Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Waiting For The Kiss or Kill ❯ Hey Brother! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The droning of the teachers voice was about to drive her insane. If she didn't know better, she could've sworn that the sound of the ticking clock and the scratching of her neighbor's pencil were magnified for the sole purpose of tearing apart her sanity. 3rd period, it was halfway over, and by now she'd bitten off almost every bit of her nails. Her eyes darted from the board, to her open book, to the window, and at the empty seat 3 places to her left. This cyclic glancing continued for a good 5 minutes until finally she couldn't take any more of the arguing voices in her mind. Jumping from her seat, the legs of her chair scrapped against the tile as she called out, “May I go to the restroom?!”. Immediately afterwards, she was venturing down the isle of desks, face heated in embarrassment at the realization that she had just shouted out that request in such an urgent and sudden manner, that the majority of the classroom population was snickering.
Finally in the safe confines of the hallway, she paused. Was this really worth it? How in the world was she going to get out of this predicament? This wasn't even her own reputation at stake! Praying that Yun would forgive her, she snuck outside and to the back grounds, and approached the group of boys lounging around the area. `I'm not going to join them; I'm not going to join them. Tell them no… they can't kill you, hurt you maybe, but not kill you!' Kaoru had finally made up her mind... she would not join. However, as she approached, she spotted a particularly rough looking boy tossing a blade up and down in the air, gracefully catching the handle each time. `Omg…. They're going to kill me…'
He was sitting on a tree limb in his favorite oak. “I'm telling you guys, this fruit has got some moxy.” He growled, fiery hair gleaming within the sunlight, his eyes narrowed and flashed amber for the shortest of seconds, as if challenging them not to believe him. There was something different about Yun, something that drew him towards the boy, it fascinated Kenshin, and for the briefest of moments, he wondered if perhaps he was gay.
`Yeah right, sure boss.” A dull murmur came up at his comment, no one seemed to have spotted Kaoru yet, they were too indulged in their jesting. A few glances were thrown at Yahiko Myojin, a new member and freshmen. They threw a few insults, teasing and provoking the younger member affectionately. It was like one large family of brothers. The freshmen scowled at his mates, sneering, “Whatever, he got lucky that's all.”
Kaoru's eyes narrowed? Lucky? Yun was never just lucky, her brother was the best fighter in the town, if not the county, second only to her (she's only exaggerating “slightly”) perhaps she'd teach him a thing or two. She stepped into full view of the boys, clearing her throat. Her short boyish hair whipped in the breeze, a deadly combination with blue glaring eyes, creating a sense of power and an aura of intimidation. “Is that so? I'll wipe the floor with your ass one more time if you're really asking for it, Myojin-chan…”
The clearing fell silent, and all one could hear was the sputtering of the addressee. Yahiko sat up from his branch, pulling out a dagger that had been tucked in his boots. His knuckles were white as he clutched the weapon, and soon he was in a crouching position to jump off from his perch, “Why you… calling ME little? I'll—“ He was cut off as a knife flew by his face, embedding itself in the trunk of the tree, just centimeters from his head. He visibly gulped, and lowered his head, black hair shadowing his eyes as he peered over at Kenshin, “Sorry boss...” If looks could shrink its target, the kid would have been the size of a dwarf by now, if not smaller. He settled back into his spot, muttering incoherent curses at the feminine boy who dared to insult him.
Her blue eyes widened as she watched the knife fly from Kenshin's hand to the trunk of the tree. It only heightened her fear. She stood stock still, mouth slightly agape, wondering she was going to leave this meeting alive. However, she was shook from her stupor as a chuckle drifted towards her ears. He was laughing? Of all the nerve... Soon, the danger she was in was completely forgotten, as well as her position, all she could focus on was the laughing of that fire-haired demon. How dare he mock her?
He grinned, returning Yun's glare with a smirk. “See boys, I told you the kid had spunk.” Violet eyes scanned the faces of each member, flashing amber on occasion, as if daring them to speak out. “Well, welcome your new brother.” He stood on a tree branch, using the trunk as a support. Digging though his bag while his fellow, `brothers' cheered for the new comer. Finally finding what he sought, he brought out yet another knife, the emblem of a rose embedded at the base of the blade, just above where metal met hilt. The tip placed between thumb and forefinger he tossed it, watching as it spirals through the air and throwing glares of sunlight as it traveled. “Welcome to my gang, Yun” The blade sunk into the earth, right at Yun's feet.
Again, Kaoru was struck numb. Had she missed something? As far as she could remember, she hadn't agreed to anything. Her anger rose, and despite the berating within her head, she shouted, “I'm NOT going to join your stupid gang!” For the briefest of moments, her voice had risen to it's natural pitch, even slightly above. They stared at her in shot, more of the fact that `he' sounded like a girl than anything. Yun turned to stomp away, ignoring the protest of the bane of her annoyance.
