Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When it Rains ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimers: Like always, I don't own Rurouni Kenshin!

"…" indicates dialogues

'…' indicate thoughts

Warning: This fic contains some spoilers of Jinchuu arc.


Chapter 8

The moon hadn't risen yet when he found the boy next to the river. Yahiko hadn't come too far from the dojo, just far enough to be alone but close enough to be easily found. He held tightly with both of his hands a bokken; he brought them down brutally crashing the wooden sword against his upward knee and breaking it in two, paying no heed to any pain that might have caused. Seiya looked at the pile of broken swords forming close to the boy and he thought it was for the best to stop him before he could ruin all the remaining good wooden swords in the dojo. He mentally pictured a very angry Kaoru after acknowledging that such thing had happened. Besides the poor boy would get seriously hurt if he continued with that. Yes, the best thing he could do was to stop the boy and try to put some sense inside his head. Walking quietly towards the boy, Seiya stopped behind him only a few inches away and took a hold of the next one of Yahiko's victim. The boy turned around hastily to identify whoever was preventing him from continuing his therapy.

Yahiko was very surprised to see Seiya. He knew that sooner or later someone from the dojo would come to talk to him. He was expecting Kenshin or Sanosuke or maybe even Misao but certainly not a completely strange man he had just met. The young samurai glared at the man in front of him, struggling to take back the bokken. Without any warning, Seiya let go of the sword causing Yahiko to stumble backwards and to fall on the ground.

"What's your problem?" Yahiko snarled at Seiya casting him a menacing glare.

Seiya just ignored him and walked towards a rock, sitting on it. He fixed his eyes on the river aware of the death and confused glare the boy was shooting at him.

"Hey!!! I'm talking to you!!" Yahiko yelled again.

Seiya drew his eyes away from the river briefly to scan the boy in front of him. Staring back at the water he said in an unwavering and very cold tone, "I was the one who found her. After she'd found out, I mean. The look she on her face, that very disappointed and angry expression was the same one you had on your face just a few minutes ago. Can you imagine how it felt for her to see her own disappointment, anger, hate and sadness all over again only this time tarnishing your features?"

Of all the things Yahiko was expecting, this was not close to one of them. He stared at the man not really knowing what to say next nor sure if he wanted to listen to anything else he could say. But he didn't stop him nor did he object to Seiya when he began to talk.

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He had been running for almost an hour, they had decided it was better to split up to go look for her. Seiya had seen the worry plainly setting on her father's face and silently promised him he would bring her back. But as the time passed, his resolution was becoming harder and harder to accomplish and he doubted he would find her. 'How farther could she have gone?' he thought losing a little of the control he was trying hard to maintain. 'Maybe one of the others has already found her. I should go back now. I'm running in circles inside this stupid forest!!' he thought exasperated. 'I hope you're fine Kaoru-chan' concern took place inside his mind. He turned around to go back to the dojo when he heard the anguish sobs coming from near a clump of brushes. He knew right there it was her. Seiya walked toward the whining sound. He didn't have to walk too far to find her. She was sitting on her knees, hands dropped limply on her sides as she looked intently to an object in front of her. He followed her line of sight and found what drew her attention. A wooden branch. He sighed; at least he had found her.

Seiya carefully approached her not sure of what to do, he reached out a hesitant hand and touched her shoulder. She looked up, tears mixing up with the rain. He could see all her pain and disappointment reflected in her eyes and all he could manage to say was, "I'm sorry you had to see that."

"Why?", came her inevitable question.

"Kaoru-chan let's go back. You'll get sick." he tried to persuade her.

"I don't care. I just want a reason." She replied emotionless.

"Those were bad people." He stated knowing that wasn't the right answer for someone with an innocent and pure heart like her.

