Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Children of Earth ❯ Section 3: Part 1 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"I thought you hated leaving Earth Damien?"

"I've come to relize the error of my ways."

"Uh huh."

Endia folded her arms, watching her older brother dawn another stylish tunic. He was going to his third party this month without persuasion. Damien had seemed to take on a lot of new changes lately. For one thing she had not seen another woman with him in the past month, not to mention he made trips to the moon at every oportunity. The whole thing was getting out of hand.

"I bet it's another girl."

Damien shrugged. "Maybe." He finished buttoning his tunic. "Chibi wheres my sword?"

Endia folded her arms. "Endia, and how come you can date when I can't even see Demitri?"

Damien turned around, looking at his little sister. He walked over to his chair, strapping on his sword. "Alright Chibi, I'll make you a deal. If you can defeat me in a match, I'll let you date Demitri."

"What? Damien thats not fair!"

He grinned. "It's as fair as it's gonna get."

Endia folded her arms. "Isn't Demitri supposed to fight for me?"

Damien grinned. "Not the way I play it. I didn't train any of my siblings to have someone else fight for them. Besides, this way if he hurts you, I know you can kick his ass."

He checked himself in the mirror and winked at Endia before slipping out the door and down the cooridors.


He arrived alone on the moon, Endymion had already gone ahead, eager to see the princess obviously. He sighed, slipping into a carraige and taking a ride to the palace. When he arrived the ballroom was packed, thats what he got for arriving late. He passed the priestess on the way in and Damien looked at the girl in confusion. There were tears in her eyes as she ran to escape the palace. He sighed, glancing where she had come from, the stairs, he knew the sight of a heartbroken woman when he saw it.

He sighed, scanning the ballroom, searching for that mysterious girl. No one around possesed beauty like hers, it was cruel that he was only allowed one glance at the goddess to satisfy him a lifetime. He sighed in defeat, leaning against the wall. Whys should he be tortured this way? The girl was like no one he had ever seen before, her eyes had made him wish to be with her always. Well this was hopeless.

He sighed, looing up again, his eyes pierced through the crowd, focusing on one single guest. There she was, the same magenta gown, the shoulder length purple curls and violet eyes. She was there, standing by a girl of long blonde hair and yellow rose bow. He stared at the violet haired girl, pushing through the crowd, he moved faster in hopes not to miss his chance again. Finally he began to run, shocking the guests as he pushed past them, broke up the dancers in an effort to reach the girl. He moved so fast he wasn't watching where he was going, running headfirst into one of the servants carrying a plate of deviled eggs. The platter flew into the air, crashing down on damien's head and causing him to slip, her practically slid across the floor and fell at the girl's feet. Damnit! He looked up at the magenta robed goddess, a princess, he had made a fool of himself in front of a princess.


Pheobe sighed, pouring over the scrolls in the archives. She rubbed her temble groaning as she grabbed a book, skimming through it's pages for any relevant information.

"Princess, you've been at this for hours."

Pheobe turned around to Elson, smiling slightly "Sorry, it's just that man..."

Elson frowned. "Pheobe you have been dwelling over this for weeks. We're bound to recieve a few cracked nuts."

Pheobe shook her head. "No, there was something more, I could feel it, he was honest."

Elson smiled. "Ah yes, the empathic abilities of the Clioshin royal line."

Pheobe nodded. "Look at this, most of the stuff I read dates back to the beginning of Clios. Theres references to the Astral massacres, Black phage, but none of it makes any sense. But then...I looked further. Elson, it's barely mentioned but it's there. A while back there was a Clioshin..well it calls them Astral, but...there was a Clioshin who went by the name of Metelya. She came very close to destroying the peace and eliminating Earth and the Senshi. She almost won, but she was stopped by the sailor soldiers, but it came at a great price. King Kronos was killed as well as my uncle, Alden. Thats Thats why my mother was so weak wasn't it?"

"They shared a star seed without her brother your mother grew weak. But Metalya is gone."

Pheobe nodded. "Maybe. But she vowed to return and seek revenge on all who wronged her."

Elson smiled. "We'll look into it. In the meantime Princess, if your planning on going to the ball you should get ready."

Pheobe looked at Elson and nodded, closing her book. She sighed, standing up and walking down the hall to prepare for tonight.



Pheobe turned around, smiling at the girl who approached. Princess Minako smiled back, standing beside the clioshin princess.

"Hello Minako."

"Hi, this is the fifth time. Some man you have set your eyes upon?"

Pheobe smiled slightly. "Maybe."

They were interupted by a loud crash and Pheobe turned around just in time to notice a young man, the one she had been looking for crash into a platter of snacks and fall down, sliding at her feet. Pheobe blinked in disbelief as the man looked up at her, his face beat red and covered with remenents of deviled eggs. He stared at her for a moment and stood up, removing the excess egg. He didn't appear phased and regained his composure, offering his hand. "Princess, If I may have this dance?"

Pheobe smiled, it was almost amazing how he just picked himself up without a moments thought. She took his hand and nodded. "Yes."

Damien smiled and led her out on the dance floor, drawing her close. He spun her across the floor. "Your difficult to find."

Pheobe nodded, resting her head against his chest. "I've seen you before, I've wanted to find you again."

"Eh? thats news to me. Can't complain though, when an enchanting girl is trying to find me."

"I know your right for me though."

"How can you be so sure?"

Pheobe smiled her eyes meeting his. "Because I can feel it."


Prince Endymion smiled, making his way up the stairs, his heart pounding as he stepped onto the balcony. She was there in all her beauty, a beautiful white dress with a free skirt decorated with gold and white puffed sleeves. Her golden hair hung down from two odongos as the symbol of the moon crowned her forhead. "Serenity."

The princess giggled. "Your early to the ball Endy."

He smiled, approaching his princess and taking her in her arms. "I couldn't wait to see you."

She smiled. "I did miss you. You should come more often."

"As often as possible." He kissed Serenity deeply, caressing her lips with his own. As he broke away he glanced up, noticing a familiar blur of red hair run from behind the pillars and out of view.


Beryl ran from the palace, red hair trailing behind her and fighting back the tears in her eyes. Kissing another, The moon princess! She didn't have a chance, not with the prince. She sobbed as she ran, refusing to return to earth, instead she ran to Clios, back home.
Even after she arrived at the castle she continued to run, far across the field and into the forest. There she collapsed to sob.
The prince, he only loved someone else. She was only a priestess, doomed to solitude, but she loved him! How she loved him.

'I'll make him love me. I'll become a queen and he will have to love me.'