However, when Yun turned, stepping and at the same moment glancing back to throw a glare at the red haired delinquent, she slammed into a muscular chest. Tensing, she first looked at the ground, glimpsing shoes slowly trailing up, her breath caught a slight tinge of pink decorating her cheeks. “Uh-uh… I'm sorry!” Her face heated up as she felt his arm slinging around her shoulder.
Sano grinned wickedly, wrapping an arm around Yun's shoulder and turning him to face his fellow `brothers'. Into Yun's ear, he whispered, “Now where do you think you're going.” For a moment, he released his frozen captive, to bend down and pick up the knife, placing it in Yun's hand, he slung his arm once again across the blushing boy. A smirk found it's way on the model's face. `Guess I have that kind of effect on guys to.' He lifted a hand, waving at his best friend, “Yo Kenshin, scarring the little ones off already? If I wasn't so busy, I would have kicked your ass and taken over this group at your lack of leadership, a long time ago.” An evil glint came into his eyes, and he patted, or more like slapped repeated, Yun in the back. “Come on boys, t's time for a REAL welcoming.”
She was so dazed that she notice when the other members began to approach. When she came to, her face still extremely red, she attempted to back in panic. However, she was only met with a secure hold. `If only he could hold me like this when I actually LOOK like a girl. Snap at of it Kaoru, he's gonna think Yun is GAY!!' She was startled out of her mental berating as someone jerked her, tugging by her wrist. She found herself being drug off of the school grounds by the hands of Kenshin. From behind them, she could hear a boy call, “Hey, where ya goin boss?”
For some odd reason, Kenshin felt the tiniest bit of anger as he watched his best friend sling a companion arm over the new member and his former victim. Irked more because he couldn't comprehend his anger, he lept from his perch and wretched Yun from Sano's grasp. He began to drag his victim to his bike, calling back to the questioning voices, “His initiation.” A smirk graced his face as he heard his companions cheer, and knew they would be following close behind. Finding his bike, he handed Yun a helmet.
Kaoru stood defiantly before her `captive'. “I'm NOT going.” Her dark blue eyes narrowed, her short raven hair had been ruffled by now. She was not in a happy mood. Arms shooting out, she shoved the helmet back into the red head's arms. About to turn, she didn't expect him to grab her shoulder and force her back around. Infuriated, and without thinking, she slapped him. The sound resounded, and the back ground laughter of the gang suddenly died into a hush. She backed slowly, facing narrowed violet eyes. Why didn't she notice before how beautiful his eyes were, though she had to admit at this point it was rather frightening. For a brief moment, she thought she saw a flash of amber.
This fruit just didn't know when to give up. The boy certainly knew how to push Kenshin's buttons. Kenshin, at first startled became angry. First rule of the gang, never hit the boss. Never speak bad about the leader. Never defy him. Gritting his teeth, he glared at Yun, shoving the helmet back, at the same time her lunged, fist outstretched and catching Yun's cheek.
They scuffled for a bit, Kenshin for the most part fighting, on Yun's part—scratching. The other members began to cheer them on, though knowing in the end the boss would win. Somewhere during the fight, the helmet had been returned to Kenshin. He fought with Yun, until he managed to wrestle the helmet onto Yun's head. With one final kick to Yun's back, the fight was over.
Kaoru found, against her will, wearing the helmet. Very soon after, not without handing Himura a few bruises, she found herself kicked forward. Sprawling just a few foot infront of the bike, she wearily and defiantly picked herself up, turning to once again face her opponent. For the most part, aside from a slit lip, the two had managed to not spill blood. Of course, bruises would be lingering for a while, but all in all, the injuries were minimal. Kaoru wasn't strong enough to do much damage to Himura, and Kenshin held back. Defeated but spirit in tact, she glared at the victor, hands clenched at her sides.
“Get on the bike” His voice was deadly, he was angry and didn't know why. Angry at himself, angry at Yun, and unjustly furious at Sano. He couldn't understand why he was annoyed that this boy would listen to Sano, but not him. And so, he channeled his anger the only way he really knew. Mounting the vehicle, he motioned for Yun to join him. He scowled as he heard a muffled huff, “Fine, whatever.”
Kaoru climbed behind him. The sound of engines starting filled the air, and the other members began to ride off before them. She sat not knowing what to do on the seat behind Himura. Why couldn't she ride with Sano. Wishing glares could pierce, she placed hers on the red heads back.
“You're gonna have to hold on to me, unless you wanna fall off that is.”
For some reason, her face once again heated up. Tensing, she hesitantly wrapped her arms around boy's firm waist. She cringed as the bike began to rumble. However, the wind against her face was a joy that she had not been accustomed to. She felt like she was flying. Without realizing it, she leaned forward, placing a cheek upon the back she onto. Soft hair brushing against her face, she could smell his cologne, and had to admit it smelt nice. `Ah, Sano…' Caught within a daydream, she rode like that, not realizing until they stopped that she hand just been leaning on her ultimate annoyance. An icy voice broke her paradise, “You can let go now.” Her world halted, and her eyes snapped open. She was greeted with the sit of soft red hair, and cold violet eyes glancing back at her, amused.
`What… did I do to deserve this?' Kaoru, was horrified.