Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of Dust ❯ Unlucky Numbers ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Heart of Dust

Chp. 13 Unlucky Numbers

Rating: PG-13

**There's More to Life Than This- Bjork

Characters are not mine I'm just borrowing.



**It's still early morning
We could go down to the harbor
And jump between the boats
And see the sun come up**


She felt as if she were trapped in some strange Hollywood film standing on the bridge as the morning fog drifted around her. A horn in the distance catching her attention briefly before a young man in a baseball cap and a baggy shirt and jeans came jogging up, out of breath and red in the face. Hands on his knees he watched her in clear exasperation as she shook her head sadly, auburn locks swaying despite being in a tight ponytail.

"H-How...do you do this," he wheezed, "every morning?"

"I don't do it every morning," she replied with a smile.

"Seriously Juri...I mean I'm in shape, I have to be...but you just ran three miles. And look at you!"

He stood up and leaned near where hid sister was. Looking at the water below and just barely resuming his normal pattern of breathing.

"Sora, I told you didn't have to come."

"Yeah well...," he shook his head and then smiled broadly, "I'm leaving in a bit and I want to make sure I spend some quality time."

The fog was thinning slightly, whispering away like a secret as Juri chuckled. "Okay...well... Let's go back."

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"You sound just like Duo when you say that," the young woman replied as she began a slow jog. "If you can keep up I'll treat you to breakfast."

Sorata sighed defeated and then rushed to reach his sister as she sped up her pace.


**There's more to life than this
But then we'd have to rush back
To the town's best baker
To get the first bread of the morning
There's more to life than this**


Sorata inhaled the Mega Slam Deluxe Breakfast Juri had agreed to pay for in no time, and was presently stuck watching his sister calmly eat her eggs and sip her orange juice. At a loss for what to do and hating to stare he decided it was time to have a little discussion with his elder sister about the non-date she had a week ago. She visibly tensed the minute he began.


"No," he interrupted. "Obviously it's something that bothers you, so talk about it to someone before it kills you. Mainly talk to me about it because I'm your brother and I won't have a heart attack no matter what you tell me."

There was no way out of it. He had that stubborn tone to his voice. The one he used to convince their parents at age eight that he was going to become a Shinto Priest. The one he used at the park when he talked about how he knew Arashi was the only girl for him. She took a large gulp of her juice and set it down, shutting her eyes, thinking of a way to begin.

"Do you remember my senior year in high school," Juri finally began.

Sorata nodded.

"Remember the Olympic trials?"

"I remember them being hard on you."

"Well they were," she confirmed. "But in more ways than just being physically demanding."

"You, talking about that fencing coach?"

"Yes... and no. Dealing with him was easy. It was facing the consequences of defending my principles that burned." She sighed, "I lost my scholarship because of that incident. My free ride and paid college education all washed down the drain because I had to be... I don't even know what I was."

His brown eyes were set as he stated, "You were heroic. What does this have to do with last week?"

"Everything... nothing," she chuckled, "I got brave about my personal life though. Let Kozue and two new friends drag me all over the place in search of a social life after that incident."

"Yup," Sorata smiled triumphantly, "and you let me borrow your car."

"No I didn't."

He laughed, "I know... me, Keitaro and the guys took it one night when you were out with that so called girlfriend of yours."

Her eyes narrowed, "She wasn't 'so called'. She was just a little straighter than expected."

"Yeah," he rolled his eyes, "If you say so."

"I do. Besides without her I'd never have met Kanoe."

Both eyes brows shot up as he blinked in surprise.

"That night I came home late..." She averted her gaze as her brother's jaw hit the floor. "I was late for a very good reason."

Sorata coughed and then collected himself enough to ask, "So about last week?"

Juri muttered something under her breath and he only caught a few random words: Kanoe, dinner, something about a third person, and....strawberries? Noticing that her brother's imagination was possibly running all over the place and in the right directions Juri cleared her throat.

"I hope you're satisfied," the stoic angel breathed.

"Wow the things you learn... So... slightly ashamed?"

"Let's just leave it at fearing the consequences." Juri finished off her orange juice and then asked, "Now about that time you stole my car?"


