Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ ALPHA UNIVERSE SAGA: JENSEITS VON GUT UN BOSE ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Epilogue: Blazing Departure
“This is all that you want to report to me 2nd lieutenant…?” captain Tetsuya Onodera asked while Ave just nodded. “Yep, in this report contain all of the reason why Rogue Flamer capture Maria Tachibana of Floral Assault Troop as well as incident in this planet…Blue Star…” Ave replied. “It seems it was happening really fast…” Amuro commented. “Major Sergeant Amuro Ray…I hope you also added your thought in this report as well…since you observe our fight and have your own fight ensued…” Ave replied. “I will lieutenant…by the way how is it…?” Amuro asked. “Ah almost forgot…apparently…I along with TD Projects personnel and Hoshigumi members ensign Taiga Shinjiro and ensign Gemini Sunrise really hoping…around one or two weeks time in this Blue Star, especially for me if it is possible…” Ave asked. “Any reason of this lieutenant…?” captain Onodera asked. “It is a personal matter captain…but it also can serve as vacation for other members as well…” Ave replied. “The time requires for travelling will be around two weeks and half…also to return here and picked you all…lieutenant, if you decide to stay behind with other members…there will be no support unless we arrived…is it clear…?” captain Tetsuya asked. “Yes…I understand…” Ave answered.
“Vacation…!?” Ryusei asked. “Yep, but SRX Team need to be presented in the report and also to passed the data of Altairlion toward Tesla Reich Lab…so basically this vacation is only for us…” Tsugumi smiled when she replied Ryusei. “Arghhh…I want holiday as well…I want…” Ryusei screamed meanwhile Rai, Aya and Mai who saw this situation just sighed. “He never changes isn't he…?” Mai asked. “Yes…sure he is…even worst now…” Rai answered sarcastically. “What's your problem…Blonde Freaks…!” Ryusei complained. “Who is Blonde Freaks…!?” Rai retorted. “Hai…hai…hai…both of you…enough…!!!” Aya quickly stopped both Ryusei and Rai before the childish fight ensued. “Ah…Ibis…lieutenant Ave…welcome back…” Tsugumi greeted Ave and Ibis that just return from somewhere. “Two and half weeks vacation…and I allowed to take a spare of Guarlion Custom with me…while Altairlion need to be repaired in Tesla Reich Lab…” Ibis answered. “That's good for you Ibis…and Ave…?” Tsugumi asked. “I keep Argan with me in case something happened…but there is something I want to investigate as well…Tsugumi…I mean chief Takakura…mind for lend me some hands…?” Ave asked. “Ave…no need to be so formal…just call me Tsugumi…and I will be glad to help you…” Tsugumi replied and smiled toward Ave.
“So is it alright with you…?” Shinjiro asked. “Don't worry about it captain…we need to return to Neo America sooner as well…since a lot of thing need to be done…” Sagitta replied. “Meanwhile Taiga-san and Gemini-san need more vacation…since both of you fight really hard here…” Diana added and giggled toward Shinjiro and Gemini who blushed. “Rika will not interrupted…good luck Shinjiro…Gemini…khi khi khi…” Rika also smiled naughtily toward Shinjiro and Gemini. “Gemini…Shinjiro…makes sure you do it…this time…alright…?” Subaru smiled slyly meanwhile both Shinjiro and Gemini blushed even deeper. “Subaru…what are you talking about…it is something against the law…both of them still bellow age consent…or something…objection…!!!” Sagitta countered. “What is it Subaru talking about…? Rika don't understand…ne…Diana…?” Rika asked meanwhile Diana also blushed for unknown reason. “Maaa…I…I don't know how to explain it as well…” she replied. “How about Maria Tachibana-san…?” Shinjiro asked suddenly. “Ah…she will be with us and returned to Teikoku Kagekidan…don't worry about it Taichou…we do everything for you and both you and Gemini just relax and enjoy your time here…” Sagitta replied.
“Chief Uzuki…you also returned along with Rhine Maidens as well…?” Ave asked. “Yes, I also have something I want to investigate…my hunch…this thing will be related with this conflict as well…” Shion replied. “How about KOS-MOS and the others…?” Ave asked. “They will return with me as well…but if something goes wrong…I hope you can lend me a hand…” Shion replied. “Don't worry chief Uzuki…I will remember that…” Ave smiled toward the young chief engineer of Vector Enterprise. “Enjoy your vacation 2nd lieutenant…” Shion yelled and laughed toward Ave. “Thanks…” Ave replied when he disappeared from the Orbital Elevator door that connect Dammerung with the Blue Star. “So…let me guess…holiday and investigate something…at least I have time to meet my parents as well…wonder if Alisa and Haruko want to accompany me….” Ave stared toward the Orbital Elevator ceiling.
What was he really fighting for before, was it for his fame, glory or just simply to change his destiny? Those questions suddenly appeared in Ave's mind. “So…what do you think with everything you have done so far…?” a mysterious voice asked. “Plitzken…” Ave replied. “Are you regretting or you think…it was futile to fight against your own destiny now…?” the mysterious voice keeps asking him. “It is not futile or not I regret this decision I made…by the way…why you just don't leave me alone…” Ave replied harshly. “If you wish…I will leave you alone…but the destiny of Time Diver cannot be taken lightly…you will be suffered later on…and even you wish to die…you will not able to die…live with that curse…forever…” the mysterious voice replied and suddenly it just disappeared. The young Time Diver just sighed.
