chan?" She emphasized the chan part, hoping to aggravate him. "Don't you understand the word P-R-I-V-A-C-Y? You should have more respect for your elders!!" She was ready to throttle her brother after he merely shrugged it off and snatched up her magazine. She cried out as the precious picture filled magazine was lifted from her hands, "Hey!!"

"Hey, isn't this Sanosuke?" He quickly scanned the contents, skimming over an article about him.

"So, has little Yun started to take a liking to boy models?"

Yun resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "You were only born an hour or two before me, yet you never seem to tire of reminding me of that little fact." His voice dripped with sarcasm. "And no.." His shoulders lifted in a shrug as he tossed the magazine over his shoulder, the cover page creasing with the impact of hitting the carpet. "Didn't even know he was a model." He glanced up at the large poster of Sano on the wall. Suddenly, he felt sheepish. He'd always assumed that his sis just had a crush on the guy and had the photo enlarged. It never dawned on him that the guy was a model. He scratched the back of his head as he rambled, "I guess that's why he never shows up in class. Any who, dinners ready." He started to make his way to the door, hands tucked away into the pockets of his sweater. The call to wait stopped him and made him turn. Li Yun did NOT like the look on his sister's face.

Kaoru's mind was spinning. Sano went to Yun's school?! Ideas were already swarming into her mind. She suddenly brought herself to a sitting position, dangling her feet over the edge of the mattress. Blue eyes glassy, wide and pleading at her 'dearest' brother. . "You know... we are twins, and I would do anything for you Li Yun, I'm sure you'd do the same right?"

An hour later, Li Yun was finally satisfied with what he'd gain from this escapade. A week at an all girls school, plus a good portion of his sisters more treasured belongings, such as that stereo system he's been dieing for, two or three of her best shinai's, all but 5 of her dvds and cds, as well as a concert ticket to one of his favorite bands. Life was grand, it pays having a caring sister. "Heaven help me, I'll do it."

Kaoru leapt in joy, and rushed to her twin, enveloping him in a bone crushing hug. Starting Monday, she would be attending River Canyon High, as "Li Yun Kamiya". As the two sat down for dinner, she picked at her food, occasionally popping a bit or two in her mouth. The free arm was propping her head on the table, the chin upon her palm, and thumb and forefinger idly playing with long strands of hair. She could already imagine these long tresses cut short and envisioned herself in a boy's uniform, smiling up at Sanosuke Sagara.

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Kaoru stared in awe at the building before her; she had to restrain herself from kissing the ground beneath her feet. Her hands clasped together, and pressed against her cheeks, she could already feel them reddening. "This is the very ground that Sano has walked on!!!" She squealed to herself. A few of the passer-bys eyed her, apparently they thought her strange. Well... who wouldn't? She made her way to the restroom, to change into the required uniform. Problem? She walked into the girls' room.

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Li Yun gazed at himself in the mirror. He shifted uncomfortably as whispers reached his ears, adjusting his skirt. Apparently some of the girls in here were talking about him. He quickly left as he heard them giggle. Once he stepped outside, a cry reached his ears. Head tilting back, he gazed up to the top of the stairs. Two girls came bounding down to him. "Kao! Kao!! Here!" One of them cried. She rushed towards him, enveloping him in a hug. He could swear that even the roots of his hair were burning. A small basket of cookies and chocolates were placed in his hands.

"Kao-chan, you have to try the sweets I made in home ec for you!"

"Try my chocolate cake Kao!!"

Li Yun did not know how to deal with this. Since when was his sister so popular? He supposed that Kao was the closest thing to a guy that these girls had at this school. He almost felt sorry for the girl. Did half the school population have a crush on her? Sitting in class, he could hear the titters of the class mates; occasionally he managed to pick up a sentence or two that was whispered to load. "Kao-chans so cute, even when she's being cold. The new haircut makes her look even better!" He supposed they only thought so because it made her, or rather him look more like a guy. He briefly wondered if Home ec was a required class, he kept getting showered with treats. 'boy... Kao-chans in for a nasty wake up call.' Unlike his sister, Li Yun was a walking loner. He had a feeling his reputation would have flushed down the hole once he got back.

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Kaoru gazed at herself in the restroom mirror, adjusting her uniform. She had been sure to tie down her bust, and was startled at how much she now looked like guy. She had always wondered if she looked more like a man, or if Li Yun looked more like a girl. Perhaps it's just from perspective. A grin was upon her face, maybe this little charade would work out after all. Ears perked at the sounds of titters. She turned her head, to find a few girls staring and giggling at her. Not really thinking, she waved cheerfully. Nothing could destroy her mood today. However, she was utterly lost when she found that the girls were blushing like mad. Quickly, she left, berating herself when she caught a whisper comment.

