Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Serena's Bad Day ❯ Operation: Seduce Commences! ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

**Disclaimer: You know what?? If you haven't figured it out yet, too bad!!!

Oh, and apologies:

1) Sorry, apparently I've got some typos on the other chapters...hee hee....terribly sorry for that! But I'm not in the mood to go reposting. bear with me =)

2) Rae = Raye sorry 'bout that too!! I just like the Rae it a personal preference. But, I'll use Raye. K?
ON WITH THE SHOW!! er...story.... **

Serena's Bad Day

By: Iden's Garden

Chapter 6: Operation: Seduce Commences!

Raye nodded her head and rolled her eyes as Darien yet again explained her very important role.

"Ok. You slip the flyer into Serena's lunch bag. And then, blah blah blah...blah blah blah...."

At least that's what it sounded like to Raye. *Hehe...lunch bag....of course. We couldn't exactly use one of her school books, since she never looks in them anyways....*

Breaking out of her daydream, she realized that Darien was staring at her with a very irritated look in his eyes.

"Did you even hear one word I said?"

"Um...well....maybe....I'm not too sure..."

"I give up!" cried Darien, raising his eyes to the ceiling of the arcade.

Shaking her head, Rae tried to reassure Darien.

"Don't worry Dare!! I know it in my sleep!! It'll work out!! You'll see."

he walked up to him and patted him on the back.

Now get ready. Meatball Head will be here any minute. Unless she's late. But let's not go there..."

arien perked up. He would see Serena again! Even talk to her! Maybe they'd get into a fight again!!

That'd be perfect!! Then she wouldn't suspect a thing! Ooh...this is gonna be good.*

ubbing his hands together gleefully, Darien turned to the entire gang in the arcade and said in a director-type voice,

Ok. Places everyone! Let's move it! Come on!! She'll be here any second!"

The guys ran out of the arcade, with Darien in tow. Andrew dove across the counter with a thud, and then turned up a few minutes later, with a rag in his hand, and began wiping the counter. The girls sat themselves on stools facing Andrew, and waited.

And waited. And waited some more. They were starting to get impatient. Just when Raye was about to stand up and shriek in frustration, a blonde hurricane came tumbling through the door, landing flat on her face.

"Owie...that hurt..." muttered Serena, sitting up and tentatively touching her nose to see if it was all right. Getting up, she brushed some imaginary dust off her skirt, straightened her school shirt, and beamed at the girls.

"Hey guys! What's up?? Why'd you guys wanna meet at the arcade for lunch?"

"Hey Serena. Come and sit down. We just felt like a change from school scenery." replied Mina. Smiling at Andrew, she batted her lashes and said, "I'll have a cheeseburger Honey Buns."

All the girls grinned as Andrew turned beet red, stuttered, and walked off towards the kitchen.

Serena watched the girls secretly. *There's something going on. I know it! They're acting way too weird....*

Suddenly Raye did a very strange thing. She scratched her head, tweaked her nose, and wiggled her eyebrows at Lita. But Lita didn't notice. Growing red, Raye repeated the unusual gestures. And again, Lita didn't notice. Growling in frustration, Raye kicked her under the counter. Lita yelped, clamped a hand onto her mouth, and finally looked at Raye, who made sure that Serena didn't see, and did the signal again.

Realization blossomed in Lita's eyes. Springing off her stool, she grabbed Serena by the arm, and started dragging her back outside.

"Look! That guy looked exactly like Freddy! Look Serena!"

The doors closed on Lita looking up and down a deserted street, and Serena trying to pry her arm out of Lita's grip. Finally, Lita let go of Serena, who fell back hard, onto the ground. The impact caused the doors to open, and Serena's screeching could be heard.


Hearing this, Darien took a deep breath, nodded to the guys behind him, and they started walking up the street to the arcade. Lita saw them, winked, and dashed back into the arcade, leaving Serena screeching at empty air.

The guys grinned, slipped into the arcade, and left Darien alone with Serena, giving him a thumbs up sign.

Darien took a deep breath and said in a loud and sarcastic voice,

"So. Practicing for the Decibel Olympics Mini-Meatball Brain?"

*Ooh...she should take the bait...that was all three insults rolled into one.....*

Serena paused momentarily when she heard his voice, then gathered more air, and continued, this time at Darien.


Darien smirked, and said casually,

"But then how would I get to talk to you?? I need to stoop to your age, in order to have a conversation."

And walked into the arcade, leaving a very speechless Serena staring after him, daggers in her eyes.

*Ooh....the nerve of that guy! I can't believe he just said that! That was so mean! I'm not gonna cry. I'm not....*

But it was no use....the tears started filling up, spilling over, and the wailing started. Suddenly the doors opened again, and Mina grabbed Serena, shouting to be heard above the noise.

"Cool it Serena! Come eat! Come on!!!"

"Food!! SURE!!!!!!!"

Serena zoomed into the arcade, jumped onto her stool (AN: Darien is here too, he's sitting a few stools down), and opened her lunch box. She grabbed her sandwich, unwrapped it, and took a huge bite. Then, glancing down, she saw a flyer stuck in between her cookies and her drink. Curious, she pulled it out, and started to read.

*Hmm...what's this?? Masked ball? Tomorrow? Oh wow....that'd be soo cool!! Hey! 'A perfect couple will be chosen at midnight, to lead the final dance, and then everyone will be unmasked.' romantic.....a mystery man.....I want to go!! I'll get the girls to says it's only for couples. COME ON!! THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!*

"Hey guys. Have you seen this???" asked Serena.

Amy looked up from her physics textbook, which she was reading with Greg.

Glancing at the flyer, she returned back to her book, saying, "Yeah, we've seen it. We're going. With the guys. Why don't you come too?"

"What? You're going?? But...oh. Well...I'd love to go, but it says it's only for couples. And I don't have a boyfriend."

*Because Darien is a creep, and I love the creep, and he'll never go with me...*

*Perfect...she's fallen for it hook, line, and to play my part.*

"Well that's too bad Mini-Meatball Brain. But you shouldn't have too much trouble finding a date. I mean, your hair looks like meatballs, and you know what they say! The best way to a man's heart is through his stomach!!"

Everyone broke out into laughter, as Serena turned a bright red. Suddenly, she stood up, and eyes twinkling evilly, she grabbed her milkshake, and slowly poured it all over Darien's head. Then, turning on her heel, she left the arcade.

A few minutes later, Andrew ran out after her, calling her name.

"Serena! Wait!! 'bout I hook you up with one of my friends from school? He's really great, and I know he'd love to take you to the masked ball with us."

"Oh! You'd do that for me?? Really?? Wow. Thanks so much Andrew!! This will be wonderful!! I can't wait!"

"Great! Meet us at our house tomorrow at 7 all right?" replied Andrew, beaming.

"No problem!! I'll even come early!!" giggled Serena, and skipped away.

Andrew waited until Serena was out of hearing range. Then, pumping his fist in the air, shouted "YES!". Going back inside, he told the group the news. Everyone cheered.

Darien sat on his stool, covered in chocolate milkshake, grinning like an idiot.

"People, Stage 1 of Operation: Seduce is a success! Be prepared to launch Stage 2 tomorrow!! And remember!! Our place at 7!! Make sure she's there!!"

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Hey...well...that was chapter 6....what did you think?? It was VERY long, kinda uneventful....but chapter 7 will be better!! That's when everything will happen....well....almost everything!!! So R&R! If I get enough reviews, I'll write the next chapter over the weekend!! ^_^