Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Stars 11 ❯ Nothing Left to the Imagination ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer (So I don't get sued): I DO NOT own Sailor Moon or any of its related characters. That's property of Naoko Takeuchi and the respective agencies. I'm just a fan that's all. And I don't own Togepi or Pokémon (that's Nintendo's stuff); or Prozac. But I own the characters "Sarah", "Robert", and "Jimmy". Now, then…

Sormy Family Group


Sailor Moon Stars 11

Part 2: Nothing left to the Imagination

Recap: Last time, after many hardships, Darien finally proposed to Serena. The girls were shocked to find out. They warned her and advised her, a lot. Then Serena found a dress in a "tecatin" place of sorts(any puertorricans in the audience?) and the rest, well, read on

[Everybody leaves the store, Serena last. As they leave, They are unaware that a strange, purple mist is moving towards the store and gets in through the window. a small dust cloud is being blown around, then all of it was thrown to the basement window. A strange, deformed shadow was about to enter the store when Luna sensed something wrong and looked back at the store. The enviroment looked happier than a bunch of Togepi on prozac.]

Lita: What's wrong, Luna?

Luna: I swear, there's something wrong about that place.

Raye: Well, I didn't feel anything.

Luna: You better be alert. Something suspicious might be underway.

[They resumed their walking, their shadows trailing behind. Suddenly, a shadow separates from the rest, moves to the front of the store, only stopping a second before getting in through the bottom of the door]

................Another day(Sunday).......................

[Serena wakes up, and feels kinda strange. She goes to the bathroom, and now she feels really strange. She dashes to the nearest drug store, then speeds back to her house, so fast not even Molly and Melvin could recognize her. She slams the bathroom door shut, and after 2 minutes or so...]

Serena: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[The scream echoed through all her house, through all the neighborhood, through all the city, through all Japan]

Sarah: Yep. She found the rat.

Robert: Eh, Sarah, we are no longer in the story. We don't get paid extra for this.

Sarah: Oh, cripes.

[O... K... Back to the story, Serena is making a hole in the living room, thinking how to tell her parents.]

Serena: Ok, calm down, Serena. You knew this time would come, so you better calm down and be ready.

Mrs. Tsukino: We're home.

Serena: [to herself] Ok, ready? nice and direct. [To Mrs. Tsukino] So good you're here, mom. Stay here. SAMMY! DAD! Come inside!

Mrs. Tsukino: What's the matter? You need something?

Serena? I need you to sit down and listen.

Sammy: [walking past Serena] Like I need to listen to anything I already know.

Serena: What did you say?

Sammy: [Stops cold] Errr... nothing.

Serena: Have you been reading my Diary?

Sammy: Ah.. No, I swear [starts walking slowly]

Serena: Come here, you little brat! [starts running towards Sammy]

Sammy: No, Serena! Wait! [runs away from Serena]

Serena: You're cruisin' for a bruisin'!

Sammy: AAAAAAHH!!! Mom! Dad!

[clang, crash, thump, thud, bump, creak, etc.]

Mr. Tsukino: Why do they always have to chase each other?

Mrs. Tsukino: It's going to take me quite a while to clean this mess up.

[Serena catches up to Sammy and tackles him.]

Mrs. Tsukino: That's enough! Serena, Let go of Sammy, and Sammy, sit next to me

[the kids obey. Sammy sits down]

Mr. Tsukino: Now, tell us, Serena. We're listening.

Serena: Ok. You know, this is hard for me to say this, because it's...

Sammy: Blah, blah, blah, yadda, yadda, big secret, only me and my diary... Come on! We're getting old here!

Serena: Watch it. You're gonna get it.

Mr. Tsukino: Calm down, you two. Now, Serena, go on.

Serena: Well, to begin with, I have a boyfriend.

Mr. Tsukino: You mean that guy that sometimes brings you home?

Serena: That's the one.

Mrs. Tsukino: [nudging Mr. Tsukino] I told you, I told you.

Mr. Tsukino: But I thought that was over ages ago; besides, that guy is a lot older than you.

Mrs. Tsukino: I don't know, he looks very responsible.

Mr. Tsukino: And just how long has this been going?

Serena: About 3 years.

Mr. Tsukino: I got to have a talk with this... What was his name?

Serena: Darien. His name is Darien.

Mr. Tsukino: You knew about this, Sammy?

Sammy: That, and a lot more, but Meatball brain here would've killed me if I talked.

Mrs. Tsukino: Well, anything else?

Serena: Yes, you see.... we... we're getting married.

[Mr.& Mrs. Tsukino stayed slack-jawed at the shocking news. Sammy, on the other part, kept a relaxed, "I-already-know-that" look]

Mr. Tsukino: I got to seriously have a talk with that Darien.

Mrs. Tsukino: Baby, you can't do such a life-turning decision like that without talking with us first. Getting married is a decision for life. You could lose your entire youth from it.

Sammy: Do you really want to risk it?

Serena: Since when do you care?

Sammy: I try to be a good brother, but...

Serena: I'm sorry, mom, but my decision's made. Me and Darien are getting married next month. I didn't come here for your approval, I came here for your support.

