Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Red And Blue ❯ Team Toguro’s Semi-Final Fight ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
And so begins yet another fic of mine. This is Chapter 5.

Taeniaea: Well, this is your Chapter 5.

Harpygirl91: (Raises eyebrow) WHERE WEREYOU!!???

Chapter Summary: Team Toguro’s fight finally begins. And Icy reveals a side Kurama never knew she had.

Disclaimers: YYH and Sailor Moon aren’t mine.

Chapter 5: Team Toguro’s Semi-Final Fight

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Team Toguro finally began their slaughter of the semi final match up.

The first one pitted the mysterious Karasu against Midorenjya.

Through a technique in which Karasu forced some of his spirit energy into his opponent's body, he slowly exploded the pieces off of his opponent.

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Amazing. Kurama wondered after Karasu’s victory.

“Now you see why those guys are the last year’s champions.” Icy remarked flatly, appearing beside him.

“Are you sure you don’t need to rest?” Kurama quirked a worried brow at his mate.

“We’re facing them in two days, dearie. I don’t have the time.” Icy reminded him.

“Besides, it is time for my final evolution.” he added.

Final evolution? Kurama questioned mentally.

Hai, my kitsune form has been around for almost 2000 years. And you know what happens after that. she answered warily.

Kurama nodded. After 2000 years, the kitsune of legend will evolve to her final stage, the only fox to have 18 tails. And after her evolution, her powers will be at their pinnacle.

After then, will she… Kurama’s mind wandered off in uncertainty.

And what makes you think that I’ll accept any other mate other than you? Icy’s chiding voice entered his head, knowing what he was thinking.
“Baka kitsune.” she muttered.

“Hey.” Kurama mumbled in protest.

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Meanwhile, the next match up was with Bui and Kirenjya.

Kirenjya pulled out a huge sword behind his back.

However, Bui summoned an axe twice as big as him from elsewhere.

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“Idiot.” Icy muttered.

Who? Bui or Kirenjya? Kurama asked.

Icy gave him a ‘duh!’ look.

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Kirenjya was easily sliced away.

The final match up was against Ani Toguro and the final 3.

However, Ani Toguro, like his comrades, won in a slaughter by using his special ability to shift his body as he desired.

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Kurama sweatdropped at the numerous insults Icy had churned out of her head.

“One thing I loathe about that jerk is that he cannot die.” Icy spat, once she stopped her mental rants.

“An annoying, psychotic immortal... just what the world needs. Thank you Toguro Ototo for making that wonderful wish.” she added sarcastically.

I don’t think I want to know. Kurama sighed.

Wise choice, young Padawan. Icy replied.

A little too much Star Wars, I see. Kurama rolled his eyes.

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Meanwhile, Toguro met up with Genkai outside of the arena in the final chapter of their relationship.

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After the battle, both Kurama and Icy were exiting the stadium when a demon taunted the pair about getting defeated by Team Toguro.

Kurama ignored the demon,.

However, Icy cast a Hiiro-patented death glare at him, causing the demon to shrink.

A foreboding aura suddenly surrounded the ice fox as her hand reached over to the demon. Swift as lightning, she trust her hand into his chest and pulled out a dull-looking stone.

The demon’s eyes went blank as the stone exited from his body.

The surrounding demons gasped in shock.

Kurama turned to see what the demons were so shocked about and mentally gasped when he saw why.

Icy’s eyes had flashed an eerie blue as she froze the stone.

Seconds ticked by and finally the stone crumbled into frozen dust. At the same time, the fallen demon’s body disintegrated into ashes.

Turning her glare at the rest of the demons, Icy spat, “Take that as a warning.”

The demons nodded meekly and parted, allowing the pair to pass.

What was that? Kurama asked worriedly, still awed by her display of ruthlessness.

A technique I thought I didn’t have to use, not till now. Icy replied.

Just then, Bui and Karasu blocked their path.

“Any doubts about our battle later?” Karasu asked.

“Hn.” Kurama replied.

Icy’s glare was trained on Karasu.
“By the way, impressive display there.” Karasu commented.

Icy’s glare never wavered.

Bui suddenly crashed his fist on the wall, causing Kurama to look away for a second.

When the redhead turned his attention, he was shocked to find Karasu was gone.

While Kurama was wondering where Karasu had gone, the slight movement behind him caused the kitsune in disguise to turn back.

Icy was millimeters away from him, holding Karasu in a death chokehold.

“Don‘t. Touch. Him.” the ice maiden hissed in warning, her grip tightening visibly around Karasu’s throat.

“Feisty.” Karasu choked out.

Icy’s frown deepened, her ice powers forcefully gathering around Karasu’s neck.

“Don’t mess with a demon’s mate, Karasu. Especially mine.” she cautioned.

“Back off Karasu, or else.” Icy warned, loosening her grip, causing Karasu to fall on the floor.

“Or else what?” Karasu challenged.

“You’ll know why they call me the ‘Soul Hunter’.” Icy spat.

Turning her heel, she dragged Kurama off.

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Soul Hunter? Kurama quirked an accusing brow at the girl beside him. The couple were now in the hotel lift.

A name I thought I’ve left behind. Icy replied, sighing.

The acclaimed ‘Soul Hunter’ was a feared name among the demons. Every living being had a Soul Stone, which essentially held the soul and she held the ability to remove that stone. To return it or not to its owner was entirely up to her.

Apparently, it still comes back to haunt me at times. she admitted.

And you’re telling me this now because… Kurama pressed, his hand reaching for the card key.

Koenma-sama warned me not to reveal this too soon. In the battle against Team Toguro, I will revert back to my ‘Soul Hunter’ self if I have to. she answered.

“And coupled with your 2000-year-old kitsune form… Heavens be damned.” Kurama muttered, sinking onto the shared bed.

“Don’t I know it.” Icy sighed, taking her place beside her koibito.

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Meanwhile, Hiei was going through torture as he trained to power up.

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Yusuke had felt that Genkai was in danger and raced out to find his teacher.

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A surge in energy alerted Icy and the ice fox jerked her head up.

Kurama looked at his mate.

“They’re here, Red.” Icy hissed.

Kurama nodded silently, knowing who she meant.

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SailorStar9: And another chapter down. Next chapter, the Starlights arrive and Taiki meets up with Kurama. Jealously sparks will fly!