Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Serena's Bad Day ❯ Patience is A Virtue!! Usually... ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

**Disclaimer: Well...I don't own Sailor Moon. Duh. I wish I did...but I don't think Naoko Takeuchi is willing to let me have it....I could buy Sailor Moon...but all I've got is a dollar and three pennies....<<sweatdrops>>.....on with the story....sigh....WHICH IS ALL MINE, SO NOBODY STEAL IT!!

Oh and thx to everyone that's review this story so far! It means so much to me!! So as a bonus, I'm writing two chapters today!! YAY!! I hope my teachers**

Serena's Bad Day

By: Iden's Garden

Chapter 5: Patience is A Virtue!! Usually...

Gleefully, Darien walked out of the arcade and headed home. But instead of taking the usual way, he decided to take a shortcut through the park (AN The same one Serena took.)

Coming out of the park, he realized that he could see the back of Serena's house. The sliding glass doors were open, and music was floating out.

Cautiously, Darien approached the house and peered in.

*After all, how else am I going to see her?? I've missed her...*


Serena was in the kitchen, moving around, and singing along with the tape. (AN: It's one of Loreena McKennit's cd's, which means it's sorta Irish style, and really cool!) Entranced, he listened and watched his beautiful angel.

*Well...not mine yet....but she will be....*

Suddenly, the song ended, and another one came on. It was purely instrumental, and was a very addictive beat, ancient, seductive, and mysterious all at the same time. Serena dropped the dishes she had been washing, looked out the windows as if making sure there was nobody there (AN: Darien ducked.), and raised her hands gracefully. She started moving to the rhythm, hands forming intricate patterns in the air, legs moving to the beat, hips swaying.

Astonished, Darien continued to watch. She was dancing! And gracefully too!

*So if she were a sorceress, twisting and weaving in front of a fire to cast a spell...*

He continued to watch with baited breath as Serena continued to form the beautiful patterns, twisting and turning, her eyes closed.

Then, the music stopped, and so did Serena. Panting, she smiled to herself, her cheeks flushed pink with the exercise.

Grabbing a knife, she knelt down and started peeling potatoes, still singing along with the tape.

Darien blinked a couple of times, as if awakening from a dream. Slowly, he made his way to his own house, and went in, a determined look on his face.

*She will be mine. I've got to make her love me!! I've just got to!*

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A few days later...

Darien ran into the arcade at full speed. The girls and guys had called an emergency meeting about "the plan".

Gasping, he dropped himself into their booth, and stared expectantly at all their eager faces. The guys had been so relieved when Rae and the girls had agreed to help them, that they had thrown themselves wholeheartedly into helping Darien. And finally, after multitudes of discarded ideas, they'd struck gold.

"Well? What have you guys got?" asked Darien eagerly.

Grinning, Andrew pushed a piece of paper across the table at Darien, who slowly picked it up to read.

They watched as his face paled.

*Uh oh...* they thought. *Maybe he doesn't like it...*

They tensed, as they watched Darien finish reading, close his eyes, take a very deep breath, and say,

"You guys are BRILLIANT!!"

Cheering, they all huddled close together, and started working out the plan.

Secretly, Darien kept glancing at the paper, thinking

*This will be perfect!*

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So?? What do you think?? I can't seem to stop w/ the cliffhangers...hee hee......I'm evil.

<<Deep, Mysterious Voice>>

What will the plan be?? What did the flyer say?? What will Darien DO? And how will Serena react?? All this and more, next time, when "Serena's Bad Day" continues! Same site, same name. Tune in NEXT TIME!!!