Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Royal Love ❯ Alice ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4  Alice

He looked back “I’m going to talk to Alice” he replied before walking off to the west wing of the castle.

Edward walked down the long hallway that led down to Alice and Jasper’s room. The hallway was full of windows allowing the sun to touch his body making him feel slightly warm. His skin sparkled as it was bathed in the sunlight making him look supernatural. When he reached their room it suddenly opened revealing Alice.

“Hi Edward, I was expecting you” she said as peppy as ever.

“I guess you know why I’m here then?” he asked.

‘Your having problems with Bella?’ her thoughts shouted at him.

He nodded as she stepped aside letting him in to the room closing the door behind them. Alice watched her brother as they sat down at her table that resided on her balcony. They sat down sitting in the sunlight allowing them feel a little bit more human.

“Five minutes she’s in the house you’re already having problems with your fiancé” Alice asked disappointed in her brother.

“Well I got the wrong impression of her and I degraded her by calling her the help” he explained.

She looked at him “And yet you didn’t think to ask any other besides if she was the help?” she asked.

“No, because that’s all I wanted to know” he answered pointing his nose in to the air.

“Wow Edward, no wonder she got mad at you if I was her I probably would speak to you for a while” Alice snorted.

Edward looked at her in disbelief “And why would I care if she didn’t speak to me after what I just did” he replied.

“She’s your fiancé, you shouldn’t just ignore her like some common villager” she snapped.

“But she is a common villager” Edward pointed out.

“Well not anymore she’s going to become royalty if you marry her” Alice explained.

Edward looked at his sister noticing that she was telling the truth, Bella was going to be royalty if he married her. But if he were to reject her she would go back to her original life and he would have to go through this situation all over again. And the last thing he needed was to have to deal with one more with fiancé. Then again she was a stubborn girl if she only knew who she was dealing with.  Before he could answer Jasper magically walked in without the slightest acknowledgement towards Edward. But the one thing that seemed to be noticeable was that he looked uneasy as he walked over to his wife.

“Alice who is that young woman that is staying in the one of the guest rooms?” he asked.

“Jazz that is Edward’s new fiancé, and why is it that you ask” Alice answered questioningly inclining her head towards her brother.

Jasper finally noticed him “Oh sorry Edward, I didn’t see you there you just seemed to just blend in with the room” he admitted.

Edward ignored the insult “It’s ok Jasper, now what was it you were saying about my fiancé?” Edward asked.

“Oh I was walking by her room earlier and I was stunned by the emotion that she was feeling it was pure fury. It seemed who ever wanted her to get her angry had done the job quite well” Jasper explained.

Alice glared at her brother “See what you’ve done! Now how are you going to get this girl to fall for you huh?” Alice yelled.

Alice was telling truth through every word that she spoke to Edward. He knew it as well, he didn’t mean to upset Bella he just happened to ask the wrong questions at the wrong time, oh why was he such a fool. After the words repeated themselves countless time, his mind was starting to yell at him as well the more he thought about Bella even though they did just have a fight. But suddenly his mind was interrupted by the thoughts of a certain vampire that stood before him. Edward started to hiss at Jaspers retreating form getting his attention rather quickly.

“Banish those thoughts from your head Jasper before you regret  them!!” he snarled.

“Jasper what were you thinking?” Alice snapped slightly irritated.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that she’s a human and just the smell of her makes my senses go wild” he admitted.

“Well if you mind keeping those thoughts from entering your mind, remember what Carlisle said they are not food anymore they are just simple humans that we coexist with” Edward explained angrily.

“Ok I won’t think of that again” he replied sitting on his and Alice’s bed.

Edward was still angry with his brother because his mind was filled with images of ways to take Bella away and just do away with her. But he tried to vanquish those kind of thoughts away from the inner folds of his mind. Though he thirsted for Bella’s blood he didn’t want to become the monster that he always believed to be inside of him.

“So Edward what are you going to do about the Bella situation?” Alice asked.

“I don’t know my mind seems to be going insane right now” he answered.

“Oh don’t worry it will heal over time” Alice joked.

But Edward didn’t answered instead he started to walk away from Alice which he had never done before.

“Where are you off to this time?” she asked.

He didn’t look back “To get reacquainted with a certain fiancé of mine” he answered silently smiling to himself before walking out of the room.
A.N. Please continue to review your only adding on to the writing process plus s I need a few opinions 1. Should Edward and Bella make up or 2. Should they get in to another scrap please review if you want anymore chapters XD!!!
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