"That's no excuse for the bloodshed I saw, Seiya. You're not supposed to use a real sword. What about the Kamiya Kasshin ryuu? Has my father gone insane?" she said gradually raising her voice, her face held a frustrated expression and her hands were clenched into fists on her lap. Seiya dropped to his knees so he was on the same level as her. He put his hands over hers and said in a flat tone, "What you saw there is the reality. Even in this so-called peace era, blood is shed. That's how things are. The Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu is a beautiful ideal, but that's just what it is, an ideal." he took a moment to regard her puzzled face. A face of someone who could not believe she was hearing that coming from him. And the inevitable doubt echoing inside her mind, if she ever really knew the man in front of her.

"But otousan he believed in the sword that protects. He created it. So why would he? I just don't understand. He faked it, is that it? Huh??" Kaoru uttered, her voice wavering and full of anguish.

"Kaoru-chan, what you saw before is what we are. Your father's true beliefs. I guess he might have believed in a non-killing technique when he came up with it but he just doesn't anymore."

"And what am I supposed to believe in now? I've trained so far with my heart and soul because I believed in it. And now you're telling me I was wrong in doing so. I can't…" no words came out just a suffocating sob as she buried her head against Seiya's chest.

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Seiya finished the story, keeping his body completely still the whole time and his eyes never left the water nor showed any change. "I don't know in what conditions you came to know Kaoru or what kind of relationship you two have, but I do know she didn't mean any harm to you by hiding the truth. It's just something she doesn't know exactly how to deal with, something she, herself, hasn't learned to accept yet."

Yahiko listened to everything quietly, his mind trying to arrange all those facts he came to know and all the emotions he was feeling. 'Have I misjudge her? What she felt then is almost the same I'm feeling now, but it was even worse for her, I suppose. Still she should have…' anger weighed him down again

"Whatever, but she was teaching me a lie. I'm going to be the best swordsman in the entire Japan. How can I do that when…", he began to retort but Seiya next words silenced him.

"She had this image of her father, of a man she and others could look up to because of the principles he claimed to fight for rather than the rigid and distant person he really was."

"So what? I bet that besides lying to herself and others all she did was cry. That's so typical of her!!" Yahiko snapped out.

The boy was taken aback however, when Seiya began to chuckle. "What? What's so funny?" he demanded.

"I just realized that you don't know her at all, do you? Yes she cried and you can say that she lied. But you have no idea why she kept fighting for what she believed, now do you? One morning, some days after not leaving her bedroom, she set foot in the dojo; face up lifted, bokken in hand, she crossed the floor to where her father stood and faced him. She said, 'I will prove you that the Kamiya Kasshin ryuu is more than beautiful words or just a simple ideal. I will make it real.' And she began to train without another word." Seiya got up, looking down at the boy, he added, "If you can't understand her then you're right, this is not the technique that will make you the best swordsman in Japan. Not because its creator stopped believing in it but because you don't have the same faith in it that she had and still does." The tall man took the remaining intact wooden swords and walked away, leaving Yahiko with his own thoughts.


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After Seiya left the dojo to go after Yahiko, a very disturbing silence fell upon the room. Sano was the one who broke it, "Maybe I should go talk to the kid instead of him" he was getting up when Kaoru halted him.

"It's all right, Sano. Seiya can manage it," she voiced softly.

"If you say so," he shrugged. "We have to find out who are those people threatening you, Jou-chan so we can kick their asses!!" Sanosuke said resolute as one of his fists punched the air.

"You're right, Sano but for now Kaoru-dono needs to get some rest," Kenshin stated flatly, his politeness sounding a little forged, "Misao-dono, if you could…"

"You don't even have to say, Himura. I'll ask the Oniwabanshu to investigate." Misao promptly voiced, not waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"I appreciate, Misao-dono," Kenshin said bowing his head to her, "Let me help you, Kaoru-dono", his voice back to his usually calm tone as he held Kaoru's elbow to assist her to her feet.

"Kenshin…" Kaoru sensed the abrupt change in his behavior. 'Is he angry with me?' she thought uneasy, but let him guide her, finding a little solace in the way he held her very close to him.

