Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Frozen Rain ❯ The Perfectionist ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Frozen Rain

         Chapter Three

         The Perfectionist

         “We start your training today.”

Those few words started my decent into the Negaverse, also known as the Dark Kingdom.

“Pardon?” I replied.

Kunzite crossed his arms over his chest, I gesture that I had deceiver in the short few days in his presence one of annoyance possibly impatience.

At that time I had been in held captive for over three days. Needless to say this was not what I had been expecting when I had first been brought to this place. For one thing I had expected Kunzite to kill me. I think he had the same expectations as well if that chi blast he had been preparing was any indication. But then he just stopped right in the middle of the attack. Even after spending five days in his company I have yet figured out why he has keep me alive. Well in actuality I have only been conscious for two days of that time.

I know that he had something to do with that but I just can't figure out how or a better question why. One minute I was wide awake, scared to death that he was going to just turn on his heel and blast my brains out; then suddenly my world went pitch black. Into the following day I woke up to a raging fever and a sick feeling in my stomach sometimes actually becoming sick. Yet even in consciousness I could hardly tell what was going on around me, I couldn't speak and barely hear. It was like being deaf, mute, and blind even after having years of healthy senses, a very scary feeling. One time I awoke from a horrific nightmare, I had been in a battle.

` Blood ran like a stream and fell like rain from the sky at times. Bodies in various states of decay and rot surrounded me; many of them faces that I recognized from this dream yet had no clue as to their identities. My body felt taxed beyond it's limits, scars and open wounds oozing blood marred my body as my senshi uniform was nothing but taters, my hair matted with sweat and mud as rain poured down around me. For once my guardian element was not a comfort because the sky seemed to be weeping with me. I knew who had laid waste to this place; I knew those whom had destroyed what was once paradise. Such attacks had happened to this world before, but never had it been this devastating or this personal. Four shadows steadily approached my tired form as fear steals my breath; my pulse rises as I tighten my grip on my weapon. Let them come> I am ready to die for what is there left to live for. I will not go quietly.'

It was at that moment that I awoke in delirious state my mind clouded both by my strange sickness and my nightmare. I screamed flailing my arms and kicking my legs to ward off the monsters from the dream. Two strong arms grasped me tightly causing me to panic even more. I tired to attack the phantom that had held me captive but it was a useless struggle and I was soon drained of what little strength I had to fight. Slowly the fog was lifting from my mind but the dream was still stronger than an impression as those horrid faces of people I had known in that time flashed before me, everyone was dead and gone. I was left all alone.

I fear nothing more than being left alone…forever.

Tears coursed down my face as I weakly raised my hands to grasp cloth that covered the arms. The “phantom” that I had once struggled against had become something real, something to hold on to, a tangible hope. Slowly my breathing settled as did my pulse; I felt my consciousness steadily began to slip away again as did the arms that had held me. If I couldn't have one I wanted to latch onto the other so I reached out and grasped the cloth- covered arms again. My lips trembled as I spoke with a parched voice.

“Please, don't go. I need you to stay with me, just for a moment.” I am not entirely sure if I had actually spoken those words or just think that I did. I highly doubt that I was coherent enough to say something let alone two whole sentences but then again I had been coherent enough to remember what had happened in that short amount of time. But whether my words were heard or not the “phantom” stayed by my side at least until the moment I slipped back into slumber. Several hours later I awoke to find myself tucked inside a large bed left alone inside this room that was even larger than the one I had entered when I had first arrived in the Negaverse. On the edge of the bed rested a neatly folded pile of gray cloth which I could easily recognize as the uniform that the Negaverse generals wear or have worn in some cases. As I arose to reach the cloth in the back of my mind I wondered why he hadn't killed me.

Why the clothing? And a uniform nonetheless? Was this some kind of trick or sick joke? But since blonde wasn't there for me to question directly I assumed that it was meant for me, for one thing the shirt was too small for him to wear. At first I was cautious about transforming out of my Sailor fuku since it would reveal my civilian identity to Kunzite, which could pose as a problem if I ever mange to escape from him. On the other hand I had no idea that I would even live to see the next day or however they measure time in this place. Why the hell not? Gently I tried to ease myself out of the bed only to find myself feeling very weak and unable to move much without feeling dizzy. My vision split and spins causing me to nearly fall off the side of the bed but I was stopped when something…or should I say someone caught me.

“Be careful. You still have another day or two left before you can move around again.” Kunzite replied, his tone devoid of concern.

A shutter raced down my spine. Damnit I hadn't even notice that he was in the room! Normally I am very alert of my surroundings. So either this strange illness had affected me much worse than I had expected or he had somehow concealed himself from my notice. Neither option is preferable. I flinched when I felt one of his calloused hands touch my forehead, checking for a fever, I hope. This doesn't make sense though.

He's suppose to be the bad guy right? Or have I missed something? Why should he care if I have been sick? He shouldn't care how I die whether it is by his hands or by a freakish disease; unless he has some inferiority complex that demands that he kills me by his means and not have some illness knock me off before he could. Withdrawing his hand I could see a hard scowl on his face.

