Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Dumbledore's Niece ❯ his savior ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

~His Savior~

Uni rushed in the office and saw her uncle there. "Uncle Albus!" she said in surprise.

"Hello, Uni," he greeted warmly, "Is something the matter?" he asked, noting the look on her face.

"Didn't you feel that?" she asked confused. "Oh, never mind. I forget you can't really feel anything from here." She placed Hotaru in her crib and turned back towards her uncle. "There's something wrong in the Great Hall. The outers are already there."

Dumbledore's usual twinkle in his eyes quickly turned to concern. "They can't be attacking from inside, can they?"

"I'm afraid so," she said, "I can feel its evil vibes, even from here."

"The teachers must already be there," he concluded, "We'll try and hold them off."

"Hai, Uncle Albus. I'll locate Pansy and get my brooch back," she said and ran out of the office, followed by her uncle.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Uni ran to the Great Hall where she could hear screaming and such. Some students were piling out of the Great Hall. She took a peek inside and saw that there was multiple youmas. Two had ganged up on Uranus, while the others had their own to deal with. She may not have her brooch, but she was still pretty powerful with magic. Dumbledore had already arrived and was evacuating the students from the room. Some of the teachers were also doing the same thing, but some were helping the scouts with a few spells. Uni took a step in the large room and saw Sailor Moon having difficulty with the youma. It seemed she wasn't trying at all.

'Serenity' thought Uni. She knew the moon princess wasn't trying. It was too soon for her to fight after hearing the news of Darien and Raye.

Uni placed a hand across her chest and lifted her right arm in the air. She closed her eyes and concentrated. "Silver Phoenix!" she shouted. A silver energy burst out from her right hand and took a form as a phoenix. It headed towards the youma and knocked it off its feet.

Uni ran to Sailor Moon and kneeled beside her. "What are you doing!?" she hissed. "Fight!"

"I can't," whispered Sailor Moon, "I just can't anymore." She let tears come down her face.

"Why not!?" demanded Uni.

"I feel so betrayed," she murmured.

"Hime, I know you do. But you have to fight. You'll die," she said.

"I…just can't…"

Uni heard something move behind her and turned around. The youma was up and moving again. She didn't have any time to dodge the attack and threw herself on the hopeless princess. She waited for the attack. Nothing. Uni looked up and saw Fawks. She got up and dragged Sailor Moon with her.

"Uni?" She turned around and saw Malfoy, Goyle, and Crabbe.

"What are you three doing here?" she hissed. "Do you want to get yourself killed!? Get out of here!"
"We have a right to be here if we want to," argued Crabbe.

"Fine, get yourself killed for all I care," she declared and turned her attention back to Sailor Moon. But before she could, Malfoy grabbed her shoulder and turned her around so that she was facing him. His face was close, too close for her enjoyment.

"And what about you, hmm?" he asked.

She narrowed her eyes. "No need to worry about me, I can take care of myself," she replied. Then, she heard a thump. Turning around, she saw Fawks on the ground. "Fawks!!" The youma advanced on the hopeless bird. "Silver Phoenix!!"

Uni grabbed the phoenix and went back to Malfoy and the others. She stroked the bird's feather until it woke up and took off in the air again.

"Will you three get out!!" she hissed.

Malfoy glared at her. "Fine," he said, "If you want us gone we'll go." He motioned Crabbe and Goyle to go. They quietly sneaked off to the nearest door and he soon followed.

That's when an idea hit her. Uni quickly grabbed Malfoy's wrist before he went away. He gave her a questioning look. "Look, I know I'm going to regret this, but I need your help," she said.

"Really? And what was that about you capable taking care of yourself?" he snickered.

"Forget about that! That was completely different!"

"How so?"

She growled which he found amusing. "Look, can you just do me a huge favor?"

He pretended to think. "Umm…no!!"

"Argh! Onegai!! I'll do anything!!" she regretted the words as soon as she said it.

"Oh, anything you say?" he said the word in amusement.

She sighed. "Hai, anything."

He smirked. "Give me your word and promise."

"I promise," she mumbled.

"Fine what is it?"

"I need you to get my brooch back from Pansy. She stole it from me a couple months ago," she explained.

"Pansy? Why can't you get it yourself?"

"Because I can't! Gee! If I could do it myself I wouldn't be asking you!" she cried. "Besides, it'll be easier for you to get it. That girl likes you and would do anything you tell her to."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine."

