Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Elementals ❯ A New Enemy ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Eleanor awoke the next morning feeling very tired. At first she
thought it had all been a dream. She walked lazily to the bathroom,
and stared at the mirror. In her reflection she saw the silver moon
pendant on a chain around her neck. "No, it wasn't a dream," she said
herself, touching the warm metal, "I am a senshi, and I have to find
the rest of my companions."

After cleaning her teeth, she went back to her room, and opened her
curtains. It was snowing outside. Eleanor sighed, she liked the snow,
but not the cold it brought with it. She shivered, hugging her
shoulders. "Mom! You lowered the heating?" She shouted down the
stairs, while putting on a white fleece sweatshirt on top of her grey

"No hon, I just opened the windows in the kitchen!"

Eleanor sniffed the air and felt the smell of pancakes wafting up. She
smiled, pancakes with syrup were her favorite. She bounded down the
stairs and into the kitchen, where a plate of pancakes and syrup
waited for her.

Taking no time at all to clean her plate and drink a mug of a hot
chocolate, she kissed her mother goodbye and ran out to the garbage.
"I'm using the car mom, you need anything?"

"Um... actually I could use some..."

Eleanor turned the motor on, smiling smugly, and opened the door to
the garage. "Can't hear you mum... call you later!" She got into the
car and drove out to the local mall, the only place open on January
the first. Parking the silver Beetle, she walked into the mall, which
was crowded with people.

As she walked aimlessly through the corridors, she began to think of
the problem of finding the other elemental senshi. She knew it would
not be easy, since they could be anywhere in the world. As she
thought, she started looking more at the people around her, and for a
second, she saw a tall, sandy blond man walking slightly in front of
her. Remembering the man that had kissed her at twelve, she hurried
up, trying to catch up with him, as he turned a corner. As she reached
the turn, he had disappeared in the crowd.

"I could have sworn..." She shook her head. //But where have I seen
him before?// Somehow she felt as if she should remember him. She was
so engrossed in her thoughts, that she bumped into another person.

"Sorry." She mumbled, not looking at the person.

"Eleanor?" That made her look up. The woman smiled. She had long
purple hair and eyes.

"Thought it was you... How are you?"

"Who..?" Eleanor opened her eyes wide, "Sailor Time?" She said, louder
than she meant to.

"Yes, but call me Shigán, or you will reveal my identity."

"Sorry, didn't mean to, hadn't recognized you at first." Eleanor
grinned sheepishly.

"Sure," Shigán smiled, "So, what are you doing here at the mall?"

Eleanor shrugged, "I don't know, I just had to think... and I came

Shigán looked around the noisy hall. "Nice place to come and think."

Eleanor laughed, "Yeah, I know, but at least I don't get frozen in the

"True." Shigán laughed, "What did you need to think about?"

Eleanor looked around, serious again.

"The other senshi must be found, and soon." She said.

"They will appear... just give them time."

Eleanor sighed, "Just as long as they don't take too long."


Not far away, Usagi and her friends were shopping. Usagi had seen a
cute oversized stuffed bunny in a shop and was begging Mamoru to buy
it for her.

"Come on Mamo-chan! Just this one!" Said Usagi, starry eyed, as she
hugged the plushy the size of a grown saint Bernard. Minako, Makoto
and Ami sweatdropped, and Rei was getting angry. Deciding that the
best he could do was comply, he sighed, defeated.

"Ok, Usako, but that is the only one, you hear me?"

"Yaay!" Usagi jumped up and down, and gave Mamoru a hug as he paid for
the rabbit. As they exited the shop, the group of friends chatted
gaily about how fun it was to be in America, but Makoto had seen a
girl in front of her that seemed oddly familiar.

Straying away from her friends, Makoto followed the short brunette,
who after a while turned around to face her. She had short brown hair
and light green eyes, that were now staring right into Makoto's own
emerald ones. Makoto blinked, it was like looking at a picture of her
younger self, with shorter hair. But who was she?

By now the rest of the group had turned towards Makoto to see what was
happening. They all noticed the striking resemblance between Makoto
and this girl.

Eleanor and Shigán had also noticed the group. Eleanor walked towards
them, Shigán in tow, and noticed the girl that everyone was staring

"May I ask why you stare at me so?" She asked Makoto, with a slight
Indian accent. She raised an eyebrow at the group, specifically at

Makoto snapped out of her trance-like stare and smiled, "Sorry, you
seem strangely familiar for some reason. My name is Ki... Makoto
Kino." She remembered in time to say her first name first.

"Actually, I feel the same... perhaps we knew each other from past
lives. My name is Bel Kanan. I take it you are from Japan, I am from
India." Bel smiled.

"Hi guys! Hi Bel, nice to meet you, Eleanor McKenzie, and my friend
Shigán Chiyé." She said, to her friends and to Bel. Makoto introduced
the rest of the group and soon, they were all sitting at the food
court with milkshakes talking animatedly.

