Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Guarded Twin ❯ The Future To Come ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lady: gofu hveuyg shgnd
Trin: Lady says hello all! I'm feeling just great today!
Lady: hhwtvb smik sbsidk d'd kdnsk
Trin: I can't tell `em that! They might not like him no more!
Lady: *gives tired evil eye* hudgt!
Trin: ok, ok…Lady wants everyone to know that Endy is a slave driver muse for making her work all night to get this done. But she's very proud!
Endy: you damn straight I made her work! No rest for the wicked! No pain, no gain! It's how I stay trim.
Blair: …shut up man.
Endy: *sulks*
Lady: ha ha
Trin: that was English for `ha ha' just in case…anyway seeing Lady is incapable of speech I take it upon myself to ask you to read and review the final chapter *sniff*. Enjoy.
Chapter 12 - The Future To Come
“Look back to the time when Prince Endymion Theodore of Earth slaughtered the Lord of the Universe and King of the Sun Rosphan, Royal Consort of the Moon, father of the twin daughters of Queen Serenity.”
“That isn't possible,” Endymion quickly muttered. “I was but a child when their father died. I could not have physically done it.”
“Endymion your mother was a goddess,” Beryl said impatiently, almost snarling. “And wounded as she was, despite being divine, she had to return to those sickening heavens and never return. As such you received your godly inheritance and aged much faster than a normal child. Just before what seemed to be your eighteenth birthday, although perhaps it took six months for you to look like a man, you picked up the trail of a familiar aura, the same aura that was present when your mother `died' and you were crying hellishly as a babe, cradled in a nurse's arms.” Right before their very eyes a twisted play unfolded, Endymion its starring role.
Endymion followed the pulsing aura from space port to space port. This man loved to travel! He was going faster than Endymion could almost keep with. But the Terran prince knew that if he lost site of his quarry then his mission would be in vain. His mother's death would be in vain…
“Endymion,” Beryl said suddenly appearing next to the three shocked royals. They were witnessing the last moments of King Rosphan's life, up to where Endymion would kill him. They were really watching it as if it was a tragic play. Only this was reality. This really happened. The two princesses and the prince forced themselves to watch. “Endymion…thought to pursue his mother's murderer and exact revenge. He only knew what the murderer's aura was like and having locked onto that proceeded to follow.” Beryl circled Endymion, looking at him with glazed eyes and a cruel smirk. “The aura eventually came to a halt didn't it Endymion? And you stalked after it didn't you Endymion?”
The prince was speechless. The worst thing of all of this was that he vaguely remembered some pieces and a direct repercussion was Serenity was going to think that he'd lied…once again…about killing her father this time…Endymion watched as his past self landed with fluid grace on a purple planet's surface.
It seemed to be night, nothing was stirring yet in the distance great flashes of light could be seen signalling a fight. Endymion raced to the scene.
Beryl continued to mockingly narrate the unfolding events. “Of course in the blind rage that he was in Endymion failed to notice that Rosphan was currently fighting me. I think it was perhaps the first time that I fell for the young boy. However I am getting off track. Endymion was only too happy to intervene in the fight and unwittingly had saved my life…”
“You bastard!” Endymion roared charging towards the figure clad in white and gold armour. The man turned to meet the new challenge, his grey eyes widening slightly but not showing fear. The demon was getting away, so he needed to deal with the boy quickly.
“Endymion,” the man said calmly blocking the young prince's unpractised thrusts with ease. “Endymion you must listen to me-“
“Why in the hell should I? My mother is dead!”
“I know, Endymion, I was there-“
“Of course you were there! You murdered her!”
Serenity and Solaris watched in horror as the animated form of their dead father was battling with Endymion. They saw where they got the blonde locks from and the fierceness he contained when he was fighting with the demon. They knew how this was going to turn out but it was painful to watch. So painful. They never had a father figure because of…the prince standing across from them.
“Poor Rosphan. He never stood a chance. Endymion's power was increasing steeply with each angry attack but yet Rosphan didn't want to harm the young boy he had seen when Endymion was first born. He didn't want to harm the key to the happiness of the universe. Rosphan believed that Endymion could marry into the Moon Kingdom, which is why he prayed so hard to have female children unlike most other kings.” Beryl gave a theatrical sigh and pointed in the distance to the sparks that were flying between the two duellers. “But eventually the building pressure of Endymion's power became too much to hold inside…”
“Endymion, NO!” Rosphan yelled.
