Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Elementals ❯ A New Senshi, Light! ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Space, December 31st 1999, 11:59 p.m.

The full moon trudged on it's way around the earth, silence surounding
it. Some hundred kilometers below, a lone figure in a purple sailor
fuku appeared out of nowhere, with a keyshaped staff in one hand.

"Now, where am I?" Time asked herself aloud, looking at the emptiness
around her. A strong wind blew from below, blowing her hair and skirt

"What the..." Time looked downwards, only to see Earth speeding
towards her



In the time corridor, Pluto calmly sipped a cu of tea. She sneezed
suddenly, and she looked at the door where Time had left. //I forgot
to tell her she would be floating above Earth... oh well, guess she'll
figure it out in time.//

After a second of sheer panic, she held her staff out in front of her,
the pink gem on it's point flashing out. The staff stopped it's rapid
descent and floated miraculously in the air, making Time almost loose
her grip on it, as gravity tried to pull her to her death. She quickly
got on the staff, like a witch on her broom (bare with me ok? I know
this is getting weird).

Time looked down again at the silent dark continent, filled with
little points of light around certain places. Suddenly, almost
spontaneously, millions of lights burst out across the black

"Fireworks? But why" Time got out a small purple watch with pluto's
planetary symbol engraved in silver. Flipping it open she pressed a
few buttons. It said January 1st 2000, the hour was 00:00:30.

"New millenium, eh?" Time smiled, looking at the multicolored show,
which only she could see. "Ok Setsuna, I must admit you chose quite a
cool place and time to send me." Forgetting her mission, she spent the
next half hour watching, later she would pin-point Imbrium's location.

United States, New Millenium - 2000

Eleanor stood alone, her silver purple hair blown in the wind. She had
had many plans for tonight, being with the one she loved, or at least
with a group of friends. But she was alone, and somehow she felt good,
like if something good was going to happen.

Out of nowhere, a man in white, with sandy blond hair walked up to
her, as the people started the final countdown to the millenium.
Eleanor stared at his crystal clear blue eyes, as he smiled down at

She felt all warm inside, and stood very still as he bent down and
lightly kissed her lips, as the first firework exploded in the sky.
Eleanor closed her eyes, a tingling feeling going down her spine. //I
know you// She thought. When she opened her eyes, the man had left,
but the sensation of that one kiss was still tickling her lips.

As she looked down, she saw a little girl in worn out clothes, with a
yellow scarf, staring up at her, hands held out. Eleanor smiled at
her, and taking some coins from her purse, she gave them to the girl.
"Happy new millenium!" She said, as the girl ran quickly away,
clinging the money to her.

Some steppes away, and at the same time:

Usagi and Mamoru kissed, as the first firework exploded in the sky.

Usagi and Mamoru kissed, as the following fireworks exploded in the

"Umm, guys... I don't think it's necessary for that kiss to be that
long." Said Minako, nudging Usagi. Usagi and Mamoru kissed, as Ami,
Makoto and Rei blushed, and looked away. Mina poked Usagi's back,
"Usa-chan, could you please..."

All the people around them were no longer watching the fireworks, they
had found another display which was more interesting.

After a very, very long time, Usagi and Mamoru came out, breathing in
the fresh winter air, looking into each other's eyes. Clapping was
heard all around them.

They both looked around, at all the unknown faces smiling at them.
Mamoru sweat dropped, grabbed Usagi's arm and pulled her out of the

"I thought we were with Ami and the rest." Muttered Mamoru, as they
walked away from the group. "I thought so too, but I think they didn't
want to be around us in that situation." Usagi looked around,
searching for her friends. Mamoru did the same, seeing the long silver
purple hair of Eleanor blowing in the wind as she stood alone, looking
up at the sky, the fireworks sparkling in her eyes. He steered Usagi
towards her.

"Hi, remember me?" Said Mamoru to Eleanor.

"Hi," Eleanor looked a bit dazed, her cheeks flushed a faint pink. She
looked at Usagi, "Are you Mamoru-san's girlfriend?" Usagi blushed,
"Yes, my name is Tsukino Usagi."

"Usagi Tsukino" corrected Mamoru, making sure Eleanor understood that
the name was Usagi, and not Tsukino. Usagi stretched out her hand, and
Eleanor shaked it. They both felt a warm, comfortable feeling travel
through their bodies as their hands made contact. "Who are you?" Asked
Usagi silently. A name formed in her mind, Imbrium... "Imbrium" She
whispered, as if she should remember that name.