"So, you came here for your vacations?" Asked Minako.

"Yes, but I chose this city because of a dream I had. I woke up with
the idea that I had to come look for someone, and fulfill my destiny."
Bel giggled. "It might sound strange, but for me it is quite normal.
Who knows, maybe you are who I came to find." She looked at Makoto,
who stayed silent, as well as the rest of the group.

Shigán stood, "I must leave, a pleasure having met you all." Shigán
turned to leave, and Elenaor followed, after excusing herself as well.
Eleanor caught up.

"You think she is Elemental Earth?" She asked.

"I know she is Sailor Terra," said Shigán, not looking at Eleanor, "I
knew she would be here, that's why I came." Shigán led Eleanor to a
secluded part and turned to Eleanor. Her dimension Staff appeared in
her hands and she made the orb glow, producing a gold chain with a
green pendant in the form of Jupiter's planetary sign. "Give this to
her when the time is right." Eleanor took the chain and looked at it
closely. "Why don't you give it to..." She stopped short as she looked
up to see Shigán had disappeared. Eleanor sighed, putting the chain in
her subspace pocket. She walked slowly back to where the rest were
seated, but screams caught her attention. It was coming from the food

Eleanor hid in a corner and quickly pulled off her chain.

"Light Elemental Power, Make-Up!"

Light enfolded her, covering her body, over that, a ring of rainbow
circled her hips. The light was replaced with her sailor soldier
attire. The rainbow clamped onto her body, forming her skirt. Once
transformed, she ran back out into the hall.

A mass of panicked people blocked her way, and she was slowly but
inexorably pushed away from the food court. She cursed, jumping up as
she passed a low beam and swung herself agilely onto it. //Wow, wish I
could do that in my normal form, my sports teacher would love me!//
She thought, smiling as she jumped on the banister surrounding the
second floor hall and ran towards

the food court.

At the same time, at the food court...

A dark-skinned woman with long red hair done in a high ponytail and
soft pink eyes had appeared on top of a table close to Usagi and the
rest. Opening a small black intricately decorated chest, purple mist
seeped out, enveloping a surprised fat man who was eating a burger.
After a few seconds of his screaming, from the mist erupted a fat
sumo-wrestler with horns on his head shouting "Food!"

Usagi frowned, exchanging quick glances with her friends as panicked
people ran from the food court. Makoto turned to Bel, who looked a bit
scared and about to bolt.

"Bel, go to the phone, call the police."

Bel didn't wait to see what would happen with her new friends, she
nodded and ran to the public telephoned. Makoto and the group ran to a
secluded corner and transformed. The woman had been looking at the
group as she noticed that they did not run at once from the place
where the Sumo was destroying the tables, and narrowed her eyes.
//Must be them...// But she didn't follow them, she just waited.

"I will not permit an interruption in a food court, every-one has the
right to eat in peace! I am Sailor Moon! And in the name of the moon,
I shall punish you!"

The mysterious woman just smiled, and watched as the monster ate
everything edible, and some other things, around him, not paying
attention to the senshi.

"Hey, pay attention when you are spoken to!" Said Sailor Venus
exasperated, "Venus love-me chain, encircle!" The chain wrapped around
one of the sumo's arm, and pulled it behind him. The sumo pulled on
the chain, making Venus fall forward on the floor.

"Sparkling wide pressure!" Jupiter's disk of energy blasted the sumo
fighter, driving it's attention to the senshi. It threw ten burgers at
Jupiter, that blew up on contact. Jupiter managed to jump out of the
way of a few, but was blasted against a table, crying out in pain.

"Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" Mercury's attack stopped the monster's next
attack, as Sailor Moon ran to her fallen friend to see if she was

"Mars flame sniper!" Sailor Mars fired her arrow, but it just bounced
off the sumo fighter's fat belly. Tuxedo tried with a few roses, with
the same result.


Sailor Light spotted Bel shakily talking on the public telephone. She
quickly made her way to the frightened girl, and placed a firm hand on
her shoulder. Bel turned around.

"Who are you?"

Sailor Light took the green pendant out and placed it in Bel's hands,
without saying a word. A green flash of light enfolded Bel, and she
closed her eyes. Light watched as Bel stood, in a trance-like state...

Bel looked around her. She was wearing a simple light green gown, with
sakura petal earrings.

She was in a beautiful palace, filled with trees and flowers.

"Io castle..." She whispered. "How do I know that?"

"Because you were born here."

Bel turned around, to face a tall woman, similar to Makoto, but her
hair was down, and she had a crown of golden oak leaves, with
Jupiter's planetary sign in the middle.

"Who are you?"

"I am queen Europa, and you are my youngest daughter, Princess

"Princess Sakura?" Bel still did not understand very well, but
Jupiter's planetary sign shone on her forehead, and in a flash of
green light she disappeared from the castle...

Bel's forehead shone as Jupiter's planetary sign flashed, and her body
was outlined with green. She slowly opened her eyes, and looked at the

"Terra Elemental Power, Make Up!"

