Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Two souls ... two destinies ❯ Hapiness and sorrow. ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: as everyone knows, I don't own the originals characters, story or anything else that appears on the show or mangas. But I do own the characters that I created, and the plot, so it's mine … All Mine! I won't get any profit over this, so don't sue me. Hope you enjoy your reading!!!!

The vision of Escaflowne: Two souls … two destinies

Chapter 17: Happiness and sorrow.

#Previously Marta remembered her past as Kamatary and she went with her sister to Zardus' underground fortress.#

"We'd better leave her with him!" - Togaroa said to his brother, Neshi. They both observed as Varie walked over from the lagoon with the King of Fanelia, Go Fanel.

"Yeah! You're probably right! Anyway … we won't get any far from Fanelia!" - the two headed into the forest. The two moons shining above the mountains.


Varie went to Fanelia and took a place as Queen, by the side of her love, Go Fanel. As for Togaroa and Neshi, they went to the Healy village, very close to Fanelia, from where they could take an eye on how was Varie doing.

At firts, the Healy people were reluctant in giving them a place to stay, but they saw that they were no threat and let them stay as long as they wanted.

When the two brothers arrived to the village, they were both fifteen, Varie was the older. They were the only survivors from the Draconian people and they kept it as a secret, not to be killed to.

As time went by, Togaroa fell in love with a young Healy girl, she was two years younger than him. But, as soon as the Healy got to know that the Healy could reproduce with Draconians, they blessed their marriage. When this happened, Togaroa was twenty and Neshi was twenty-one. Soon Yuki was born.

One year later, Neshi disappeared from the Healy village without saying anything or warning anyone. Togaroa thought that the worst had happened, but everything was vanished, when Neshi came back after a year, telling that he had been on the Mystic Moon and had made lots of friends.

As years went by, Neshi, Togaroa and Megumi (Yuki's and Kamatary's mother) kept contact with their friends on the Mystic Moon. Kamatary was born, and two years later, Neshi left the village, as he wanted to travel trough Gaea.


One year later, in Fanelia's forest:

A full grown up dragon, burned in anger. His fiery eyes looked deep into the corners of a young and frightened boy's purple eyes, with raven black hair.

He was so young, so frightened - " … mother …" - so … - " … Folken …" - … alone. As tears came down his cheeks, not only from the fright that he felt, he started stepping back, trying to get away from the mighty dragon he had accidentally woken up.

He saw the dragon starting to prepare to launch his fire, right to him. Without thinking twice, Van opened his wings and flew trough the air, escaping the hell were he would burn. He tried to fly towards Fanelia, but the dragon didn't intend to let him go and so he used his tale to block Van and threw him to the ground, hard and painfully. Van fell so very close to him, and the dragon started running to him, and stroked again, sending him flying in the hair. His, almost unconscious body hit against a tree. He felt the blood coming out from all over his body, his wings were broken and he was almost fainting. He tried to get up, but his lack of strength did not let him. He felt to the ground, muttering his older brother's name, as the dragon run to attack him one last time.


"VAN!" - a young teenager, with grey/blue hair wondered through the Fanelia's forests, yelling his younger brother's name, and starting to lose hope as time went by. - "I just hope he didn't get to the dragon's nest!" - he muttered to himself, continuing his search. - "VAN!"


"I don't wanna die … mommy …" - a picture of his mother came to him, as he saw the dragon coming closer. And when he attacked, he felt his whole body crashing apart. The hit threw him down a ravine. For what locked like an eternity, he rolled down, until his already broken back hit a huge rock, and he stopped. He looked to the sky and said something incomprehensible, as he closed his eyes for the last time.


" … brother …" - Van slightly opened his eyes, still felling the blood coming, still felling it right in front of his eyes. His body ashed, and the pain increased every time e tried to speak.

"Not your brother, I fear!" - a tiny voice echoed through his head, he could see a little girl right beside him. She looked like a baby.

