Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / D. Gray-man Fan Fiction ❯ Ice On Ice ❯ Weak Person ( Chapter 39 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SailorStar9: Chapter 38 goes up. This is Chapter 39. Read and review.
Disclaimers I don't own Sailor Moon and D. Grey-man since if I did own them both, the Planetary Senshi will have equal footing as Sailor Moon and the Allen/Lenalee pairing would be canon. But you don't see that happening do you? However, I do own the pairing, I hope.
Chapter 39: Weak Person
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Using his Clown Belt once more, Allen destroyed Tyki's Golems just as they centered their attack on him.
“That thing's just like full-body armor.” Tyki noted. “It deserves the title White Akuma over Clown, boy. I'm getting pumped. I'm going to crush you with this hand once more. Just like that night. I'll pluck and break that left arm of yours all over again. Say your prayers.”
It's coming. Allen realized. The power that the Earl and the Noah Clan have to shatter Innocence. I'll never forget how it felt.
He frowned, recalling what Koumi had told him within the Ark. Do you understand, Allen? The next time you come close to having your Innocence destroyed during a battle, do whatever you can to evade the attack. You can't take it head-on, no matter what. Put it simply, if the weakness of the Akuma and Noahs is Innocence, Innocence's weakness is in turn the Noah. It's like they have the same strict balance of light and darkness. Even with your newly-upgraded Crown Clown, that truth won't change. Got it, Allen? Your Innocence cannot afford to be lost a second time.
“Oh, you aren't going to run?” Tyki taunted as he rushed towards Allen, a powered-up energy ball in his hand.
I'm sorry, Koumi, I won't… Allen apologized mentally as he met Tyki head-on with a white energy ball of his own. Run!
“You can't stop it. This is absolute power.” Tyki told him. “It'll release you Exorcists from that God or whoever's entangled you, boy.”
“Shatter and split, Allen Walker.” He added, as Allen winced when the Noah's power crackled on his claw.
“What was that?” Chaoji asked as Allen was thrown back into the building.
“Allen, Allen!” Lenalee called out.
“One blow wasn't enough, huh?” Tyki noted, floating back into the building. “Just goes to show how sturdy it is after having evolved. But I'll end it with the next blow. Don't try resisting now, boy.”
“Hey, Road.” He greeted the eldest Noah.
“Hey, Tyki! You're beating up my Allen too much.” Road remarked.
“Just sit back and watch.” Tyki told her.
“This is bad! Wake up, Master Exorcist!” Chaoji shouted. “Wake up!”
“Stay back!” Lenalee warned. “Don't you dare touch my friend!”
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Back with Lavi…
“What's wrong, Lavi?” Bookman asked as the redhead awoke on the boat. “Lavi? Lavi? Deke.”
Lavi turned at the mention of his forty-eighth name, only to be met by a claw on his face.
Ow! The hell you doin', you geezer?” Lavi whined.
“Shut up, idiot.” Bookman retorted. “Why're you spacing out? Who are you right now?”
“Did my last name change back with the last log?” Lavi sweatdropped.
“Imbecile!” Bookman screamed.
“Concentrate.” He advised. “The next log won't be as easy as the ones thus far.”
“By the next log, you mean…” Lavi pondered.
“The anti-Akuma organization, the Dark Order.” Bookman finished his sentence. “From here on, we will become Exorcists there and record the battle between Exorcists and Akuma, which had continued in the darkness throughout history.”
Where is this? Lavi wondered. No, I was in Noah's Ark with Allen and the others when my consciousness was dragged into Road's dreamworld. This isn't the real world. This place is a dream that Road's making me see.
“What's wrong, Lavi?” Bookman asked. “You're quite the fidgety one, aren't you? Can't you sit down and be quiet?”
“You read my memories, didn't you?” Lavi questioned. “You've done well, but I won't be led astray. I'll get back.”
“Back?” a second Lavi echoed. “Where to? To the characters in the play which `Lavi' has to record?”
“You're here too?” Lavi asked his counterpart.
“Lavi.” The second Lavi told the original. “What do you live as? As the successor to Bookman, you have survived without letting your heart be swayed. There's no place for you to return to, is there? Your place, your heart, doesn't exist anywhere in this world. For someone who's lived without being influenced by anyone, who's always remained a simple spectator, it's an appropriate punishment.”
“I know that.” The real Lavi grinned.
“I wonder about that.” The other Lavi mocked.
“Living between people and Akuma has polluted your heart.” Bookman added. “The light in your eyes did not used to be so dull.”
Lavi's attention was caught when a coffin bearing Lenalee floated by.
“Lenalee!” Lavi exclaimed, jumping into the water.
“Lenalee!” he gasped, cradling her. “Lenalee!”
