Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Masks of Mystery ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 12: Masks of Mystery

"Our sources tell us that Fanelia's king was critically ill yesterday, and that a girl was also as ill as him. This proves that she IS a draconian, as the spell only affects them. We've finally found her-"

" But she was with the dragon! She should have been alone when this happened! Now we HAVE to reschedule the plan!!!"

"I leave you alone for a few days and this is what I come back to? Failures." There was a slight edge to his voice. A dangerous edge.

"Is Dilandau still under our control? (We may have to awaken them)." Paruchi said calmly and quietly.

"Yes, although just barely; the black magic may have worn off after all this time."

"Well then Faruma; we shall see if it still works..."


"I feel fine, really."

"So what was all that about last night?"

"I don't know; it might have been a virus or something like that - it might even be that fog we passed through." It did seem strange as everyone thought about it; there wasn't normally that much fog, especially in summer, never mind a hint of it even in mid winter. Something felt wrong.... the whole issue just didn't seem right somehow.

Later, at the ball, the party celebrations began. Princess Eries married the Crown Prince of Dorue, a country famed for it's stunning architecture. They wed in the traditional Asturian way; and this marriage meant that Eries had to leave her home country to live as queen of Dorue, thus uniting the two nations at the same time. Van and Hitomi secretly got engaged, although the actual marriage is not going to happen for some time yet, and the engagement is yet to be officially announced. The grand hall in which the party was being held in was simply exquisite; white marble pillars supported the massive and very high ceiling. Angels with trumpets, spectacular birds of paradise, and other beautiful creature's alike adorned the walls and ceiling. Guests were asked to wear masks, as the theme of the party was mystery.

"Hitomi? …..Can….I - " Van began but never finished.

"Hey Hitomi! Wanna dance with me?" Yelled Duo from up the hallway, practically running towards her.

Surprised she was asked at all, she gladly accepted, leaving poor Van still stood halfway in and out of the room, watching them go, hearing her laugh at his jokes, seeing them happy together… Hitomi's dress suited her perfectly; it made his heart ache….it was as if she never even saw him. When Hitomi and Duo turned the corner, however, she changed her tune. Although Hitomi thought Duo was a nice guy and all, the fact was she couldn't handle the strong feelings she felt for Van. It was only now that Hitomi realise how naïve and idealistic she had been; like how was she to deal with being a queen, and rule a nation? She sat on a stone bench, next to Duo, both admiring the full moon. Or she was pretending to, at least. Hitomi hid her face as the tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Duo." She said in a wobbly voice.

"For what?"

Then Hitomi ran, as fast as she could, to find Van. CLOCK-CLOCK-CLOCK-CLOCK-CLOCK-CLOCK-CLOCK-CLOCK went the sound of Hitomi's shoes. Hitomi grew frantic as she couldn't find him anywhere, and was about to give up searching when, there, alone, he stood with his back to her. She slowly walked towards Van, taking off her mask as she did so. Her throat suddenly became swollen like she had tonsillitis or something. She also tried deep breathing, but that just seemed to make feel more anxious to meet him. Swollow. Gulp. Swollow. Gulp again. Raising a hand to tap Van's shoulder, he turned around.

It wasn't Van.

So Hitomi kept on running, searching, and calling his name. After a long time, it was hopeless. What she had feared for so long, had finally happened. She's lost him. She'll never get him back. Never.... Hitomi leant on a wall and rubbed her arms because it was chilly in the open hallway. Sliding down onto the floor, whisps of warm breath floated up and disappeared. Now loneliness will claim her. Wondering what her life could have been, had she stayed at home, on Earth. A prospective career as a fashion designer perhaps. Thankful at having passed and received her fashion degree, Hitomi began dreaming of what could have been. "A-choOO!" sneezing, she rubbed her arms harder to get warmer. Great, I'll just catch a cold while Mr.Right is nowhere to be found, thought Hitomi. She was crying so badly that her vision was abit blurred. Burying her head in her knees was of little comfort. When Hitomi opened her eyes, she was shocked to realise she was…. home. Getting to her feet she straightened up decreased her dress, patting off the dirt. It was a cloudy day, and possibly a Sunday seeing as there wasn't anyone about. Even the roads were empty of cars. Harshly wiping her cheeks dry, Hitomi took her time. She was walking along the pavement, when someone called her name. Still sniffling, she didn't bother to turn or stop. The person behind caught up and put a hand on her shoulder.


