Soul Calibur - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Repenting Sinner ❯ Evil Hailing to the North ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lil Lovely Angel: Ok here we are!!! Actually… where are we? Ok I got it. Here's chapter three of Repenting Sinner!
She couldn't help but feel as if it was her fault. Jocelyn trailed behind the group as they walked further from Siegfried's home village. She could have gone alone to vanquish the evil that had befallen her town but Margaret had ordered that Siegfried accompany her. She didn't want to be the reason that Siegfried died. She had heard of his hardships from his mother. Why hadn't Margaret ordered him to stay? Perhaps if she left then the group would give up and go back home. Yes, when the night came, she'd leave the camp and hurry ahead with the map that Bryant had brought. “Jocelyn, why do you walk so slow?”
“Huh? I'm sorry I was just caught up in my thoughts. I didn't want you guys to come with me. You all knew that, yes?”
Bryant turned back to Jocelyn and shook her head. She knew Jocelyn didn't want to be accompanied back to Europe but she had no say in this. It was Margaret's wish that Siegfried, Ester and Bryant go with her. “We'll all be fine Jocelyn. You'll see. Everything will turn out fine in the end. Now, how much further to the next port Bryant?” Ester asked. She waited for her husband to finish studying the map and while he did, she fetched an apple from the trees above. “Darling we've got another day's walk ahead but if we travel all night-”
“The women need rest. I'm not so sure about Jocelyn though. If she could flee from Europe day and not then rest is hardly essential from her.”
Jocelyn frown at Siegfried's comment. How could he be so malicious to her? She had done nothing to him. “I suppose I am still human Siegfried. All humans need rest.”
“Even those with the evil aura within them?”
“You would know all about that now, wouldn't you?”
Siegfried unsheathed Requiem from its hilt and Jocelyn opened her fan. If it was a fight he wanted then she'd be honored to initiate one. Before either of them could make an advance on one another Ester stood between them. “There will be none of this. Put down your weapons and save your energy for bandits. Please believe me when I tell you that you will need that energy.” She said between the two. She knew that neither of them would attack while she blocked them but the tension there was too high. Their tempers needed to be cooled. “Well, if it'll make you both happy there's a marketplace about twenty miles from here. If we reach it by nightfall we can stay there for the night. It'll also be a good way to make profit. There's a coliseum in the center. I'm guessing that the winners will obtain some nice cash there. Come on, let's not squander the time at hand.”
Bryant continued to walk ahead with Ester propelling Jocelyn forward. It would be best if both she and Siegfried kept their distance from one another. The last thing she needed for them to kill each other. Hopefully the tension between the two would die out soon. She didn't need to baby-sit them the entire trip to Europe. After all, it was going to be a long journey to the Asia.
Back in Siegfried's village, Margaret sat by the window in her room as she thought of the precarious journey her son and his friends had embarked on. Once again her son had left her. It was her will that he leave to assist Jocelyn. She never wanted to see anyone be taken by evil energies. Lord could only tell what would happen to Jocelyn had she have gone alone. She couldn't allow her to lose her sanity as Siegfried had lost his all those years ago. “Grandma Margaret!! Grandma!! When is mommy coming home?”
Little Helen came to Margaret's room with a trembling lip and teary eyes. She didn't want the young girl to fret about her parents. She was too young to understand what was going on. “Mommy will be coming home very soon. Why don't we go to see Miss Ella and help her sew new quilts? Your mother would be happy to see what a great, big girl you are. Come along now, we wouldn't want to keep Miss Ella waiting.” Margaret said. She took Helen's hand and led her out of the house toward Ella's place. She needed to get out. She needed to do something that took her mind from the dangers that awaited Siegfried on his perilous road to Jocelyn's home. Margaret had to admit that she was content to see her son again. After so many years of wondering, waiting, praying and tears, her son had returned home to her. He was alive and well. There was no greater joy than that. Knowing that he had come home once gave her every once of faith that he'd return again. This time he was not alone. There was Ester, Bryant and Jocelyn. And together, they'd put an end to the evil aura that had plagued Jocelyn's land. “Margaret!!! Margaret you must come!! News from Europe!!”
“What news? Abner what has happened?”
Ella's husband approached Margaret with news that he and more of their townsmen had obtained from a traveling peddler from Europe. “There's been trouble Margaret. The peddler talked that a man veiled in evil aura is on his way to Asia to find a man that carries `The Holy Stone'. He's destroyed a town to the north.” Abner explained. Margaret opened her mouth to speak but closed it immediately. If Helen knew that her mother and father were traveling in that direction then she'd be in tears until they came home. “Margaret we should talk about this in private. Helen, Ella is inside making cookies. Go on in and help her, will you?”
