Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Free Me of My Demons ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: Thanks sooo much for the reviews ^_^ Oh! Cosmic Slytherin has a new fic you guys should check out, it's called The Eclipse Angel. Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!
Disclaimer: Don't own any Sm or Gw characters in this fic!
Two figures stood in Serena's bedroom, watching the princess as she slept deeply. One of the figure's was a tall, very fit male, with long white hair that reached mid back and odd gold colored eyes. He had his arms crossed over his chest and he stared upon the princess with mixed emotions.
The other figure was a female, whom was tall and lean. She had long wavy royal purple hair, held up in four buns on top of her head, and matching eyes, that held a look of heavy guilt and sadness. She sat beside the princess on the bed and ran her fingers through her bangs, which trailed down the side of her face, and rested upon her cheek.
Tears weld up in her eyes, “It all makes so much sense now…” she whispered.
“You pushed us away…and we let you do it.” The tears spilled, and she closed her eyes. She stood from the bed and kissed the princess where her moon insignia would be.
“I failed as your advisor and as your friend…it will not happen again.” The male with the white hair came up behind the woman and wrapped his arms around her; he kissed her cheek gently and began to escort her out of the room.
“Come on Luna, we need some rest.” Luna nodded and let her lover lead her out of the room; eyes' lingering on the princess's sleeping form.
Serena shot up from the bed with a 1000 watt grin plastered on her face. Hair in a tussled curly mess, and still adorned in her hospital gown, she jumped out of the bed and bounded towards the door. She first went to her daughter's room and cocked a brow at not seeing her daughter in sight.
She pouted in disappointment; her daughter not being the first person she woke up to. She spun on her heels and darted towards the steps and rounded two corners at top speed till she found the door she wanted. She threw it open, ran and jumped on the bed that held her sleeping brother.
“Rise and shine, Quat!” she exclaimed.
Quatre looked around him alarmed and started to grab his pistol from under his pillow, when he noticed his sister was on top of him grinning madly. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and gave her a lazy smile.
“Morning Rena…you're in a good mood.”
She grinned, “I feel so good and refreshed, we need to go out and do something!”
Her enthusiasm caused Quatre to chuckle. `All of her isn't lost,' he thought. He grinned at her and slung an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him in a head lock and ruffled her hair, causing her to squeal and try to squirm her way out of his arms.
“First, you need to shower and get dressed, than eat some breakfast.” He let her go, and her hair was borderline of fro-ing out. She growled at him and shoved him, causing him to fall back on his pillows in a fit of laughter.
“You're so mean, Quat!” she then looked at him puzzled and cocked her head to the side.
“I don't have any clothes,” she whined.
Quatre smirked and sat back up, “We have 29 older sisters, I know you can fit into one of their clothes.”
“Oh yea we do, don't we.” She remarked, looking at him sheepishly.
“Since you're feeling better, we can go shopping and get you some stuff.”
Serena clapped her hands together with a squeal. “Shopping! I have to get Rini ready”
“I have plenty of people to watch over Rini, how about just me and you hang out today?” he asked, hoping she would. He really didn't mind if Rini came along, but he just wanted to spend time with his sister alone…like old times.
“Alright then, I need to go and get dressed.” She attempted to jump out of the bed, but her foot got caught in the blankets and tripped her, dragging the covers and her brother to the hardwood floor with her.
“Oops!” muttered Serena, desperately trying to find her brother within the massive amount of blankets. His head finally poked out and he sucked in a large amount of air, nearly suffocating. He looked at his sister with the biggest grin he could muster up.
“Glad to have you back, Rena”
Serena headed towards the kitchen, hearing a lot of talking and pots clanking. She had her long silver blonde hair held up in their usual odangos on her head, with twin streamers that stopped behind her knees. She had on a white tank top and blue jean caprice that hugged her hips. To complete the outfit she had on white flip flops.
She walked into the kitchen and scanned the people in the room silently. Duo and Wufei were arguing sitting at the island the three of them sat at last night. She saw another guy with extremely long bangs covering one eye, leaning against a counter, eating an apple. Her brother Quatre was fixing him a plate of food and went and sat at the kitchen table, where she seen another guy with unruly brown hair, watching Rini, who was being fed, by who she assumed was a maid.
Then she her eyes shifted onto Rashid and noticed that he was talking to two people that made her gasp loudly, causing everyone to look towards her. She sprinted into the kitchen and jumped into the arms of a white haired man, and hugged him tightly.
Artemis chuckled and hugged her tightly. “Good to see you too, princess.”
Serena unraveled herself from him and was engulfed in a tight hug by Luna. “I've missed you princess.”
She hugged her advisor back tightly. “I missed you too Luna.”
She stood back from Luna and smiled at both advisors. “When did you guys get here?”
“Early this morning.” replied Luna.
“You're staying?”
“Yes, we want to help you with Rini.” replied Artemis.
Serena frowned slightly. “Pluto sent you here to be my babysitter didn't she?”
“Of course not!” exclaimed Luna.
Quatre seen that this was getting ugly and quickly intervened. “Serena, you need to eat before we leave.”
“I'm not hungry, lets just go.” She replied, turning from her confused advisors, to face her brother.
“Rena…you really need to eat.” protested her brother, who began to frown himself.
Time seemed to freeze, as the sound of the safety was switched off of a gun. Everything went so silent you could hear a pin drop. Serena shifted her eyes to the left and noticed a gun was pointed at her temple. She fully turned, now the gun dead center on her forehead and she stared into the emotionless cobalt blue eyes.
