Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Senshi & Gundams ❯ Hidden Allies and Forbidden Love ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Why are you calling me that?" Solace said, a frown darting across his golden features.

"Because it is what I have always called you." Hisharo-chan said, her violet eyes tracing his features.

Shawn raised an eyebrow at the way this OZ woman was staring at her leader. It was making Sol-kun very uncomfortable. He looked at the OZ woman before him before saying, "What do you mean, 'have always called me that'?"

"Because back when we were children, I always had difficulty saying 'Solaris-sama' so I shortened it to 'Sol-sama'. Haven't any of you gotten your memories back yet?" Hisharo-chan asked them.

"We have been having strange dreams and such lately…" Shawn muttered.

"Those are your memories returning, Shawn." Hisharo-chan said.

Just then Rei and Ryoken raced into the room.

"Solace, we have to hurry, something's happening at the Academy!!" Ryoken all but shouted.

"What's happening?" Solace said with a frown.

"Not sure, but Doctor J told us to get there, pronto!" Rei all but shrieked. She was terrified of something. So was Ryoken.

Solace nodded in affirmation and said, "Well then, lets go."

"I will come as well, so none of you are left behind to 'guard' me." Hisharo-chan said, looking at Ryoken and Rei as though she knew them and hadn't seen them in a very long time.

Solace frowned and was about to speak when Ryoken cut him off, "Doctor J said to bring her too."

Solace's lips thinned out into a white line before he spoke, "Fine. Cuff her and let us be on our way."

The others nodded and followed their leader's orders…


Wufei, Trowa, Quatre, Duo and Heero stared at the sight before them in amazement. Before them stood 2 ghostly figures, both startlingly familiar. One was male and resembled the Teacher's Aid, Solace. His companion was female and possessed a striking resemblance to Usagi. On their brows were symbols; on the man, the symbol of the Sun, on the woman, the symbol of the Moon. The ghostly pair stared at the G-boys. Quatre looked as though he was about to faint, Duo's mouth moved but no sound came forth, Heero and Trowa had their guns lowered somewhat, pointing towards the ghostly pair's feet, Wufei stared at the pair, holding his katana, his knuckles white from tension.

"Greetings, our Knights. It has been too long." The man said. Wufei jerked in surprise.

"Who are you?" Heero demanded, bringing his gun up and aiming at ghostly man.

"I am Solaris, King of the White Sol Kingdom." The man said before gesturing towards the woman, "This is my wife, Queen Serenity of the White Moon Kingdom."

'Why does that sound familiar?' Wufei thought to himself, frowning slightly. 'And why do they look like Solace and Usagi?'

A roar then echoed through the air. The G-boys jerked in surprise and looked behind them. There was a large monster, it appeared to be a werewolf, only it had a lion-like head.

"Give me Sailor Moon and Soldier Sun!" It shouted.

"Who?" Duo asked, "Or maybe what, are they?"

The Youma looked annoyed that they were questioning it. It screamed and leapt at them.

"DOWN!!!" A voice shouted in warning as Duo was tackled from behind by Ryoken.

The two fell before the ghostly pair. Usagi and Solace were staring at the ghost couple.

"You - you look like us..." Usagi stuttered out.

The Youma launched an attack at Usagi and Solace. Hisharo-chan screamed "Sol-Sama! Usa-chan! Look OUT!!" before snapping her handcuffs with a sharp jerking motion of her hands. She threw her hand up into the air and an orange glow enveloped her as she screamed out her henshin phrase,