Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Children of Earth ❯ Pheobe's Story: Section 2 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"I trust the ball was enjoyable Princess?"

Pheobe sighed, nodding as she glanced back into the ballroom. Had she only imagined him there? That man in white, in an instant he had vanished from her sight. Something about him just felt right.
She turned back to Evonne, nodding. "Yes, it was lovely, thank you Evonne."

The female guardian nodded as she helped her princess into the carraige. Sighing Pheobe watched outside as a few people were just leaving like her. She turned to her seat and layed a small rectangular box onto her lap. Unlatching the top she removed the double horned white wand from it's case and unhooked the rainbow gem from it's chain, re-attaching the two as a complete wand. Setting the wand at her side she gazed out again, watching the stars and the earth.


Pheobe looked down at Gideon. She nodded quietly and allowed herself to be escorted off the carraige and through the portal to Clios.

"Princess Pheobe."

Pheobe looked up, nodding to Elson. "Were there any difficulties in my absence Elson?"

The older man smiled as he began to walk alongside Pheobe. "Nothing so severe that it requires immediate attention. The servants have prepared a bath for you, whenever your ready."

Pheobe nodded, dissmissing her two guards as they entered the castle. "There are no recent problems?"

Elson smiled. "Princess, you act as though an hours absence would threaten to bring the planet to ruin. You enjoyed the ball at least?"

"Somewhat." She failed to tell him about the man she had seen there. What use would it be to make a large deal over a seconds glance? She didn't even know who he was. Still, Pheobe couldn't help but wonder. "Actually Elson, I'd like to attend the next following balls."

"Could this be? The Princess is sincere to find a suiter?"

Pheobe smiled. "When do the next few balls on the moon occur?"

"They're usually weekly occurences Princess, you wish to attend them all?"

Pheobe nodded. "For now, yes."

Elson smiled. "Very good Princess. We'll schedule it immediatly. Now, off to your bath, don't let me keep you."


Pheobe sighed, leaning back in the tub as she ran water down her arms and legs. Closing her eyes she sunk deeper into the water, soaking her hair and submerging her head for a moment. Endia, she had never met the princess of earth before tonight. She knew the girl had two brothers, one of whom she had met. The older brother was rumored to have never left Earth, in fact everyone knew very little about the older prince, save, perhaps for his own planet.

//your thinking too much Pheobe//

But wasn't that what she was supposed to do? An entire planet was depending on her shouldn't she be considering everything? Still, they were only random thoughts, and random thoughts were hardly useful. Wringing out her hair she climbed out of the tub, wrapping a towel around her body before re-entering her room. Never mind tonight, she would have plenty to think about in the morning.


"Good morning Princess."

Pheobe nodded to Elson as she descended down the stairs. "Good morning Elson."

She looked up past her shoulder to examine the entrance hall and could see at least five people awaiting conference. I looked like it was going to be a slow day, perhaps a steady stream of visitors by the hour.


Pheobe's eyes widened in surprise as one of the visitors began to advance on her. Wild eyes focused on the princess and Elson atempted to block his path as he sreamed for the palace guards. The man was stopped just a few inches from her as Evonne and Gideon each grabbed his arms and pulled him away.The man struggled against the guards, still attempting to reach for Pheobe.

"Listen to me! Princess!..I know!..She's back!"

Gideon scowled jerking the man back. "Crazy Bastard. You'll leave the princess alone."

"...She's gotten stronger..she wants revenge! All who oppose her will die!" The man coninued to scream as he was dragged away.

"Are you alright Princess?"

Pheobe looked up, nodding slightly. "Yes, thank you Evonne."

Elson folded his arms, shaking his head. "It's just not a full week unless we get one crazy in here."



"What do you think he meant by 'she's back'?"

"Hard to tell with these people. Well, thats enough excitement, time for your lessons Princess."

Pheobe nodded, glancing back at the visitors before stepping down another cooridor.

"Concentrate Pheobe, just let it flow freely."

Pheobe nodded holding the staff out before her, she stared at the Rainbow Gem, completely fixing her gaze on it. "Voco Imperium."

She watched the Gem while still nothing happened. She sighed, bowing her head. "It's not working, I can't do it."

Ginya nodded, her pale blonde hair was pulled loosely back from her face, which mde it easier to control while instructiong the young princess. She was one of the top priestesses of Clios and now she had been teaching Pheobe for nearly a year how to control the Gem she had been charged to protect. Pheobe herself was dressed much differently from her usual princess attire. She wore the traditional sailor fuku, a magenta skirt and white gloves with magenta cuffs and boots. Both bows, choker collar and boot laces were purple and matched the amethyst stone on her tiara while a large magenta heart shaped brooch remained in the center of her front bow. "Thats alright, maybe you havn't found the right words yet. Put it away."

She nodded, focosing on the staff again. "Virga."

Immediatly the staff reduced in size, returning to the form of a wand in her hands. Ginya nodded. "Lets try the stage three attack."

Pheobe nodded, turning the wand horizontal with one hand. "Clios Spirit..." She stopped, tuning to her instructor. "I forgot it, I just forgot the invokation."


Pheobe nodded, once again taking postion. "Clios Spirit Mist!"
The area around her flooded with a magenta gas that expanded outward before being called back by it's summoner.

Ginya smiled. "Very good princess. I think thats enough for today."

Pheobe nodded, holding steady as magenta and purple energy circled around her, disolving her uniform before replacing it with an elegant princess gown and silver tiara, fit with amethyst stone. "Thank you Ginya."

"I was informed you have been going to the Moon Balls lately."

Pheobe nodded. "Thats correct."

"Good luck."

Pheobe smiled. "Thank you."


Step steps, twirl. Step, step, twirl. She practically stared at her feet, hardly listening as her dance partner droned on while pulling her across the floor, nearly jerking her.

"...Of course it's known the Queen favors me, in fact just the other day she told me 'Sir Lawrence, I wish to make you a prince' of course....and then i defeated the great beast of...One of the greatest..."

Pheobe continued to nod helplessly, thanking her stars when she was escorted by another into a dance, only too thrilled to be leaving her last partner behind.

"You know you look very beautiful tonight."

Pheobe nodded, stealing occasional glances into the crowd. Over four weeks and he still hadn't shown, she was starting to give up hope. The one man she could not stop thinking about had vanished in an instant.


Pheobe looked up, noticing the oung knight was staring at her. She relized her eyes had glazed over and she had completly ignored everything the man had been saying. She was almost relieved when the song ended and any awkward questions had been successfully avoided when the knight took another partner.
Her releif was short lived though, when another gentleman practically grabbed her, sweeping her across the floor in swift movements that Pheobe barely had enough time to recover from.
"You know I own nearly half the moon on Phoebos. A proporty successfully aquired though my many business dealings....."

Pheobe barely listened to the merchant's ramblings, just bareing it as he pulled her across the floor while he bragged incesantly. True he wasn't a bad dancer, but he was nearly impossible. An annoying pompus fool that had vanity pouring out his ears. Briefly she caught a glimpse of what appeared to be light tanned hair, but she was lead away so quickly she barely had the chance to made an identification. She coldn't tell if it had really been him.