Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: Do I Know You? ❯ Chapter 24 ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 24

Chapter 24

The attack Freiza had thrown at her, had hit her and the smoke made a blanket around her so she could drop down and Freiza would think she was dead. But it took its toll. When her eyes opened, she didn't remember anything. She was a lost child, she climbed out of the space pod and had wandered the streets of Tokyo, trying to find out who she was. That's where she met her new mother. They had lost a baby girl, and were very upset. They weren't able to have anymore children and the loss of the baby left them heart broken. They found her wandering the streets so they took her home with them. They asked her where she lived, but she couldn't answer it. They put out fliers and nobody ever came for her, so they adopted her, naming her Usagi, because she had brought Serenity to their lives. That's when they found out they were going to have a baby. It was Usagi's baby brother Sammy.

Usagi watched as all of this happened, very aware that it was a dream, but she didn't want to wake up. She wanted to see more. There was more to it than she knew. That's when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach causing her to wake up.

Usagi's eyes popped open and she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She tasted blood, but when she looked at herself, she was fine. She was still in the white armor from Earth and her tail wrapped itself around her waist instinctively. That was weird. She thought. I felt it, it was real. Just then, she sensed what was happening outside. "Vegeta!" She yelled out when she didn't feel his power level anywhere. She ran out of the space ship and headed towards the huge power of Freiza. "Vegeta! I hope he's all right."

On the Battle Field...

Dande refused to heal Vegeta. His heart told him not to heal that evil man.

"You have to Dande!" Krillin said. "He's our only chance!"

"I can't." Dande said looking at the ground. Just then, they sensed another power level. It was Usagi.

"Princess." Vegeta croaked out. "Go back. It's too dangerous."

Usagi headed straight for Vegeta. She landed next to him and placed his head in her lap. "Vegeta." She whispered. "While I was asleep, I had this dream, I remember everything clearly." She said.

Tears came to her eyes as she saw her best friend broken and bleeding in her arms. "Dande!" She called. "You have to help him!" She said, her voice cracking a bit. Dande had no choice. He had to help the evil Saiyan. He sat down and healed Vegeta. Vegeta jumped up and pushed Dande and Usagi out of the way.

"You little punk!" He said, heading for Freiza. Freiza had begun to transform yet again. This was his last transformation and he would be at his highest power level. Freiza had seen the Namic child heal Vegeta and had his own little plan in mind. After his transformation was complete, he send a blast of energy straight for Dande. No one could sense it, they didn't know it was coming. Dande fell to the ground, dead. The next person he aimed at, was Gohan. He sent the blast, but Vegeta pushed Gohan out of the way.

Everyone was shocked, everyone except for Usagi that is. She knew that deep down, there was good in him.

"You saved me, Vegeta!" Gohan said, his eyes were huge.

"I didn't save you brat!" Vegeta barked. "I did it to show that I'm stronger."

"No way!!" Freiza yelled when he understood what Vegeta was talking about. "You can't be!! A Super Saiyan!!" Freiza was in shock, his mouth was wide open and his eyes were huge. Vegeta just stood there, with his normal sneer on his face. He was sure he had finally reached the legendary level of Super Saiyan. Usagi had a feeling that he was wrong, but she couldn't say anything. He wouldn't believe her anyway. He wanted this so bad, that he wouldn't accept that he hadn't reached it yet.

The fight began and at first Vegeta was doing well, but that all changed. He realized that he hadn't reached it and that he was going to lose. Usagi couldn't do anything. She wanted badly to run in and protect her Prince. She knew she couldn't though, he was a goner. Oh Vegeta. She thought. I love you. She couldn't bring herself to say it to him. She didn't know how she knew that that was the way she felt about him, it was like they had been in love some other time or place. That's why they had been drawn to each other when they were children. There was still so much she couldn't figure out. Her head was spinning. Why hadn't her parents told her the truth? They told her she was adopted, that they met her parents before they died. Why did they lie?

At this point, Freiza was using Vegeta as a punching bag. Seeing this brought fresh tears to Usagi's eyes. She couldn't bear to see Vegeta being abused like that. Freiza threw him against the cliff next to him and crushed a rock, using his foot, in a wound on Vegeta's stomach. He was beyond pain by now. He could barely feel it anymore because he was in so much pain. He didn't care though. He knew his time was coming, and it wouldn't be long before he was with his father again.

"Good night, sweet Prince." Freiza said, snapping Usagi out of her trance. Just then, everyone turned around. They had felt Goku's power heading straight for them. As soon as Goku landed, Usagi rushed to Vegeta's side. She laid his head on her lap. She had tears streaming down her face.