Before he could leave, she shouted to him, "Hurry up!! I need it now!!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Harry's eyes darted around the common room. All of the Gryffindor had managed to get out of the Great Hall when the monster attacked and he was now looking for Serena and her friends. Where were they? He hadn't seen her ever since she left early from Divination.

"Who are you looking for?" asked Hermione.

"Serena," replied Harry, "She probably doesn't know about those monsters!!"

"Calm down, Harry," Ron said, "She's probably safe."

Harry sighed. "I hope so."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Parkinson!!" shouted Malfoy when he entered the Slytherin tower. Almost immediately, Pansy appeared in front of him smiling. He mentally growled in disgust. He didn't really like her because he thought that she was kind of a slut.

"Yes, Draco," she said in a sickening sweet voice.

"Do you happen to have a brooch?" he asked trying not to act disgusted.

"Of course not," she replied, "Why would I have a brooch?"

He inwardly growled. This was going to be harder than he thought. Then, an idea came to him even though it kind of grossed him out. He took a step closer to her so that his and her bodies were touching slightly. He backed her into a wall and looked down at her with an evil grin even though his eyes said that this clearly grossed him out.

"Are you sure, Pansy?" he asked in a seducing voice.

She trembled. Not from fright, but from thrill. She, Pansy Parkinson, had finally snatched Draco Malfoy. Or at least that's what she thought. "M-Maybe I-I do, Draco," she managed to get out.

"Do you mind showing it to me?" he continued. Geez, even he was disgusting himself!

"I guess so." She placed a hand in her pocket and pulled out a yellow, with a hint of black and white, star locket on a silver chain. He reached out to take it when she pulled back. "Uh, uh, uh…you said show, not give," she said. He growled so lowly that she didn't hear him. "If you want it you'll have to pay a price."

Malfoy narrowed his eyes at her. "What would that be?"

She smirked and looked up at him since he was taller than her. "You'll have to give me a kiss if you want it."

"…Fine." Inside, he was boiling with anger. How dare this girl tell him to kiss her so he could have what he wanted!

She smiled with glee. She would finally get something she always wanted. He sighed and bent down to give her, her kiss. He wanted to give her a quick one, but Pansy grabbed a hold of his robes and pulled him closer. He pulled away and he scowled at her.

"The brooch," he said menacingly. She handed it to him and he stalked away in anger.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Sailor Moon!! Fight, onegai!" pleaded Uni.

"I can't…" she murmured.

"I know you're hurt. Gomen nasai! But if you don't, then the outers will die," she said, "You don't want their deaths on your head." Sailor Moon looked at Uni with sad eyes. "I promise you can tell me everything after this."

"…All right," said Sailor Moon, "I guess you're right anyways."

"Arigato, I'll join you as soon as possible."

"Arigato, Uni-chan," said Sailor Moon before heading back to the battlefield with a new kind of confidence. Without any warning, she was slammed into the wall. She blinked and found Malfoy looking pretty pissed off.

"You so owe me for this," he hissed in her ears. She looked at him bewildered. "You will not believe what I had to do to get your stupid locket."

She raised her eyebrow in interest. "Oh, really?" she snickered. "Can't wait to hear it." She cackled a little. "Now if you'll excuse me." Uni got out from his grasp and ran out of the Great Hall. She ducked into an old classroom and transformed. As Sailor Universe, she rushed back in the Great Hall and quickly ran to the helpless Uranus.

"Cosmos Breaker!!" The attack hit both youma and Universe rushed to Uranus. "You okay?"

"Hai. Glad too see you back Universe-hime," said Uranus getting up and getting her sword. "Let's finish this. Space Sword Blaster!!"

"Dark Flame Inferno!!" Uranus and Universe split up after dusting the youma. Uranus went to help Neptune and Universe to Sailor Moon. "Inferno Blaze!!"

"Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!!" The youma screamed in agony before it turned into dust. The two scouts looked back at Uranus, Neptune and Pluto finish off the final youma. They saw the teachers, but the headmaster, gaping at them. They each gave them a small smile before running out and de-transforming before they could be seen.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Serena, Haruka, and Michiru stepped into the Gryffindor Common room with some bruises underneath their robes. They limped inside and they were swarmed with students asking them millions of questions at once. The scouts shoved them aside as gently as they could and made their way to the couches. They slumped on the couches and gave out a long sigh.

"Are you okay, Serena?" asked Harry, who sitting with Ron and Hermione on either side of him across them. "You look kind of beaten."

Serena gave him a small smile. "I'm fine. I'm just aching a little."

