Trinity Blood Fan Fiction ❯ Trinity Blood the Movie ❯ Scene Two-Dream of the Past ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: Dream of the Past
Abel, who was a young boy around the age of 10 or 11 at the time, sat in a corner of a closed prison-like chamber and looked out the window over looking our planet Earth. A lady with long, red hair came up to the window inside the building and looked at her son. “Abel,” she started, “what did you do now?”
“I hate these people!” the young Abel remarked. “They took us away from our home on Earth and brought us to the moon, and for what? Just to experiment on us!”
“Abel,” his mother sympathized, “that gives you no right to rebel. God says, `…Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes the right cheek, turn him the other also.' This means if someone does something evil towards you; you don't return them with more evil. You return them with kindness.” Then the young Cain came up beside their mother and said, “Abel it's like mother says. I'm personality glad this is happening to me.” Abel stood up in anger and yelled, “How can you be glad that we are being tested on?!”
“Younger brother, life on Earth was horrible. Life here is great. We don't have to work or struggle. We can live in peace.” Cain said and flashed an evil smile. Abel clenched his fist in anger, “How is this peace? Mother, you, and me, and even poor little Seth, are living this horrifying life! How can you be glad?”
Cain just smiled foully at him and mouthed, “Power. I'll get enough power to rule the world and space.” Abel read his lips and gasped. He fearfully stared at his older brother as he walked away. Their mother's face looked sad and she talked to Abel once more, “Abel, just remember what I said. Returning evil with more evil will only bring forth even more evil.” Then she walked away leaving Abel alone.
Suddenly, time sped forward to about 5 years later. Abel, a young man now, stood by a window and gazed at the beloved planet Earth. “Abel,” Cain's voice suddenly came from the door behind Abel. “I finally found you. I found the ultimate power.” Abel turned around slowly only to be in complete shock. He was traumatized to see the body of their now dead mother held by her hair in Cain's grip. “C-Cain,” he stuttered, “You killed her?! You killed our own mother?!”
“I needed her blood for my power.” He blankly told him. Then Seth came rushing into the room, “Abel have you seen moth-” She saw her dead mother on the floor by Cain's feet and Abel, who was about to jump on top of Cain and strangle him and had tears in his eyes. Then the tears flowed from her eyes as she ran behind Abel. Behind him she grasped his legs and cried in sorrow of their dead mother and fear of Cain.
“My dear Seth, why do you run away from me?” He asked her a he took a step toward them. She shuddered and Abel yelled, “Cain! You jerk! I can't believe you killed her!”
Cain grinned wickedly, “Such harsh words, younger brother. You know and I know that I need her blood for power. The power that will make me ruler of space and the world; ruler of Heaven; ruler of Hell.”
Abel had transformed while he was talking and ordered Seth to stay back. He leaped at his older brother with his black scythe. “Cain!!!!!!” He yelled and hurled the end of his scythe at him. However, Cain quickly transformed and grabbed the end of it. “Younger brother, why not join me instead of fighting me.” Cain said in a scratchy voice. Abel stood there, holding his scythe toward his neck. Cain swiftly disappeared and was suddenly behind him. “I'll make you second in command.” He whispered amusingly.
Abel rapidly turned around and swung his scythe again at him, however, he only managed to scratch him. Cain fled around a capsule, which lay in the middle of the room. Abel leaped upward and over the capsule. He dove toward him and swung his giant scythe once more. Cain dodged it, but when he did he fell into the capsule. “Now Seth!” The crusnik-Abel yelled.
Seth, who was in the corner of the room, flipped the switch on the main computer next to her, which sealed the capsule with Cain inside. Cain glared at the from behind the glass.
Abel, who was now in his human state, typed on the main computer. The capsule sunk down through a hole, which opened up underneath it, and was shot out toward the Earth's atmosphere. As soon as it entered the atmosphere it went up into flames as it fell toward the Earth's surface. Abel and Seth watched from the window. “That won't kill him….” Seth said in her soft voice. “I know.” Abel said. “Let's just hope that it does.”
Abel sat up with a jolt in the bed of the room that Esther had lent him, “A dream… of the past.” He murmured as sunlight streamed in through the crack between the two curtains, which draped over a tall window. He got up out of bed and grabbed his clothes that were draped on the back of a chair next to him.