"… who …" - he tried to speak, but it caused him to spill out blood from his mouth, and he yelled in pain as he felt his bones breaking once more. He tried to breath but it was hard.

"Calm down! I'll help you! I guess I don't have enough time to get sis … so I'll have to do it my self!" - he asked nothing and closed his eyes. He felt a small hand touch his chest, right above the place where the heart is meant to be.

The girl stood silent for some moments, with her eyes closed, as if she was searching for his injures (although he was all injured). - " … tod …" - as she said this word, he felt a great pain on the back and arched at the same time he yelled. But the pain only took a mere second, after he felt nothing more. - " … mit …" - the same pain, but this time on the head. - "… jat …" - legs - "… nut …" - arms. Van was beginning to fell better, but he found it hard to held the screams back. - " … zit …" - this time it was his upper body, but this time, the pain didn't stop. He couldn't hold back any longer and he screamed as mush as he could, not standing still for a moment. - " … mit … tod … jat … nut … zit …" - the pain stopped abruptly and Van opened his eyes in surprise, as he felt no pain at all.

"Am I dead?" - he asked, still trying to catch up his breath.

"Not by chance!" - the little girl replied, as she got up on her knees. Van took a close at her. She was about three years old, had short black hair and her eyes were completely white. She smiled as he got up on his feet.

"How?" - he asked, at the same time he checked his body and noticed there was no injury left.

"Thanks to the Healy Gods. Mit, Tod, Jat, Nut and Zit. The protectors of mortal bodies!" - Van made a puzzled expression and she laugh. - "Never heard of the Healy people?" - he said no with his head. - "Well … we are just good people who tries to help others!" - he nodded.

"Are you a witch?" - she laugh again and got closer to him.

"No!" - she started circling around him, looking him upside-down. He fallowed with the eye and wasn't felling mush comfortable.

"What is the matter?" - he asked, starting to get annoyed.

"You're a Draconian!" - 'Oh no! My wings!' - Van retrieved his wings back, as if that would make her forget she had seen them. - "You don't have to hide them from me! I'm a Draconian too!" - She spread her wings, ripping off some of her dress.

Van was surprised to say the least, but what most surprised him was the color of her wings. - "Yellow?" - she smiled and got her wings back. - "How the hell are your wings yellow?"

"It's probably cause I'm half Healy ad half Draconian. My wings change color according to my state of mind. As I'm happy, the wings are yellow!"

"Oh!" - Van was about to ask her something else, but he heard something.

"VAN!" - he looked back and saw his brother landing behind him. He immediately jump over him and cried with happiness. - "Van, I was so worried! Where have you been all this time?" - Folken asked as he search for any damage on his little brother.

"I was …" - Van didn't want Folken to know about the dragon accident.

"He was just playing with me!" - they both looked at the little kid. Folken smiled as he immediately understood he was talking to a Healy.

"Are we that close to the village?" - she nodded. - "Well sorry for any trouble my brother caused you!" - she just laughed and nodded again. - "Lets go Van! Mother is worried about you!" - Van nodded but he went to her.

"Thanks!" - he whispered at her. - "Can I come tomorrow?" - she thought for a while and then nodded again. - "And by the way … what's your name? Mine's Van and this is Folken, my brother!" - he said wile aiming at Folken.

"Nice to meet you! My name's Kamatary!" - They said goodbye, and she watched as the two brothers took flight into the distance. She smiled and got back to the village, where her older sister awaited impatiently.


Weeks and months passed by as if it was just a mere day.

Van came every day, along with Merle, to visit Kamatary and Yuki. The four become great friends and they played together all day.

But one day, Van didn't appear. Yuki and Kamatary waited, but realized that he wasn't coming, so they both spread their wings and took flight to Fanelia.

The city had stopped; everyone had gone to the main square, to pay homage to their beloved king. When the two arrived, they understood that King Go Fanel had died and therefore, Van didn't come

Kamatary wanted to go to the palace and stay with Van, but Yuki knew it was best for them to wait a little.

