Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Guarded Twin ❯ Temple of Selene ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Entrin: Well here's the next chappy. Blair wasn't helping me out at all with this one.
Blair: Sorry I was sicker then a dog… *rolls eyes at Entrinity's muttering*
Lady: Has she been seriously delaying this chapter that long that we have angry readers… AGAIN?!
Endy: must've
Lady: Damn well… before you try to mutilate us here's the next chapter. And No we do not own sailor moon!
Chapter 9: Temple of Selene
~At The Time Gate~
`You know where to go…you know where to find it…'
`My child…one half of a whole…'
Entrinity knew she must atone for her sins: for being so easily manipulated, for betraying her kingdom and family, for playing a part in the death of her mother. She knew all along that it would come to this, the mage training that she was doing so long ago now was all based around the real thing…
Entrinity's long blonde hair was pulled back and tied at the nape of her neck as she stretched and warmed up for the new day of training ahead of her. Princess Trista of Pluto stood before her holding the time staff and smiled slightly. Her dark green hair flowed down her back in a similar hairstyle that Entrinity usually wore. Her garnet eyes clashed with Entrinity's sapphire ones as the elder moon princess looked up at the Plutonian princess.
“I guess today's the day then?” Trista asked her long time friend, handing Entrinity a silver and red pendant.
“I guess so…I've put it off for too long…whether for reasons seen or unseen…” Entrinity smiled gently and accepted the gift from the elder woman.
“Well, I am sure you know what to do Your Highness,” Trista replied and bowed slightly taking on her own transformation into the Senshi of Pluto, the Warrior of Time and Space. Sighing slightly Entrinity stared at the pendant in her hand and nodded. Today really was the day, huh? All the pressure her mother had placed on her to train and now Entrinity realised that her Fate was awaiting…lifting the pendant above her head Entrinity shouted the words that would be with her for the rest of her life:
“Crimson Silver Solaris, Make-up!” In flashes of silver, blood red, black and white a new Sailor Senshi stood before Sailor Pluto who smiled approvingly. Long golden blonde hair with silvery blonde highlights billowed out from behind the new Senshi. Ebony black boots covered her calves; her body was covered in a white bodice. Her elbow length gloves were white with silver and crimson bands at the top and around the wrists and her ribbons and uniform collar were crimson red. The skirt surrounding her waist was double layered with a gorgeous silver satin on top and a silky blood red skirt underneath. Her choker was the same shade or red as her skirt. Her tiara was white gold with a deep red stone embedded in the middle. Nestled on her chest, Entrinity's pendant lay in the center of the bow on her chest; it's Solar Moon design standing out brightly amongst the ribbon.
Entrinity grinned as she looked over her new fuku in a large full-length mirror that Pluto had set out for her.
“It's gorgeous Puu. I can't really tell that it is me standing in the mirror.”

“It certainly is you Rini, but come we must start your training…as Crimson Sailor Solaris.” Solaris just nodded and looked at the mirror wishing her little sister could see her. Sailor Solaris only hoped that Pluto could bend the rules and bend time a little to give her ample opportunity to learn all she needed to…
---Moon Forests---
Endymion smiled back at Serenity and sighed quietly to himself. This dumb helmet was still on but he was beginning to think that maybe there wouldn't be severe repercussions if he revealed himself. He did owe the other women explanations about himself after all. Catching his sigh Malachite, walking close by, looked at his prince questioningly.
“Sir? May I be so bold to ask what is troubling you?” Malachite asked softly.
“It's nothing Mal. I'm just figuring out how to te…” But Endymion was cut off by Sailor Mars.
“How to tell our Princess exactly who he really is. Now General Malachite, shouldn't you be up ahead with Venus?” Malachite looked mildly shocked; his silvery eyes giving a mere twitch but nodded when his Prince offered no argument and took off to catch up with the Venusian beauty.
“I'm sorry Endymion, but as much as I trust you with our Princess I do not trust him. Nor do I trust that Entrinity is up to doing something good for a change.” Endymion just shook his head at the Martian.
“You know Princess Reianna, you really like to charge into everything don't you? As for Princess Entrinity, I think she is gone for a while yet so we do not need to worry about her. Serenity is merely worried about her wellbeing not what Entrinity is up to. She mentioned something about Entrinity saying she has to set things right. That she was wrong to believe otherwise about something. So let's just trust her for once.” Mars nodded in reluctant silence and walked ahead leaving the prince alone for a while as he contemplated everything that was going on around him, and just how he was going to tell Serenity the truth.
After walking for miles towards the Temple of Selene, where shelter, food, help and transportation was waiting for them, the group of twelve sat down in a clearing within the trees and started a small fire. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune stayed on watch as the younger Senshi rested with their followers. Jadeite and the other Generals stretched out in between the tree line and the small fire as the Senshi set up a place for the Princess to sleep, although it seemed she would end up sleeping in Endymion's arms anyway.
Endymion sat by the fire with Serenity in his lap staring at the licking flames. Serenity stirred slightly in his arms and he looked down into her light blue eyes and realized that he had to tell her now. He had to tell her everything. Something told him to that to say something later would mean it would be too late…something would go wrong…
Motioning for her to get up and follow him, the two walked away from camp out of regular hearing range and sat by the nearby stream. Pulling off his helmet for what he hoped was the last time, Endymion looked slightly lost as he attempted to find the right words to say to his beloved Princess, how to break it to her gently. He could feel her eyes scrutinising him in the dark, taking in his rarely seen features.
“Endymion, what is bothering you? You seem so distant recently,” Serenity's soft voice whispered for only him to hear.
“Sere… Serenity I have something to tell you and I do not know how you will take this news nor how to even say the words that are going through my head.”
“Have you tried saying them?” Serenity smiled as she spoke.
“Yes and I keep fearing the worse.”
“Well try and this time actually tell me…”