Mrs. Tsukino: [quickly, before Mr. Tsukino could say anything] Well, Serena, that's your decision. We will support you as long as you need us.

Mr. Tsukino: Just remember to tell that boy Darien to come here so we could talk.

Serena: Ok, dad, and thank you for understanding. [looks at her watch] Oops. Gotta go. I'm meeting Darien in 30 minutes.

Mr. Tsukino: Don't forget.

Serena: I won't. [leaves the house. door slams]

Mr. Tsukino: Why did you allow her to go on with those plans?

Mrs. Tsukino: Did you forget that we were also young when we got married?

Mr. Tsukino: Ahh... those times.

Sammy: I'm going outside to play, Ok?

Mr. Tsukino: Ok, Sammy. Have fun.

[Sammy quickly leaves]

Sammy: Man, that was close. Ugh...

[Serena rushes over to the coffee shop, where she's meeting Darien. Sadly, it's rush hour and the heavy traffic slows her down.]

(Jimmy: Rush hour? On Sunday?)

[(Who's writing this story? Thank you.) Darien, punctual as always, waits patiently, but gets worried, and somewhat desperate. Serena finally arrived, 25 minutes late.]

Darien: You're late, again.

Serena: Sorry I'm late, this horrible traffic wouldn't let me cross.

[Darien smiles]

Serena: So, how are thing in the world outside me?

Darien: I've been looking for a place to get the new wedding tux, and I have yet to talk to Osamu to start the invitation list. So... not much, really. And what about you?

Serena: Well, I went to a great place and got a beautiful dress. You should go there. And earlier today, I told my family our plans.

Darien: [On a more serious tone] Serena, I thought we agreed that this was going to be a more private event.

Serena: Private? You're planning on inviting all your classmates to the wedding. How can that be more private than my family?

Darien: The thing is, I'm thinking that your family shouldn't find out about this...

Serena: I can't leave my family out of this! It, just wouldn't be right.

Darien: All right, all right. What's done is done. Let's just focus on something different.

Serena: But tell me, Darien, do you hate my family?

Darien: No! It's just that...

Waitress: Ahem!

Darien: Oh, sorry for this, we... eh...

[Darien froze over. The waitress was a cute redhair with some pretty nice, errr... attributes. The fact that her uniform was a tad revealing didn't help matters either]

Serena: Darien?

Waitress: Excuse me, can I take your order?

Serena: [quietly] No.

Darien: Sure, we'll have two Specials.[All this without taking his eyes off the waitress. My, how the flesh is weak.]

Waitress: Ok, any drinks?

Serena: [sighs]just some coffee.

Darien: Me too.

Waitress: All right, it'll be ready soon.

[The waitress leaves. Darien's head bops left and right, in time with her walking. Darien, smiling in enchantment, starts looking at Serena. Suddenly, the enchantment's gone. Darien gulps and starts turning pale. Serena's eyes looked like a raging inferno]

Serena: What was that?

Darien: Ahh... err...

Serena: Can't talk? Waitress got your tounge?

Darien: Serena, you're misunderstanding. It was just a moment of weakness.

Serena: Ah, just a moment of weakness. Now tell me, how many moments of weakness have you had before this? How many will you have?

Darien: You're being overly jealous. She means nothing to me.

Serena: I just don't want to go on and make this jump if I can't trust you, Darien.

Darien: You can always trust me, Serena, I... I... ay, yi yi, yi yi

Waitress: Here you go, two Specials and two coffees.

Darien: Wow, that was fast.

Waitress: That's why they call us the best.

Darien: Ah, yeah, he he, Isn't that true. What do you say, Se...?

[For those of you who are not following, Things don't look good between Serena and Darien. Serena looks like she's going to blow up.]

Serena: So this is your true self. Congratulations, you deserve this. [throws her coffee at him, grabs her bag, and makes for an exit]

Darien: AAAAAAAHHHH!!! It burns! Why did you do that!

Serena: Cause you're such a pig and I've been so blind to it!

[Meanwhile, a strange figure appears across the street and watches Serena & Darien's discussion]

Darien: Serena, could you just shut up?

Serena: [GASP!] Is that how you treat me? You know what, maybe we rushed into this whole marriage thing!


Serena: What are you, deaf? The wedding's off!

Darien: Ah, oh, yeah?!

Serena: That's right!

Darien: Well, I think that maybe we rushed into this relationship too!

Serena: Well, fine by me!

Darien: Have a nice life.

Serena: Fine!

Darien: Fine!

[They leave the coffee shop, each taking their way. the strange figure watches them as they leave, then disappears into the croud. As Serena turns the corner, She lets the first tear out. She heard as Darien's car revved up, then went away. Serena started running to her house, got up to her room, and locked herself inside for a week.]


So, that's part 2. Remember, any commentaries and suggestions acceptable. I swear I'll have a web site by the end of the year, so you can all…

(Jimmy: Which year?)

Shut up! Now go on to part 3:

Evil reveals its final card.

'Till next time:

JCM 2oo4