Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Time for Revenge ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Arthur: Here's chapter 6 for ya!!! Oh, thanks for the reviews ^_~

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this fic.

Chaoter 6

"Diamond" yelled all of the girls with their sadness diminishing and quickly turning to anger.

"What are you doing here?" growled Amara and Lita cracking their knuckles. They where going to give Diamond a beat down.

" Well actually", he started. " I was hoping my beloved would show up today. I was really disappointed that she didn't show last night."

"To bad" snapped Rei. " She isn't going anywhere with you and as far as I can tell she hates you."

Diamonds eyes flashed red with anger and stared at the senshi of Mars. Rei slightly shivered from the looked, but kept her ground.

" You know it's her own fault. I gave her a warning and she chose to ignore it. She deserved what she got and mock my words, I always get what I want. Oh, and tell the princess she better watch her back, I'm gonna get her whether she likes it or not."

Amara, Lita and Rei growled and Lita took a swing at him. All she caught was air because Diamond had vanished.

"That coward", said Lita as she punched a whole in the wall.

After the little incident with Diamond, the girls called the cops and got the bodies removed. The cops put a band around Serena's home so no one can enter. The girls packed up Serena's clothes, personal belongings, and things she might want to remember her family by.

They left with the things and began to walk towards Darien's apartment.


Darien was in the kitchen preparing dinner for himself, Serena and her friends. Luna and Artemis sat on the couch in the living room sleeping next to each other. Hotaru was in Darien's room watching Serena sleep.

Hotaru leaned over and stroked Serena's hair then went down to caress her face. Hotaru let out a startled yelp when Serena's eyes snapped open and grabbed Hotaru's hand.

Serena looked at the little hand she now held. Her eyes traveled up the arm to the face of Hotaru's. Serena let go of her hand then flipped onto her back wincing slightly in pain. Serena stared up at the ceiling as Hotaru stared at Serena taking in her new appearance.

" I hope Serena didn't change
to much. I like her the way she was before all of this happened.", thought Hotaru.

"I'm still the same Hotaru and nothing will ever change me.", said Serena as she gave the bewildered girl a smile.

"You read my thoughts" said Hotaru staring at Serena as if she had grown two heads.

Serena laughed at her reaction when she heard someone opening the door. The two girls turned towards the door to see Amara and Michelle.

Hotaru jumped off the bed and hopped into Amara's welcoming arms. Serena and Michelle smiled at the scene.

"Oh Serena, we got some things from your house that you might want." said Michelle as she gave Serena several huge bags.

"Um Hotaru, can you go into the living room for a second?" asked Amara. The girl nodded her head and skipped out the room.

"Serena, Diamond was at your house today." said Amara. Amara took a step back at the look Serena held in her eyes. It was a mixture of anger and hatred as it flashed a quick gold color.
Serena looked at Amara.

" Is there any more info. you wanted to tell me?" asked Serena politely ignoring what had just happened.

"Oh, um yes, we called the cops and got your family's bodies removed. They also put a band around your house." said Michelle as Amara still stared at Serena wondering if she actually saw her princess's eyes flashing gold.

"Well I must start preparing for the funeral then", said Serena flashing a smile that didn't reach her eyes. Amara and Michelle returned the smile the glanced at each other with worried expressions.

Serena slowly got up from the bed to the dismay of the senshi of the wind and sea. She walked into the living room where everyone was chatting amongst themselves. The chatter stopped as everyone looked up at Serena.

"Serena what are you doing up, you need some rest", replied Luna.

"I don't need any rest, I had plenty of it. All I have been doing for the past 2 days is sleeping and crying and I'm through with acting weak. I'm the princess of the moon and I should start acting like one. I have to prepare my families funeral and then make some plans on beating the crap of Diamond because he could be attacking at anytime. And we have to tell the school about my absences by Monday. Plus I'm thinking about selling my parents house.", said Serena. Everyone around the room stared at her in shock. They never in this lifetime seen Serena take anything seriously.


Diamond sat at his thrown with blood red wine in his cup. He twirled the cup around in his fingers watching the red liquid swirl in his cups.

"Master", said one of his top elite youmas.

"What?", said Diamond. The youma shrunk back a little from the tone in his masters's voice. It gained back it's composure and sputtered, "We have all the preparations ready for the attack tonight."

"Good, now go away", said Diamond as the youma nodded his head and ran out the room. Diamond gave out an evil cackle. " I've been dreaming of this moment for centuries waiting to get my little princess and now it has finally come." Then Diamond threw the cup across the room watching it shattered into pieces mixed with wine as he gave out another evil cackle.


Serena and her friends had the funeral prepartions complete and were having it done on Tuesday. When they were done it was around 9 o'clock. They began talking about plans for Diamond and began joking around with each other.

Serena sat quietly on Darien's lap as she felt the dark energy emerging. She stared blankly ahead as the dark energy started to overwhelm her. She clutched her head in pain as her eyes started to get darker.

"Serena are you okay?", asked Darien seeing Serena holding her head in pain. Everyone turned to look at Serena.

"Serena?", asked Luna in worry.

"The energy...."said Serena as she grunted in pain.

"What energy?", asked Amy

"D-D-Diamond is preparing an attack. He's stronger then I thought. We have to hurry before he starts a masacre." said Serena getting her self under control. She stood up on her feet shakily and was pulled back down by Darien.

"Serena maybe you should stay here, you don't look so good.", said Darien. Serena snapped her head around and stared at Darien. She stated in a dangerously calm voice that made him want to pee his pants.