"I don't know who that it, but he sure is cute!"

That's right; she'd almost forgotten that she was a male... well, sort of.

An uneasy haze filled the air the moment that Kaoru stepped into the classroom. She ignored the disbelieving stares that she got as she slipped into her desk. What in the world was going on?! Whispered voices drifted about, and "Li Yun" could tell that they were about her. The cheerful smile upon her face soon began turned into a scowl. She had no idea that Yun had been such an outcast. Only one persona dared to smile her way. She made a mental note to go talk to the friendly girl later. Soon, she was thrown from her musing. A loud bang resounded through the room, causing all noise to cease. Enter- Ken shin Chimera.

His fire mane of hair was tied back into a low pony tail. A cigarette hung loosely in his lips. Narrowed violet eyes gazed about the room, as if daring anyone to say a word. A smirk was placed upon his face... perhaps he'd slammed the door to hard? Knowing that he was the current center of attention only caused his lips to curve even more. He strode towards a desk, where not many were standing. His objective? The boy sitting in said desk. His hands rose, cupping his knuckles, a loud cracking noise followed soon after. This caused most of the other students to back away. They knew what was coming. Having reached his destination, he watched as the boy quickly slipped from the seat, bowing and muttering something about an apology if he stole his seat. This only caused his eyes to narrow even more. The blue eyes that stared back at him, expecting an answer only infuriated. So, Li Yun was going to get cocky... he had no idea what was in store for him. "Guess your ego must've swelled after you took out Myojin huh?" He took out the cigarette, blowing smoke into the boys face, and then putting out the stick on the desk. "Big whoop, Myojin's a wuss." His eyes narrowed, and he leaned forward, his face dangerously close to Li Yun's. "Do you honestly think you've got the balls to face me?" With that, he took a step back, turned, as if to walk away.

Kaoru had no idea what was going on. This red haired freak had just started talking as if she had done something to tick him off. Nothing would have prepared her for what came next. She thought the boy was going to go, but instead, she felt his foot connect with her face. Kaoru's head snapped back at the impact. The world was spinning about her. Suddenly, she found herself being jerked and thrown about. Kenshin pounced on her, taken by surprise; she could do nothing to fight back. The urge to cry out was suppressed as her head connected with a desk behind her. The taste of blood filled her mouth, and she was thrown onto the floor, just wanting to sleep. She had never felt so much physical pain in her life. Her breath was knocked from her, and she could do nothing to avoid the blow after blow, kick after kick to her stomach as she lay upon her side. Dimly, she could hear cries, someone mentioned the teacher? "Someone get the teacher!!" She recognized the voice to be that girl who'd smiled at her earlier. Curses filled her mind, how did she let herself get caught off guard?! Soon, Kao found that her feet, let alone her body were no longer on the floor.

Kenshin grasped the front of Li Yun's shirt, bringing the bloodied boy up to his eye level, and a little above. His voice rose above the murmur of the crowd, "Anyone who brings the teachers gets it ten times worse." That particular remark was directed at the students who crowded about, wanting to do something to stop this madness. He knew though, no one could stop him. "Not so tough now are you?" He sneered at Li Yun, "You should've known better than to show your face here again." His free hand reached back, balling into a fist, and he prepared to allow it to connect with the boys face one last time. However, a hand upon his stopped him. Upon the silent request, he dropped his victim, and scowled at the intruder. "You should know better than to stop me Sano."

"Quit playing round Himura, one more act and your gonna get your ass suspended." Sanosuke glared down at Kenshin, their eyes locking. If looks could freeze, the entire room would have chilled over and turned into the artic. His brown hair was spiked up as usual, a red band tied around his head. He wore the same uniform as the other boys, long black slacks, a white button up shirt, and the black overcoat that accompanied it, the school symbol on the left breast.

Sano's voice was like a wake up call for Kaoru. Sanosuke? Sagara-san had been the one to help her? She'd managed to pull herself up in a sitting position, head bowed. Trembling overtook her body as the pain swept through her, yet through it all.. she still had her stubborn pride. Perhaps the tremors were due to her anger, bruised and bloodied on her first day of school. This is how Sano saw her. She didn't know what she was thinking, but she found a voice breaking the silence of the room, turning the head of the two friends who stood glaring at each other. "You're dead ass-wipe." As the world went black around her, the last scene she saw, was that bully Kenshin leaving the room, and her savior.. Sano trailing after him.

Chapter 2: Cherry Blossoms

The lights above stung her eyes, she would have preferred to stay in the oblivion of sleep. However, her sore limbs and aching head voted otherwise. As her eyes slowly pried themselves open, she started to adjust to the surroundings, and the hazy fog in her vision was slowly beginning to dissipate. A voice reached her ears, ringing like an angel's proclamation from above. Kaoru reads way too many romance novels. It was Sano's gruff words.

