Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Un-Serene ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


AN: Just a quick note to answer some questions/ comments. Someone asked who the goddess was that fell on Trunks; that was Serena. She was just truned into a five-year old. Someone asked WHY she was turned into a five year old. That will be explained in the next chapter OR the chapter after that. ALSO I MADE A MISTAKE, THERE IS NO ANDROID 16 IN THIS STORY, YET ANYWAY. ENJOY!!


About half and hour later, Bulma and Chichi had basically gotten the whole story. Bulma remembered dinner that she was suppose to have finished by now, and ran to see what she could whip up. Realizing she would need a LOT of time to cook for everyone, they decided to order out instead. Bulma sent Goten and Chibi-Trunks to get Serena, while the guys tried to decide what they would ask her. Bulma glared at them.
"She's our guest! Do NOT interrogate her!"
"But Bulma, we have to know more about her and where she comes from! She has an incredibly ki, and she might need our help or something..." Goku trailed off, trying to think up a good excuse. Bulma sighed.
"Just normal questions, no prying! Got it?" she said in a threatening tone. They all nodded quickly. Serena, Goten, and Chibi-Trunks came down then and there was an awkward silence. Finally 17 sighed at everyones apparent imobility and went over to Serena. He knelt down in front of her. {AN: Ok, this is kinda OOC for 17, but basically no one else is doing anythign and he just wants to get it done.}
"Hi there!" he saidwith forced cheerfulness. 'I'm am NEVER going to hear the end of it from 18...' he thought. "We were just wondering if you'd tell us a little about yourself," he said slowly. The reaction was not exactly what they had expected.
Serena grabbed his bandana and yanked his face close to hers.
"Do..... Not..... Patronize Me, Android...." she said in a deadly calm voice. She pushed his head away, sat down on a chair, and crossed her arms in annoyance. She muttered something about stupid androids and gods that are messed up in the head. 17 blinked.
"Uhhhh... How did you-" he turned to 18 and gave her an accusing look. "You told her!"
18 shook her head. "Not me!"
"I can tell." said Serena calmly. Everyone looked at her, some a little nervously. She looked around, her gaze resting on Piccolo. She narrowed her eyes. "Who are you?" she asked suspiciously. Piccolo scowled at her.
"Why should I answer you when you won't tell us about yourself, brat?"
Serena studied him closely. "You're a Namek." she said after a few moments. Everyone looked at her surprised.
"How did you know that?" Yamcha asked.
"I had a friend who was a Namek.... and for some reason, you have the same aura as him," she said to Piccolo, creasing her forehead in concentration. "Wait... no, it's different... it's almost like there are two auras in one..... OH NO!! HE MERGED WITH YOU!! ARRRGGG!!" Everyone jumped as she started yelling, and watched dumbfounded as she started hitting her forehand onto her hand. "No, no, no, no, no! Dang it! There goes my one connection in this dimension." She looked up at Piccolo. "You don't recognize me, do you? The hair...?" she pointed to the two meatball-shaped buns on her head. Piccolo shook his head. "Ok, how about a crescent moon?" she pointed to her forehead. Piccolo narrowed his eyes.
"Seems familiar, but no, I don't." Serena sighed and put her head in her hands.
"Of course," she muttered. "He TOLD me and my mother that he would lock away his memories in case they fell into the wrong hands... he must have done that before he merged..." Suddenly her head shot up. "Wait! If Kami exists in this dimension, Mr. Popo must too! Then he can help me!" She turned back to the group. "You have to take me to him right away!!"
Vegeta scowled at her. "And why should we? We don't even know if we can trust you." Serena scowled back.
"Saiyan. I should have known. Pompous ass." The last part she muttered under her breath, but nearly everyone heard her anyway. Vegeta was too confused to take note of it though.
"How do you know of the Saiyans, brat?" he snapped.
"Do NOT call me brat, pig! And I don't have to tell you anything." she glared at him.
"Well Serena, it would sure help us if you did," Goku said, trying to end the argument. Nearly everyone had sat down trying to process all the new information. Most of them were still drawing a blank and coming to the conclusion that everyone was crazy. Serena sighed.
"Well, I'm not allowed to tell you most of it... and the rest wouldn't make sense to you without knowing the whole story."
"Why aren't you allowed to tell us?" asked Krillen.
"There are some things that humans- I mean, mortals- are not allowed to know about." she replied.
"And you're not mortal?" Trunks asked with a incredulous look. Serena wrinkled her forehead.
"I'm not really sure if I am now. I wasn't before I came here, but then again, I wasn't five years old and powerless." Again, everyone just stared. Finally, Vegeta threw up his hands.
"That's it! She's crazy!" He proclaimed.
"Vegeta! We don't know if she's crazy or not!" Bulma scolded. Serena just sighed.
"How about before we do anything you all tell me who you are?" she suggested.