“Serenity, I am not who I have been telling you I am…”

“You told me you were not the Lord Commander before, Endy…”

“That's not what I meant… Serenity you asked me who I was and I lied to you. I am who you thought I was; I am the crowned Prince of Earth. I came to be here because of the four men back at camp…my Generals. They dared me to put on the Lord Commander's uniform, and well…I got caught in the act. Literally. And instead of revealing who I was I went along with it. Not realizing it would put me here. My Generals back at camp wanted me to return to Earth with them…”

Serenity went deadly still beside him with each word he spoke and she was barely looking at him. “So you are leaving the Moon then…” her voice was still soft but it held a cold edge to it. It also held finality.
“No, I am not leaving the Moon. For two reasons. One of these reasons is that my duty now belongs here; I accepted a mission and I plan to make sure you are safe.”

“I am safe. You may take leave whenever you wish. I am not holding you prisoner, Your Highness,” her words were as cold as ice as they left her mouth.
“You may not hold my body prisoner Princess… But… the SECOND reason for me not leaving is this: I have fallen madly in love with Princess Serenity of the Moon, and I wish nothing more then to be beside her and protect her with all that I am. You hold my heart prisoner.” Endymion grabbed Serenity's chin and forced her to look at him. To his utter relief he watched as Serenity's eyes began to thaw and water and she smiled. Albeit reluctantly.

“I will not say I am pleased with your lies but…oh Endy!” Unable to hold back, Serenity flew at him and wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. “I love you too!” she kissed his cheek as his arms wrapped around her. “But lie to me again…you'll regret it.”
“Never again my love.”
“Never?” she whispered as his lips lowered to hers and her eyes fluttered closed.
“Never,” he whispered back, tilting Serenity back in order to kiss her…
“NO!” A deep voice boomed out of nowhere, ripping the two from their intimacy. “Princess Serenity is MINE!” A tall dark figure stood before the embracing couple with glowing deep red eyes. His short dark hair whipped around his face as crackling energy spun around him while he created a large energy ball in his right hand. Endymion threw Serenity behind him, drawing his sword. Just as the man threw the ball of red energy at the couple, a large metallic red warp hole opened and a figure appeared holding a large sword. She blocked the oncoming energy with the sword and growled.
“You will not harm her Blair, Dark Prince of Narcius. I am the sworn protector of the Silver Moon. I am the Senshi of Light and Power. I am Crimson Sailor Solaris.” Her long hair covered her face from the couple behind her but Serenity knew instantly who it was.
“Trin…” She whispered soft enough for her twin to hear her. Solaris raised her sword slightly and swung at the dark figure of Blair who leaped back.
“You took her away from me for so long, you turned me against my mother and my sister once. I will not let you harm her any farther. Your Mother, will not win and neither shall YOU!” Dropping her sword to the ground Solaris raised her hands and started muttering something. Silver and red energy crackled around her as her eyes began to glow the same shade of red as she stood in front of the fearful Blair.
“Solaris Silver Arrow…”