“Even with all that I already done…everything seems never getting any better…there must be something…here, something…that caused all of this conflict from the whole beginning…”
The first week passed already. Ave along with Halko, Alisa, Tsugumi, Ibis, Gemini and Shinjiro try to enjoy their holiday time. This time they visited Ave's parents house that now located on the hill near the beach. It was something really special for everybody especially toward the young Time Diver himself. His father and mother saw everything in disbelief. During this past years they always thought Ave already died when the first incident happened but now their son standing in front of them in a healthy condition. Of course both of Ave's father and mother really happy after he found out his son got so many friends, even the young Time Diver's father asked among these five girls, who are his son lover. For some reason Ibis and Halko blushed after they glared each other. But Ave quickly dismissed this idea and told his parents; all of them are his comrades.
Finally his parents found out about Ave's destiny as Time Diver. Surprisingly enough, they didn't object Ave decision. In the other hand, Ave's younger brother that how pilot a mobile suit called MWS-19051G or D Gundam First, challenge him into a duel. Of course Ave could defeat his brother easily with Argan but nobody know the reason of this duel. Is it just being caused by sibling rivalry or there is something else there. Nobody being injured in this duel but MWS-19051G was badly damage. There are huge feasts as well in Ave's family. His mother cooking are really superb meanwhile it is also to celebrate the return of the young Time Diver while everybody could see, how happy his parents are.
Speaking about investigation, the young Time Diver along with Tsugumi Takakura also investigates the Imaginer Syndrome. Ave and Tsugumi believed this phenomenon as the root of the conflicts happened in the Blue Star. After some research and experiment being used, with the help of Ibis and the other of course, Ave and Tsugumi begin to understand the true nature of Imaginer. As what Ave said before, Imaginer is people who have ability to tap into another realm with their mind. They were able to change other people from other realm's fate with their writing and they are also usually having a quirk of social problems. It was one night when Ave asked his father about did his father knows someone with this kind of ability. His father told Ave and Tsugumi about the existence of the worst Imaginer. He called himself Hyde Hakem and always enslaving people. Lucky for Ave's parents to live far away from that place, which being called Hellish Town by their citizen.
Hyde is an Imaginer and surely the worst one. According to some data required by Halko and Alisa, Hyde before is an immigrant from unknown land with his bankrupt father and mother. He always was being bullied in his high school since his short body and his face that looks like a mouldy pizza. It is when Ave realizes the true identity of Hyde Hakem and the young Time Diver just grinned evilly. Ibis asked about the identity of this Hyde person, but Ave just told her, this guy is also one of the people inside his dead list. It is when Ibis told Ave that she pity Ave who put himself and his divine power just for petty revenge. Ave retorted and tells Ibis didn't understand anything about what happened. This quarrel ensued but lucky Tsugumi manage to make both Ave and Ibis understand their own mistakes and forgive each other. Lastly, Ave promised to Ibis that he will not kill Hyde when the time come and he only makes him feel fear and hopefully he can change his attitude in the future.
Assault into Hellish Town finally being executed. By using only Argan and Guarlion Custom, both Ave and Ibis manage to take down the city defence system. Those RGM-79 GM mobile suits are not really a big deal for both of them. Meanwhile they finally face Hyde Hakem who pilot a mobile suit called MS-07B Gouf. The battle was the easiest one since Hyde abusing Gouf ability in close combat and threat the battle as one of his flick kung-fu imagination. After dismembered Hyde's Gouf, Ave finally reveals himself followed by Ibis. Hyde yelled and cursed when he quickly trying to escape. Nobody knows about what happened later to this sick Imaginer, but it seems the tormented citizen quickly raided his residence and might be killed him with his family in the progress. Ibis said she also feel sorry for him, since he put so much hatred toward everybody that eventually led into his own destruction, but Ave replied, it is his own choice, wether he could forgive other people or not and both Ave and Ibis cannot do anything toward him anymore. Ibis just nodded and she leaned her head on Ave's shoulder.