“Oh dear kami did I just say all of that out loud?!” I panicked. But I could have sworn that I hadn't said a word. Maybe it is something else he is pissed off about. Maybe I was wrong and he had really wanted the disease to kill me. Sorry buddy but you're looking at the daughter of a doctor; I have had all of my vaccinations thank you very much. So needless to say his next question shocked the crud out of me.

“Are you feeling better?”

You could have knocked me over with a feather.

“Ha..Hai I am feeling better.” I stuttered.

Now look at this picture and tell me nothing's wrong. He asked if I was “feeling better” You don't ask your archenemy something like that! You scream at them as to why they had the audacity to survive aforementioned ailment, not ask if they are “feeling better.” Apparently blonde and myself are taking notes from completely different books because our conversation just kept getting weirder.

“Are you certain?”

I simply nodded in response, not trusting myself enough to speak.

“You're not hungry or thirsty?”

I shook my head no again. Strange, after vomiting the contents of my stomach for the past two days it should be a given that I should be at least a little bit hungry or thirsty at least. But I was neither. Bizarre.

A smirk crossed my captor's face. “Good then the transfer was performed properly.”

“Transfer”? “Performed properly”? What in the world is he talking about?” I wondered.

“Later I'll explain things later.” Kunzite stated answering my question, which I knew was NOT spoken.

`Oh shit!'

`He can read minds! Or my mind at least! Ack that's even worse! Get out of my head, get out of my head this instant!'

The only reply I received from blonde is a short snort. Translation, Nope I am evil remember. I can invade your mind if I wish to.

Oh I am in so much trouble. Now I can't follow through with my brilliant escape…plan. Oh perfect.

A very smug grin crosses blonde's lips. Yep he can read minds. Thank the gods he can't communicate telepathically as well.

`Think again little solider.'

I spoke too soon.

So picture this if you will I had a fully two days in bed recovering from that bizarre sickness with nothing to do. Let's just say that Kunzite isn't really one for conversation, telepathically or verbally. I couldn't device any escape plans whatsoever because as soon as I so much as thought something Kunzite would give me this dirty-I-dare-you-sort of glare, which keep reminding me of his ability. I wonder if he had always been able to do this or if it is a newly acquired skill? That might explain how he knew that we were faking and how many trap holes to set up. But if he has had this ability all along then how come he came up with such Cracker Jack schemes that we had been able to beat so freaking easily on the earlier occasions that we had fought against him.

`I heard that' Kunzite shot back.

A grin crossed my face and I barely reisit the urge to stick out my tongue at him.

`Baka I wanted you to hear that!' I crow

At that comment he shot me a withering glare.

“So what is all this training stuff about?” I asked carefully; for even though Kunzite has done nothing to me that could be seen as harmful after that incident after I had arrived, yet I am still waiting for him to spring a trap or something.

I don't understand.

Why would he wait so long to be rid of me? I am on his turf now, he knows this place and its' dark power like the back of his hand whereas I feel my powers as Sailor Mercury gradually fading. He could have just as easily killed me with that energy blast that first day but he stopped. Kami compared to this Calculus is a piece of cake.

“I would strongly suggest that you change into the uniform.” Kunzite said to me, glancing pointedly at my Sailor fuku.

Well I suppose I don't have much of a choice do I. Quickly I detransform back into the civilian clothing, i.e. jeans, a long sleeved sweater and tennis shoes. Unfolding the uniform I know that he is still present in the room. He doesn't expect me to undress with him just standing there does he? I hope not, I feel very uncomfortable dressing out in the girl's locker room at P.E. In short there is no way in hell that I'll allow a guy, be he foe or friend, to see me disrobe.

`Okay if you really can read my mind would it be too much trouble to ask you to exit the room while I change.'

About half way through the sentence I hear footsteps walk to the other side of the room and the door closing, leaving me alone in the room. This knowledge his ability is both comforting and unnerving. For one I can tell that he has yet to pry into deeper realms such as my memories or emotions, just thoughts as far as I can tell. But having someone know what is going through my mind at all hours of the day is still very creepy.

The clothing that had been provided for me was a simple gray shirt with gold buttons on the front and two on each cuff of the sleeves. At the collar of the shirt was a dark blue jewel decoration. Thank kami there are none of those stupid shoulder decorations, as were on the other uniforms I had seen from the other Dark Kingdom generals. The pants were the same gray color and appeared to be the right length. Black boots rested at the foot of the bed. As soon as I shrugged the shirt on and buttoned it up I realized that there was a small snag with the clothing, the shirt though being rather small was still a little bit too bit for me so the sleeves pooled around my wrists and the length of the shirt was so long that it made me look like a wrinkled elephant especially when I tried to tuck the excess cloth into the pants, which by the way fit perfectly.

The boots fitted as well even though they were a pain to tie on. I must look hideous with this stupid shirt, besides gray has never been a kind color to me. Oh well they say that gray is the new blue. Besides I don't think blonde will be too open about a suggestion on the uniform. I wonder where he got this stuff from since the shirt and pants mismatch in sizes. Great, first I make a stupid mistake and fall into a trap that a toddler could have avoided, then I get sick, and now I am worried about the fashion statement I am making and where and how my ENEMY has obtained my clothing. Could someone just shoot me now and put me out of my misery.