They were the ones to come and visit in the next day … and on the day after … and after …

Van and Merle kept telling them how mother was getting depressed every day, and how Folken had to become king so soon (I suppose he was 16), and that he had to go and fight a dragon. Van told them how mush he feared for him, cause he knew Folken hated to fight, and less to kill.

The dreadful day came and Folken left Fanelia to go slave a dragon. All the people in Fanelia watched him leave. But he kept his eyes on is younger brother and mother, who hoped him to come back safe and sound.

But he didn't come beck, and Varie started having even more depressive moments, crying every day, every hour. Van started felling more and more lonely, and when his mother disappeared, he though his world was breaking down.

He wouldn't come out from his room, he wouldn't eat, and he wouldn't speak to anyone. He knew that know he was to be the future king of Fanelia … but the thought of doing it alone, made him wish to die along with the rest of his family.

One day, though, he decided to come out from his room and he acted like he knew his father would want him to. He couldn't leave a country without a king, and he would be as good as his father had once been.

Balgus helped him training, the advisors keep the country going, while he was still a six years old child. But one thing he never gave up. Every afternoon, he went, along with Merle, to the Skeleton. The place where they met everyday


Two years passed by:

"But mother …" - a six-years-old Kamatary tried to make her mother change her mind.

"No buts Kami! Your sister did well on telling me about you and Van!" - a twenty-five years old women, with black long hair, and white eyes, just like Kamatary's. - "What was on your mind when you let him kiss you?" - she asked, close to tears.

"Why are you crying mommy! All kids give a kiss or two! I'm not going to die for it!" - Kami said crying and sobbing.

"Listen to me!" - Megumi picked her up and sat her on her lap. - "I love you very much, and I want the best for you! And Van is not the best for you!" - Kami stopped crying and looked up at her mother.

"The kiss didn't mean that we will marry … or anything like that!" - Megumi sighed heavily.

"But it's a start! And there are things that is better not to start Understand?" - Kamatary said no with her head. - "I guess I'll have to tell you!" - Kami looked puzzled.

"Tell what mommy?" - Megumi smiled a little and cherished her children's soft hair.

"The reason why you and Van can't be more than just friends!"


"Why don't you tell me?" - an angered Van yelled as he chased after Kami. - "Just tell me what the hell is that secret!" - she stopped and as he tried to stop, he collapsed on the floor.

"NO!" - he got up from the ground and cleaned himself up. Muttering a little 'why not?' - "Lets make a deal!" - he looked up at her in suspect. - "You come to the party tonight, and there I tell you what the secret is!" - he smiled widely and nodded. - "At eight! Don't be late, your highness!" - she started running to the village as she started hearing her sister's call.


On the Healy village, that night:

Everyone was happy, dancing and singing. Two young Healy had got married half an hour ago, and now it was time to celebrate!

They were on the main square where laid a big statue of Fenix, the all mighty symbol of the Healy people.

They were so happy, that they didn't notice the shadows moving around the small village.

"Mommy, I'm worried! Van should've been here by now!" - Her mother smiled at her. She called for Yuki and she came running.

"Yes mommy!"

"Go with your sister to Fanelia and don't come back without Van!" - they both nodded and took flight at the same time.


The two sisters kept going, until they heard screams and calls for help. They stopped and turned around. In the distance they could see fire and they could hear that someone was in danger. - "It's on the village! Quick Yuki! We have to go and save them!" - Kami yelled as she pushed her sister along with her.

The fire was getting bigger, the heat was felt far away, and the smoke was seen even further. Yuki and Kami smiled as they saw a shadow with wings emerge from the fiery village. - "Daddy!" - Yuki yelled as she speed up. But their happiness soon died as they saw thousands of arrows being launched to the air. Several hitting the target.

"DADDY!" - they both yell as they tried to reach for the falling body.