After everyone had been introduced, the food had come. Serena had agreed to wait to go see Mr. Popo. She watched in astonishment as the Saiyans attacked the food, and Bulma gave her a plate of food that she had managed to get before the others got to it. Serena ate it happily, then attacked the rest of the food almost as fast as the Saiyans. Everyone stopped to stare.
"Are you part Saiyan?" asked Goten.
"No, I just haven't eaten for a few hundred years," said Serena. Everyone shrugged and went back to eating. Nothing really surprised them about her anymore.
After dinner was over, something strange happened. Well, actually, it wasn't too strange considering all the things they had already seen. As I said, not much surprised them about her now.
Everyone had just finished, when Serena asked "What do you want, Strife?" Everyone else looked around, but couldn't see anything.
"You didn't find anything?!? Um... ok... then why are you here?" There was a pause. "What news?" Pause. "..... That's not news.... ok, it is news, but why would I CARE?" Long pause, Serena looks like she's getting annoyed. "That's it, go BACK to your dimension and DON'T come back until you have news that will HELP me!" Pause. "YOU WHAT?!?! AGAIN?!? WHY YOU LITTLE-" She brought up one of her hands and shot a huge amount of power at an unseen person as the others stared in shock. Instead of just hitting the wall, the ball of power seemed to come into contact with something and send it flying into the wall. It left a human shaped imprint. Everyone stared at the wall, then at Serena, then back at the wall. Serena blinked. She brought up her hand and looked at it, then back at the wall.
"Oh, look at that, I guess I have some power after all!" she said surprised, and a little sheepishly. "Well, at least I got rid of Strife, he ran back to his own dimension to find a hiding place from Artemis. Serves him right. Don't worry Bulma, I can fix the wall.... I think..." she concentrated on the wall and started glowing white. After a few minutes, there was a flash and the wall was restored. Serena fell back into her chair.
"Woah, that took more out of me than I thought it would..." she said, looking dazed.
Everyone just stared.


Serena lay in her bed at Capsule Corp. Bulma had suggested that she get some rest and go to see Mr. Popo the next day. Serena had agreed because using the amount of power she had had made her weak. She mentally kicked herself for being so weak, but knew that it wasn't her fault. Something had happened that had taken away her powers, except a small amount of them. She had to figure out what. She also had to figure out why she had turned into a five-year old. That wasn't suppose to happen when she went into other dimensions, even if she went unwillingly.
She sighed and rolled over. Even though she felt drained, she couldn't fall asleep. She was worried about what had happened that day. Now she had gotten innocent people involved in what might turn out to be... well, she didn't know. She just had a bad feeling about the whole business. The day had been a total nightmare. At least they didn't think she was crazy anymore. At least, she didn't think they thought she was crazy now. She felt kind of bad for them. If she had gone though what they had, she would probably have gone crazy and be talking to fruits. Then again, after all she had seen in her many lifetimes, she might not even have been phased.
Pushing all thoughts out of her head, she finally fell asleep. Right after she blasted Strife for trying to hide from Aries in her bed.

*************************************************** ************************************

AN: Ok, next chapter will be out who knows when... I'm working on several stories right now, so I don't know how soon. Ok, I know this is REALLY strange but... oh well. Also, sorry this is so late, I finished it awhile ago, but kept forgetting to post it.WHO SHOULD I PAIR SERENA WITH?!? Not Vegeta, because Trunks has already been born, and not 17 because I have plans for several other stories with him. PLEASE VOTE!! Who should it be? Gohan or Trunks?