But it was too late.
A huge eruption of golden light surrounded the two men and seconds after burst into flames. The residents of the planet Mau shied away from the bright explosion and ran when deep tremors could be felt through the soil. Only two were brave enough to move forward. Even then they moved towards the flames because they had to make sure that this nightmare wasn't coming true.
“What should we tell her highness?” Artemis said breathily as he raced alongside his companion.
“There is nothing to tell yet,” Luna replied. “The Queen is heavy with child and if we can avoid telling her anything…then that is what we shall do.”
A colossal crater had placed itself on Mau's surface, a permanent reminder of King Rosphan's final resting place. The two royal advisors almost wretched at the sight of their King's mangled body.
There was a hole in his gut, his blood leaking through to the rock below. His left arm, the one he fought with was broken strangely, probably because he used it to shield himself from the power surge. His head was twisted to one side, mouth open, eyes open, blood seeping from a broken nose. It wasn't long before the body stopped bleeding completely.
Endymion stood above his defeated prey, head bent low, Rosphan's blood dripping from his armour, his face, his fingers. With a defiant shout the prince unsheathed his blade and buried it in the dead body's chest, watching as the darkening blood slithered down the metal when he removed it.
“It is done mother,” Endymion whispered before collapsing, his body shrinking and growing smaller until he was that babe again who was forced to grow up too fast.
“Guess what the beloved King wanted to say,” Beryl taunted, taking pleasure in seeing tears slip from all their eyes. “He only wanted to tell Endymion that he didn't kill his mother. Rosphan wasn't Gaia's killer. I was.”
Endymion stiffened as Beryl chuckled and the planet Mau faded away into nothing only to be replaced by the worried faces of the Senshi and Generals behind Beryl's barrier. That growing anger he had probably felt back then when…he…it was growing fast and his strength was returning painfully quick.
“Queen Serenity lied to you all and said Rosphan was off fighting some unknown creature just outside of our universe. So many lies…” Endymion's power was set to burst.
“Stand down Terran. This isn't your fight.” Endymion's eyes widened when he heard Serenity, of all people, refer to him in that way. Her fists and her jaw were clenched and she simply refused to look at him. He couldn't blame her. But he couldn't help but feel something else had happened…had Beryl told them the true story? The prince looked to Solaris who had dark blue eyes filled with anger locked onto him. He rose slowly onto his feet, holding his wound.
“She said stand down, bastard!” Solaris shouted, punching Endymion in the face and jabbing the hilt of her sword into his throat. Endymion fell sputtering and gasping for air.
“Entrinity…leave him be. Call the Crystal.”
“Ah the Crystal-“ Beryl started, threading her fingers together, preparing to enjoy the show. Only Rosphan could wield that devil of a Crystal. It would be amusing to see these two wenches try.
“Hold your tongue!” Serenity snarled out and Beryl was suddenly paralysed. The young princess was exerting power even though the Silver Crystal wasn't in sight! Beryl struggled against the paralysis but found that she couldn't and that she couldn't speak.
“Serenity…I…you know I can't,” Solaris whispered tears seeping from her eyes.
“Use me Entrinity,” Serenity replied, turning her head to gaze at a struggling Endymion. He caught her eye and watched as two crystalline tears fell from her eyes. Yet her face was merciless and cold, hard and callous. It was the last time she would cry for him. “You must save everybody. I have nothing left to live for.” Endymion felt those words run right through him and literally stop his heart. Serenity was giving up on him; Serenity was giving up on loving him.
“Wait…it was-“
“It was what Terran? Are you going to tell me things happened differently? I sure hope not or I'll kill you personally right here.” As much as he wanted to say things were different, Endymion knew he couldn't. He remembered it just as Beryl told it. He'd be lying to Serenity - yet again.
“Serenity…I protected you and guarded you…I listened to you and cared for you…I love you. I don't know what else to say. Sorry cannot sum up the despair I feel.”
“Then it is fortunate that you don't know what else to say.” Endymion bowed his head low, breaking eye contact with his ice maiden and waited for her next words, knowing he couldn't stop her from doing anything now.
“Kill me Entrinity,” Serenity whispered eyes on the dark head of Endymion. The Senshi pounded helplessly on Beryl's barrier, shouting their protests. Serenity couldn't give up like that: she had the Senshi to live for and the Moon! “You know it's the only way.”