So.. you're awake. He stood from his perch in the corner seat, and made his way to Yun's side on the bench, kneeling down to his level.

She could feel the blood rushing to her face, and the pace of her heart rapidly increasing. Kaoru was almost afraid to open her eyes, afraid that it was a dream. Had he stayed with her while she was asleep? Suddenly, her hopes of being with him had surged again. There still might be a chance. Opening her eyes now, and fully capable of seeing, she gazed on her beloved model. His face was so close to hers, she was almost tempted to just reach out and his him. Her breath caught in her throat as he leaned closer, his breath tickling at her ears. However, his words were not what she'd hoped to hear.

If you tell anyone how you got this way, I swear that I'll finish Kenshin's job for him. He's got too much at stake to lose, all because of a rat like you.. His voice was icy cold, far from the gentle softness that 'Yun' hoped to hear. Sano stood as quickly as possible, once giving his warning. This kid was freaking him out. He could've sworn that the guy had blushed. Was Li Yun gay? 'Guess I attract all kinds..' The rookie model was almost positive that had he stayed kneeling any longer, Yun would kiss him. 'Queer..' Halfway out the door, he heard Yun's angry voice.

I'm no rat! Kaoru was angry, she could almost feel the blood boiling within her veins. Why was he defending that red-haired jerk? Those earlier hopes began to dwindle. She prayed that Sano was not like Kenshin. However, just gazing at his face helped to quell that fury. Her plans had been set back drastically, but she would never give up. If only he could see her.


The door slammed, and Kaoru was left all alone in the nurse's room. Glancing at the clock, she guessed that it was 3 rd period-ish. Perhaps there was a good thing of having been beaten up, she now had an excuse to ditch P.E, and avoid joining the throng of boys in the locker room. For a good 15 minutes, she sat there in silence, brooding over the conversation that had just occurred. However, the tick ticks of the clock intruded upon her reminisce of the 'sacred' conversation. She would never forget his words, though they were a threat. It was spoken by Sanosuke (yeah.. she reads waaaayyyy to many romance novels.) The sound of leaky faucet and its dripping water combined with the incessant ticks of the clock were enough to almost drive her insane. Kaoru decided to just up and leave. There was bound to be a good spot to hang around outside to ditch class..

The breeze was wondrous on that day. Kaoru sighed in content as her now short strands of hair whipped within the tendrils of wind, the scent of the cherry tree's (they do bloom in that season right? X.x) filling her nostrils. She could hear the sound of rustling leaves, and laughter in the distance. They must be playing volley ball in the girl's athletics. Engulfed in this tranquility, she was oblivious to the sounds of approaching footsteps. It wasn't until a loud crack sounded next to her ears did she open her eyes and stare into the face of the one person who could ruin a beautiful day as this.

Kenshin like always was enjoying his free time in the ditched class. The southern end of the school, by the tree grove was his hideout. The site of a certain young man resting there only seemed to irk him. Picking up a stray branch, he approached the raven haired boy, to find low and behold. The one boy who annoyed the hell out of him. Li Yun. A scowl placed itself on his lips, and he tapped the branch against his shoulder, holding it much like red coat would its rifle and bayonet. His footsteps were light, and silent against the rustling of leaves. Allowing the branch to drop down his arms, catching the end as it arrived at his fingertips. He gripped it tightly, knuckles whitening in his annoyance. Li Yun had taken off his jacket, and part of his shirt had slipped down the shoulder. Kenshin was disgusted, he spotted a spaghetti trap where Yun's shirt had slipped. 'Now he's wearing girl's clothes? Stupid queer.' The branch rose with his arm, and he swung with all his might, narrowly missing the boys head, and a loud crack resounding through the area as the remaining splintered branch fell to the floor.

Kaoru nearly leap out of her skin, it took all her self control to calm herself down and not scream. Jumping to her feet, her eyes narrowed and she turned to pounce on whoever had played that nasty prank. She was met with the sight of Kenshin, who was laughing mercilessly at her fury.

Gonna kill me now, little queer? Kenshin taunted, loving the expression on Yun's face. He had to admit to himself, the kid had spunk, he liked that in people. Tell you what kid, I won't beat your face in, if you join my gang. You've got some guts sticking up to me. I like that. We're having a meeting during 3 rd period. Come or die. He could almost see the steam rolling off of Yun's head.

I'm not gonna join your stupid gang. What, you want to ruin my good reputation even more?! She glared at him as he walked off, throwing her a thumbs up over his shoulder. A sigh escaped her lips upon hearing his parting words.

See ya there Yun.