**There's more to life than this
There's more to life than this**


"Arisugawa, Juri," Saitou's voice hit like an arrow.

She clenched her fists not wanting or needing the impending lecture for whatever standards she was not meeting. Her brother's flight left in four hours and she wanted to get home and see him before she had to rush to work for yet another, in a long line of, double shifts on a school night. Stiffly she turned and walked down to the professor's desk, the fire of irritation clear in her hazel eyes.


"I wanted to comment on your thesis."

She could already feel her heart ready to seize. If he was going to tell her she had to start over, again, she was going to fly off into a rage with grotesque results. Even Saitou should have the common sense not to poke at a panther living on less than three hours sleep.

"It's very good."

"Excuse me," she wasn't prepared for that bit.

"Have you given any thought to what you will do after graduation?"

"No. I haven't really had time." She caught his underlying tone then; "Do you have any thoughts?"

Grave as usual, he replied in strong, low and supportive tones, "I was hoping you'd considering moving onto the masters and doctorate programs. Perhaps pursue a teaching career."

She shook her head. "I'd be a lousy teacher"

"Those students you tutored briefly disagree and so do their improved test scores."

Why was he arguing this?

"Sir far be it from me to dispute your advice but... It took me six years to get this far. Six years of books, followed by long hours at a job I really don't like. Even if I wanted to I just don't have the patience to see it through properly."

"Money is your only issue?"

"And it's a very big one." She was a bit curt and very serious. "Even with the scholarships available for those programs," she trailed off and continued quickly, "I just don't have the resources to be in school for another four or six years."

His eyes narrowed in thought and then he nodded, "Forgive me for bringing it up. Thank you for chatting."

It was clear he was up to something, but just what was anyone's guess. Actually she could harbor a few, either he was going to try and find a way for her to continue her education, or…Or what? She didn't particularly have time to think about it. She rushed out the door nearly taking out an acrobatic young man in a Hawaiian shirt with impossible hair.


***A tree lined avenue

Begins to fade from view

And leaves began to fall

And no one spoke at all***


There was very little said in way of goodbyes, but that was the way the siblings had conducted things since their parents' had died. They didn't want to jinx anything and a goodbye seemed far too permanent. Instead Sorata made Juri promise to call him every once in a while, and of course gave her some advice she hated because she never seemed able to take it.

"Don't worry," he said with a smile.

She groaned.

"I know…you hate it but you worry way too much. You can act impartial all you want," Sorata beamed. "But I know you. "

"Fine… I'll try not to worry." She grinned, "You stay out of trouble."

"Come and see me after graduation?"

"Of course, I have to check out this girl of yours don't I?"

"Okay then."

"Okay then…"

Hazel eyes watched intently as Sorata's plane took off. Watched it until she could no longer see it in the sky and then retreated to her car.


***But I can't seem to forget
When you came along


The phone rang waking her with a shrill start. She picked up the receiver and answered voice groggy and slightly scratched.


She sniffed and sat up pulling the covers with her, and then shielded her eyes from the afternoon sun that poured in from the window.

"Did I wake you," a calm steady female voice asked.

Hazel eyes shut and then opened, her free hand fumbling for the cord to the blinds as she replied, "Yeah."


"I wouldn't expect you to actually know that I'd be asleep this late."

Cord discovered she quickly blocked out the imposing light and relaxed against the wall. Her cat curled up neatly at the foot of the bed and ignored the slight commotion Juri was making.

"True... still..."

"So what's on your mind?"

"What do you think?"

She made a soundless chuckle and shook her head. "So it wasn't a bright question...," she sighed. "How's this...why are you calling?"

"I think we should talk."


"I hate having to keep answering questions with questions, but...why do you think?"

Juri took a deep breath and then spoke, "I have today off. When would you like to meet?"

"As soon as possible if it's not too inconvenient."

"Alright I can do that. Where?"


The waking panther peered over at her clock. "Are they open this early?"

"They will be for us. How long do you think?"

"About thirty minutes."

"Good. I'll see you then."

The line died and Juri wilted. Just like Sorata to have gone home when consequence decided to catch up to her. She rolled out of bed and made quick work getting into a shower before running of to meet with what fate had in store.

To be continued....