A swirl of sakura leaves and petals covered Bel's body, replacing her
clothes with a green body suit, brown collar and light green bows in
the front and back. Then the green to brown skirt materialized as well
as the green gloves with light green rings on the top. She had green
boots (like Jupiter's) and a light green choker with the pendant on
it. Her tiara was gold with an emerald.

Sailor Terra blinked, "I can't believe what just happened."

Sailor Light smiled, "Believe it... and get moving, our friends need

"Friends?" Terra and Light ran towards the food garden, that was now
empty, except for the senshi, the monster and the strange lady.


The monster charged at Jupiter, who jumped out of it's way, but the
monster grabbed her foot ands sent her flying onto a table.

"Mercury Aqua Illusion!" The blast of ice cold water froze the
monster, but not for long. "Sailor Moon!"

Moon nodded, taking out her scepter, "Moon..." The monster had
recovered, and threw a burger at Sailor Moon, making her drop her
scepter as it blew up in her face.

"Sakura leaves fury!" A blast of razor sharp leaves cut into the
monster's skin, making him howl out in pain.

"Light beam, Blind!" A ray of light blinded everyone momentarily, as
it hit the monster in the face, his hands flying to his eyes.

"From the deep entrails of Earth, protector and wielder of terrestrial
powers, Sailor Terra!"

"From the shine of all celestial objects, protector and wielder of
brilliant powers, Sailor Light!"

As everyone, except the monster, recuperated their vision, two sailor
clad soldiers stood on a table, hands on their hips. The green clad
soldier jumped into the air, a green and brown hammer appearing in her

"Gravity pull, Amplify!" She brought the hammer down on the floor, one
knee down and the other up. A crack forming a circle around the
monster, made it go down on it's knees, and he could not stand up.

"Sailor Moon!" Moon nodded, and scrambled to get her scepter and stood
up. "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!" Feathers blasted the monster,
turning him back into a man, with a yellow flower and an infected star
seed above it.

Sailor Terra had stood up and had the hammer over her shoulder. Light
took out her sword, and jumped towards the star seed. "Light sword,

As the sword made contact with the star seed it turned into light, and
expelled the purple mist from the seed, which entered the flower and
was absorbed into the man's body.

Sailor Light swayed slightly, but Terra steadied her. The purple mist
concentrated into a cloud. The red haired woman opened the black chest
again, and the mist was vacuumed inside, and she snapped it shut,
making it disappear. The woman clapped her hands.

"Well done senshi, I thank you for your help." She sneered, "Soon I
shall have the total power of Chaos once more!"

"What?" Cried Sailor Moon in shock.

"I am Pandora, if you want to know, and now my job is done here." She
mock bowed and disappeared, as Tuxedo Mask threw a rose at her. The
senshi stood for a second in shock.

Sailor Terra led Sailor Light to a seat, and stood by her.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, still haven't got all my energy back, but at least this time I
didn't faint." Sailor Light smiled weakly. The rest of the senshi and
Tuxedo Mask approached the two elemental senshi.

"Welcome to the group, Sailor Terra." Said Sailor Jupiter, holding her
hand out to Terra. Terra looked at Jupiter, a tear escaping from her
eyes, as she took Jupiter into an embrace.

"Sister..." she whispered. Jupiter was surprised at this, as a wreath
of oak leaves appeared on her head, Jupiter's planetary sign shining
in the front of the wreath. Terra let go of Jupiter, and she touched
the leaves of the wreath, electricity tingling on the tips of her

"That's your weapon?" Terra asked.

"I... I don't know."

"When you use Oak Revolution, that wreath appears on your head, that
is your 'weapon'. It's not the same as the elemental weapons, but it
works the same way. Explained Light, "From now on, your attack shall
be much more powerful."

"Cool." Jupiter touched the wrath, which for the first time was solid,
even without using her attck. She could feel an electric tingle as she
passed her finger over a leaf.

As they all smiled, they heard the sirens of the police approaching.

"I think it's time to leave guys..." Said Mercury. Mars nodded,
looking at the destruction around them, "We don't want to be involved
in this mess."

Light nodded, and they all left the mall. Outside, it had stopped
snowing, and the evening was settling in. Mars turned to the two
elementals, that walked a bit behind the rest. "I believe we can trust
you, for you have proven to be our allies, and have family links with
us. I think it's time we find out who we are, detransformed."

Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Moon detransformed, followed by
Tuxedo Mask.

Light nodded, "I believe we should know each other." She couldn't help
but smile, the senshi were the friends from Japan, which had been
quite obvious, now that she thought of it. She detransformed, together
with Terra. The group looked at the two girls, and giggled.

"Guess we know each other from before, ne?" Usagi said.

"Yep, I think we'll be better friends that I thought." Said Eleanor,
smiling. They all laughed.

Next Chapter: Water and Fire, two more senshi!