Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon: Crystal Chronicles ❯ The Final War & A New Hope ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Finally, war was on and the battle between the Chronus Knights and the Sailor Senshi was raging. All that was hanging in the balance was that ever reviled and destructive talisman, known as the Chronos Crystal. The Sailor Senshi and the Chronus Knights stood atop opposite rooftops, as rubble and destruction was in their midst. Fiore was the first to step up. Laughing at the all ready angry Sailor Senshi, Fiore held within his hands about seven seeds.
“You Sailor Senshi are very predictable. You all will be lucky if you last even five minutes.” Fiore said. Suddenly, he threw the seeds at the rooftop where the Sailor Senshi were, and suddenly, the seeds charged themselves and out popped seven of his Kanpanyuran monsters.
“Oh my damn…” Zoicite muttered as the Kanpanyuran came closer and closer.
“Deep….Submerge!” Sailor Neptune yelled as a wavy ball of water energy crept into her palms, and drowned one of the Kanpanyuran. Suddenly, it shook violently, and exploded.
“I owe you one, Sailor Neptune!” Zoicite called out to Sailor Neptune with a smirk. She winked back at him, and looked back at the Chronus Knights. King Endymion suddenly made a decision.
“Senshi, you all deal with the Chronus Knights! Zoicite, Kunzite and myself will handle the Kanpanyuran kaiju!” The King called out as the Senshi directed their attentions for the Chronus Knights. All the while, the Chronus Crystal was busy decimating another section of Crystal Tokyo with ease as the power from the talisman made a thunderous storm. Speaking of storms, Kasumi broke herself away from Kai and headed for the Senshi.
“I got Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Uranus!” Kasumi yelled, and with that, she used her thunderbolt attacks to bring them down and as they fell onto the nearby street, Kasumi followed them. Kai was next.
“I'll have a go with the water babes. Bring it on Neptune and Mercury!” Kai said as he went over to fight with the two Senshi.
Yodoshi and Fiore laughed with one another and they went out for their desired Senshi; Yodoshi took Mars, Venus and Saturn while Fiore had Pluto, Millennium, Orbit and Chibi Moon to contend with. Nephrite was wielding the Chronus Crystal to create and cause more forms of chaos within the city of Crystal Tokyo. “If Sailor Moon was here, then I'd gladly would rip her a brand new asshole. Ha, lucky for her.” Nephrite laughed holding the Chronos Crystal as more energy blasts began to take shape.
In the matter of the Chronus Knight Kasumi, Uranus and Jupiter looked at one another and decided who should strike first. Jumping in the sky with thunder and lightening forming in her fist, Sailor Jupiter came first ready to fight Kasumi. Arming herself with thunder to match Sailor Jupiter's, Kasumi and Jupiter crashed to opposite sides of the streets, but both quickly got back up. Blood was on the side of Kasumi's mouth, but she gave the Senshi a wicked smirk and licked it all up, very sensually.
“Yummy. You Sailor Senshi will make delicious deaths.” Kasumi said.
“You sick, bitch. I am going to make sure that you and the other Chronus Knights fall at our hands!” Sailor Uranus yelled. Charging for her, Sailor Uranus landed a kick to the side of Kasumi's face, and Jupiter backed it up with an elbow smash to Kasumi's back. The Chronus Knight did not appear phased, so she quickly grabbed both Uranus and Jupiter, charged them up with her electrical energy and suddenly, they both crashed into opposite storefronts. Kasumi laughed wickedly as crimson came flowing from cuts that they sustained from her assault.
“Sparkling Wide Pressure!” Sailor Jupiter wailed as she got up from the broken glass and emitted that thunder attack. Uranus too got back up and noticed what was going on.
“World Shaking!” Sailor Uranus said as she unleashed the energy ball at Kasumi. The attacks had merged together and headed straight for Kasumi. Luckily for the Chronus Knight, she made a lightening force of shielding to protect herself from the assault. Laughing all the way as Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Uranus looked on in fright, Kasumi powered up completely with watts upon watts of electrical energy. Jupiter sighed at the sight, while Uranus unearthed her powerful Space Sword.