“What's wrong, Lavi?” the other Lavi asked. “She's nothing more than a tine piece of history, isn't she?”
Lavi's eyes widened at the mountain of coffins before him.
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Lenalee was pounding against her prison.
“As if my heart, my resolve, could be shattered.” Allen muttered.
“Allen…” Lenalee mumbled.
“Like I would ever run from the darkness!” Allen retorted, standing back up.
“What's wrong?” Tyki mocked when Allen's Innocence rebounded. “You don't enjoy having your arm broken to bits, do you?”
“Allen, you shouldn't come in contact with the Noah's power.” Lenalee gasped when Allen coughed out blood. “It won't be just your parasitic-type Innocence that's affected, but your body as well!”
“Allen…” she blinked when the younger Exorcist smiled at her.
“Tyki Mikk.” Allen turned to his opponent. “It seems you have misunderstood what an Exorcist is. You think that as long as you break the anti-Akuma weapon, Innocence, that an Exorcist would become a normal person. Just another powerless human, right? Those people are the ones you should really fear. Power may be something that's granted by the Innocence, but the ones to be feared are the Exorcists who wield it! As long as my heart is tied to my Innocence…”
No way, his left arm should've been disabled, but it's… Lenalee pondered when the cross on Allen's claw started glowing brightly.
“As long as the vessel, my body, is not destroyed… as long as I am an Exorcist… as long as the things important to me still exist in this world…” Allen added, as Tyki's body was sliced into half for no apparent reason.
“Tyki!” Road gasped.
“This Crown Clown will not be shattered so easily!” Allen retorted.
He repaired his anti-Akuma weapon by himself. Lenalee realized. Is the Innocence healing both Allen and itself?
What was that just now? Tyki wondered. It felt like my body died for a moment. That impact… was it fear of the Innocence? Or was it…
“Tyki Mikk.” Allen continued. “You underestimate humans far too much.”
“Really, just who are you?” Tyki laughed. “All right, I understand completely now. I have to kill you first, boy, otherwise the Innocence won't die, right?”
“What is it, Mistress Road?” Rero asked.
“Tyki snapped.” Road replied.
“Reject! Reject! Reject! Reject! Reject! Reject!” Tyki muttered, his aura flaring up and firing a massive energy blast at Allen.
“This is a `thank you' for the lecture.” He added. “I'll give you a taste of my powers as a present.”
“Ah, that was close.” Rero breathed in relief as the Golem and Road escaped from Tyki's whirlwind with the two prisoners in tow. “If you had noticed it a moment later, Mistress Road, Rero and the rest of these guys would've been caught by it.”
“This is…” Lenalee blinked.
“Ah! Mister Lavi!” Chaoji gasped, noticing the unconscious Lavi beside them, trapped inside a rubber dice like they were. “Mister Lavi! Mister Lavi! It's no use, he's not responding.”
“He's being violated by Road's power.” Lenalee explained.
“Lavi, don't give up!” she told him.
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Back with the fight, Tyki's whirlwind was so strong that part of the tower crumbled under its assault.
“Tyki is serious.” Rero realized.
“Jeez, does he want to destroy this place?” Road inquired.
“Road, what is this?” Lenalee asked the Noah. “What happened to Allen?”
“Allen's in there.” Road replied. “That thing is a bit dangerous. Tyki has the power to manipulate all things in creation. He is the Noah of Pleasure. Judging by the area that was surrounding Allen, he probably rejected the atmosphere and created a vacuum. Forget about not being able to breathe. At this rate, Allen's body will be ripped apart.”
“Humans were all but destroyed for something as trivial as theft.” Tyki remarked. “You want me to fear such adorably puny things? Don't make me laugh. Hey boy. Show me that look of yours that I like so much.”
“Is Allen done for?” Road pondered.
“Let me break you, boy.” Tyki smirked at the withering Exorcist within the black sphere of vacuum and entered the orb.
“Is it painful, boy?” he asked, when he was in front of the stranded boy. “I've removed all the air so you can't breathe. I guess it would be. I'm free to breathe, even here, however.”
Damn, it's still too soon. Allen hissed, realizing his weapon was about to recede its power. Innocence…
“You're still conscious?” Tyki inquired. “It's futile. Futile. Just give up already, boy. I'll break that Clown neatly, along with your corpse. When it comes to ridiculous Clowns, the Earl's more than enough.”
Damn it. Allen cursed.
“Are you approaching your limit, boy?” Tyki asked.
Now! Allen realized as Tyki approached him.
“What's wrong? It's your chance to attack.” Tyki mocked.
Is it because of the vacuum? Allen wondered, still paralyzed. I can't use my arm properly. It's no good. I can't activate it anymore.