A lot of memory happened in this Blue Star. Not all of them are happy memory but they are very precious for the young Time Diver. Especially within this two and half weeks where everybody feel really relaxed despite a lot of investigation and research need to be done. It was a usual morning where Ibis and the young Time Diver walking around the beach and the sun even haven't rise. They only could feel the sea breeze blows their sweater away and Ibis as usual chatted and laughed while the young Time Diver told her some of his funny experience when he was still staying in this Blue Star. Shinjiro and Gemini also busy with their own business, as Gemini asked her captain to swim on the beach and young helpless Shinjiro just developed a nosebleed when he saw Gemini's bikini swimsuit. Ave and Ibis laughed when they saw this things meanwhile Tsugumi, Alisa and Halko just giggled from the other side of the beach.
It is when Halko told Tsugumi and Alisa about her true feeling toward the young Time Diver but she also told them about she don't really mind it. She realizes, her feeling seems only happened one side since she realizes how close Ave with ibis is. Sometimes it makes Halko feel jealous, but Tsugumi quickly explained that Ave always treat them equally. He knows that he cannot love or be loved with someone at least he denied his existence as a Time Diver. Halko asked about what its mean and Tsugumi replied about the existence of Time Diver which later will be forced to maintain the karmic balance of this universe alone from the void. Time Diver cannot interact with other living being and he will be spending his eternal life alone in the void. It was his destiny and Ave knew it well but he still accepted. Halko and Alisa wondering why the young Time Diver accepts this cruel destiny of his rather than denied it. Tsugumi simply repied “Because it was his true wish…”
Old friends, family members, relatives are visiting the young Time Diver. His adventure became tale after Ave told them about what happened so far to him. Ibis and the others sometimes laughed when some of Ave's relatives told them about some funny experience happened to the young Time Diver in his past life. This situation was warm and very friendly. Shinjiro and Gemini also seems forget about their own problem in Hoshigumi, everybody hoping this moment can be lasted forever. But, happy moment sure moves faster than any moment. Two and half weeks passed and it was the time to parted from Blue Star. It was six in the morning where Hagane landed on the beach near Ave's parents house.
“Are you sure you need to go…?” Halko asked while she for sure doesn't one Ave to leave. “Sorry…this is my mission and I need to go…Halko…I hope you're understand…Dad…Mom…I am sorry as well since I just only returned and I need to go…” Ave looked toward his parents. “Don't worry about us son…just go and do what do you think correct…” Ave's mother replied. “Just don't forget…wherever you go…if you feel tired…you always can return here…we always prepare a tidy room for you…this is your home after all…” his father replied as well. “Thanks…Mom…Dad…” Ave smiled. “Lieutenant…sorry…to interrupt but…this is the time…” Tsugumi put her right hand on Ave's right shoulder while informing the young Time Diver. “Bro…when you return…I will challenge you again…!” Ave's youngest brother grinned. “Just make something stronger…and I am looking forward for that…” Ave replied. “Alisa…Halko…thanks for everything…please look upon this Blue Star until my return…” Ave smiled toward those two girls. “You too…Ave…take care yourself…my friend…” Alisa replied.
“Excuse me…if I am allowed…I need to speak as well toward Ave's parents…” a voice suddenly appeared from behind. Ibis, Tsugumi, Ave, Shinjiro and Gemini quickly turned their heads. “Cap…captain…!?” Ave stared in disbelief. In front of Ave and the others, captain Tetsuya Onodera followed by officer Rio Mei Long and SRX Team members already standing in front of them. “My name is Tetsuya Onodera…captain for 1st class battleship Hagane…” Tetsuya saluted toward Alisa, Halko, Ave's parents and brother. “Oh…nice to meet you captain…” Ave's father replied. “I would like to say on the behalf of Ave that as parents both of you must be proud for your son struggle toward the peace and freedom in this universe…moreover there is another good news…” Tetsuya informed. “Good news…?” Ave asked. “Yep…Ave…from today you were promoted as first lieutenant and the ceremony will be held in Far East Branch due the time of your arrival…congratulation…” Tetsuya Onodera smiled and he shake Ave's hand with a firm grip.
“First lieutenant…so he will be able to command a small team…?” Ibis asked in disbelief. “Omedetou Ave…” Tsugumi smiled and hugged the young Time Diver. “Well, it is kinda surprising for me…but thanks…captain and everyone…” Ave replied. “Ave my son…this the time…go now…and don't forget…when you want to return here we…always have the door opened for your return…” Ave's father smiled toward his son. “Thanks Dad…Mom… thanks for everything…I will be going now…take care yourself…” Ave hugged his father and mother before he entered Hagane followed by Ibis, Tsugumi, Shinjiro and Gemini. Five of them saluted before the entrance of that battle cruiser closed automatically. “First lieutenant Ave…ready for duty…”