“Well, let's light this thing up!” Kasumi laughed as she launched the electrical power. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Jupiter smiled at each other and braced themselves for the sudden impact of Kasumi's attack.
Meanwhile, Kai was deep in battle with Sailor Neptune and Sailor Mercury, and things were not looking too good for the Sailor Senshi.
“Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!” Sailor Mercury called as water struck Kai, who already stopped Mercury's assault with his own river of water to make a blockade. Sailor Mercury damn-neared drowned in Kai's watery grave, but Sailor Neptune made the save for her. After being assisted by Neptune, Sailor Mercury pulled out her Computer Compact and began to type in many instructions into the machine, and Sailor Neptune looked at her with a blank face.
“What the hell are you doing, now is not the time for math equations Mercury!” Sailor Neptune argued as Mercury continued punching in instructions.
“Be patient, Neptune. This Chronus Knight is very reckless and I'm sure there is a proper way to quickly eliminate him. Just give me a few more seconds, okay?” Sailor Mercury said as finally the beeping sound occurred. This shown the data to expose Kai's weakness.
“How? I am all powerful, you bitches can't tame me!” Kai yelled out amid laughter as a towering river of water appeared on the city streets behind him.
“Oh yeah, we'll see about that! Jupiter, would you be so kind?” Mercury questioned with a smile. Coming over to there corner, Sailor Jupiter generated so much electrical and thunderous energy that it surged through her to the streets. Sailor Mercury and Sailor Neptune both backed away to let Sailor Jupiter do what she does best.
“Jupiter Thunder Dragon!” The Sailor Senshi yelled as thunder in the form of a dragon came out and began to fry and make Kai quell and tremble, until he vanquished into nothingness. One Chronus Knight was down for the count. Mercury and Neptune hugged in celebration, but Kasumi was angry in rage.
“YOU KILLED KAI? HOW DARE YOU!?!?!” Kasumi yelled to the top of her lungs.
“If it's any consolation, you'll be joining him in mere moments! Let's put her on ice for good, Sailor Mercury!” Sailor Neptune told Sailor Mercury as they prepared to give their deathblows to Kasumi.
“Mercury Aqua Mirage!” Sailor Mercury launched her ultimate attack and it caught Kasumi off guard.
“Deep Submerge!” Neptune called out once more as water drowned the already icy Kasumi. All that was left of the Chronus Knight was a large block of ice where she was frozen solid.
“What happened to her?” Sailor Uranus questioned.
“I lowered the temperature on my attacks at freezing rates. She's going nowhere.” Sailor Mercury said as she looked at Sailor Neptune.
Running together, both Uranus and Jupiter kicked the icy tomb of Kasumi, breaking her up in frozen pieces of nothing. Two Chronus Knights were out for the count. Both Uranus and Jupiter clapped each other five.
“Let me find out you can kick some ass, Jupiter?” Sailor Uranus laughed as Sailor Jupiter put a hand through her ponytail.
Yodoshi was busy dealing with the threat of Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars and Sailor Saturn. The three Sailor Senshi were dishing out everything to try and take him down, but in the end, Yodoshi was using his demonic power of absorbing their magic and using it back at them.
“Mars Flame Sniper!” Sailor Mars called out as she shot a fiery projectile at Yodoshi who absorbed it and threw the fire back at them, causing more hysteria.
“Venus Love And Beauty Shock!” Sailor Venus called as she shot an energy beam that was reflected back at her.
“I would throw my best at him, but that could end up deadly for us. I have a plan though!” Sailor Saturn told Venus and Mars.
“What is it?” Venus questioned.
“Mars, can you use your Anti-Evil Sign on him so I can try and invade his body, with me being a spirit and all?” Sailor Saturn questioned.
“Yes.” Mars said happily.
“You can land you're two attacks and Yodoshi will just be gravy.” Sailor Saturn said. Quickly, Sailor Mars had charged their Anti-Evil Sign and threw it to the head of Yodoshi.
“What the hell is this?” Yodoshi questioned as Sailor Mars started to pray. Yodoshi went frigid and Saturn slowly crept into his body.
“NOW!” Saturn/Yodoshi called out.
“Fire……..Soul!” Sailor Mars called out as an inferno raged upon Yodoshi.