Eleanor looked quizzically at Usagi. She saw Usagi in a white flowing
dress for a second, before returning to normal. "Serenity," she said,
under her breath. It seemed correct somehow. "Umm... Eleanor, have you
seen a group of four Japanese girls running around?" Interrupted
Mamoru. Usagi and Eleanor blinked, tearing their glances away from
each other. "Yes, now that you mention it, I did see a small group
heading towards the parking lot." Said Eleanor, pointing the way.
"Thanks, let's go Usako, they must be waiting for us.

"Wait... Eleanor, do you have any plans for the rest of the night?"
Asked Usagi.

"Nno... I was going home actually," Eleanor sighed, "My friends all
backed out on hanging out with me, so I ended up alone."

"Wanna come with us? My friends are great, I'm sure you'll like them,"
Invited Usagi, "we're planning on going to Mamoru's apartment,
Makoto's cooking." Eleanor hesitated a moment, then smiled, "Sure,
guess it'll be fun." The trio walked towards the cars, where Makoto,
Ami, Minako and Rei were waiting. "Minna! Why did you all leave so
suddenly!" Shouted Usagi as she came closer. Her friends sweat

"You were making such a fool of yourselves that we didn't want to be
involved." Said Rei angrily.

"Rei, you are so mean!" Usagi whined. Mamoru smiled sheepishly,
turning bright red.

"Those two always fight, she's Rei Hino, the brunette is Makoto Kino,
the blonde is Minako Aino and the blue haired one is Ami Mizuno."

The four girls looked at Eleanor, Rei blushing for having stuck out
her toung at Usagi in front of a stranger. Eleanor smiled timidly.

"Konnichiwa, my name is Eleanor McKenzie." She said, bowing.

Rei stretched her hand out to shake Eleanor's, "We're in the US, let's
do it like it should be." Eleanor smiled, and took Rei's hand. Rei
narrowed her eyes as her hand entered contact with Eleanor's. She
closed her eyes, to see Eleanor in a long multicolored gown with her
hair done in two odango, like Usagi's. She quickly opened them, to see
Eleanor looking deep into her eyes


"Well, let's split up, Mako-chan, you go with Rei, Mina and Eleanor,
I'll go with Usagi and Ami." Said Mamoru, opening his door.

"Sure, come on girls, it's getting cold out here." Said Makoto,
getting into the big van they had rented for all of them.

They all got into their respective seats and set off to Mamoru's

"So, when did you meet Mamoru-san, Eleanor?" Asked Makoto, as she
followed Mamoru's car.

"About two weeks ago, when he gave me a lift home, after classes."
Replied Eleanor, looking out the window.

"Are you in his class?" Asked Rei.

"No, I'm in first year, I believe he's already in his third?" She
said. Minako turned to her.

"You look older... so you're our age then!" Said Mina. Eleanor turned
to Mina from the window.

"Really? Cool! What are you guys studying?" Asked Eleanor.

"I'm studying gourmet cooking." Said Makoto.

"I'm studying laws." Said Rei.

"I'm studying to be an actress." Said Minako.

"Nice, I'm studying Astronomy, I love looking at the moon and stars."
Said Eleanor. Rei looked at Eleanor, once again suspicious.

"The moon?" Asked Rei.

"Yes, it all started when I was little, my mother used to tell me
stories of a beautiful queen with hair like mine that ruled over a
vast kingdom from the moon, in a silver millenium."

Eleanor said dreamily, looking out at the full moon.

"How romantic." Said Mina, starry eyed.

Makoto looked back at Rei. It was too much a coincidence, but they
silently nodded, preferring

to say nothing.


"Who's gonna help in the kitchen?" Asked Makoto, putting on an apron.

"I will!" Said Ami, jumping up from where she was seated in front of
the fire.

"I will too." Mamoru unclinged Usagi from around his trouat and ran to
the kitchen. Usagi pouted at being left alone, but was held back from
going to the kitchen by Rei.

"Three's enough Usa-chan!" Said Rei, pulling her back onto the couch.
Usagi glared at Rei, as Eleanor laughed.

"You guys are fun!"

Usagi grinned, "Told you!"

"Hey, you and Usagi-chan look very similar, Eleanor, can I do your
hair up like Usagi-chan's?" Asked Mina, fingering Eleanor's long
silvery hair.

"Sure!" Replied Eleanor, "I wanted to try it also."

Mina quickly got to work and soon had Eleanor's hair in two odango
like Usagi's. Usagi and her friends stared in shock as Eleanor stood
and twirled around, showing her hairdo to them. She was an exact copy
of Usagi's mother, Queen Serenity!

"So, how do I look?" Asked Eleanor, innocent to their thoughts.