Then, he passed out.
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“Allen.” Road muttered.
“Allen…” Lenalee wept.
“Miss Lenalee.” Chaoji mumbled.
“I've had enough.” Lenalee sobbed. “I've had enough! I can't stand to sit here and watch my friends fight. I've had enough of it!”
Wiping her tears away, she proceeded to kick the dice.
“Miss Lenalee?” Chaoji gasped when Lenalee was thrown back.
“Miss Lenalee, it's no use, please stop!” he begged when Lenalee got up once more and started to kick the dice. “Miss Lenalee!”
“It's no use, Lenalee.” Road told the girl. “Not without activating your Innocence, anyway. You can't even put a dent in it.”
“Wait, Miss Lenalee!” Chaoji caught the weakened girl. “Your legs…”
“Let go.” Lenalee demanded.
“If you keep doing this, you'll break your legs!” Chaoji told her. “You've lost the power to fight, haven't you?”
“Even so, I'm still an Exorcist.” Lenalee replied. “I exist to fight. Please, let me fight, too!”
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Back inside the orb of vacuum…
So he's still got a little of consciousness left. Tyki noted, seeing Allen's left eyes had activated itself.
I won't die. Allen told himself. I want to live. To defeat the Noah… to defeat Tyki Mikk no, that's not right. That's not the reason I want to live. The reason is that I found something important. That's right. I want to protect both humans and Akuma. That's why. Innocence, to get out of this space, I need enough power to repel Tyki Mikk. I refuse to die here. I still have things to do! If it's impossible to activate normally, then grant me even greater synchronization, even greater power. Greater unity. You and I as a weapon to protect the world!
Allen plea was cut off when Tyki plunged a hand into his heart.
“I don't know what you were trying to, but do you think I'd just let you?” Tyki asked. “I'll take out your heart like this.”
Concentrate. Think only of synchronizing with the Innocence. Allen told himself, despite the pain.
It is time, isn't it, Squirt? Athena's voice entered his mind.
Ami-sempai! Allen mentally gasped.
Then it's my turn. Athena told her junior as she appeared in his head. Resting her left hand on his Innocence-imbued hand, she passed her Cosmo into Allen's claw, causing him to glow a green aura.
“A light's coming form his body.” Tyki realized when he saw Allen's aura flare.
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“Mistress Road, what's that?” Rero asked as Allen's aura burst from the swirling wind.
“I don't know.” Road replied.
“Allen…” Lenalee muttered.
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Back in the Order…
“We're still keeping the matter of the Ark from the Grand Marshalls, so be careful.” Koumi told Reever as they descended in the elevator.
“Got it, but…” Reever replied. “But what exactly does Hevlaska's sudden change…”
“You're late, Koumi.” One of the Grand Marshalls told him.
“I do apologize, Grand Marshall.” Koumi and Reever bowed in apology. “Reever and myself are now present.”
“Behold Koumi.” The Grad Marshall told him.
“It has already begun.” Another added.
Both Koumi and Reever turned to see Hevlaska writhing in pain.
“Hev!” Koumi gasped at the moaning Innocence Keeper.
“It's painful. The Cube inside me is resonating.” Hevlaska muttered. “It's trashing about like a baby.”
“Has a Point Breaker appeared?” Koumi asked.
“A Point Breaker is someone who has surpassed 100% synchronization with the Innocence.” One of the Grand Marshalls replied.
“Yes. I don't know who it is yet, but they're appearing.” Hevlaska groaned.
“A Point Breaker, an Exorcist fit to become a new Marshall, is coming.” The Grand Marshall added.
“It is appearing! A strong power is appearing!” the other Grand Marshalls chorused.
“It couldn't be…” Reever gasped. “One of the ones fighting in Japan…”
Why? Why am I thinking of Allen Walker at a time like this? Koumi wondered. T can't be. That child is still only fifteen. There's no way…
“Chief, uh, it's just…” Reever started. “Something just came to me. It's not Allen, right?”
“It's coming!” Hevlaska's moans grew louder.
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Back with the fight…
Tyki backed off, withdrawing his hand as Allen's aura skyrocketed.
The left is for the sake of Akuma. Allen thought. The right is for the sake of humans. Didn't I decide at that time, that I would save both? You and I are both two in one.
With his synchronization past 100%, Allen modified his Innocence again, this time, his claw turning into a replica of the Earl of Millennium's sword.
What the… no way… his arm… Tyki gaped in horror. That sword is…
“Critical point broken. Crown Clown activate.” Allen instructed as Athena's image appeared behind him.
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SailorStar9: And Allen becomes the new Point Breaker. Will he win this fight? Stay tuned to find out. In the meantime, read and review.