When they got into her bedroom, he led her to her unfolded futon, helping her to lie down. Kenshin was about to get up to leave when she held his arm.

"Kaoru-dono?" the red haired man asked, frowning slightly when she sat up.

"Kenshin, are you mad at me for not telling you?" she murmured shyly, her head dropped.

"Sessha is not mad, Kaoru-dono," he replied quietly.

"Really?" she asked a little happier, a small smile rising up on her lips, only to be lost by his next words.

"But I'm sad…" Kenshin spoke softly.

"I see…it's okay, I understand", Kaoru stammered looking away so he wouldn't see the tears brewing in her eyes.

She gasped when gentle finger touched her chin coaxing her to look at him, but the fingers never left the warmth of her face even when their eyes met.

"Do you know why I'm sad?" Kenshin's voice was smooth.

They were so close that Kaoru could fell his warm breath caressing her face; she thought she would faint when she manage to stutter an answer, "N-no."

She was wondering if he had listened her because she said it in such low voice she barely heard herself when he kept on talking softly, "I'm sad because you thought you couldn't tell me, because you were uncertain of my reaction."

'And I want you to feel like you can tell me everything just like apparently you feel towards that man' he heard a restless voice inside his head. A sudden feeling of possessiveness for Kaoru overwhelmed him; he was unaware of the shades of amber sparkling within his violet eyes.

"I'm sorry Kenshin." Kaoru apologetic tone shoved him off his thoughts.

"It's all right. Just promise me you'll let me help you," Kenshin requested.

"I do," she answered a little dizzy from lack of sleep. Noticing that, Kenshin coaxed her to lie down. Kaoru had already surrendered to a comfortable and very much need sleep when Kenshin leaned his head down to tenderly kiss her forehead. He quietly walked to a corner where he sat down, one knee raised slightly and one of his arms enclosed his sword supported on his shoulder. Kenshin dropped his head a little and closed his eyes. It was getting harder each time to hold back his feelings for Kaoru and a part of him knew that for fact very well.

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After returning from his talk with Yahiko, Seiya found the house silent, and the dojo empty.. He stopped by the porch where Sanosuke was lying down. Seiya regarded the man for a moment, before asking him, "Where's she?"

The street fighter lazily snapped one eye open at the man in front of him, deciding to disregard his question in order to provoke the newcomer, Sanosuke inquired his own question "Where's Yahiko?"

Seiya glared at him and replied shortly, "He's coming." And right after he said that, Yahiko popped up near the gate, drawing both men's attention. The boy approached them, gasping for air from the run he snorted, "Where's Kaoru?"

Sano smirked, 'so the guy did it. Maybe he's not that bad.'

"She's resting." He said briefly.

Yahiko turned around and headed towards the dojo. He stopped in the way to it, and without turning he shouted over his shoulders, "Tell busu I'll be in the dojo practicing and she better get well soon to train me."

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Seiya slid the door open quietly as he stepped inside Kaoru's bedroom. He approached her futon in order to check on her when he felt the same hostility from before, but this time coming from a corner in the room. He looked at the shadow, knowing who he would find there. That man again. There was something about him that wasn't right. The ki surrounding him was incredible powerful.

Kenshin sensed his presence even before he came into her bedroom. His first instinct was to lunge in the direction of the intruder, preventing him from getting near her. He fought his instincts and not sensing any threat coming from him, he opted to watch his behavior, readying himself though. When the man approached Kaoru's bed however, Kenshin had to summoned all his self-control to remain still. Whereas he succeeded in keeping his body motionless, he couldn't do anything about his raging emotions and even he was surprised by the aggressive ki he radiated towards Seiya.

They kept the same stance for some minutes; Seiya staring angrily down at Kenshin; Kenshin glaring up at him under lowered brows as well. The growing hostility between the two of them seemed to disrupt Kaoru's peaceful sleep because she stirred restlessly, causing both men to quiet down.

No word was exchanged between them and as soon as Seiya came he left. 'It's time to get some answers.'