“Entrinity, my love, stop! Please…” a ragged breath whispered as Blair's dark figure sunk to the ground. His eyes were no longer glowing but showed a matching sapphire blue, his eyes softening. Solaris let her attack die away as she walked warily towards the fallen figure. “I will not harm Serenity,” his haggard voice got out as Solaris began to lower her power. Solaris stepped closer, intending to only hit him but it seemed Blair had other plans. His ragged breath soon returned to normal.
“I will only kill those who stand in my way!” With surprising speed Blair surprised Solaris and had one hand wrapped around her throat and lifted her off the ground as he stood, his eyes glowing the same deep red once again. Solaris struggled for a while, gloved hands scrabbling at her attacker's hand, her face slowly turning blue. Why did she let her power down? Puu hadn't bent the laws of time enough, she hadn't had enough training! With satisfaction, finally Blair threw her aside and smirked as he watched Solaris' body hit the ground with a sickening crunch. As he turned back to where Serenity and Endymion had once stood, he found them gone. He growled loudly in frustration as he turned and tripped over the limp body of Solaris.
A few miles away Serenity was sobbing into Endymion's chest as he carried her in a hurried pace followed by the Senshi and Generals as fast and as far as they could get before they had to find another spot to rest. Serenity's vision was blurred as she continued to think of what had just happened. How Endymion had snuck away with her when Blair, The Dark Prince, was not paying attention to them but to a new Senshi, Sailor Solaris, her twin sister. She cried even harder when she heard the sickening sound of her sister's body hitting the ground behind her as Endymion led her away. The aggravated growl that Blair had released when he noticed the two royals were gone.
Serenity stared into the fire as Jupiter cooked a small amount of food for all of them, courtesy of Mother Nature. They were only a few short miles away from the Temple of Selene now, five at the most, five more miles to go before they could leave the once peaceful Moon Kingdom.
After eating and resting very briefly, the group again headed off towards the Temple of Selene, where they knew blessed support was waiting.
Only five more miles ahead of them.
Endymion, now free of the restricting confines of his helmet, pulled Serenity along with him silently urging her to keep going. He could tell that she was thinking more and more on his betrayal and he had a feeling that she wasn't as ready to forgive him as he thought. Endymion just hoped it wouldn't have any later repercussions…The other Senshi had yet to recognize him, although they glanced at him thoughtfully. He wondered how they would take it. Not as accepting as Mars he reasoned.
Still the most surprising thing of their three day journey was his Generals and the Senshi. The love interests were certainly a surprise and yet it seemed right. His Generals, her Senshi. Him as the Prince and her as the person she'd always been, Princess Serenity. Considering how quick he fell for Serenity it was no surprise his Generals followed suit with the Senshi. Maybe it was a Terran weakness for otherworldly beauties…
The Senshi were talking quietly with the Generals. Venus was speaking lovingly to Malachite about plans of some sort. Jupiter and Nephrite were trading cooking recipes. Mercury and Zoicite were speaking of different authors and such. Mars was bickering with Jadeite about the old story of the birds and the bees. The Inner Senshi, as burdened as they were, were enjoying their walks with the Generals, seeing how in the short time they had with each other, each had fallen in love with the Generals of Endymion's court. Uranus and Neptune walked ahead of the group speaking quietly amongst themselves.
Serenity kept her head down as she stared at the ground in front of her holding onto Endymion's hand. Thinking about him, about his lie…granted it wasn't a terrible lie but why lie in the first place? Who did he think she was? Some snitch who would turn tail and rat him out? Someone who couldn't keep a secret? Someone he couldn't trust? His lie hurt her more than it should've done…it didn't help that she loved him too. She looked up at her Senshi and smiled sadly: theirs was a love that was just newly blossoming. The love between Serenity and Endymion was four years in the making and he had hidden himself from her for that long. Yes his lie did hurt deep down and Serenity was trying her best to act like it didn't affect her.
About a mile away from the Temple, they heard what seemed to be a large group of people cheering and bantering and singing. All about the destruction of Selene's Kingdom. The group approached the area cautiously and as soon as they were able to see stayed where they were. Serenity stared at the large group of people as Senshi and Generals alike hunkered down near her in the tree line they had taken refuge in. They were not normal. Some had six arms. Their skin was a rainbow of colours from blood red to light purple. Each had hideous faces. Each had something different about it. Demons. All of them.
Endymion replaced Serenity's hooded cloak on her and tucked her bright hair away under her hood, smiling slightly. She barely smiled back. Following the line of trees round, there was a clump of thick trees outside the Temple of Selene that had a secret entrance into the building in the center of a clearing. Sneaking into the trees and into the clearing was fairly simple. The demons were not that alert despite the huge party of travellers.