"Why?" he asked clearly concerned.

"Heh, heh…I just fell, but I'm all right," she lied. She hated lying to him, but she couldn't reveal her secret, even if he was Harry Potter.

"What about you guys?" asked Ron to Haruka and Michiru.

"Ahh…" the both said trying to make an excuse.

"When I fell I kind of grabbed them to keep from falling, but we all fell anyways," said Serena sheepishly. Then, she asked the three, "Do any of you know where the Slytherin Tower is?"

"Why would you want to go there?" asked Hermione.

"I want to talk with Uni," said Serena, "She told me she would talk to me when she could. I need to talk to her about some things."

"Harry will show you the way, won't you Harry?" Ron said immediately.

"Err…" started Harry, unsure what to say. Ron pulled him up with Hermione's help and pushed him towards Serena. Serena stood up smiling. "I…guess," he finally mumbled. "Come on."

Serena followed him out the Gryffindor Tower, leaving a grinning Hermione and Ron who gave each other a high-five when they were out. Haruka growled, but Michiru kept her in line. Haruka did not like any guy near his hime, even if it was Darien or Harry. It was pretty obvious.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Uni entered the Slytherin Tower with her back aching and also with a headache. The headache was from the transformation because she hadn't transform for such a long time. The aching back was from who knows what. Suddenly, her back hit the wall again. She winced. Okay, maybe she knew what it was now.

"Where have you been?" he hissed.

"Who wants to know?" she asked. "And let go of me. My back hurts."

He narrowed his eyes and let go of her. She walked towards the couch and fell in it. Uni gave a long sigh and closed her eyes, trying to relax when there was a rather loud bang echoing throughout the Common Room.

"What the hell are you two idiots doing here?" she heard Malfoy growl.

"Shut up, Malfoy," she heard Harry say. "It's none of your business. We're here to see Uni and certainly not your ugly face."

"Harry that was mean! Apologize!" cried Serena.


"No buts Harry Potter!! Apologize!!"

Malfoy smirked. "Letting a girl order you around, Potter?" Harry growled.

"Damaru Draco-baka," said Uni walking up behind him. "Konnichiwa, Ser-chan, Harry-chan."

"Konnichiwa, Uni-chan," greeted Serena, "Can we talk now?"

Uni gave her a small smile, "But of course. Pay no mind to Draco. We can talk in my room. Harry-chan, would you like to join us?"

"Umm…I guess…"

"Since when do you have your own room?" asked Serena.

"Since, Pansy-baka took my brooch," replied Uni. She walked to the girl's dormitory, Serena, Malfoy, and Harry following her. They came upon a portrait that was nothing but black with stars and a crescent moon showing. "Cosmos." The portrait swung forward and revealed a large room.

"How come you have such a large room?" Malfoy demanded. "I've got my own room also, but not as big as this."

Uni ignored him and Serena giggled. She sat on her bed and crossed her legs, looking down at Serena, who sat down on the floor. Harry sat next to Serena and Malfoy joined Uni on the bed, lying back bored. Why he followed them, he didn't know. Uni looked at Serena and then at Harry, and back to Serena again. Serena moved unconsciously and finally filled in the silence.

"Raye and Darien were…" she started, but couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence. Harry looked at her curiously. "I-I…I can't say it…Gomen nasai, Uni-chan, for wasting your time." She started to get up.

"Sit, Serena," she ordered in a very command voice. "Try and say it. It'll help."

"B-But, I-I can't," said a very flustered Serena.

Uni shrugged, almost carelessly. "I've got a while lifetime, Sere-chan."

Serena sighed and shook her head. "I-I can't.."

"What's the matter, Tsukino," sneered Malfoy, sitting up on his elbow, "Cat got your tongue?"

"Shut up/Damaru, Malfoy/Draco," Uni and Harry said at the same time. He smirked and lay back once again.

Harry turned to Serena with caring eyes. "Come on, Serena. Spit it out. Can't be that bad," he said to her almost playfully.

Serena looked into his eyes and saw his care for her. Uni would have gagged right there and then if it had been for another reason they were all gathered here, but decided against it.

"T-They…were seeing…each other…behind…" she said slowly, his and her eyes still locked. "…My…back…"She gave Harry a sad smile. "I've always…suspected them…I guess…But when he…they finally admitted it…it broke my hear and it hurt…so much…" Tears, at that time, were falling down her face. Harry unconsciously took her into his arms and did his best to comfort her. She placed her arms around his waist and continued to cry freely.

