Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Uninhibited Consequences ❯ Home and Hearth ( Chapter 16 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer and Foreword:

See chapter one for that!

**WARNING, Limey bits will be insinuated, so this fic is officially an "R" rated story from now on! You have been warned! (I'm NO Hentai, so this is about as much as I'll do in my stories!) Also this chapter will focus more on everyone in the clan as well as Tenchi, Ryoko, and Ayeka. Though next chapter they will be the main focus as well as the deliveries! Oh and don't be surprised by more couples springing up as well. Dennisud

*Author's note: In this chapter, Kiyone is Tenchi's mother name, but the Attack of Kain on Achika in the Tenchi Universe reality will be included, only Achika, is Kiyone here! Finally Thanks, Tex who pre-reads my Tenchi stories, Thanks again! I want to thank my readers for their patience and hope you like this extra long chapter please as always let me know what you think! dennisud

Uninhibited Consequences

( )= Mental thoughts

" "= Verbal dialogue

' '= Mental Dialogue

Chapter 16: Home and Hearth!

Now that the girls have married their men, and Ryoko and Washu have their bundles of Joy, comes the trip home and the clans adjustment to a larger family Dynamic, plus more additions (All three elder goddesses, several demigods, and their offspring) living together. Plus, a kidnapping!

In space, no one can hear you scream, but in a starship, that's another matter. And the first week out of Jurai was sleepless and aggravating for six people on the ship as Aisha and Akito Masaki were keeping their respective parents up with two-hour feedings and changes of diapers.

The feeding were easier as Tokimi and Ayeka, With Washu's help, were alternating breast-feeding with a very tired with Ryoko and Washu. As with this known, Ayeka was feeding Aisha on the observation garden located just in front of the bridge of their tree ship. That is where Tokimi found them as she was also starting to feed a very hungry Akito.

"Well Ayeka, how have you and your spouses been these past few days?" The Dark Goddess asked the first Princess of Jurai. They had been kept so busy that the family hadn't even met together for meals since they left Jurai.

Ayeka sighed and shook her head exhaustively. "Oh, I'm sure you have been kept as busy as us with these little one constant demands on our time with feeding them, cleaning them, and clothing them. I can hardly see how two people can manage it and we three have barely the time to sleep eat and been seen outside out stateroom."

"Yes we have been run ragged as it has been said before, even I as a goddess have to catch my breath occasionally." She then chuckled, which temporarily dislodged Akito from her breast. After a whimper or two Tokimi carefully placed him back to continue feeding.

"Did Washu give you that medication to allow you to breast feed?" Ayeka asked her stepmother.

"No dear as I am a goddess, I can alter my physiology, so lactating is not a problem for me. Besides, it brings back memories of my children and the bonding I had with each of them when I fed them." She had a whimsical look, which Ayeka caught sight of, as she played with Akito's hand as he fed.

She then thought of what Tokimi had said, ("memories of my children"), Ayeka realized that she had more children other than Kiyone Masaki.

"Mother Tokimi, can I ask you a question?" Ayeka asked as she finished Burping Aisha and then started gently rocking her to sleep.

"What do you want to know daughter" (Since Washu is Ryoko's mom, and by marriage Ayeka's, then by marriage so is Tokimi!)

"Have you had more children than Lady Kiyone?"

A hush encompassed the room as The Goddess of Justice froze! Ayeka saw her reaction and was about to apologize when Tokimi grabbed her arm and shook her head "I am alright dear, It's just that it brings back memories happy, … and sad." She smiled weakly to her daughter-in-law then continued, "I have had four children, in this reality. One of course was Kiyone, then I also have Minaho, who is on Jurai."

Ayeka froze, "Wait, … you have another daughter, … who's still alive, and living on Jurai? How?"

"It's a complicated story, and I will explain it to you but you need not interrupt me dear?" Ayeka closed her open mouth with her free hand and simply nodded! Do you remember how Ryoko can split into two separate copies of herself?"