"I will not stay here and have you fight without me Chiba. That bastard out there killed my familly and I'd be damned if I let him get away with it. Now let me go so we can leave and prevent him from destroying anymore lives."

Darien quickly let go of her out of fear. She stood up with more balance and looked around the room.

"What are you waiting for. LET'S GO!!!!", said Serena a little irrated from the way everyone was sitting there looking at her. They stood to there feet quickly, not wanting to anger their princess. Serena went into Darien's and soon to be her bedroom to get her sword. When she walked back into the living room she saw that everyone had transformed already.

Serena said she wouldn't transform until she gets to the battlefield. They went out through the balcony from the apartment not wanting to draw any attention. They all followed Serena, being she was the one who could feel the energy. What puzzled all of them the most was why couldn't Rei feel the dark energy.

When they made it to the battle field they saw hundreds of youmas terrorizing the city. They were killing people from left to right. They saw Diamond floating in the air smiling at his handy work. The Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Mask immediatley went into to battle excluding Serena.

Serena took out her sword and transformed into her new form. She flapped her wings and rose into the air. She quitely snuck up behind Diamond and tackled him to the ground. Diamond looked up suprised as he looked at the girl that was now straddling his waist.

"Why do you look so surprised?", asked Serena in a icy tone letting her wings disapear.

"Who are you", asked Diamond taking in the girl's beauty.

"Oh, Diamond", said Serena in a fake hurt tone of voice. "You don't even recognize your princess when you see her." Then she wagged her finger in front of his face and made a tsking noise as if she was berating a child

Serena laughed at his shocked expression then her facial expression turning to that of complete seriousness.

"You've been a bad boy and I'm gonna make you pay for the pain you've caused me", said Serena as she raised her fist and struck Diamond in the face. She smiled when she saw the blood trickle down from his nose. She raised her fist again but it was caught by Diamond as she began to bring it down.

"Well, Well, Well, princess you are very fiesty. I'm going to have to tame you", he said as he raised his other hand and shot dark energy at her stomach. She flew off of him and she hit the tree behind her. She got up on her hands and knees as Diamond ran over to her and kicked her in the stomach.

She rolled onto her back in pain as Diamond came up to her and straddled her waist. He clenched his right hand into a fist and repeatedly struck her in the face as his left hand held her arms above her head. Blood began to make it's way out of her nose and lips from Diamonds anslaught of blows. He stopped the hits and took his right hand and wrapped it around her throat. He slightly put pressure on it watching her gasping from the lack of air.

"You know princess, it was rather fun killing your family.", he started watching her squirm underneathe him.

"Shutup", she gasped out. Diamond smilled and continued.

" Me and my youma burst in threw the front door. Your dad question me and told me to get out. I ignored him and struck him to the ground and took out my dagger and burried it into his chest. You should have seen the look of surprise on his face. I heard your mother cry out as she saw your father die. I told my youma to attack her as I made my way up the steps."

Serena's eyes began to fill up with tears but didn't let them drop. She wouldn't let Diamond have the pleasure of seeing her cry. She began to struggle her way free, but Diamond held her more tightly digging his nails into one of her wrists causing it to bleed.

" As I made my up the steps", Diamond continued. " I saw your little brother's bedroom. As I barged into the room, he was looking for something on the shelf. I grabbed him from behind and put my dagger to his throat. He bagan to cry and only made one request.", Diamond paused and stared at Serena as she closed her eyes rocking her head from side to side trying to block out Diamond's voice.

"His last request was not to hurt his sister.", said Diamond watching the tears finally fall from Serena's closed eyes. Her body started to rack with sobs.

Diamond wiped away the tears then whispered, "Wasn't that sweet of him Serena. He really cared about you. And do want to know what I did next? I slowly slid my dagger across his neck taking in the joy of hearing him cry out in pain. Then I placed him on his bed."

Serena couldn't take it anymore. How could he kill a child like that, with that child being her little brother who she loved dearly. Diamond was going to pay, it was time to get her revenge out. She was going to make Diamond feel her pain.

Serena started to feel the hatred and the anger build up again, but this time it was deeper and stronger then before. She began to glow pure black as her body began to shake from her anger. Diamond quickly got off of her in fear. He had never seen this power before and it scared him.

Time seemed to stop as the all of the senshi, Tuxedo Mask, the youma, and the people of Tokyo stood stock still. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop as everyone stared at Serena. News Reporters pointed their camera's upon the scene watching as everything was taking place.

Thunder began to boom as lightening began to shoot out into the sky like rockets. The ligtening began to hit trees and buildings, but nobody seemed to notice as they watched Serena awe strucked. A big bolt of lightening struck out from the sky and hit Serena and throwing Diamond to the ground.

Serena began to float in the air and was surround by the colors of black, gold and silver. Rain began to pour down heavily making everyone's clothes stick to them like a second coat of skin.
Wings sprouted out of Serena's back being the same color as they were except larger. The wings expanded out fully then wrapped themselves around Serena engulfing her in the large black feathers which covered her entirely.

Everyone around the world and several galaxies away could feel this power emerging from the future queen of the moon and earth, especially Queen Serenity, Apollo and even the demons from hell could feel the magnificent power. One thought crossed through everyone's mind.

"Who ever pissed off the princess is going to get a major beatdown."

Arthur:well there's chapter 6. I hoped you liked. Please R&R me. ^_~