Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Dairy of a Timid Tiger Princess ❯ "Life Can Be Sunny And Rain Can Be Cloudy," when I think about it like that, I'm okay. ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I know it's been a long time, but I was moving and I didn't have enough time to write--Pleeeeeeease forgive me my readers meow! To make up for this, I'm writing the third chap!!

"Um...uh...K-Knuckles-senpai?..." Maruu couldn't belive how close she was--how close she was sitting next to her crush.
'I-I think my heart skipped a beat. What should I do? I-I'm so nervous, I...I can't move my body--Eek! H-he's looking at me!! act calm Maruu,' she thought to herself as she looked at him.
Maruu had just then noticed something as she looked at him--his eyes. His eyes were...somewhat different. She had placed her right hand on his cheek and continued to stare.
" really hansome," Maruu said as she felt the blush on her cheeks heated up.
"Heh, and you look beautiful, but what else is new?" Knuckles respoded with a smile and chuckle.
"Um...Knuckles-senpai, sometimes I're so very nice to me. And that...well I'm so happy to have met you. Also..." Maruu had trailled off and began to think to herself.
'Okay Maruu...t-this is it! T-this is the exact moment where I tell Knuckles-senpai how I feel about him! can do this Maruu--I know you can: strike while the iron's hot--DON'T HESITATE!!''' Maruu yelled in her head.
"'Also...?'" Knuckles reminded her.
"Um...uh...a-also...I want to say t-that...that...T-that I love you Knuckles-senpai!! i have for a really long time, but I couldn't tell you because I-I thought it might ruin our friendship o-or that you might not feel the same!!" Maruu suddenly blurted out.
Knuckles was just in a bit of shock at what Maruu had said. He didn't know what to do but stare at her.
Maruu felt very uneasy at the way Knuckles had stared at her and felt her stomach tighten up and her heart at her throat.
"I'm..I-I'm sorry...but I just had to tell you how I felt about you Knuckles-senpai. If I hadn't...the feelings would've eaten me..." Maruu trailed off with a sad look in her eyes.
"'s okay. It's okay if you love me--I have no problem with it. To be honest, I kinda feel the same. I'm glad you told me Maruu." Knuckles told her as he kissed her softly on the cheek.
"Knuckles-senpai...I'm...I-I'm sorry happy you feel the same!" she said, trying to fight back her tears and hugged him for a while. She knew she couldn't hold back her tears for long and hand cried a little.
Knuckles tried to comfort her by stroking her back slowy and hugged back. Just then a knock was heard at the door.
"Hey Knux, you comin' down or wh--...Oh, am I interupting something?" Said a spikey blue hedgehog grinning ear to ear.
Both Knuckles and Maruu looked in shock at who was at the door, then at eachother. They both blushed and let go of each other.
" well I mean..." They both stammered, trying to come up with an excuse.
"Ah, heheh...Way to go Knux, I didn't know you had it in you." Sonic laughed.
"N-no Mr.Sonic, it's not like that w-we just hugged and talked for a bit, t-that's all, really!!" Maruu said as she felt the blush come across her face again.
"Riiight..." Sonic said.

Well that's all for now--I wish I could've wrote more, but my dad is getting on my nerves--please R&R meow.