"Yes, of course. Is that what you have done with Minaho and Kiyone? Wait, but then is Tenchi's mother still…"

No. Dear, I'm afraid not. Though, I wish it be so. Minaho is not the one who's split into two beings, … I am."


That woke both babies up, then after a few more minutes spent calming them down and rocking them back to sleep, Tokimi continued. "Ayeka, you must control yourself or the babies will be fussy all the rest of the day. Now will you let me continue?" Tokimi eyes Ayeka, who quietly nodded yes.

"I have the ability as Ryoko has of splitting into two, but I also have the ability to have that part of me become semi-independent, and can live a normal life away from me, while still apart of me. "

"So, so you have another self who was Tenchi's Grandmother, here while you resided in your godly realm unfettered yet connected none the less?" asked Ayeka inquisitively.

"Yes, child. In other words, Yousho not only married me as Airi, but In also then considered myself married as such to him as well."

"But, you said, that she also bared him a second daughter, Minaho, who you said is now on Jurai? Why haven't I or my parents known of this?"

"Because your grandmother, Seta is behind the deception."

"But, Why?"

"Because she felt that if and when Yousho returned to Jurai, with you in tow as his wife to be, she'd have Minaho waiting as a candidate for his second wife."

"Again Mother Tokimi, Why?"

"Because her manipulative nature is inherited, passed down from her mother, and her grandmother… and that grandmother is me."

"Now you've got me confused mother." Ayeka simply looked bewildered.

Tokimi smiles and patted her on her shoulder. " It is alright my child. Let me, oh how does Washu say it, hmmm oh yes, "Spell it out" for you, All right?" Ayeka again nodded in acceptance.

"Long ago, Washu had chosen to take a humanoid form and so gave up her Goddess powers. She gave birth to a child we now know to be Mihoshi's Great grandfather. Are you with me so far child?"

"Yes, Mother Tokimi." Ayeka now had rocked Aisha to a peaceful slumber, yet she anxiously kept rapt attention to what Tokimi was saying.

"Well, after she was abandoned, I felt she was at her weakest, and as I was back then, not thinking of people as equals or worthy of my effort, plus I was thinking of getting her back to become a goddess again. So, I sent my son to persuade her. But instead he took advantage of us, as he helped her to conceive and birth Ryoko, and Ryo-Oki. He betrayed her, them, and even me as he struck off on his own trying to duplicate the powers of a god."

"So that is why he was trying to do all that time, destroying ancient sites stealing ancients parchments and artifacts, and trying to capture Tsunami, to become a god himself…" Ayeka was cut off as Tokimi concluded.

" …And to challenge me, his own mother, to become the one true power of all the universes!"

Ayeka sighed as she realized, "So, Kagato, was your son then?" Tokimi kept silent so as not to disturb Akito, who was asleep in her arms, simply nodded.

"He was my second born, He was my second try at having a child of my own. But it seems that gods and goddesses, having no experience of human emotions, have a poor track record of raising children, as they are omnipotent. Plus, having a child that is immortal and all-powerful, can become a hell all to itself, and eventually they run away from you causing all kinds of havoc and heartbreak. Both Kagato, and my first born were that way."

"And who prey tell, was the first?" Ayeka was scared of who she thought was that first born.

"He was created much as Ryoko was created by Washu, but I never put any humanity in his genetic and psychological make-up, and so he was malevolent and cared nothing for anyone but himself. I finally had to let Tsunami, the GP, and the Jurai Emperor jail him…"

"Kain?!? Kain was you first born? Tokimi, how, … why couldn't you stop him. He killed billions, and almost destroyed the universe?" Ayeka was crying a stream of tears.

Tokimi sighed at the quietly crying Princess, as she looked just as distraught as she did. "I … couldn't kill him. He was my baby! I was his mother, how could I!" Slowly Ayeka got up still holding her sleeping nephew, and sat next to her great, great grand mother and held on to the crying goddess.

