Samurai X Fan Fiction ❯ We are Destined ❯ Chapter 10

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 10
**at the mall**
“Do you think he's gonna like this teddy bear?” Sayo asked, holding a brown teddy bear holding a small heart-shaped pillow.
“Hmm, I think he'll like anything you'll give him.” He said. “I think he won't like this bear…because people think that teddy bears are only for girls.” Sayo said. “Well, look for other things you could give him. Like this picture frame.” Sano said, pointing to a cute picture frame. Sayo frowned. “I already gave him a picture frame, the one in his room, beside his bed.” She said. Just then, Sayo thought of a great idea. “I know what to give him!” She shouted. Everyone inside the gift shop looked at her. “Oops. Sorry.” She said, smiling to the people looking at her. “Are you crazy? Why did you shout? There are too many people here.” Sano said, laughing. “Hey, stop laughing at me.” Sayo protested childishly. “Okay, okay.” Sano said. “Come on; let's go to the jewelry shop.” Sayo said. Sano followed Sayo to the jewelry shop. They stopped in front of a glass stand. Sayo saw the perfect gift right there. It was a pair of silver rings (one for a guy and one for a girl). There were small imbedded diamonds at the center of the ring. “Good morning miss, do you want that pair?” the salesman asked Sayo. “Yes.” Sayo smiled and nodded. The salesman took out a chain of different ring sizes for Sayo to try on. He gave another one to Sano. Sano looked surprised, and then blushed. “I- I'm not her boyfriend.” He said. “Oh? You two look great together.” The salesman said. Sano and Sayo looked at each other, and then smiled. “Just try it on, I think Souzo and you have the same size.” Sayo said. Sano did what she said. After getting their sizes, the salesman took the ring and placed it in a red velvet box. After buying the rings, they went home.
**Meanwhile, at the Sagara mansion…**
“What's taking them so long?” Souzo whispered. It's already 10 in the morning, only an hour before he leaves. He decided that he and his parents should go to the airport now and just tell Sano and Sayo to go to the airport instead. He sent a message to Sano and left the house with his parents.
**at Sano's car**
“Sayo, can you get my cellphone and read the message?” Sano asked. Sayo took the cellphone. “The message is from Souzo.” She said. She read the message aloud: “Hey Sano, where are you? We're going to the airport now, so instead of going to the house, just go to the airport and meet us there.” “Okay.” Sano said. Then he drove to the airport.
When they got to the airport, they went to the waiting area and saw Souzo with his parents. Sano and Sayo ran towards them. “Sayo, what took you so long?” Souzo asked. “I wanted to give you the perfect gift, and I had a hard time looking for it.” She said. Souzo stared at her eyes. Sayo took out the red box from her pocket and opened it in front of Souzo. Souzo was too surprised and touched by Sayo's gift. Sayo took out one ring and placed it in Souzo's ring finger. Souzo took the other ring and placed it in Sayo's finger. Then he embraced Sayo so tight and whispered “This is the best gift.” After a few minutes, Souzo's plane was about to leave. “Sano, I want you to take care of Sayo while I'm gone.” Sano nodded and embraced his brother. Souzo said good bye to his parents and then kissed Sayo on her cheeks. “Take care; I will come back for you. I love you.” He said. Tears filled Sayo's eyes. “I love you, too.” Then Souzo started walking to the plane. And then he was gone. Sano's parents went home, Sano decided to drive Sayo to her house. On their way to Sayo's house, they didn't talk to each other. Sayo just looked outside the window. Sano decided not to talk to her and let her be alone. When they arrived at Sayo's house, Sayo jumped out of the car and thanked Sano for the ride.