"Amano?… " Amano held Hitomi tight to comfort her, concerned at how distraught she looked.

"It's a beautiful dress." Amano said when the awkward silence was over. Another few streets and they'd be there.

"It…(Sniff) was for a party. (sniff) I've lost him Amano!!! I've lost the man I love!!!" shouted Hitomi.

"Shhhhh… Calm down Hitomi….. " Then it hit him. "Do you want to go back?" those bloodshot eyes held a stern gaze, filled with burning anger and hurt.


Although the newly weds spent nearly all their time together, they did part for a brief moment to talk to other people separately. Shiden seized this opportunity to ask Eries something. Shiden bowed to the new queen of Dorue when she approached and Eries acknowledged it with the same gesture.


"Thank you." Eries replied graciously. "Forgive me, but are you the long lost princess of Fanelia? "

"….Yes, I guess you can say that." Shiden felt abit uncomfortable with being called a princess, especially when she's treated like one. She preferred it before when she was on Earth; just a nobody with some independence, and fighting with her five male cousins. You HAD to be able to hold your own with them. Which is why Shiden isn't really scared of anyone, and is quite confident.

"What is your name?"

"It's Shiden your Majesty, it means purple lightning." Shiden pointed to her hair to which Eries nodded.

"It is a wonderful colour, just like the night."

"Can I ask you something, your Majesty?"

"Go ahead, but please, just call me Eries." She smiled to show her friendly side.

"It's about Allen; I've heard from people talking, saying bad things about him and it makes me abit worried that I might be falling for him, as I think what they say is true." Shiden twiddled her thumbs and bit her lip, knowing how much trouble this could get her into.

"What have you heard exactly? Every one gets talked about so try not to worry too much."

"Well, I've heard that he used to be in love with a princess, but then she got married to someone else and that he's still not completely over her. I'm worried that, if I fall for him, and he still loves her, then I won't be able to take it being second best." If this was going to start a war, then so be it.

Eries walked around the balcony, taking time to choose her wise words. Shiden thought she might have accidentally offended Eries, when she spoke;

" I won't deny you the true Shiden; it is true, he did love a princess. It is also true, that the princess got betrothed to another man, and he still longed for her. But that princess - is my sister, princess Marlene. Allen was young back then, the same age as me, and his history is one of sadness and sorrow. He was forced to become a thief in order to survive, and this is how he became the greatest swordsman of Asturia; he tried to rob Balgus, one of the greatest swordsman of Gaea, but failed. This is how he got to be Balgus's student, a position very sought after by all men. He met Marlene through a sword tournament, in which he was crowned a Knight Caeli. A Knight of the heavens.

Allen was assigned as Marlene's bodyguard, but all that time together allowed a forbidden love to grow, and in the end my late father, the king, found out about their secret love affair and got her betrothed to the Duke of Freid. Allen was heartbroken, but there was nothing he could do but watch. He wasn't happy, but put it aside to try and make us forget about his sordid affair…."

Shiden got the impression that she's just opened up a can of worms, something she already regrets doing. Whatever happened between Allen and Marlene obviously had an impact on Eries, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She was trying to think of an excuse to leave in case things get even more uglier, but once again Eries spoke up to stop her.

"I loved him once." She began suddenly. " We even became very good friends. But it was clear he only had eyes for my older sister. I was hurt for a time, loving a man just to be rejected by him, so I told no one and hoped my feelings for Allen would one day die…..My sister is now dead, and so is the Duke, leaving only a young son behind to rule Freid. I know he still thinks of her, but thankfully I no longer think of him; since meeting Fallon, the Crown Prince of Dorue, I've realised life doesn't have to be sad. He makes he feel special, and reminds me that I'm his whole world every single day. Allen was never once like that with me. So I married Fallon. And I love him dearly.