"Then, ...then to see him strike at and injure his own sister, was too much for me. I knew what Kiyone sacrificed when she went after you, Nobuyuki, Ryoko, and of course Tenchi, to rescue you in Kain's world. So after she escaped I simply thought him and his world into nothingness. He … was… gone! I killed my own son!" It took a few more minutes for her to calm down enough to continue.

"But, how can you be Airi, and be their mother, and Minaho's and Kiyone's mother too. How?" Ayeka asked the now calming dark goddess.

"Because I can create more than one body to have parts of my spirit in. Remember who, and what I am!"

Ayeka looked shocked then slowly nodded her head. "So, will Airi be journeying to Earth, … with Minaho?"

"Yes, and I'm sure Seta will be nearby. Since my co-marrying Yousho, has thrown a monkey wrench in her plans, so I think she might try something soon."

"But, why would grandmother object to you since you're…"

"Child, you are the first to know all this, so she doesn't know!" She smiled at Ayeka, seeing the realization cross her face.

"How can we prepare for her and not hurt anyone?" The Princesses hesitantly responded.

"We can't. Seta's my responsibility, So please just care for Aisha and your spouses, and if she tries anything, I can deal with it. Plus, I want to tell her what I have told you. But I will allow her the first move and take it from there." She then looked at her great, great, granddaughter, as she knew she would have to keep this secret as she did before. "I will have to ask you to do as you did before and block out your spouses until lunchtime. Then and there, I will tell them all this. Can you do that, my child?"

Ayeka shuddered as she was being asked again to keep her loved ones in the dark again, but knew why she had to. She could understand Ryoko's and Washu's reaction, plus how will Tenchi feel not only that His grand mother was two people who were still alive at the same time! "Yes, mother, I will. But please be ready, as I know if Ryoko unleashes her anger…"

"I know, … and I will prepare. I must leave now as Washu will be wanting to feed him next and I have to confess to her now." Attempting to move, she is stopped by a shaking hand.

"Are you sure you want Washu to know this now!" asked a now terrified Ayeka, thinking of what a crazed Goddess of Chaos could do to their ship and them.

"I have to tell her, but I'll have her go with me to her lab, there we won't put anyone in danger but us, and believe me we will live though it." Tokimi tried to reassure the distraught Princess.

"All right mother Tokimi, I trust you as we are as much your progeny as Washu's."

"Yes you are all our family, and that is why you must all know my truths as it is essential that you know why I did what I did then, and how I feel now!" She then hugs Ayeka carefully not waking the two babies in their arms.

Then quietly they walk down and out of the observation garden to their waiting mates and loved ones. Both knew that this was going to be another eventful day for the Masaki family.

Breakfast was served within the rooms as many had a sleepless night. In a particular suite, three people were hugging each other and crying. Yousho tightly held Tokimi on his left and Washu on his right. He, in his youthful form was sobbing quietly as his two wives balled.

Earlier Tokimi had put Akito to bed in an adjacent, soundproof room. Normally, Washu would monitor his room with audio and video sensors, but Tokimi asked the audio sensors be turned off. `No need to add a baby crying when his mother would be yelling and carrying for the next few hours.' She thought.

Then after she woke both of her spouses, she took their hands and told them word for word what she had told Ayeka. Washu was first to break down, followed by Yousho when he found out that Airi was still alive, and the confused on his face caused Tokimi to feel as if a knife was plunging into her chest. She then labored to explain her duality to him. He eventually understood after Tokimi's calm and logical explanation. When he found out that Airi and Minaho were coming to Earth to reunite with him, it finally broke the resolve he had for such a long time. Ever since her apparent death, his stoic façade had kept him relatively free of emotional harm. But now not only is Tokimi in his arms, but her avatar, Airi and his other daughter whom he didn't know about were coming. He balled like a baby in both their arms.