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Kaoru's eyes slowly fluttered open, she languidly stretched her arms as she sat up. She blinked several times when she realized that Kenshin was still there, sitting in a corner. 'Mou!! Kenshin no baka! You'll be sore from sitting like that for so long.'

"You're awake." Kenshin lifted his head to look at her, 'I would like to see her waking up more often' he caught himself thinking as he watched her. "Oro!" he blurted out loud.

"What is it, Kenshin?" Kaoru asked puzzled.

"N-nothing, Kaoru-dono. Would you like something to eat?" he offered.

"Actually I think I'll take a bath first," she said thoughtfully, her index finger pressed against her cheek.

Kenshin smiled at her as he got up, "So sessha will prepare the bath for you."

"You don't have to," she said in hurry. 'Mou Kenshin when are you going to stop acting so polite and distant and be more…'

"But I want to," Kenshin replied tenderly, fixing his eyes on her in a way that made her own eyes widened in surprise as she watched him leaving her bedroom.

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"Are you sure about this?" Seiya asked to the man that sat in front of him at a table in the Akabeko. It was good he had found one of his old informant so fast.

"Positive. It's him. And everything else I told you is completely precise too,"

"I see…" Seiya's expression held a very angry and disconcerted frown.

"What are you going to do? This guy… He's not an ordinary swordsman," the other man pointed out, not concern, just curious.

"Good job. That's all, you can go now," Seiya said, brusquely handing some amount of money to the man.

He sat deep in his thoughts for a long time after the man walked away and almost didn't realize when Tae approached his table.

"Has your friend left already, Seiya-kun? Can I get you anything?" Tae asked him courteously.

Seiya looked at her seriously, "No, thank you Tae. But why don't you take a break so we can talk a little?"

"That would be nice. There's a lot of talking to catch up with."

"Exactly. Why don't you start telling all about Kaoru's death months ago?" Seiya's voice was cold and demanding.

Tae gasped, taken completely by surprised, she let go of the tray she was holding. It fell on the ground producing a loud sound that reverberated through the entire restaurant.

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"It's perfect, Kenshin. You can stop now." Kaoru shouted from the bathhouse. He had been throwing woods into the fire to heat her bath but considering the amount of steam coming out of there was no need for doing it anymore. Kenshin walked towards the dojo. He decided to see how Yahiko was doing. He hadn't seen the boy since he came back. When he came in, however, he didn't find Yahiko but Seiya silently standing at the center of the room his back to Kenshin. Considering that it would be better to both of them and to Kaoru as well if they try to get along, he went to talk to him.

"You're back," Kenshin began but promptly realized the battle aura directed against him coming from the other man.

"Unsheathe your sword," Seiya demanded fiercely

"What…" Kenshin faltered, confusion coming over his face.

"I said draw your sword and fight me Battousai!!" Seiya growled turning around to face him.

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Kaoru's entire body, with the exception of her head, was sunk under the warm water. She couldn't remember enjoying a bath in a long time. 'I feel much better now after telling them the truth,' she mused. Kaoru was feeling very peaceful, her thoughts free of worries, when she heard the metallic piercing sound of two swords clashing against each other and two battle cries she recognized instantly. Her heart stopped beating.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TBC

AN.: Especial thanks to Kelly, Isis 13 and Hoshiko (Animegirl18 aka Hoshiko) for beta reading this chapter. Thanks for the help guys!!

So how was it? I know, cliffhanger!!! Sorry! Please don't hate me for ending like that. I'll try to get the next chapter ready soon. Some of you mentioned about the lack of romance but that's because I'm trying to develop the story first and K&K relationship as well. But don't worry I'll add more romance to it! Well not before a good ol' drama before, right?! About Yahiko reaction I hope now is clearer why he overreacted like that. ^_^ I would like to thank everybody who's reading and enjoying my story. ^__^

Leave me a review and tell me what you think, ok?!

To all the reviewers a HUGE thanks!!!