Sneaking into and through the Temple was another matter. Demons of higher ranks patrolled the sacred corridors and Serenity and the Senshi knew that all those on their side would be boarded up in the Inner Sanctum, before the Altar of Selene. The feat was hard, and they nearly got caught on more than one occasion but once again sneaking through the corridors and opening secret passageways brought them to the Inner Sanctum. Once inside, they were shocked to see the bodies of Temple workers on cots. Numerous injured bodies laid everywhere. Priests and Priestesses helped out as many people as possible. One Priestess saw the group enter the building and bowed down in front of them when Serenity removed her hood.
“Your Highness, we welcome you to the Temple of Selene.”
“What happened here… why are all those monsters out there?” Serenity demanded.
“Sailor Solaris brought the injured to us to tend just before daybreak. It was Sailor Solaris and Sailor Pluto who did so. They also brought those from the palace. Your Advisors Luna and Artemis are here as well Your Highness. Sailor Solaris then disappeared saying something about having to find you Milady. As for the monsters, they appeared a little while ago also. In search of the dead Princess Entrinity they said.” Serenity bit her lip as she heard the final words being said. Entrinity had sacrificed her life so that she and Endymion could get away. The pain held the tears at bay. The Priestess carried on, oblivious to the princesses' feelings. “You can hear them wailing and they want her body. They came with and keep proclaiming the name of one woman…the name of-”
“Her Majesty Queen Beryl of Narcius.” A deep male voice announced. The same dark figure that killed Entrinity, Solaris, walked into the Inner Sanctum, startling those who thought the Sanctum was impenetrable to evil, followed by a tall slender red headed woman with emerald green eyes. A ball of energy hit the priestess who was informing Serenity and slammed her back into a wall. A soft groaning sound was heard from behind the large group. People scrambled out of harm's way, whether injured or no, injuring more people in the process. Screams and yells of terror echoed around the domed Sanctum, reaching to the painting of the goddess Selene on its arched roof.
“A simple barrier erected by the gods shall not stop me,” Beryl said coldly.
“Yes, it will never stop me from having you Serenity,” Blair whispered eyes blazing red, lifting a hand to Serenity. The princess backed into Endymion as Generals and Senshi took up battle stances.
“Blair!” The panic continued as another voice entered the fray. “You will have to do better if you want to kill me!” Solaris' voice ground out and she stumbled into the room leaning on her sword like a cane. How she made it here in time she'd never know…perhaps Puu bent the rules again? She limped in front of her sister and stood between her and Blair. Queen Beryl growled at the bloody, broken sight of the once gorgeous Princess Entrinity, the newly born Crimson Sailor Solaris.
“Move you worthless insect,” Beryl raised her staff and sent a large bolt of energy at the group sending them flying in separate directions, sending paralysed bodies flying through the air, all landing with sickening cracks and twists.
Endymion was the first on his feet as he ran towards Serenity, but as he neared her limp body another powerful blast exploded under his feet and threw his body away from his beloved princess again. Solaris growled softly as she stood silently, gritting her teeth and watching from afar as the Generals fought Blair and the Senshi took on Beryl. Her sister lay motionless, Endymion struggling to get up again.
`How am I supposed to help my sister if I can't even stand on my own two feet?!'
`Crimson Sailor Solaris, Princess Entrinity, my beloved daughter…'
“What the…”
`Entrinity, you must use the Imperial Silver Solar Crystal. You must lock Beryl and her children away Entrinity… You must help your sister…' The voice suddenly became recognizable… It was her mother's. Queen Serenity…
“Mother… Please forgive me for the past…”
`Don't dwell on the past. You have been forgiven my daughter, please do what I ask. Use the Crystal. I will help you through it.' The voice of the Moon Queen was soft and gentle.
“Where is the Crystal mother?” Solaris's voice was barely above a whisper.
`One half of a whole…'
Solaris took all of five seconds to work out that meant as her eyes alighted upon the slowly stirring Serenity…
Her twin sister.
The other half of a whole.
Entrin: The cliffy of a life time… *Looks at lady* I think she's going to strangle me for this!!!
Blair: You deserve it!!! I mean seriously. Now she's gotta do the next chappy in the MIDDLE of a fight with Blair and Beryl. She HAS to figure out where the Imperial Silver Solar Crystal is and she has to use it!!!
Lady: YOU'RE GIVING ME ALL THAT!!! Look missy I have other things to do besides dealing with Endy!
Endy: Feel the love!!!
Entrin: Not MY fault you wanted the chapter!!! AND you wanted it to be YOUR turn LOL so here is your turn…
Venus: So why was I left fighting?
Blair: Get your ass back in the story woman.. Lady will deal with you later!
Entrin: But we gotta go… Ideas for A Guarded Twin 2 are brewin'… Seeing how I'll probably end up with the first chappy if Lady gets her butt in gear… (*grins* I hope YOU don't get writer's blocktitis)