Washu was just as hurt, yet she couldn't blame Tokimi for Kagato's actions simply because Kagato was acting on his own, trapping her, kidnapping and using Ryoko, as well as planning to use Tsunami, to kill his own mother, to become all powerful.

But Kagato was dead, and she felt they all were victims, Yousho because of the politics of Jurai, Tokimi simply because she was the last of the three to realize the positive aspects of humanity! Finally, she had lost 5000 years of her life and her second child to him! Nephew or not, he was a monster. All those he touched were hurt. But now She knew she had to help Tokimi as Ryoko would hit the roof at Kagato's connection to Tokimi, and so to herself. After a few more minutes they all slowly calmed down and then started to plan what to do when lunchtime came around.

Tsunami had warned Sasami of what was to happen and so she would maneuver the babies close to the kitchen entrance as the family sat down to eat. Ayeka this time sat next to Ryoko switching sides so that Tenchi was on the other side of Ryoko. That made the ex-pirate suspicious. "Ok what's going on here, and why are you sitting there Princess?"

"Can't I for one day enjoy sitting next to my loving sister-wife, hmmm?" Ayeka kept her cool as she then saw Washu, Tokimi, and Yousho enter and sit down on the opposite end of the low table. She had kept Tenchi and Ryoko in the dark, and thankfully, they hadn't had any telepathic conversations that morning, but now she might be found out and she could only sit and wait for the fireworks to begin.

After a few minutes, where Mihoshi was almost literally rolled to the dining room table by a tired and sleepy Nobuyuki, plus Yota and Sasami joined them there was a cough as everyone saw Tokimi stand while holding Washu's and Yousho's hands.

"I have something to say…"

Within three minutes most were in tears, in shock, or venomously Angry. It took all the power Tenchi and Ayeka had to keep Ryoko from blowing up the ship. Her blinding rage was finally quelled as Washu telepathically showed her a view of a frightened and screaming Aisha. Finally quelling the rage, Ryoko focused on what she could have nearly done, and realizing this, she collapsed in Tenchi's arms crying. Tenchi then carried her out of the room, with Ayeka following behind them, trying to calm Aisha down again.

The rest were still sitting there shocked, as Tokimi finally sat down and was encased in a hug from Washu while Yousho rubbed her shoulders and neck.

"So, My real father was … Kain?" a broken voice of one stunned Yota Masaki asked. His hands never leaving those of Sasami's as all had transpired. "I'm the son of a monster! I do not belong here! How can I even keep holding the hands of someone my father almost killed! I am not worthy of you Sasami, or this family!" He let go of her hands, stood up, and ran out of the room. As he ran out of the room, he nearly ran over Tenchi who was coming back in.

Ayeka had given Ryoko a light sedative that Washu had provided shortly after she gave birth. She had told them that Ryoko might have some violent mood swings after giving birth. Now they were glad they had them as they had come in handy. At the time, Ayeka balked at the idea of Ryoko having even worse mood swings than before.

Just before Sasami could go after Yota, a plopping sound was heard with an added gush. Washu realized what it was, and quickly disengaged from her spouses. She ran to Mihoshi and said as she helped her up with Nobuyuki's help, "Her water's broke help me get her to the Infirmary, she's having those twins now!"

"Really? Are you sure, Nana Washu?" Mihoshi asked.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT YOU BUBBLEHEAD!" Washu then sighed, "Ok, you three men help me get her to the Infirmary."

The three men quickly gathered around the giggling and happy Mihoshi and lifted the blonde up as Washu was still examining her. As they and headed for the Ships' infirmary. Washu alerted Kiyone, through her holopad, of the situation. Kiyone went to the infirmary; quickly she set the ward up for Mihoshi to deliver her babies. She'd practiced for this and though she had only helped with Ryoko's and Washu's children she acted like she knew what was going on.