He began to change when suddenly the door flew open and Esther came in. “Abel! How long do you plan to sleep for? It's passed nine-” She stopped herself and stared at the haft-dressed Abel. She blushed as her eyes widened. He stared as well and turned slightly red. “Ahhh!” She screamed. “I-I'm s-s-sorry A-Abel!” She slammed the door shut and leaned against it. Her heart pounded against her chest as she still held the door handles. Suddenly the door opened again and she fell into its opener, Abel.
“Opps.” He sighed and helped her up. “Careful Esther. We don't want you to get hurt, now do we?” She just stared at his carefree face and gentle, blue eyes, which were hidden behind his glasses, and nodded. She then remembered what she had come to Abel for. “Abel! I just remembered. Father Tres arrived and Lady Catherine is waiting on the other line. We are all waiting for you.”
“I see. Well let's get going now, shall we?” He said and started to walk down the hallway. Esther nodded and followed.
After a bit of wandering through the big palace, Abel stopped inside a giant room, which was filled with rows and rows of shelves that were cluttered with books, and sighed, “Esther do you have any idea where we are going? Because I'm lost.” She sighed, “Abel!” She paused and looked around the room. “Actually, I only came to this part of the palace a couple of times since I've been here.”
“So do you have anyway of getting out of here?” He asked rather impatient. She grabbed his hand and simply said as she lead him out of the room, “We can always retrace out steps.”
“Smart Esther!” He exclaimed as he let her drag him along. “Now why didn't I think of that?”
After wandering through the palace for a while longer, they finally reached the meeting room. “Father Tres! So good to see you again!” Abel exclaimed as he entered the room.
“Father Abel Nightroad,” Father Tres' robotic voice started, “you are 34.568 minutes late.”
“Oh, Father Tres, always so precise!” Abel laughed with a small wave of his hand as he took his seat next to Ion and Esther sat down next to him (Abel). “Now let's get this meeting stated.” Esther said and pressed the gold button in the middle of the table and the transparent screen came up and showed Lady Catherine's face. (A/N Okay some people say it's Catrina, well Catherine and Catrina are the same thing, Catrina is the Spanish spelling of Catherine.) “Good morning.” She greeted with a smile. “Abel, I hope you haven't been causing trouble again?”
Abel smiled nervously, “No, I've been as perfect as an angel!”
“Besides the fact that you were 34 minutes late!” Ion grumbled loud enough to let Lady Catherine hear. But before Lady Catherine could reprimand him Esther spoke up, “Lady Catherine what about our assignment?”
“Yes, your assignment. She paused to think. “Your boat departure from Albion to Nordrvegr is at 1:30pm at Harwich port and your train departure to Harwich is at 11:00am. You should arrive in Nordrvegr around 7:00am tomorrow. Now for your disguises.”
She said with a sly smile and looked at Father Tres, “Father Tres you are Abel's brother.”
“Affirmative.” He said without hesitation and she continued. “Ion, you are Father Tres' page boy.” Ion nodded in agreement. “Father Abel and Queen Esther,” she said and looked at the two. They nodded in unison. “You two will be the newly wed couple.” She said with a smile. Abel's and Esther's eyes grew wide. “N-Newly wed?” Esther gasped. “Couple?” He asked right after and Ion gave Lady Catherine and Abel a sour look. “ Yes, a newly wed couple. Did I stutter?”
“No.” Abel sighed. “But why us?'
“Yeah why them? Why not Esther and I?” Ion tried to ask but Lady Catherine just ignored him by answering Abel's question. “Because you two are the prefect couple! I mean Ion is a child and not old enough even to marry and Father Tres' is an android, so why not? You two are like made for each other anyway.” She said with a smile and wave of her hand. Esther felt her face getting red when Lady Catherine said that and Abel's face was a bit pink as well.
“So that's settled than!” Lady Catherine said with a smile. “Farwell, take care of yourselves, and have a safe journey. I'll contact you once you get into Nordrvegr. God Bless and So Long.” Her image disappeared along with the screen.
