Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Umi no Hime ❯ A Glimpse of Forever ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“It took one look
Then forever laid out in front of me
One smile
Then I died
Only to be revived by you…”
- Your Song, Parokya ni Edgar
Monday. Around mid-morning.
Seeing that it was no use trying to attend a class on the first day of school, I just went to our tambayan to pass off some time. I tried to read a book. I also tried texting, and flirting with girls. Then I tried to amuse myself by drawing SDs of me, Ami, and Rei in a Justice League pose. But they were to no avail.
That face lingered on my mind since the first time I saw her.
“You really like her, don't you?” It was Ami. She was standing beside the bench where I'm currently sprawled at.
“Encephalon, always the observer, I see.” I greeted her with a small salute as a sign of acknowledgement.
“You don't have to be so formal, Zephyr. Don't mind me. I'll just read this new book I got from Riku. Though you might want to finish the sketch of that aquamarine girl. It looks horrible at this point.”
Huh? What sketch? I blinked twice. Since when did I draw a sketch? As far as I know, I never had an asset in the art department. I was lucky that my track coach was the art teacher's husband, or else, I'd have a hard time passing our high school painting lessons.
I got up from the bench, stretching slowly from the ache in my back. And right away, I got face to face with a rather…not so nice, okay, ugly, “sketch” that somehow resembles the girl that we saw this morning. It seemed that my subconscious took advantage of me and decided to show off one of my “unknown” talents.
If only I could take my mental image of hers and transfer it to the parchment before me, I'd be a happy person. But I can't, not in this lifetime anyway. So I instead, I just tried my best to do the goddess justice by “drawing” her with the best of my abilities.
I finally finished most parts of her face, the only left to depict is her eyes. The most enchanting pair that I've ever seen. I don't think I could actually match the depth and the beguiling emotions behind those unfathomable blue orbs.
Yeesh. Unfathomable. I'm getting cheesy. I'm getting poetic.
And that usually means only one thing: I like her.
All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a hand reached out to take the paper away from me. But having keen senses, I caught it at ease. There was only one person who usually does this trick.
“Hah! Caught you red-handed, Raven,” I smirked at her triumphantly.
“Fine, fine, I was getting rusty anyway,” Rei waved off her hand dismissively. “So…dear Zephyr, you like the girl, but don't have the guts to talk to her, huh?”
“Common Rei, stop teasing. Or you might jinx it,” Ami said matter-of-factly.
She resigned herself next to me and shrugged her shoulders. “But have you noticed who she's with? The one with the weird hairstyle?”
I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “You mean, that blonde girl?”
“I don't know if it's just me, but I sense something weird about her,” she got a manga out of her bag and pretended to read a page.
“Yes, indeed she has a weird hairstyle,” the blue-haired genius agreed.
“Yeah! Yeah, that's it. What kind of person in their right state of mind would choose to put two meatball buns in her head? That's just plain stupid! An odango atama!”
“And so? It's her hair, Rei,” I emphasized the word her. “She can do whatever she wants with it. I don't see anything wrong about it though. Have you been taking drugs again?”
That last remark earned me a smack in the head. I laughed my heart out. And sooner than later, the two joined in the band. Sometimes, I wish that we would be like this forever. That life will be simple and all smiles.
But I know it's not always like that.
“Haruka! How many times do I have to tell you that the drug thing was only a rumor spread about by my ex-! You blonde bimbo! And here I thought, that the great junior motocross champ is an exception to the dumb blonde rule,” she crossed her arms and pretended to sulk. I grinned back.
“Oh, look at poor Rei-chan, you got her all gloomy, Haruka,” Ami joked. Beside me, Rei is making pouty and goofy faces that says `I'm gonna run to my mommy, and tell her what you did to me'.
“Rei, you wouldn't want your mom to scold me…you know you love me, right?”
“Yezz. All girls love you, Haruka, you egoistic flirt.” She said in a very weird, alien-like voice. But soon, her facade broke and we all ended up laughing with tears on our eyes.
And once again, the airwaves of the College of Arts and Sciences of U.P. were filled with the loud voices of three of its most popular icons.
Author's Notes:
There `ya go, chappie 2.
The College of Arts and Sciences is one of the main colleges of the University of the Philippines Manila, where all the main characters in this story are enrolled at.
Encephalon is synonymous to `mind'.
The Vantra Triad is composed of three campus idols, Haruka known as Zephyr, Rei as Raven, and Ami as Encephalon. A sidestory explaining this would be uploaded after I finished writing this one.
`Your Song' is a single by Parokya ni Edgar, a local band here in the Philippines.
Haruka, Michiru, and the rest of the BSSM gang belong to Naoko Takeuchi. I'm just borrowing them for a little while.
While the Philippine government owns U.P.
And Justice League belongs Cartoon Network.