Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Destiny Calls ❯ More Androids ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SailorStar9: Chapter 1 goes up. This is Chapter 4. I've just added an alternate prologue to
this fic. For all you betrayal fans out there, that one's for you. Read and review.
Disclaimers: Only the plot is mine.
Chapter Summary: Three years later, Trunks and Ami return to the past, only to find that history has indeed changed with the appearance of Androids 19 and 20. Trunks and Ami split up after Bulma reveals that Android 20 is really Dr Gero.
Chapter 4: More Androids
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Three years later…
Both Trunks and Ami arrived at the scene, only to find the island totally demolished.
“Just as I suspected, we're too late.” Ami breathed.
“It's a mess. What happened?” Trunks wondered out loud.
“I just wish I could turn the time machine back a little more, but there's only enough
energy for us to return.” Trunks mumbled.
“Matte Trunks.” Ami interrupted his rants.
The lilac-haired teenager looked at her.
“Feel that?” she questioned.
Trunks gasped when he felt the battling Ki.
“Yes. I can feel the fighting Ki. They must be fighting somewhere else.” he concluded.
The pair took off into the direction of the battle.
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Meanwhile, Bulma was in a transport pod with Yajirobe. Baby Trunks was in his arms.
Flying over the demolished island, Bulma commented, “This must be the place where the explosion took place.”
“We need not go. It's better if we head back. It`s better if we leave this to Goku and the rest.” Yajirobe advised.
“We're carrying a infant here.” he reminded the baby's mother.
A bright streak of light passed by the transportation pod.
“See that? That's the one from the future. He's definitely going to battle. This is certainly
the right direction!” Bulma declared.
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“There!” Trunks announced.
Ami frowned slightly.
“Trunks, something's wrong.” she said, looking down at Android 20's severed head.
“You're right. This Android is….” Trunks agreed.
“Then who are they fighting?” Ami wondered aloud.
“Kuso! What's going on?” Trunks hissed.
An explosion from afar alerted the two time travelers.
“Matte Trunks!” Ami shouted as the lavender-haired teenager took off.
It's different from the ones I fought. Could it be that there are 3 Androids? Trunks wondered.
The azure-haired girl sighed and flew off after him. Well someone had to drag him back during the heat of battle.
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Piccolo was about to finish off Android 20 when Trunks arrived to the scene, followed by a flustered angel-winged Ami.
“That's…” Gohan gasped at the two new arrivals.
“Trunks!' Piccolo frowned.
Vegeta knitted his brow.
Trunks? He's called Trunks? It's the same name as my son… the same name…from the future is it? Vegeta realized.
This Android is different too. Trunks realized.
“Another one? Who is he? He isn't in the data!” Android 20 exclaimed in horror.
“This is all wrong! Kuso I've miscalculated. Looks like I have to return to the laboratory.” Android 20 cursed.
“Who is he? Have you battled him?” Trunks suddenly asked.
“Nani?” Vegeta frowned.
“What's going on?” Trunks questioned in bewilderment.
“Isn't it right?” Piccolo returned a question.
“What's wrong?” Krillin asked.
“How could it be?” Tien gasped.
“Then who is this?” Vegeta demanded.
“No biggie. History went off track. The Androids he knew is different.” Krillin heaved in relief.
“That's good.” Tien noted.
Now what? I'll be pursued once I'm in the air. I can only escape on the ground. Android 20 wondered.
“Hey, that's Bulma!” Krillin noted, seeing the transport pod in the sky.
“Abunai ! Don't come near! Leave!” Trunks screamed in warning.
“Now!” Android 20 decided.
“I've told you before, you can't win. Now Android 17 and 18 will kill all of you!” he declared.
Without warning, Android 20 fired a blast to cover his escape.
The discharge was devastating as the entire canyon exploded.
Bulma's transport pod was blown off course.
“Mother!” Trunks shouted, still shielding himself from the blast.
“That imbecile..” Piccolo hissed.
Trunks managed to get Bulma and his infant self to safety.
Ami had flown back to avoid the energy ripple and landed beside a worried Bulma.
“He's gone! Kuso, he's escaped!” Vegeta cursed.
“Daijoubo desu ka?” Gohan asked, landing with Krillin beside Bulma.
Glaring at his father, Mirai Trunks took off to the sky, stopping Vegeta in his tracks.
Ami shook her head.
“Why didn't you help? They're your wife and child!” Mirai Trunks demanded.
“I've not time for this.” Vegeta replied, raising his Ki and took off, leaving a stunned Trunks in his wake.
“That weird old guy, was he an Android?” Bulma asked
“Yeah.” Krillin replied.
“He's probably Gero himself. I've seen his photo in a book. Strange, he's reconstructed himself too?” Bulma wondered out loud.
Startled by the new information, Krillin shouted up to the fighters in the air.