They landed near the place they thought they had seen their father fall, soon they found their mother, walking slowly and grabbing her belly. They ran to her and helped her up, as they saw she was dying, cause also her had been a target to the arrows. - "Mommy! What happened? Where's father?" - Yuki asked at the same time she started healing her mothers wounds. She was slapped quite soon. - "Mommy?" - Yuki looked up at her mother, very puzzled, but Megumi just smiled.

Kamatary was grabbing her mother and crying on her chest, knowing that probably it would be the last time. - "Spare your strength my daughter! There's no more hope for me … or anyone in that village!" - she coughed and some blood comes from her mouth. - "Here!" - she showed the two beautiful necklaces, exactly a copy one of another. - "Take one Yuki! And you take the other Kami!" - they did as their mother told them too, putting it around their necks. - "Now … My loves …" - Megumi wanted to cry, but she knew they would cry too, so she hold back the tears. - "The village is not safe anymore! You have to go … to safer places. I'll send each one of you to different places, but one day, you'll be together again! Remember that now … you're the last of our specie … and above all … remember that me and your father always loved you … and always will …" - she closed the chain's stone in her hand and wished for her to go to Earth, close to Neshi's friends. Soon a blue pillar of light took Kami into the sky.

"Mommy?" - Kami yelled, tears rolling down her red cheeks.

"You'll be safe, my love!" - she and Yuki watched as Kami disappeared in the sky. - "Now it's your turn, my beloved daughter!" - Yuki tried to protest, saying that she wanted to stay and helped her mother recover, but Megumi was right. - "Your sister … went to the Mystic Moon! While she has the Chain I gave her, she'll be able to get back … and I know she will soon! I'll send you to Zardus house! You'll be safe too!"

"But mommy …" - Megumi kissed her daughter one last time and wished for her to go. And so the light came, and she was gone. - "My daughters … my babies …" - she fell to the ground, and closed her eyes … for eternal sleep …

"NO!" - Van yelled as soon as he got to the village and saw it all burned. - "No, it can't be! They can't be all dead!" - Van fell to his knees and started crying, over the ashes of the greatest people that ever lived in Gaea. Balgus stood still, not wanting to do anything that would hurt his little master even more.

A soldier came running. - "SIR! We got all the men that did this and we found one survivor, but she is dying and there's nothing we can do!" - the soldier reported with sorrow the last words.

"Take me there! I want to see the survivor!" - the soldier obeyed Van's orders and leaded him and Balgus to where it laid. - "It's Kami's mother!" - he ran to the dying women and he tried to make her speak.

"Van … is that you?" - he nodded and smiled. - "I have no more time …" - she started coughing harder, and she was loosing blood, like if she was an open tap. He knew that soon she would be gone and he asked her not to speak, but there were still to more words the she said. - "Kami … Mystic …" - silent … only the tears, warm tears could become that suffocating and horrible night, warmth and a relief to the soul. Cause when we cry … we get better from anything. And that was why van cried all night, not knowing if his friends where dead or alive.

When the time came to judge the killers, the council had one and only decision. For such a coward act, not even death was enough. Van was the one who decided their fates. Although he was against violence, what those men had done had no forgiveness. - "Burn them all alive! Let them taste the same fate that those innocent people! And let them fell what they will fell for the rest of their eternity in Hell!" - even the advisors got scared when Van spoke, but they knew he was right.

Later, Yuki returned to Fanelia, she told Van that her sister was on the Mystic Moon and that she would bring her back, as soon as possible. Yuki never returned; as Van was Zardus enemy, and she was never able to go and find her sister … until she found her...

And there you go! I wanted to put Marta's life in Earth … but I'm not in a good mood today … so sorry!

I'm starting to suck at writing, am I not? Cause I would love to have more reviews, and no one gives them. Ok! I'm happy with the six I have, but I want more … please!

Well … see you next time!


#Ana Nunes#