Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Freedom Fighters Z ❯ Back on Earth... ( Chapter 4 )

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Freedom Fighters

Disclaimer: None of the Characters in this fan fiction (except Me) are mine.

Note: Some characters may be a little OOC.

Episode 4: Back on Earth

"Where are they?", Videl wondered. Normally, she could wait, but it has been a week since Gohan, his brother, their father, their Rivals, and their newest friend all went camping... They haven't been seen since then, by anyone.

"WHERE ARE MY BABIES!?!?!?!?!?", Chi-Chi Screamed.

"Well, she's worried...", Krillin muttered. The group were all beginning to worry.

"What has YOUR HUSBAND DONE WITH MY BOYS, BULMA!", Chi-Chi screamed accusingly at the other woman.


The two began arguing over who's husband was at fault. 18 was even starting to get upset.

"I can't believe they would take so long..."

"What's with you 18? I thought you didn't care what happened to Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan,", Videl asked.

"It's not that. It's the fact that since they and their sons are gone...Their wives won't stop screaming. It's giving me a headache."

"I know what you mean," Videl mumbled.

"Why don't we just look in the area where they were supposed to be camping?", Krillin suggested.

"Good Idea, It will also get us away from Bulma and Chi-Chi," 18 told her husband. They nodded and all three took off, leaving the wives arguing.

* * *

"Do you remember where they said they were going, Videl?", Krillin asked.

"Yeah, I remember. They said they were going...There," She said as she pointed at a clearing.

"Their camping equiptment is here, but it looks torn...", Krillin said.

"Hmm...", Both women...well...Hmmed.

"What is it?"

"I Can't tell. The only one who could would be Bulma, and do you want to hear her shouting again?", Videl said.

"Good Point. Bulma can be as bad as Chi-Chi sometimes," Krillin said.

18 sighed, "But, there is no other way is their?"

The three stood around for a few moments, weighing their options.

"We've got no other choice. We've got to ask Bulma," 18 Sighed.

A Little while later...

"I don't understand it. The stuff hasn't been touched for days!", Bulma shouted

"I think something happened to them," Videl started.

"....Your right. That has to be it...But what happened?", Bulma asks.

They would find out...but not for a long, long time.

Next Time on Freedom Fighters Z:

The Training of Goku and Gohan Starts, and Amy starts to wonder why she has feelings for the New Hedgehog!

Next Time: "Can You Feel the Sunshine"