Uni rolled her eyes. She wasn't much with such display of emotions and lay back, next to Malfoy. He smirked.

"Nani!" she asked.

"You've got to seriously stop with all that Japanese," he remarked. She shrugged in reply.

"Uni-chan?" Serena asked, after calming down a little.

"Hai?" she answered still lying down.

"Why does it hurt so much? What happened?"

Uni sighed and sat up. She looked at the tearful Serena, still clinging onto Harry. "You know never to come to me when asking those questions," she scowled. "Got to Mina-chan for that."

"I know, but Mina-chan and minna…"

Uni's face softened, "Coming here changed the flow. Both Sets-chan and I felt it coming. Besides, Sere-chan, you know you never did love him, correct?"

"I-I guess…"

"Just because your future has been laid out for you, does not mean you should follow it. Make your own destiny and only yourself should choose the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Your soul mate," continued Uni.



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Serena groaned and sat up slowly. She looked around, but found herself on the floor with blankets and pillows and…Harry…She smiled remembering last night and her friends' comforting words.

"Make my own destiny…" she whispered to herself.

Last night after their talk, they began to discuss about other things like Professor Snap, Professor McGonagall and Malfoy and making fun of Malfoy, etc. Serena looked down at Harry and said in a whisper.

"Harry…I want you to be my destiny. And only you."

As she said these words, she didn't notice someone was awake hearing her every words.

'You've chosen your destiny, hime. You've chosen well…'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Where is he?" someone was heard shouting.

Uni groaned, rubbing his eyes. Who the hell was making all that noise?! She heard someone move beside her and looked over.

"Who the hell Is making all that noise?!" shouted Malfoy. Uni winced and rubbed her ears. Harry bolted upright and rubbed his eyes in confusion.

"I don't know and I'd doubt if I give a care," she mumbled. The shouting continued outside her room ticking her off. "I'm so not a morning person! Yuri, please go find out what's going on!"

A black, red, and yellow phoenix appeared in the room and exited the room through the door, which had opened automatically and closed itself. Uni fell back on her bed, groaning as Malfoy smirked at her. Soon, Yuri came back and began to peck at Uni's shoulder, who ignored her.

"Yuri…" whined Uni. The phoenix gave a shrill cry and flew over to Serena waking her up.

"What's up, Yuri?" groaned Serena. Yuri replied with a cry, causing Serena to cock her head. "Anno…Malfoy?"

"What?" he snapped.

"Anno…Minna's looking for you," she replied. He gave her a confused look, making her giggle. "Everyone's looking for you downstairs," she translated.

"Oh." He got up and headed downstairs, wondering how she knew that.

"Harry, Serena, you guys follow him out so you can change," mumbled Uni, getting up.

"Right. The two got up and followed Malfoy quietly out. Uni grabbed a towel and headed towards the bathroom, still half asleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"You may take as many days off as you would like, Mr. Malfoy," said Professor Dumbledore quietly. "You are going through something…horrible."

"Where is my father?" Malfoy demanded.

"…I'm afraid he could not come himself. He informed me he will come as soon as he has finished some important business," replied Dumbledore. Malfoy looked down at his hands almost angrily.

"If you need anything, please, you are welcome to ask."

"Whatever," said Malfoy, getting up and leaving the room, not speaking another word.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Where were you two?" demanded Haruka as Harry and Serena entered the common room.

"Anno…Uni's room?" said Serena. Haruka glared at her. "We were! You can ask her!"

"…Haruka…clam down…" said Michiru, placing a hand on her cousin's shoulder and sweatdropping. As Michiru tried calming Haruka, Harry, and Serena sneaked off into their dormitories.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ron opened his eyes, still half asleep when he heard the door to his dormitory close. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and his red fiery hair all over the place.


"Huh? Harry? Where were you!?" cried Ron, suddenly fully-awake.

"Shhh!! You'll wake up Neville and Seamus!" hushed Harry.

"Too late, I believe we're already awake," said Seamus.

"Sorry," apologized Ron. Then, he turned back to Harry and said, "Me and Hermione were looking for you last night."

"What for?"

Ron looked at Neville and Seamus and replied, "Later. Right now, I want breakfast!"

Ron jumped out of bed, as did Seamus and Neville, and got dressed. Harry shook his head and also changed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Serena?" Hermione asked as she saw Serena coming in while she placed her books in her bag.

"Oh? Konnichiwa, Hermione," replied Serena.