“I'd love to help! I like baking. I'll see you in a bit Grandma Margaret.”
Once Helen was out of earshot, Abner continued with the information he'd gather from the traveling peddler. “He said that there's been talk of a man doused in evil energies that is on his way to Asia to find the one carrying `The Holy Stone'. He said that the stone could purify anyone with an evil aura. He's come to warn us to steer clear of the north. He's on his way to a coliseum to where he could find a ship that travels to Asia. By god, please tell me that Siegfried and Jocelyn aren't traveling in that direction. Please Margaret, say it's not true.” Abner begged. Margaret couldn't answer verbally but the expression on her face was answer enough. She looked as if she had seen a ghost. “My darling Siegfried. Tell me Abner, when will he find peace in this irregular world? The evil in it has already taken him from me once. Why must he be tortured like this? What has he done?”
Abner hugged the lamenting mother tightly and whispered that all would be well. Siegfried was very much like his father. He was strong, ambitious, well trained with a sword. He'd be just fine on this journey and come back home safe and sound.
“When can we stop people? My legs fell as if they're going to fall off.”
“Come on Ester. We can't stop now. We've got a few more miles ahead of us. We'll be there before nighttime definitely now.”
Ester ignored her husband's motivating words to continue onward to sit beneath the shade of a beautiful tree. She sighed as the cooling breeze passed by her. That was what she had needed. A nice spot underneath a tree. But it was just any tree. The tree above Ester had growing red, ripe and delicious apples waiting for her to pick them. Ester reached for one, took a bite then reached for another. “Jocelyn come here! These apples are sweet and delicious. We can take some of these on the trip. Hey Bryant, why don't you slice up some of that Spiced Ham? We can stop here for a break.”
Everyone was reluctant to stop for a break. They had a far way to go and one person was not going to drag them down. Siegfried sighed to himself as he turned back to go to Ester. She had assumed that he was going to join her. Instead, Siegfried hauled Ester of the ground and walked behind Bryant. "Jocelyn, gather the apples and be quick about it. We have a lot of ground to cover."
"You don't give my orders Siegfried! If you want me to do something then ask politely like a gentleman. I hope your years on the road hasn't turned you into a savage."
Siegfried had heard enough. He dropped Ester and Requiem as he made his way toward Jocelyn. Even though he stood a foot taller than her, Jocelyn was not afraid of combat with him. "I've had enough of your mouth."
"And I've heard quite enough from yours. If you wish to do battle with me then don't hold back. But I shall warn you now that I am a far cry from the weakling you assume me to be. You shall soon find out when you have your face planted in the ground. I am not afraid of you!"
Siegfried caught Jocelyn by the chin and forced her to look up at him. Even when she turned away he still saw the blush that settled on her cheeks. He chuckled mentally at the thought of Jocelyn being infatuated with him. She barely knew him but with his figure she knew that it was possible that her could destroy her. "Look at me girl."
Jocelyn lifted her eyes to Siegfried's face, secretly fighting off the blood that threatened to rise to her face. The two locked eyes for sometime until Siegfried viciously yanked her close and came close enough to kiss her but he didn't. "I have too much respect for my mother to kill you. What she wishes is what I strive to make true. But if you continue to aggravate me I swear I'm do you in." He whispered.
"If you care nothing for me then why not let me go on my own? Tell Margaret that I ran away." Jocelyn whispered back. The saddened look on her face did not pierce through Siegfried's heart of ice. He had seen enough bloodshed and death thanks to the power of Soul Edge. Margaret had too much love for Jocelyn. She had cared for Jocelyn like a daughter. Knowing that Jocelyn had run off would reduce her heart to shambles. "Mother cares for you. She has shown you more compassion than any woman will ever show toward a stray. If you won't do it for yourself then do it for her and the lives of those you've taken. There is still time to repent girl. If there wasn't, I wouldn't be holding you in my arms. Learn how to care about yourself and those around you. There are more people that care for you than you'll ever know."
Siegfried released Jocelyn and turned away to rejoin Bryant and Ester but stopped when her heard Jocelyn's voice. "Thank you Siegfried. I... don't know what to say except that I am grateful for what you've said. I suppose you've had it hard as well." Jocelyn guessed.
"Far worse than what you've experienced. You don't want to know."
"Yes I do! I... the same pain that you felt is what I bear. Tell me Siegfried, how did you survive?" Jocelyn ran to Siegfried and grabbed a hold of his hand but immediately released it. She had felt awkward grabbing him and apologized for it but Siegfried shook his head. "You need will. A will of iron will ensure your survival Jocelyn. Right now you don't have one."