“He is finally gone isn't he…?” Halko asked. “Yep…but he always left a good memory for us here…” Alisa replied. “Don't worry…he will return…I know it…since I have a feeling about it…” Halko smiled toward Alisa. “Yep…it is Ave that we are talking about…he will return for sure…” Alisa smiled toward the other girl and both of them just giggled. “In the meantime…why both of you not enjoy some more time…we got something that Ave for sure will regret for missing this opportunity…” Ave's father suddenly interrupted. “Yep, special lobster dishes made by my homemade recipes…” Ave's mother explained. Both Halko and Alisa quickly nodded and they entered Ave's parents house followed with Ave's youngest brother.
Meanwhile inside Hagane Captain Quarter…
“So this is all of the report…lieutenant…?” Tetsuya asked. “Yep…captain…it is all what we got from our stay in Blue Star…and especially the entity of Imaginer…everything were stored inside this optical disc…” Ave replied. “So…tell me lieutenant…what do you think about our mission this time…?” Tetsuya asked. “Why you asking me about this captain…?” Ave asked his captain back. “I just want to know your opinion lieutenant…moreover it is what I always think about…the Aerogaters incident and other similar attacks happened in our world now being extended to another world as well…is it coincidence or something bad really happening here…” Tetsuya replied. “In my opinion…it must be humanity that makes this kind of thing happened…they invoked something they must not invoke like EOT…for example…but after mankind decide to chose their own destiny…it is up to him to fight for it…” Ave replied. “You're right lieutenant…this talk…just keep it among us…if you don't mind…” Tetsuya smiled toward the young Time Diver. “Sure captain…now if you're excuse me…” Ave replied.
Hagane Pilot Quarter…
“Really…so you meet Ave's parents…?” Rio asked in disbelief. “It…it is not like that…” Ibis replied. “But at least you said you quite happy to be able to see his parents don't you…?” Tsugumi smiled and Ibis face blushed. “No…it is just not like that…” Ibis tried to defend herself but unable to do it in front of Tsugumi and Rio. “Just admit it Ibis…” Rio commented meanwhile Ibis face became blushed even deeper and deeper. “Don't worry Ibis, I am sure Ave will think the same way of this…” Tsugumi put her hands on Ibis' shoulders. “Tsugumi…please…” Ibis replied helplessly.
Meanwhile in unknown place…
“So all of the players already being set for the final stage…” the mysterious voice spoken and a red figure appeared behind him. “It seems like that…director…” the red figure replied. “Ah, wait Red Testament…we have a guest here…” the mysterious voice replied. “You're never change right Cain…?” the voice of the guest can be heard. “Ah…Chaos…welcome…or should I address you with Yeshua…” the mysterious voice replied. “So, you decide to put us in this Human Instrumental Program…like some madman done a few years ago…?” Chaos asked. “It is not like that…but I am so happy since you want to take a part Yeshua…” Cain replied. “I just take a part so I can stop your ambition once and for all…” Chaos answered. “Well, you know me Jeshua…if you stop me…there is no salvation among humanity…there is no chance for humanity to enter Abel's Ark…” Cain replied.
“There will be a chance…Irui told me once before…including Nephilim…every human have what they call the power of will to achieve something…it was this power once…the Human Instrumental Program can be stopped by humanity themselves…but humanity also weak and you try to manipulate them…” Chaos asked. “Not really manipulate them Yeshua…I just give them hope…” Cain replied. “It is a false hope…humanity can survive with or without Abel's Ark existence…” Chaos answered. “If you insisted Yeshua…let us see…how humanity will survive…or perished this time…and one more thing…that Time Diver already got my nerve…if he continue to act like that…he left me no other choice beside to erase his existence from this universe…” Cain commented. “You cannot do that…and I know that…there is no guarantee that you will be able to win if you fight him…don't forget that he possess the power of Originals now…” Chaos replied.
“Ah…interesting…let us sees…when the time come…” Cain answered. “I am looking forward for his…” Chaos replied and he disappeared into nowhere. “Shall I kill him director…?” Red Testament asked. “No need to be rush into a trouble…we can wait…until the time come…” Cain replied. “As you wish director…” Red Testament answered and he also disappeared into nowhere. Cain sat on his director chair and he saw through the emptiness on the galaxy. “When the time arrive and the giant God of IDE being resurrected…the time for Abel's Ark to be opened will be certain…now it is still a time for me to wait…” he smiled evilly and closed his eyes.
Solo Planet, Far away…
“Yuki…here…let see what we got here…!” a girl called her companion meanwhile a young man with an auburn Afro hair appeared. “A giant…what is it…?” he asked. “I don't know…but it was written here…it was once called Ideon….” The girl replied.
Theme Song: CASTAWAY
Performed By: Tamaki Nami
Kyou mo doko kade deau unmei to omoeru shunkan...
Mitsukete mata ushinatte
Omoide dake samayotte...
Hito to hito wo musubu kagi ga subete itami da toshitemo
Itsuwari no nai shinjitsu da yo ne
Ano hi futari ga sugoshita yoru wa...
Kimi no te de kizutsukete
Nido to yume wo minai you ni...
Hiki saite kokoro koto
Aisareru koto nozomanu you ni...