“Hey, that guy was Dr Gero!”
“Dr Gero?” Mirai Trunks echoed.
Both Piccolo and Vegeta were alarmed by the news.
Everyone crowded around Bulma.
“That Android was Gero?” Vegeta repeated.
“This…” Mirai Trunks begun.
“Rubbish! Wasn't Gero destroyed by his creations? Now he's just like those Androids!” Vegeta snarled.
“I… I could only say that maybe history went off track. Most probably because I came back” Mirai Trunks reasoned.
“He mentioned about 17 and 18. May be they are the ones you've told us about. Just tell us what they look like so we wouldn't be mistaken.” Piccolo said.
“17's a black-haired youth, with a scarf around his neck. 18 seems like a cute girl. But the two have cold eyes, with a earring on one ear. If we look closely, they should be easy to differentiate.” Ami replied.
“A girl?” Gohan echoed.
“Do they absorb energy through their hands?” Piccolo pressed.
“Through their hands? No! Their energy is limitless.” Mirai Trunks replied.
“Limitless? As in indefinite?” Vegeta demanded.
“Oh yeas, where's Son Goku? Why isn't he here?” Mirai Trunks asked, noticing the missing Saiyan.
“That heart disease you'd mention, it acted.” Krillin replied.
Ami and Mirai Trunks looked at each other in mild surprise.
Wrong timing. Ami grimaced.
“The timing's wrong too.” Mirai Trunks noted.
“Bulma, do you know where Gero's lab is? He's definitely going there.” Vegeta asked the mother of his child.
“Lab?” Bulma repeated.
“I think it's pretty near to the south. I've heard that he changed the caves into a lab, that is if he hasn't changed the location. But I didn't know that the Red Ribbon employed Gero.” she admitted.
“Are you saying that we destroy Android 17 and 18 before Gero returns to his lab?” Piccolo asked.
“Hn! I don't do such crowdedly things.” Vegeta snorted.
“I only want to finish him personally. It's a drag battling those idiotic Androids.” he added.
“No! you're underestimating those Androids! Just like Piccolo said, we should find that lab and destroy it before Gero acts. Even if we can't catch up wit him, it's better if we avoid fighting before Goku recovers.” Mirai Trunks protested.
“We don't have to wait for him. Can't you see? I'm a Super Saiyan too and at the same level as he is. As the Prince of Saiyans, my power level is definitely much higher than that third-class Saiyan.” Vegeta argued.
“And don't think of stopping me!' he declared.
With that, he took off.
“He's left!” Tien noted.
“But, Vegeta's really a Super Saiyan now, and he's skills are much better Goku's. Maybe he does stand a chance.” Piccolo remarked.
“I'm a Super Saiyan too, but I still can't defeat them. They're way too powerful. I have to go, even if I don't really like him. I don't want my father to die!' Mirai Trunks replied, gritting his teeth and took off after Vegeta.
“Father? Did he say father? But I thought his father was killed by the Androids?” Bulma questioned in puzzlement.
“It's useless to hide it anymore. I might as well tell you. His name is Trunks. His father is Vegeta, you're his mother.” Piccolo begun.
“In other words, he's the future self of that infant you have there!” the Namekian added, pointing to the infant in Bulma's arms.
“NANI?” Bulma exclaimed.
Looking incredulously at her son, Bulma nodded, “Really?”
Krillin nodded, “They really resemble each other.”
“Finally I understand why he could become a Super Saiyan.”
“We have to follow them to Gero's lab. It's best if we find it before Gero acts.” Piccolo commented.
“Bulma, can you tell me dad about this? If he's feeling better, tell him to come.” Gohan requested.
“Okay, but how am I going to tell him? The ship's already destroyed.” Bulma replied.
“Go with her, Gohan. We're enough, destroying the lab alone.” Piccolo advised.
Gohan nodded, “Then be careful.”
“Let's go! We have to reach there before Vegeta does!” Piccolo announced.
Krillin and Tien nodded and the three took off.
“Then' we'd better leave.” Gohan replied, taking Bulma in his arms.
“Careful, there's a kid here.” Bulma warned.
“Hey, don't forget about me.” Yajirobe sounded out.
Huh?” Gohan blinked, looking down.
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Back with Android 20, he was running off towards his lab.
“Almost there. Even if I fly, I won't be detected.” he mumbled.
Taking off to the skies, he paused for a while and hid under a overhanging hedge.
Vegeta was seen flying overhead.
“Vegeta!” Android 20 lapsed.
“Kuso, he still hasn't given up!” he hissed, taking off on the ground.
Mirai Trunks was seen following Vegeta.
Him too. The both of them are flying towards the same direction I'm going. Are they heading towards my lab? Iie! It's only a coincidence. It must be. They can't possible know where it is. Android 20 thought.