The maid who showed Ion his room yesterday came into the room with bundles of clothing draped on her two arms. “Your Grace, here are the clothes Lady Catherine asked to give to you.” She started to make her way toward Esther when she tripped on the dangling clothes and fell face first onto the floor. Ion ran to her and Esther gasped. The maid felt she was being picked up and lifted her head to see the young Methuselah helping her.
“Are you all right?” He asked as he held her by the arm. She nodded, stood up, and fixed her short brown hair, which was cut to lie around her neck and on her shoulders. She bent down and picked up the clothes and Ion helped her. “Which is mine?” He asked after he gave her the clothes that he picked up. She walked to the table and set them down. After she rummaged through them she pulled out a pair of black pants, which were patched here and there with a little different shade of black, and a white button down shirt made from silk. “Here you go Master Ion.” She said as she handed it to him. He took it and smiled. “Thank you.”
She smiled and nodded. She began to dig in the pile of clothes again. “And for Father Tres.” she pulled out a black pair of pants quite similar to Ion's but only they where longer and a bit bigger and a white polo-like shirt with a black suit-like jacket with a gray trim. Father Tres took it tranquilly and said, “There is no need for me to a disguise.”
The maid ignored him and was sorting out the last two outfits. She picked up the male's and said, “Father Nightroad, here is yours.” She handed him a pair of pants, which were similar to Father Tres' but were dark brown and a pearl colored button down silk shirt that was similar to Ion's and a jacket, which was similar to Father Tres', but it was colored mocha brown with a cayenne trim. Abel gladly took it without a word, but had on a simple and goofy smile.
“Now for Your Grace.” She said and turned to Esther. She picked up her Queen's outfit and handed it to her. Esther took the outfit kindly. It was a long, thin, black jumper, which flowed this way and that at the end, and had a v-neck and small, wide straps. The outfit had a white silk blouse to wear under the jumper and a big maroon colored shawl, which was a bit tattered.
“Thank you, Aeron.” Esther said. Aeron nodded and was almost about to walk out of the room when she remembered something. “Oh! Your Grace I forgot something.” She reached inside her pocket of her maid's dress and pulled something out. She gave one of whatever she had to Esther and Abel. “What's this?” They both asked in unison as they looked at the small pieces of circular gold metal. Aeron laughed slightly and said, “Fake Wedding rings.” Both Esther's and Abel's eyes grew wide and they looked at each other while they blushed.
Aeron giggled again, “Lady Catherine said that you two must wear these on your left ring finger since you two are pretending to be a newly wed couple.” Ion furiously looked at Abel, who looked appalled to it, but smiled and slipped the ring on his left ring finger. Esther slipped it on hers also.
They departed from the room and each went into several smaller rooms to change. Aeron, who would follow her Queen wherever she went, followed and helped her change even though Esther told her its okay and that she could do it by herself, but Aeron insisted to help her still. After she was changed, her and Aeron headed back to the meeting room where everyone else was.
Aeron opened the big chestnut colored pair of double doors and they both waltzed into the room. Abel and Ion gave Esther a smile signifying that she looked lovely. She blushed and looked at the floor when she saw Abel's smile.
“Father Nightroad, Queen Esther, Duke of Memphis we should get going. Our train departure is in 45.57 minutes.” Father Tres reported.
“It's time to leave already?” Esther sighed sadly and looked at her loyal maid. “Have a safe journey Your Majesty.” Aeron said and to her surprise Esther hugged her. “Thank you, Aeron. I'll miss you.”
Abel watched Esther carefully and thought, “She really is a kind person. Even though she is the Queen of Albion she treats her maid as if she was her sister.”
“I'll miss you too.” Aeron said as a tear fell from her left eye and onto Esther's shoulder.
Esther then broke the hug and whipped the tears that had started to form in her eyes. “Well, shall we be going?” Esther said as she turned her male friends.
“Positive. We must be going.” Father Tres said and Abel took a step forward toward Esther and held his left hand out to her. “Shall we?” His compassionate voice went straight into her heart and she accepted it. “Yes, we should get going now.”
Ion stared at them with jealousy. Father Tres stared at Ion and asked, “Duke of Memphis are you all right?'
Abel and Esther nodded to each other and said in unison, “To Nordrvegr.”