Just that moment, Mamoru entered with a tray full of mugs with
steaming hot chocolate, which he almost dropped at the sight of

"Queen Serenity?" He whispered, shocked.

Mina, recovering first from the impression, whispered, "You look
beautiful, Eleanor."

"You think so?" Eleanor trailed her fingers down one length of hair.
"It feels right, s if this is how it should always be."

By that time, Makoto had finished in the kitchen, and they all sat
down to eat. Eleanor stayed with her hair up like Usagi's for the rest
of the night, to the discomfort of the group. At 4:30 in the morning,
Mamoru offered to take her home with Usagi, while the rest left with
Makoto to their boarding house. Eleanor sighed, as Mamoru's car drived
away. She was satisfied with the night's events and was ready for bed.


In the shadows of a tree by the door to Eleanor's house, a figure with
a dimly glowing staff stood watching and waiting. As Eleanor walked up
to the door, the figure stepped closer.

"I found you."

"What?" Eleanor spun around, looking into the shadows, "who's there?"

Sailor Time let the light from her staff brighten, revealing herself.
Eleanor jumped at the sight.

"A sailor scout?" She had seen some on the international news, and
even had a game of Sailor V, but this sailor was different. "Who are

"I'm Sailor Time, a senshi that has reawakened from her sleep to
return your powers."

"My powers? What powers?" Eleanor backed up against the door to her
house, fumbling for her house keys. Sailor Time pointed her staff at
Eleanor, a beam of pink light heading towards her. A silver chain with
a silver crescent moon appeared around Eleanor's neck. On the crescent
moon there was a small, round crystal drop, rays crossing the moon
from it.

"What's this?" Eleanor touched the crescent moon, screamed and closed
her light as a silver light shined from it, enveloping her.

When Eleanor opened her eyes, she was in a crystal palace, in a
multicolored dress, silver beads in her hair, the necklace in it's
place around her neck and a silver crescent moon on her forehead.
Another woman stood in front of her. She looked exactly like Usagi in
her Neo-queen form, but her dress was lavender with silver rings
instead of gold, and a silver crescent moon on her forehead.

"Iridium, the time has come for you to take up your role as a senshi."
The woman said. Eleanor opened her moth to retort that that wasn't her
name, but somehow, it was right, that was her name, in another life.

"You must remember who you are." The crescent moon on her forehead
shined out, making one appear on Iridium's forehead. Memories flashed
through her head, but not with pain, as was the case with Sailor

"I'm... Sailor Light..." She whispered, clutching the necklace.

"Light elemental power, Make Up!"

Silver light shined from her clutched hand, enveloping her once again.
As the light faded away again, Eleanor stood in front of her house, in
a white fuku. Her skirt was multicolored from purple at the top, to
red at the bottom, same as the round things on her odango. Her bows,
rings and the trimming of her boots were yellow, her tiara was silver
with a diamond on it, and silver crescent moons adorned her earlobes
and the tips of her boots.

"Sailor Time, it's been so long..." Smiled Sailor Light.

Sailor Time walked to where Sailor Light was standing, hugging her.
"You could say that," she laughed, crying lightly. As she let go of
Light, she looked up at the moon, "I'm sorry, but you'll have your
first fight now, we must go quickly!"

Sailor Light nodded seriously, she was ready for anything. Sailor Time
jumped down the steps and started running down the street, with Light
right behind her.


In a park close to the place where hours before hundreds of people had
celebrated the new millennium, a youma destroyed everything in sight.
Suddenly, a brilliant light enfolded it, making it cry out in pain.

From the source of the light, two shadows could be seen.

"I will not forgive anyone for destroying this night's perfection! I
am the senshi protector of the silver moon, Sailor Light! And in the
name of my holy element, I will punish you!" Sailor Light posed
momentarily, waiting for Time to introduce herself. "Well?"

"I can't take part in this fight, my mission is to find the Elemental
Senshi, so my job here is done." With that, she held up her staff, and
in a flash of pink light, she disappeared.

"Oh, thanks for the help..." Light grumbled, turning her attention to
the youma, who had recovered from her attack, and had promptly gone
back to destroying everything in sight. Light sweatdropped, and
prepared to attack again, when...

"I will not forgive you for interrupting a romantic night like this! I
am the senshi protected by the light, Eternal Sailor Moon!"

"I am the senshi of water, Super Sailor Mercury!"

"I am the senshi of fire, Super Sailor Mars!"

"I am the senshi of earth, Super Sailor Jupiter!"

"I am the senshi of love, Super Sailor Venus!"

"Tsukini kawatte, oshiokio!" The group posed. And the youma paid no
attention. Sailor Light giggled, making the sailor team notice her.