By the time the men had brought the now singing Mihoshi into the infirmary, all was ready, and Kiyone had brought in, by the scruff of the neck, a protesting Nagi to help. "Heck, what do I know about birthin babies?"

"You don't, but I can use your hands here, so shut your yap and get over here!" Washu yelled in her godlike booming voice, cowering, the normally tough taking bounty hunter agreed. "Ok you three," pointing to the men "Out! And you Nagi, get some boiled water ready and help Kiyone in prepping for the delivery."

Nagi grunted an answer and stomped out followed by the three Masaki men.

"Nubi, you stay and help your wife." Washu then said to Yousho, " Honey, take care of the others, this won't take too long." Washu kissed him then turned and shut the door on both Yousho, and Tenchi.

"Grandpa, you think dad is up to this?"

"That is not clear now. But Mihoshi apparent painless state will help calm him down as well. That is of course in sharp contrast to our experiences."

"Yeah, Kiyone had to reset my hand in a cast for a few days since Ryoko broke several of the bones there." Tenchi chuckled as the two made it to the sitting area just outside the ship's clinic.

"Well. Crushing hands seems to run in the family." Yousho showed his grandson a bandaged and inflamed hand to prove what he had said.

Both men laughed as the rest of the family arrived in that moment.

"All right. What is so funny brother, husband?" Ayeka asked as she had Azaka and Kamadake go to the Bridge to monitor the ship

Within a few minutes the absence of Yota and Sasami was noticed and a word was sentto the bridge, and in to a busy Washu, who used her technology to find the two wayward teens.

Then all simply sat a waited as they heard the rants and chastising that Mihoshi normally would have never said.

"Nubi, if this is all it is to having children, I wouldn't mind having MOOOORRREEE! (Contraction hits) aaaaaahhhhhh! What was that Washu?" asked a surprised and now pained Mihoshi

"Please just listen to Dr. Washu and breathe. That dear was a contraction and you will have many more until your babies are born. So, breathe steadily and it will make it easier when you have to push!"

She nodded and tried to breathe, but another contraction hit and she came unglued. Such pain she had not felt before. "MEDICINE, GIVE ME MEDICINE, I need it Soooo baddddd!"

"Ayieeeeeeeeee!" She screamed as another contraction hit. Then Mihoshi in an all too out of character rant looked for her husband who was now cowering in a corner of the room "Where are you, you S*n of a B****h!" Like lightning on a stick Mihoshi somehow shot her hand out and grabbed his!

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH, That's my hand Miho. Please STTTOOPPP!"

"Lucky it's not something lower than your belt, Bub!"

This sort of discussion was what all in the waiting room heard throughout the delivery! That is until one high pitched wail, was heard and as all were smiling and happy about that, a few minutes later second wail joined the first.

After a few minutes Washu walked out exhausted, but with a happy smile on her face. She faced the rest of her expectant family. "Two girls, very strong, loud and as bouncy as their mother." She put her finger up though to quiet the family. "I'll allow you in but two at a time for now!"

First in were Ayeka, and Tenchi, Washu took Aisha and sat with Tokimi. Kiyone and Nagi were cleaning up after the delivery, as they went in to see Mihoshi, Nobuyuki and their new siblings.

Inside they could see a sleepy but happy Mihoshi already nursing one of the twins as Nobuyuki was holding her hand with his uninjured one. Later, he took dozens of pictures of the babies and Mihoshi. The trio smiled and sat next to the new mother. Ryoko joined them after her sedative wore off.

Ryoko was first to speak. "How you doing … Mommy?" Both smiled as Kiyone brought the second child to Mihoshi for it's first feeding.

"I'm so happy Ryoko, but so tired too."

"Yeah, it's kinda like pushing out Yukinojo through a pin hole, right!"

"Well at first I didn't feel anything. But then that first contraction hit, it was like I was going to burst out down there! It scared me so much!"

"Well it was good that Nobuyuki was there, right? But still it did hurt like hell."