"Do you have to be an ass and insult me?"
"I rather be an ass and tell you the truth than to live and say that you're strong. You've got a way to go with very little time girl."
Jocelyn crossed her arms and gave Siegfried a small snort. He was so harsh but honest. Perhaps he wasn't so bad after all. Siegfried was a strong, powerful man with a will of iron. Someday she'd learn to have such power. She'd have to believe in herself and strive for it. "Jocelyn hurry up!!!"
"Don't leave me! Wait up you guys I'm only human!!!"
As Jocelyn ran to catch up with her friends, someone wearing a beret with a bandana over his mouth grabbed her. When she screamed him held his dagger to her throat and threatened to kill her if she made another sound. Siegfried, Ester and Bryant all prepared to attack the assailant but the dagger suppressed their actions and the promise to kill Jocelyn kept them in their tracks. "We just want her money. Let us have it and we be on our way."
Siegfried locked eyes with Jocelyn and gave her a look that made her tremble. His posture had gone from ready to battle to relaxed. He intended on her freeing herself. Jocelyn elbowed the bandit's stomach and while he stumbled back she took the chance to snatch her fan from her jeweled belt. As the bandit charged at her, Jocelyn opened the fan and threw it at the bandit. It cut the side of the bandit's face, came back around and sliced the back of his neck and returned to Jocelyn's hand. Ester ran to the bandit and kicked at him while he was on the ground. "Where are your comrades?"
"Go to hell bitch!"
Ester stomped on the bandit's neck with all her weight and kicked at him again. Bryant had to restrain her or else she'd kill him. "Siegfried maybe you're best ask him."
"Ain't nothin' much to ask 'bout. All me comrades headed to the marketplace. Gonna round up the people there and make slaves out of the lot of 'em. Ol' Cervantes will feast on their souls he will and give us treasure for rounding em' about. By the time you get there Cervantes will 'ave made port already. Lot of the people will have no souls to give em' life. Kill me if ye wish but I'll be avin' them souls to join I own the path to hell. Heh heh heh."
Ester shook free of Bryant's grip and went to kick the bandit in the mouth. If what he said was true then they had very little time. The people in the town ahead were in grave danger. "We have to get there and fast. If we don't go now the people will be in trouble."
Siegfried crossed his arms but he didn't need to take time and think. A man riding in a carriage was coming their way. Ester had pointed out that he was coming in the same direction of the town. Perhaps he was fleeing in fear of the undead pirate. "Sir!!! Sir please wait! Stop your carriage!" Jocelyn called out. She threw herself in front of the carriage and would have been trampled had the driver not pulled back on the reins so suddenly. "Out of my way girl! My lord and lady are inside and won't be held back. That pirate lord has taken everything they own and we be robbed for what we have left."
Jocelyn shook her head and allowed Bryant to explain that they were good people. Even with the bold explanation the driver refused but a woman stepped out of the carriage. She shined like the sun with her blonde hair and her eyes filled with sadness had won Ester and Jocelyn's sentiment. "My husband and I have lost everything. We were in the middle of our daughter's piano recital when the pirates came into our home. In the midst of all the chaos our daughter was lost to us. She fled from our home in search of her lover. On the way out we were told that he was killed. We fear our daughter will share a common fate. We left what we couldn't take and are on our with to the next town that has an available boat."
Jocelyn took the saddened woman's hands and held them close. Her husband stepped out of the carriage to take his wife into his arms. "All we want is our home and daughter back. But we'll never have it thanks to that loathsome pirate."
"That's where you're wrong. My friends and I are traveling that way. We can stop Cervantes for hurting any more people but we need your carriage. There is a cottage not too far from here. Take a horse and some of our food and wait for us to return. There are bandits about so you must protect yourselves until we return. We'll take your carriage and sort out this mess."
The man and woman looked to each other with unsure glances but came to agree with Jocelyn. They took two of the four horses, half of the food that Ester prepared and thanked them wholeheartedly. "Miss Jocelyn and Miss Ester we thank you for your services. Our son Gabriel is also in the town. If you could, please rescue him and have him repay you on his parents' behalf. I honestly think that the two men should go alone and have you two come with us. Such beautiful women should be sullied in brutal battle."
"You've no need to worry. I've been married to Bryant for five years. He's never won a fight against me. You've nothing to fear. Now be off gentle sir while we attend to this horrid matter."
The man and woman took off on their horses while Bryant drove the carriage with his friends inside in the other direction. None of the knew what awaited ahead but they'd all face it together. This would be their first battle against the evil that Soul Edge had bestowed upon the world.