Voltron Fan Fiction ❯ Caverns Of Fear ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi All!
…yeah…I have no true reason for writing this fic. The inspiration just hit me the other day and I wanted to write it…. This is my first foray into the Voltron fandom and, while my first exposure to it was Voltron: the Third Dimension, I have recently seen quite a few of the original episodes, which inspired this.
Also inspiration was a first season episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation, “Arsenal of Freedom.” If you're a Trekker, like me, you'll know where this is headed.
The title is tentative…it was the first one I could think of…I'm not too happy with it. Same goes for the summary…. Oh, and this is just the prologue. More will be explained throughout the story. I really just want to see if people would be interested in a fic like this….
KeithxAllura forever!
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Caverns of Fear
The massive missile landed in the center of the group of lions, forcing them apart.
“Split up!” ordered Keith from the Black Lion. “Princess, with me; the rest of you, stay together! No one goes off alone!!”
Lance, Hunk, and Pidge disappeared into the dust cloud in their respective lions while Allura followed Keith in her Blue Lion.
As soon as his orders were finished, Keith took off, trying to race away from their current bombardment. The missiles, rockets, and lasers didn't seem to let up as they dashed back toward the mountains. Once there, they would have a better vantage point from which to find the source of the attacks.
Allura looked up and saw first the Black Lion in front of her, then how close they were to the mountains. Just a few more lion lengths, and they'd be there! “Keith,” she called, a small smile appearing on her face. “We're nearly there!”
The Black Lion turned his head around to look back at the Blue Lion; inside, Keith's face went from cautious hope to pure fear. He cried out, trying to gain the other Lion's pilot's attention in time.
“Allura! Watch out!”
What? thought Allura.
That was all she had time to think, however, before the Blue Lion was hit in the back by a missile, forcing it to in turn hit the Black Lion, slamming them both into the ground.
The ground where the Lions landed had been weakened by earlier attacks.
It collapsed under the combined weight of the Lions, plunging them into the depths of the underground caverns below.
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So, yeah…kinda short, but like I said, it's the prologue…. If you like it, say so, and I'll try to get up another chap sometime in the near future. But just to warn you, this is a definite fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants fic. I only have a general idea where this is going…and none of the chaps have been written up yet…. But anyway, lemme know what you think in a review.