Solaris bent her head and gripped her sword tightly. “Serenity,” she whispered sobs wracking her body. It couldn't end like this but it seemed it was going to. She grabbed the back of Serenity's neck and pulled her sister in for a hard embrace.
“I love you, dear sister. Never forget that.”
Serenity smiled. “I won't.” Her eyes focused on Endymion over Solaris' shoulder. He wanted her to feel his love for her and made sure that she never forgot his love either but he didn't know whether she heard his silent pleas.
“Look what you've reduced me to Endymion. I was happy to fight for you a few moments ago, happy to stay alive and damn the consequences and now you're forcing me to give up my life, give my happiness to ensure this universe's survival. You hid this dark secret from me and that is bordering on a sin. You took my father away from me. Thank you for that Endymion. I pray to the gods you can live with yourself.”
“Quiet! I don't want to hear your voice anymore! It hurts too much…” Serenity's tears continued to fall. Endymion felt her pain: it hurt him too. She was trying so hard to hate him but it went against her very nature now that she loved him. “I will spare your life so that you can live with your sin everyday. Remember how you destroyed my family…Terran.”
Before anymore could be said, Solaris thrust her sword through Serenity's middle, shaking as her younger sister shuddered and coughed in pain. Serenity's eyes began to lighten as she continued to gaze at Endymion, her sight becoming unfocused.
“In the next lifetime I promise to hate you,” Serenity whispered to him and his heart stopped again. He saw a final spark of clarity in her now sky blue eyes before it died out and her orbs became brilliant white. Endymion turned his head away and willed himself not to cry.
The Senshi fell to their knees, clutching their chests as they felt the strong link between them and their princess be brutally severed. Beryl smirked and tried moving but her bonds held true despite Serenity's passing. She could see Blair beginning to move from where she had hurled him into a column and pleaded with her eyes for him to help her. Blair simply snorted, reviled at this twisted turn of events. Reviled not only because of what he had seen but what he now knew about himself…
Solaris' chest shuddered violently and anguished sobs left her throat. All the while Serenity's body was dissipating and gathering inside her, forcing out the Crystal of Damnation. Slowly it inched its way out from Solaris' throat, the ruby red crystal glinting as if it had a life of its own. When Serenity's body and life force had completely disappeared the Imperial Silver Solar Crystal floated before Solaris waiting to be commanded by its new mistress.
The end was now. All this fighting for this tiny piece of powerful rock. All this fighting only to lose what she was trying to protect. Forbidden words, yet ones she didn't even know, welled up in her throat and as she said them Solaris transformed back into her royal robes, the princess' crescent moon blazing brightly on her forehead.
She prayed she'd meet Serenity in the next lifetime.
“Crystal of despair, Crystal of desperation, lend me your strength and use me as your final vessel in this universe, in this life.” Entrinity levelled her gaze at the witch across from her who was now snarling ferociously, her eyes black slits and the green power lines pulsing stronger with each monumental rise in power.
“Silver Solar Retribution!”
The explosion on the Moon engulfed it in white flames and could be seen millions of light years away and could be mistaken as another star.
Sailor Pluto brushed back the hair on Entrinity's face, stroking her cheek gently, momentarily, before surveying the other limp bodies in the once holy Temple of Selene. The goddess' face no longer looked down on you from the arched ceiling but rather the heavens and the many twinkling stars did. Few columns remained standing and where some did was a Senshi's or a General's body, slumped lifelessly.
“The death of the world is nigh. The clouds of Fate have parted to reveal a new future. We, as Senshi, must continue forward to our destinies. We must meet our princess again and lead her to a new era. We must find our prince and lead him to her. We must find our Eternal Guardian to protect us all. The world must live again.”
“Eternal Guardian?” Pluto asked but she didn't receive an answer from the prophetic Senshi. She hadn't heard of an Eternal Guardian through the timeline either…
Pluto rose from her place beside Entrinity, walking over to a slack Endymion looking over his peaceful features and then regarded the Senshi of Death coolly. Saturn was summoned inadvertently when the three talismans resonated with the despair of their respective owners: Neptune and Uranus in the last few moments of their lives knowing they had failed and Pluto because she could do nothing to help. From that, Sailor Saturn was awakened ready to start life anew.
“Do what you must Sailor Saturn. Our futures await,” Pluto replied, holding respect within her voice for the Senshi who probably had the weight of the world on her shoulders and had no one to share it with.
“Yes, indeed,” Saturn replied monotonously, raising her Silence Glaive above her head.
“Death Reborn Revolution.”