“Crescent Beam Shower!” Sailor Venus called out as her wall of energy coincided with Mars' firepower, to destroy the evil Chronus Knight. Sailor Saturn crept out of his essence and rejoiced with the Senshi. They then proceeded to help King Endymion and the guards with one final Kanpanyuran that remained. All the while, Pluto, Chibi Moon, Millennium and Orbit were battling Fiore and seemed like the odds were on their side this time.
“Pink Sugar Heart Attack-u!” Chibi Moon called out as she used her rod to attack Fiore with massive hearts. Fiore, who came back, attacked Chibi Moon with his flower energy, overwhelming the youngest Sailor Senshi.
“Small Lady no!” Sailor Pluto yelled out. “Dead…….Scream!” Sailor Pluto called as she struck Fiore with the violet energy ball that made him tremble and ravaged him.
Fiore came back and took swipes at Sailor Pluto with his extensive claws. Cutting her, Pluto fell back after being assaulted with the shallow cuts, but Sailor Millennium came to her aid by kicking and punching Fiore rapidly with various martial arts movements. Sailor Millennium connected with a kick to Fiore's temple wounding him and making him fall backwards. Seeking opportunity, Sailor Orbit made the strike to impale Fiore.
“Meteorite Repulsion!” Sailor Orbit yelled as she shot her energy straight through Fiore's head, making a hole with the beam going through one end and out the other. Fiore, tried to power up but the hole was too great and he keeled over and vanquished.
“Hot damn, the war is almost over! Just Nephrite and that's it!” Sailor Millennium said. Quickly, all eleven Sailor Senshi assembled together watching Nephrite's continuous onslaught with the Chronos Crystal as he laughed.
“What the hell is so funny? We have you cornered!” King Endymion questioned as Nephrite's laughter continued.
“You inglorious bastards! Look around! All of Crystal Tokyo is destroyed, and though you destroyed those insolent Chronus Knights, I still reign supreme! With the Chronos Crystal in my possession you all shall die! Say your final prayers!” Nephrite said as the Chronos Crystal began to glitter.
“You know I cannot allow you to do that.” A familiar voice called out. The Sailor Senshi looking up, across from Nephrite on a towering crystal pedestal was Neo Queen Usagi, armed with her Neo Moon Staff.
“Bitch, you're going to die and the Moon Kingdom will be mine!” Nephrite called as the Chronos Crystal began to blink crazily.
“I do not fear you Nephrite. The Sailor Senshi and I are one. The power is within us, and we shall survive. Gentle spirits of my friends, followers and the Moon itself empower my Silver Crystal!” Neo Queen Usagi said as she held up the Neo Moon Staff with the all-powerful Silver Crystal emitting light and power. Nephrite unearthed the dark energy of the Chronos Crystal, but the Silver Crystal was even more powerful due to the Sailor power of the Senshi. Fortunately, Neo Queen Usagi and her Sailor Senshi got the better of Nephrite once he became overpowered by the light of the Silver Crystal. Screaming and yelling, Nephrite was killed by the power of good energy, and finally the Chronus Knights were vanquished as well as the power of the Chronos Crystal which was no more. Everything from the destruction and decimation was reversed and Crystal Tokyo returned to its glory. It looked as if nothing happened. The Sailor Senshi were battered, battle scarred but were excited. Neo Queen Usagi came to join them.
“I told you guys that darkness would never prevail. We did it!” Usagi called out as more cheers of victory came out of the mouths of the universe's defenders. Usagi kissed Endymion who told her “I thought you promised me you'd stay home.” He said as he smiled.
“Well, a home is not a home without the ones you love and cherish. Besides, I had to show my face somewhere.” Usagi laughed as more cheers came from the Sailor Senshi camp, and as Endymion kissed her passionately once more.
“My love is always here for you Usa-ko.” Endymion said.
“I love you Endymion!” Usagi told him back with affection.
But in all, the Sailor Senshi were ecstatic and embellished their well deserved victory in the war against the Chronus Knights. Ja Ne.
-Xtreme Slayer
This is the end of Sailor Moon: Crystal Chronicles! Those just tuning in read and review and read this whole tale some more! You can check out more of this in my next fic! 1 luv!