One piece of advice Shiden; if you want to pursue a life with Allen, and truly love him, make sure he returns your love. And make sure he is only devoted to you. I don't wish what happened to me to happen to someone else. Promise me you will be careful."

"I promise." They shook hands, and Shiden felt Eries was more of a sister to her after their little talk. At first she was sure of her, then thought Eries might still be bitter about the past, but now she thinks Eries is a strong woman to have survived all that she has gone through, and Shiden hopes that she can be the same. That she'll be strong enough t survive anything life can throw at her. She walked back to the main dancehall, and looked around her.

Candles were lit along every pillar in every passageway, to give the evening a romantic feel, and the illusion of a midsummer night's dream. The night was young, and some of the masks worn were very extravagant; some had been made with beautiful bird's feathers, while others were made to simply conceal the wearer's identity. Colour was used to people's advantage, to compliment either their colouring and ball gown or suites, but all in all, every one was special in one way or the other. Shiden had worn a simple yet elegant white dress with a little flowing train at the end; with layer upon layer of the gorgeous material; with little pearl and diamond droplets glistening in the moonlight. Although her mask was quite basic, it was enough to make her look very mysterious; she also had a dark green muslin waistband, which brought out the alluring sparkle in her eyes perfectly.

Allen was also wearing a costume; all those invited were asked to wear costumes as well as masks. He wore a dark blue velvet suite with a white tuft/ruffle collar and white ruffles on the wrists. His 'disguise' was a simple one, which covered most o his face and nose like everyone else's. There wasn't any need for weapons but some people had them purely for the 'grand' look, and so had Allen. Walking around, admiring the spectacular artwork and design of the building in which the party was being held in, amongst talking to various other knights/people, something caught his attention, something took his breath away - and captured his heart. There, over by the water fountain, was the Queen of all goddesses; her beauty was almost blinding to look at; her grace mirrored that of the swan's; her skin was more faire than the moon, and her hair would stir jealousy in it's wake. I HAVE to talk to her, Allen thought, and try getting to know her. He found her outside on the balcony, alone, just staring up at the moons and the stars. What could I talk about? How do I start the conversation?? Doubts were starting to creep up on him...and he was running out of ideas. As he made his way to her, he passed numerous people who kept blocking his view of her. He caught her eye contact, and kept it for as long as he could even though men and women who were in his line of vision always broke it up. Finally, as he caught up with her, she disappeared. But then she re-appeared from nowhere a moment later.

"I knew you'd come." She spoke softly, almost in a gentle whisper. "I've heard a lot about you, and how you helped save Gaea with my brother and Hitomi." Then she turned to face him. "Thank you." Her smile was like winning the title of being a Knight Caeli of Asturia, if not better.

"It's nothing really; I was just doing my job." He said a little huskily.

(sigh) "The sky's really beautiful tonight. And the breeze is nice and cool too.

So where are you from?"

And so they got talking; about where he was from, how he became a Knight of Asturia, and how he had found his long lost little sister. She, in turn, told him all about her past; how she was born on Gaea but grew up on the Mystic Moon; how she had forgotten her past; and how, although she was very happy there, she always had a feeling of loneliness that never quite went away, until just recently when she came back to Gaea.... and was re-united with Van. Then her whole world got turned upside down when she found out that her entire family were dead - that they have been for the past couple of years - and now only her and her little brother are left. Things were progressing just smoothly with the two of them exchanging ideas and conversation, before their eyes locked, and the feeling of wonder was definitely mutual. Then....

…. they kissed.


Author's note; Sorry for not updating for a while, I've been kept busy by loads of homework. Plus I'm also learning how to drive!!! Yippeeeee!!! ^_^ But I will update whenever I can.