"Who are you?" Asked Sailor Moon, noticing her silver purple hair done
up in two odango.

"You may not remember me, for even in the time of the Silver
Millennium, I was erased from your memories." She replied. Mars
gasped, and Sailor Moon looked at Light, slow recognition gleaming in
her eyes.

"I am the senshi, protector of the silver moon and the moon princess,
leader of the Elemental Senshi, Sailor Light!" She said, repeating her
introduction. "Nice to meet you."

"I can see that you do not now us in this form." Said Sailor Moon. She
closed her eyes, her Sailor fuku shimmering away, meting into a white

"Princess Serenity?" Light whispered kneeling in front of her in

"Don't," said Serenity, helping Sailor Light to her feet, "If you know
me you must remember that I hate that. But even as you recognize me, I
still don't remember you."

Sailor Light looked at Serenity, "your memory from the silver
millennium is clouded as it is, but the memories of me were blocked by
Queen Serenity, to spare you from grief." She smiled faintly, "that's
why you don't remember me."

Sailor mercury looked at the youma, "Girls, I suggest you leave the
chit-chat for later, the youma is leaving the park."

Sailor Light and Princess Serenity looked towards the youma. "You're
right." Serenity transformed once more into Eternal Sailor Moon.
"Let's stop it!"

They all ran after the youma, surrounding it. The youma looked like a
big plant, with thorns all over it's body. It threw razor sharp leaves
at the senshi, making them skater. Mars, seeing it was a plant,
prepared her attack.

"Mars celestial fire surround!" The fire surrounded the youma, turning
it on fire. A yellow scared, tied around it's neck floated towards
Light, having fallen off the youma as it thrashed about. She
recognized it as the scarf of the poor girl that had asked her for
money during the

fireworks. She looked up at the youma, who howled in agony as it

"It's just a girl! Don't kill her!" She shouted, intercepting Mars'
second attack. Mercury threw her own attack, washing the flames off
the youma.

"Sailor Moon!" She said. Moon nodded, taking out her moon scepter.

"Moon therapy heart kiss!" Feathers blasted the youma, turning it into
a small girl with a yellow flower on her forehead. But the star seed
above it was not totally purified, with a black center, so that it
wasn't absorbed back into the girl's body. Sailor Moon gasped, not
knowing what to do.

But Sailor Light did. She stood, and concentrated hard, calling out
her own, pure white star seed. As soon as the star seed appeared, it
turned into a long double edge sword. The hilt was like Super Sailor
Moon's rod (without the things to the side) but blue instead of pink,
and with

golden feathers to the sides.

Grabbing the sword, Sailor Light walked to the girl, and leaped into
the air bringing it down on the infected star sees, shouting "Light
Seed Purification!"

As the sword came down on the star seed, the silver blade turned into
light, passing through the seed without breaking it. The blackness
seeped out, turning into mist and disappearing.

The cleansed star seed was enveloped by the owner's flower, reentering
her body. Light's sword turned back into her own star seed and entered
her body at the same time, and both fainted to the ground. Sailor Moon
ran towards them, very worried.

"Sailor Light!" The other senshi also ran to the two fallen girls.


In a shadowy cave, the hands of a woman opened a black box, as black
mist was vacuumed into it, and was closed again.

"This will be easier than I thought, the Senshi will do my work for me
without knowing it."

The figure turned around, her long cherry red hair flowing down her
back to the floor.


Sailor Light slowly opened her eyes. Moon was looking worriedly at

"Minna! She woke up!" She called the rest, who had put the girl on a
park bench after making sure she was ok.

Sailor Light slowly sat up, shaking her head to clear it from the
shock of having used her star seed.

"I shouldn't have used my star seed, my powers have been asleep for so
long that they drained my energy completely." She looked towards the
girl, and smiled, "But it was worth it."

"You use your star seed as a weapon?" Asked Sailor Moon, incredulous.

Light grinned, "Yes, the elemental senshi have weapons in their star
seeds. Each weapon was forged by the senshi who would carry it.
Because of the danger of using star seeds though, after us, they
started using the heart crystal, creating talisman."

"Do all senshi have weapons?" Asked Venus.

"Yes, be it a weapon like mine or a talisman like Pluto's garnet orb,
as far as I know."

"But we don't have!" Replied Jupiter.

"Maybe you do..."

Next Chapter: A new enemy? Love and justice will defeat it!

Who are the rset of the elemental senshi? And who is the one that
transformed the girl into a youma? Why was her star seed infected?
Whoever it is, Sailor Moon will punish it in the name of the Moon!