“Only a few scientists know about this.” he added.
Then, it struck him.
The girl from the transportation pod. Was it Bulma?
“She could have heard about me from her father.” Android 20 realized.
Sensing another three Ki, he hid behind a solid stone wall.
As Piccolo, Tien and Krillin flew past, Android 20 was stunned.
“It's true! They're heading for the lab.”
Yes, they are thinking about destroying the lab before I activate 17 and 18. I can't let them do it. Dr Gero thought.
“I didn't tell anyone about he exact location so they won't be able to find it so quickly. I have to get there before they do.”
That decided, Android 20 took off.
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Meanwhile, Vegeta was heading towards Dr Gero's lab with Mirai Trunks close behind.
Mirai Trunks recalled a conversation he had with his mother earlier.
Your dead father? He should be in Hell right now due to the many horrible things he as done. But he does have his redeeming points.. Even though he's proud and not gentle, but I understand him.
You're bluffing mum! He doesn't have any redeeming qualities! He didn't save you and the chibi me! He's rotten to the core! Mirai Trunks thought angrily.
“Still following me? Interesting.” Vegeta mumbled, seeing how Mirai Trunks refused to give up.
Transforming into a Super Saiyan, he sped up.
Frowning deeply, Mirai Trunks too powered up, speeding alongside with his father.
So, he can transform into a Super Saiyan too. Since he's my child after all and has inherited my bloodline! Vegeta thought proudly.
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“Hurry up will you?” Bulma asked impatiently.
The young half-Saiyan was carrying Bulma in his arms and Yajirobe on his back.
Ami was flying beside them, a baby Trunks cradled safely in her arms.
Piccolo had told them who she was and Gohan was more than happy for the girl to come with them.
“Hai…” Gohan muttered.
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“Are we close?” Piccolo questioned.
“Almost there.” Tien replied.
“Found it!” Krillin exclaimed.
“Gero's lab should be in these caves. But we're surrounded by mountains.” Tien pointed out.
“Spilt up and search. As always alert the others once you've found it.” Piccolo commented.
“Brr… the south sure is cold.” Krillin remarked.
Taking out a brown bag, Krillin poured out the Senzu Beans into his palm and handed 4 of them over to Piccolo and Tien.
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“How long do you decide to keep following me? Go away, you`re annoying!” Vegeta shouted to the teen slightly behind him.
“You wish! You're going to fight the Androids right?” Mirai Trunks retorted.
“What do you intend to do after finding the lab? Do you want to destroy them even if it meant battling me?” Vegeta taunted.
“Maybe. But you've underestimated 17 and 18.” Mirai Trunks warned.
“Hn.” Vegeta snorted.
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“Just as I thought. But my lab won't be so easy to find.” Android 20 mumbled from the trees he was hiding behind.
“Figure it out slowly boys! I'll finish all of you in a jiffy!” he laughed, darting towards his lab.
With a quick jump, Android 20 leapt onto the over hanging ledge to the entrance of his lab; only to find Krillin staring back at him. (A/N: Ironic no?)
“Hn, it's only Krillin. He's useless.” Android 20 decided, running into the cave.
“Found it!” Krillin declared excitedly.
Android 20 was typing in the security password.
“It's too late even if you call your comrades.” he snickered.
“Hurry! Guys hurry!” Krillin prayed, rising his Ki sharply.
Piccolo, Tien Vegeta and Mirai Trunks felt Krillin's energy and sped over.
“If it's possible, I had no intention of activating them. But given the current situation, looks like I have no other choice.” Dr Gero muttered, standing before Androids 17 and 18's pods.
“I hope they've recovered.” Dr Gero prated, standing before 17's pod.
With a push of the button, the pod opened.
“Have you awakened, 17?” Dr Gero asked as Android 17 stepped out.
Turning his head, 17 noticed the remote control in Dr Gero's hand and smirked.
“Good morning, Dr Gero.” he greeted.
Android 20 was astonished.
“You actually greeted me?” he questioned.
“Of course. You're the one who created me.” Android 19 replied.
Ah, looks like he's recovered quite nicely. Android 20 thought.
“If that the case, then 18...” he trailed, turning his attention to Android 18's pod.
When it opened, the female Android stepped out.
Noticing the remote control in Dr Gero's hand, she smirked and greeted Dr Gero just like Android 17 did.
After the formalities were over , Android 20 gave out his orders to destroy Son Goku's friends once they arrive.
No sooner was his words passed, Piccolo, Tien and Krillin arrived.
His attention was momentarily distracted and Android 17 grabbed the remote control out of his hands.
Stunned, Dr Gero could only watch as the Android wrecked the remote control.
Outside, Piccolo was readying a Ki blast when something alerted him.
“The Androids have been… activated…” Krillin stammered.
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SailorStar9: That's all, for now.