Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Frozen Rain ❯ The Compromise ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Frozen Rain

Warning: OOC moments.

         Chapter Two

         The Compromise

Even now I find it very hard to believe, not to mention discouraging that for the past several months that five teenage girls have been able to "defeat" my comrades and myself. Sure they have some mediocre power on their side the entire time, but luck is probably their only reliable weapon. However it does seem rather unfortunate for this rather scrawny looking child; for her luck has finally run out. Funny, when I had set the traps I hadn't suspected that this girl would be caught, maybe the blonde with the strange meatball hair style or maybe the other blonde with the red bow, both of them seem to fit the term human refer to as "flakes" I believe. Let me ask you something, if these girls are fully blooded Japanese than why the blond hair? Or blue hair like my unwilling guest of the moment? Odd to say the least. Speaking of my guest.

'Um excuse me." she starts to say but her voice trails off and seems to vanish into thin air.

Gods is she really that timid?

Not that it changes anything but if I have to kill her I would at least would like to do so without having her crying or pleading dramatically. It would take all of the fun out of the job.

I was being sarcastic baka.

Not that I am going soft or anything but I would rather forgo physically deposing of the senshi, that's what youma are for. However when Beryl "created" the monsters; their brains were sold separately, at least that's the case with most of them, 'one of the plausible reasons that these teenage girls keep beating the crap out of us'.

Oh well can't be helped I suppose.

Standing over the blue haired girl I can see fear flickering behind her large doe like blue eyes; she knows that I am powerful enough to destroy her so rather than arguing her fate she accepts it with fear and silence. Smart girl. Might as well get this over with. Without tearing my gaze away from her I spread my hands only a few inches apart, steadily gathering energy to fire a blast that will give her quick death. Still she says nothing, just stares up at me, her gaze is solemn but still holds fear. This unnerves me.

No pleas, no last requests, or even a last word, nothing. Even youmas beg before their destruction by Beryl's hand, and yet she refuses to even acknowledge her demise. Again I am not going soft but it just makes me feel uneasy that she is so quiet, it makes me wonder if she really knows what is about to happen, that I can, and will kill her before the next blink of her eyes. All right the blink after that, gathering energy does take a while especially if you're about to destroy someone with it. The attack is just about ready and yet she still just stares at me like some stupid animal. I want to snap at her, order her to say something, anything. I need to know that I am wasting this energy on killing something that is still alive damnit.

Giving up I abruptly cut off the attack; it is this action that has seemed to capture her attention but still doesn't speak, not even to ask why I have stopped. Maybe I was wrong, if she is really so dumb as to not realize that I hold her life in my hands then she has evolved passed the level of stupidly of the two blonds, combined.

"Well, " I begin.

"Well what?" she asks

"Don't you have any last words?" I ask, my patience edging on snapping. Normally I not this snippy, many would even say that in some situations I am irresponsive but after that little useless skirmish with her "friends" only to come back not only in defeat but have Beryl give me a long and pointless harping session, the last thing I needed was her complicating matters.

She shakes her head no.

So much for her not complicating matters.

I don't know why but I can't just kill her without her saying at least something significant, or corny. I may be evil but I still believe that a person has their right to say their peace before they die. But there is something else that I can't put my finger on. Maybe I am gong soft.

No way. I am evil; I've done worse things than killing an annoyance, she's not even an innocent, just a pesky little bug that has nothing better to do than interfere with Beryl's plans. So why is it so hard for me to just kill her like the pest she is? Then I see it, just for a moment though. She raises herself as high as her sitting form will allow her. Her shoulders squared, eyes determined and hard, no longer blue but green, her soft heart shaped face replaced with a harder yet still feminine looking face, her short blue hair now long and cooper strands. She reminds me of Zoicite when he first joined the Negaverse, very reluctantly I might add. His thoughts still clouded by a life the four of us had abandoned a millennium ago. His expression screaming of defiance and determination against me, against Beryl, against the world around us as he tried to withdraw back into the false comfort of those bittersweet memories of what was.

But eventually he broke; he soon learned that this life was better than what we once had. Just by looking at the skepticism creeping into her eyes, I can tell that this girl is partially broken in spirit as well, not by mine or Beryl's hands though, but by the world. Tragic, one so young and already dying; I would pity her if I wasn't so degusted. Gods killing her would be doing her a favor. However annoyance is overridden by one of my few vices; I do pity her, but it goes deeper than that. I have the strong compulsion to help her. The same was with Zoicite; once Beryl had broken him he was frightened, nervous, and over emotional, in short a hazard to himself. The girl is like him in that respect, amazing that two very different people could share such odd similarities. This discovery does more harm than good though, for as much as I want to be rid of at least one of the brats I can't bring myself to kill her.

So what are my options?

I could let her go.

Ha! Yeah right and let her brag to her friends that the high commander of the Negaverse Kunzite had a nervous break down and released her; I don't think so.

I could just hand her off to one of the youma, there by gaining that youma's devotion for providing her with fresh meat, which could be useful on my next mission.

Nah, if one youma received fresh meat, she would tell her friends and they would all be hitting me up for food. And if you have never seen a very pissed off hungry female youma, let alone a mod of them, trust me you would have nightmares for weeks. Jadeite never got over the last time that happed either, always had a nervous tick whenever the word "duck" was mentioned. Don't ask, it's just to painful and embarrassing to go into.

I could just let her stay with me, brainwash her into thinking that her friends abandoned her, then proceed to secretly train her, and then when the time come release her on her unsuspecting friends.

I don't know sounds a little bit too elaborate.

Or I could kill her.

Okay, when in doubt go with answer C. Elaborate but will more than likely be very effective.

Hell if I play my cards right I probably won't even have to brain wash her! For as far as I know her friends have yet to storm the gates of the Negaverse demanding her release. Of course that might have something to do with the fact that they don't know exactly where the Negaverse is located, but again if I am careful she'll forget that minor detail. True it would be easier to brain wash her but such a process destroys what little mind it left. Just look at what it did to that asshole that Beryl just recently acquired to kiss her ass. Yes I am talking about dear old Prince Endymion. Hmm it might be possible that once I have control of this slip of a girl I can have her dispose of his worthless existence.

Hey one can dream, or plot in this case.