"You got that right, and I had two to go through!" she smiled weakly.

"Hey I admire you for that!" Ryoko said.

"We all admire you Mihoshi, it is hard enough to have one, but two? You should be proud and happy to have such beautiful babies as these." Ayeka added who was slowly rubbing her now large abdomen.

Tenchi added, "I am proud to call you my mom, and I'm so happy to have such beautiful little sisters."

Nobuyuki then answered for her, "Thank you son!" They hugged each other and carefully hugged Mihoshi, as she was still feeding both twins.

"Have you thought of names, Dad?" Tenchi asked.

"Well I talked to Mihoshi," She nodded for him to continue. "And I'm naming the first one Kiyone, and the second Mikumi." At that time Kiyone dropped the equipment she had in her hand and brought her hands up to her face, to hide her blush and happy tears starting to trace down her cheeks.

All knew the reasons behind the first name. Kiyone, for Tenchi's Mom, and Mihoshi's partner, and friend. Kiyone was now standing back and near the door. Mihoshi saw her, and held out her hand to her, while Nobuyuki smiled at her. "I hope auntie Kiyone will be around for her goddaughters important events, will she?" Mihoshi then looked at her crying friend who was now holding her extended hand.

"I would be honored." She said between her sobs and then hugged Mihoshi carefully, not to disturb the babies feeding.

I will hold you to that Kiyone. Mihoshi Said as the GP officer simply nodded with a few happy tears tracing down her cheek.

Then Ayeka asked," Why name the second Twin, Mikumi?"

"To honor my great, great grandfather, and Washu's son," she said just as Washu had walked back in.

She simply stood there for a few moments until she came over to the side of the bed and bent over and kissed Mihoshi's forehead. "Thank you Mihoshi, you made your great, great, great grandmother very happy!"

Then Ryoko, Tenchi, and Ayeka left and Tokimi, Yousho and Sasami came in. Though all had smiles, Sasami was worried. Washu's robots found her but not Yota. Though the sensors made it clear he was still on the ship, he was purposefully hiding. So even though Sasami was very happy to have two more babies in the family, her mind and heart was worried about Yota.

Then everything shook, as it seemed that the ship was under attack.

Washu pops on her holopad and Ryoko with renewed energy to protect her family started phasing through the ship searching for the disturbance.

She finally reached a cargo hold where she saw a jagged hole on the wall of the ship with the smoking bodies of two burnt Jurian knights nearby. "AZAKA, KAMADAKE are you ok?" Ryoko reached the fallen knights who still stirred. ["Washu I need help now!"] She spoke through her mental connection to her mother Washu.

Without a sound, a portal opened up beside Ryoko allowing Washu, and Kiyone to enter the room quickly. "Oh my," Kiyone said as she saw them, "Azaka damn you stubborn old goat, what the hell did you do now?" She tried to not break down as she saw her friend blistered and bleeding at her feet, while she applied bandages and medication to help with the initial caring for him.

She heard Nagi rush in moments later and the bounty hunter literally turned white with what would be best describe as fright. She made her way to Kamadake, who was being attended by Washu. When she saw the extent of his injuries and froze in place.

"Help us or get out of the way!" Washu said rather sternly, though it did bring Nagi out of her frozen state.

Anger flashed in the bounty hunters eyes. "Who did this? WHO?

"Yota did this!" A familiar, calm and thoughtful voice answered the seething Bounty hunter. "But he was not in control…"

"I DON'T CARE! I want to know where he is NOW!" There was not a pin to drop as the Goddess, and the Bounty Hunter's eyes met. "Tokimi, tell me where he is because and after I know Kamadake is all right, I'm going after that little assassin!"

"First, he isn't an assassin, but a victim of his heritage, as are you."

Surprise was seen on Nagi's face. `She knows, … about my past!' Nagi thought to herself.