“Eat.” was his monotone reply.
Serena frowned deeply. “And if I don't?”
“I'll kill you.”
Quatre stared at the scene before him speechless, his heart caught up in his throat. He swallowed deeply; this was getting way out of hand. He felt a bead of sweat trickle down the side of his face as he waited for Serena's next move.
Serena stared him hard in the eyes. “Pull the trigger.” She closed her eyes, and was deeply shocked when she heard him pull the trigger. Standing frozen stiff for a few seconds in confusion, she snapped open her eyes in rage and glared heatedly at the perfect soldier.
“You trigger happy son of a bitch!” Heero blinked, and had to stop his jaw from hitting the floor.
“How dare you! My child is sitting right there and you try to blow my head off!” She slapped the weapon wielding hand from her face and jabbed him repeatedly in the chest with her finger, causing him to take several steps back, until he was pressed up against the oven. It took all he had not to wince; her boney little finger hurt like hell.
He frowned deeply. “She's too young to remember your head blowing off, so it doesn't matter if she was in the room or not.”
Before Serena could think, everything went red and she kicked her leg forward, and caught the perfect soldier where the sun doesn't shine. Heero grunted and hit the floor in a crumpled heap, curling up on the floor and holding him self, glaring at the princess angrily; his gun clattered to the floor and slid under the kitchen table. He tried to get up, but fell back to the ground with another grunt.
Serena looked at her now broken sandal and growled angrily. “You broke my damn flip flop!”
She looked at all the other people who were staring at her mouth a gaped. “What! You want some too?!?”
Trowa quickly turned his back to her and shook his head no and took another bite from his apple. Rashid, Artemis and Luna shrunk away from her. Wufei shook his head, standing from his seat, and blocking his prized possession with both hands. Duo just about shrunk in his seat, twiddling with his braid in both hands.
“Sorry Babe, I plan on having kids in the future.”
Quatre stood from his seat quickly and took a hold of Serena's arm and dragged the fuming silver-blonde out of the kitchen. “Come on, we'll get something to eat when we go out.”
Once the twins were out of the room, Rashid, Luna and Artemis sat heavily in a seat at the kitchen table, Trowa went and grabbed Heero's gun from under the table, and Wufei and Duo helped the perfect soldier to his feet.
“Damn Yui, are you alright?”
“Hn…damn her big toe!” he growled out, getting helped to sit in a seat. Trowa handed him his gun and a bag of ice. He slouched back in his seat, placing the ice on his precious area. Rini cooed and patted him on the head, and he shifted his eyes towards the infant.
“I should have blown her head off.” He pulled out his smashed Twinkie from his pocket and frowned, tears nearly welling up in his eyes.
“My damn Twinkie!”
Duo leaned towards Wufei and whispered. “Those two only been in each other's presence for 5 minutes, and she has Hee-man talking up a storm…and she got him to show some emotion; anger and pain…Serena's stay here is going to be interesting.”
Wufei smirked, watching the perfect soldier talking shit about his beloved Twinkie that he was having one hell of a time opening. “For once Maxwell…I have to agree with you.”
Trowa leaned up against the counter once more and had a smirk gracing his boyish features. `Hmm…what the hell have we gotten ourselves into' he thought.
He shook his head watching Heero feed Rini some of his Twinkie. `I think I'm going to like this Serenity girl…the changes have already begun.' He took another bite from his apple and tossed it in the trash.
Quatre had to sling his sister over his shoulder when she attempted to run back in the kitchen to give Heero a piece of her mind…or possibly another kick to the groin.
`God, I forgot how bad her temper is.' He thought, as he carried the fuming girl outside and into the SUV.
After the both of them were settled into the car, Quatre turned and looked at his sister whom had her arms crossed over her chest and was breathing heavily.
“Serenity Usagi Winner! What the hell were you thinking?”
Serena turned to look at her brother with wide eyes and mouth wide open. “What?! That lunatic put a gun to my head, and you have the nerve to ask me what I'm thinking?”
Quatre sighed heavily and slammed his head to the SUV's steering wheel, making the horn go off, scaring the hell out of his sister. She stared at him for at least 30 seconds, before she finally snapped.
“Get off the damn horn Quat!”
His head shot off the horn and he glared at her. “Don't yell at me! I'm older than you.”
“By 45 seconds, big difference!”
“I was in the world 45 seconds before you so I'm your superior.”
“I swear to God, I will kick you out that door.”
“So you're threatening me now.”
“That's not a threat, it's a promise!”
The two glared at each other heatedly before the two lunged at each other. The two wrestled for a good 30 minutes, kicking out two windows in the process. They wound in the very back seat of the SUV, breathing heavily, each sitting on either side of the bench seat; clothes and hair disheveled.
Quatre finally turned to his sister with a sigh. “Ready to go?”
Serena grinned. “You know it!,”
The two climbed over the seats and climbed into their respective spots in the very front. Quatre started the car and the two shot off, making their way to the mall.
Author: What do ya'll think?! I had that kitchen scene in my head for a while lol. You guys are being so awesome with the reviews!!!! So I got this out for all you reviewers…wrote this in like 4 hours LOL, told you reviews motivate me! And much thanks to those who are reviewing every chapter, I really appreciate it! ^_^ Thanks for the requests, I'll try my best to give you guys what you want somewhere throughout this story!