Karadajuu no nukumori wa
Subete kimi de dekiteru...
Mou modore naikara
Mou hanasa naide...
Yosete kaesu nami no you
Ano hi no you ni dakishimete...
Hitotsu hitotsu kimi wo shitte
Aisuru koto wo oboete
Kowai mono nado nanimo nakatta
Tada kimi ga inakunaru no ga kowakatta...
Kimi no te wo mamotteta
Chiisaku hosoi kono ude wa...
Shiawase wo tsunai deta
Gamushara ni mamotteru watashi ga ita...
Kanashimi mo yorokobi mo
Subete kimi de dekiteta...
Sayonara to ieru made
Mada kimi wo omottete mo ii?

Sayonara to wakaru made
Mada kimi no koto sagashite mo ii?
Kimi no te de kizutsukete
Nido to yume wo minai you ni...
Hiki saite kokoro koto
Aisareru koto nozomanu you ni...

Kimi no te wo mamotteta
Chiisaku hosoi kono ude wa...
Shiawase wo tsunaideta
Gamushara ni mamotteru watashi ga ita...

Kanashimi mo yorokobi mo
Subete kimi de dekiteru...
English Translation
As we meet again somewhere today, I think about fate...
about finding, and then losing
The memories just wander...
Assuming that all keys that tie us together are made of pain
Then it must be the truth wihout lies
On that day back then, on that night we spent together...
Because I was hurt by your hands
I can't have this dream again...
I cast away the feelings in my heart
because I don't want your love no more...

The warmth inside me
was there because of you...
Because I can longer return
I can no longer let go...
Moved aside like a returning wave
like the day how we embraced on that day...
I slowly started to understand you
and I remember when I loved you
I wasn't afraid of anything
I was just scared of you not being there...
My small, thin arms,
were protected by your hands...
Hapiness bound us together
but I was protected by a reckless person...

Both sadness and joy
were all there because of you...
Untill we say goodbye,
is it okay to still think about you?

Untill I know it's goodbye,
can I still search for you?
Because I was hurt by your hands
I can't have this dream again...
I cast away the feelings in my heart
because I don't want your love no more...

My small, thin arms,
were protected by your hands...

Hapiness bound us together
but I was protected by a reckless person...

Both sadness and joy
were all there because of you...
To Be Continued in….