"Second, he was not in control of himself. And just like Ryoko, someone else was influencing him. They took over his body and powers."

"Third I know who his real parents are, and who is his real family, unfortunately his sister was the one who took him over."

"Then we go after her and make her pay for this!" Nagi finally replied.

"Well the thing is Nagi, that she is a Princess of Jurai, and mother to an Empress," Nagi's eyes lit with a fire as she knew immediately who Tokimi was talking about. " But if I take you with me to where she's holding Yota, you must promise not to harm her." She looked calm and cool as she observed her Granddaughter.

"Why are you trying to protect her, she almost killed Azaka and Kamadake, and obviously has control over Yota, why protect her?"

"Because you don't want to fight family, Nagi."

"What family, I don't…" then she remembered who her mother was, and then she knew that Tokimi knew as well.

"So you know, so what? I don't see the connection." She faced the calm goddess, with an angered and determined look.

"You care for the knight, don't you?" Tokimi asked with a slight smirk on her face, trying to distract Nagi.

"Yeah, I do, and what of it?" The gray-haired Bounty hunter challenged.

"Then we will go after the knights are stable, and I talk to the others. They need to know about this, and that we are going after Yota."

"All right but I want to know why you call Seta family, when she's a Jurian."

"Because I am hers and Yota's grandmother, … and yours as well!"

In one of the only times in her life Nagi was speechless. `So, I was right!'

Tokimi looked at her and shook her head. "It's a complicated story, and I will explain it to you but you need not interrupt me all right?" Nagi simply nodded.

A few hours later everyone was informed and it was decided that Tokimi, Nagi, and Tenchi would go to retrieve Yota from Seta's influence. Ayeka contacted her parents who reacted by having forces ready just in case all hell broke lose in Seta's estate house where Tokimi was sure Yota was being held. Washu had figured out that Seta, in her various dealings, had acquired long range portal technology and probably had used it not only to grab someone light years away, but to put a fleet of Jurian ships in the most strategic of places. *(See Tenchi Muyo-GXP)

After a final discussion, the three got ready and said their good-byes as the family gathered around them. Though Tokimi knew Washu was Nagi's mother, Nagi asked her not to tell her until they got back. Nagi would tell her herself then.

Ayeka and Ryoko were hanging all over Tenchi as though he was going away for a long time, but with Ryoko now just over having Aisha, and Ayeka's baby coming, the girls' hormones were on overdrive. As they said their good byes, Yousho wrapped his arms around her. "Bring our boy back darling." He whispered in her ear, as he kissed her one more time. Washu simply hugged her and they stepped back holding hands.

Finally Tokimi gestured and the two others joined her then with a final regal bow she waved her hands in a circle and a glowing disc appeared around them. She lifted her hands and the ring of light followed. As she lowered her hands the ring enveloped them and they vanished.

Seta's estate covered the equivalent of the Island of Hikkaido in Japan, a substantial area. Mainly the estate held mostly manicured groves and forest with some meadows. But in the center was a Jurian house tree where Tokimi, Nagi, and Tenchi appeared. They all took a breath and made for the front door.

There, they saw the door open and through it flew Yota floating in mid air, with glowing red eyes and an evil smirk on his face. Below him strode the Lady Seta, the Dark Princess of Jurai.

"Welcome my children, come to collect this one?" she pointed to the airborne Yota. "Well I think he can answer for me can't you boy?"

"Yes, Mistress!" Yota said as a beam of energy came out of each one of his hands headed to the now startled trio. Before they could blink, a nuclear type cloud enveloped the area where they had stood!

Lady Seta, with a smirk, turned and walked away followed by the floating Yota, who still had the glowing eyes, and the same smirk as his mistress!

+++++ To be Continued…

OK, nuff for now, oh I left a cliffhanger. Well sorry but I don't usually do that. Oh well you'll just have to be patient, as the 3rd to last chapter will be coming soon!

Chapter 17: Retribution, and Renewal!