"Where were you last night?" asked Hermione.

"At Uni-chan's room. I was talking to her and we all fell asleep," explained Serena.

"Whose all?"

"Umm…Draco, Harry, Uni, and I…" Hermione raised an eyebrow. Serena grabbed her towel and went inside the bathroom.

'What were they doing…?' Hermione asked.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Uni yawned as she came out of the bathroom, the towel around her body. Steam escaped from the bathroom and some drops of water fell from her bangs on her body. She shivered slightly and headed towards her dresser. A good thing on having your own room was that she didn't have to change in a bathroom Uni pulled out a robe, a pair of jean, and a tank top. She dropped to her knees to open the very bottom drawer and pulled out a pair of socks. Uni got up and was going to release her towel to dress, when she felt someone watch her. She turned around and saw someone sitting on the edge of her bed. Uni went to walk in front of him and placed her free hand on her hips.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded. He gave her a slight shrug and looked down at his hands. Uni's eyes soften and dropped to her knees. He looked up at her and she asked softly, "What's wrong?"

'She sure changes moods fast' he thought. 'Her eyes…like they hold so much compassion for me…' Then without another thought, he leaned in and got her right in the lips. Her eyes grew wide as he did this, her hand gripping her towel.

'Who does he think he is!' screamed Uni inside her head. 'Uni! Push him away!' said another part of her. 'But…his eyes…he looks so sad…' she replied as her eyes closed slowly.

Malfoy pulled back and said, "…my mother is dead…"

She got up and sat next to him. "What happened…"

"…Heart attack….but….she didn't have heart problems, so I don't understand," replied Malfoy.

"…Well, at least you knew your mother was healthy…" she said. Mafoy said nothing. After a while, Uni got up and got her clothes. She went in the bathroom to change and after a few minutes came back out. "Come on…let's go eat." He nodded and walked after her, exiting the room.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Uni walked in the great hall, followed by Malfoy behind her. Once again, and probably for the millionth time that year, she was pulled into the Gryffindor table. Malfoy kept going and didn't bother to help her, seeing how she always came back. Uni rolled her eyes and sat down as directed.

"Nani?" she asked, annoyed.

"did Serena-hime spend the night in your room as well as Harry and Malfoy?" Haruka asked, getting straight to the point.

"hai. Anything else?" she asked.

"I've got on!" Serena cried, hopping behind them. She seemed to be her old self again.

"Hey, Serena," greeted Harry, before taking a bite of his muffing.

"Good morning, Serena," said Ron and Hermione.

"ohayo, hime," said Haruka and Michiru.

"hiya!" Serena replied, "My question is…do you like Malfoy?"

Uni froze up and her mind reeled like a tornado. "…excuse me?" she asked.

"Do you have a crush on Malfoy?" Serena repeated. Almost everyone at the Gryffindor table stopped eating and watched them, wanting an answer. They learned over the weeks that Uni favored Gryffindor over Slytherin and also that though she was…nice…she wasn't to be messed with.

Uni sighed and replied, "Iie."

"Are you sure?" asked Michiru.

"Hai!" Then, she saw Malfoy leave the Great Hall with food in his hands. "Sumimasen…I'll be right back," she said standing up and followed him out. Minna blinked after her. There was complete silence at the Gryffindor's table.

"Uni likes…Malfoy?" asked Harry almost uncertain, braking the silence.

Michiru and Serena received an evil glint in their eyes, that of which Haruka noticed. 'Uh-oh' was all that crossed her mind.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Malfoy walked across the ground of Hogwarts towards the Quidditch field, unbeknownst to him someone was following him. He sat down in the middle of the field and began to eat his breakfast.

'Mother…I will find out what happened to you' he thought angrily. 'What really happened..'

He felt someone sit next to him and noticed a black-haired girl. "…Where's your father?" she asked, leaning back on her elbows and looking at him.

"…I don't know… Dumbledore said he would come after he finished some business…." He replied.

"You know…in some ways, I do understand what you're going through…" she started, "I don't remember much…but at least she didn't get killed or died in front of you…"

"What happened?"

Uni was silent, quietly whether to tell him or not. "…My older sister killed her after an evil entity took her body over. Okasan was sick anyways." Deciding to leave the reincarnation part out, she continued, "I was…sent to another family to live with but she was after me. Not wanting to get them killed…I left…"

She got up. "Hai, it's hard, but you're going to have to get over it…" before leaving, she added, "And send a letter to your otosan…he should be here with you…"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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