Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Essence of Innocence ❯ Red as a Rose ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: The Essence of Innocence
Chapter 1: Red as a Rose
Author: neko-chan
email: lilneko_chan@hotmail.com
Pairings: Yohji x Aya, Crawford x Schuldich
I'm still deciding if I should include Ken x Omi and Farfarello x Nagi
Warning: Yaoi, OOC, violence

Disclaimer: Weiss (WeiB) Kreuz does not belong to me. It NEVER belonged to me so like
don't sue me or anything. I'm not getting any money off of this fic.

Author's Note: This doesn't really follow the timeline of Weiss Kreuz. Everything is
out of order. First of all the other Weiss members don't know about Aya (Ran)'s
younger sister. Takatori is dead/killed and Schwarz are still alive and reaking
havoc. On the bottom of the page are some translation to the Japanese words
in the fic. I know that some of them are easy but hey...some people don't know
any Japanese words. I remeber when I didn't know any Japanese and was reading a
Gundam fic. I was totally lost. Anyway the translations are just there if you
don't know what the words mean. In the fic I named some African flower (or what I
hope are African flowers). I don't know that much about African flower or flowers in
general. I just went online and searched for rare African flowers so hopefully the
website that I went was a site that listed African flowers names. I just picked out
any flowers so don't flame me if it doesn't make sense. Also another note I wrote this
fic like four in the morning so the story might sound a little flat. So try to bear with
me. I know that the characters aren't really developed but that's why it's called a prologe
or chapter 1 (I know that the prologue/chapter 1 is suppose to catch the readers attention but
heck...when you're writing like four in the morning you don't care about those stuff). Anyway,
in the next chapter I'll add in some Yohji x Aya romance and make the characters more in dept.
So either way I hope you like this fic even after all the b******g I've been doing about it ^_^

Red as a Rose

It was a very sunny afternoon. Beams of lights soothed themselves upon the
luminous plants. Myriads of flowers lined the wall-irises, dandelions, lilies, and many
others that the eye can see. The most famous among them...the rose. It is interesting how
a single rose can represent so many things-love, life, beauty... and blood. Red for love
and red for death. Long slender pale hands handled the roses with intense care. The
owner of the hands plucked the roses and carried them across the store to the arrangement
he was creating.

The young man got each stem and placed them carefully but surely into the
arrangement. Roses were placed between other flowers so that part of the arrangement
would not outshine the other. The young man placed the last remaining rose into the
piece and glanced at his reflection in the glass window. Violet icy eyes stared evenly
back at him. Red hair fell lazily across his face to show a young beautiful face of a young
man. Bishounen (1) many would call him with his slim figure and natural grace. The ice-
prince others would call him because of his outward unchanging expression, cold and

"...and Taichi smashed that ball into the net! It was awesome! You guys should
have been there."

Voices brought the young man out of his thoughts. Violet eyes turned toward his
associates then quickly back to his arrangement.

"That's great Ken! It's too bad I have school. I'd have loved to see that."

"Young people, getting excited about a little soccer game. What you need is a
girlfriend to get excited about."

"Jeez Yohji. It that all you ever think about? Women?"

"Of course." Yohji said breezily. "Isn't that right, Aya?"

The young man turned when he heard his name. "Hn."

Yohji smirked and blew out a puff of smoke. He sprawled his lengthy body out
lazily on a chair with his feet propped up on the table. His short tanks reveled a muscled
yet slim stomach. His arm flung around another chair while the other held a dangling
cigarette. A pair of sunglasses held up his long blond hair as emerald green eyes glanced
at the young exuberant child sitting next to him. "Omi, I still don't know how the hell
you can be so hyper in the morning."

Omi smiled then shifted through flowers to pick the best match for his decorations.
"It's two in the afternoon, Yohji-kun. How can you still be sleepy?"

"Easy. I'm not a morning or afternoon person."

"Sorry to interrupt you guys but someone has to look after the store."

"Come on Ken. It's too early to work now." Yohji wined.

Ken rolled his eyes then glanced at the youngest in the group. "Well?"

"I'll go. School just got out so there's going to be the usual rush. What about you,
Aya?" Omi asked. Aya placed his finished arrangement upon the shelf and gave a short

"Sugoi. (2)" Ken said then grabbed his apron and followed Omi out into the store.

Aya watched them through the opened doors as they went about putting things in
order. Both boys contrasted each other immensely in looks if not personality. Omi was a
slight boy with short blond hair and large innocent blue eyes. Though not very tall he had
a slim body and an aura of friendliness. Omi was the youngest among the four men, being
only sixteen years old. While Omi had blond hair and sky blue eyes Ken had brown hair
and brown eyes. Ken was also short but better built with his years of soccer practice. A
pair of goggles held up Ken's hair as he clumsily put things away in the front desk. Ken
was two years older then Omi's sixteen years but he rarely shows it. Clumsiness follows
Ken as a shadow would a man. He laughed carelessly and openly without worries and
without walls.

Aya was staring at the two young boys as they laughed before he noticed that Yohji
was still in the room. Aya blinked then turned to Yohji and regarded him with flat violet

Yohji lifted an eyebrow and blew out another cloud of gray. "What were you
looking at? Were you looking at the pretty ladies out there?"


"Hm...or was it all the pretty boys out there?" teased Yohji.

"Omae o korosu. (3)"

"Now, now Aya. You mustn't go around making treats all the time." Yohji smile
got wider. "Where do you go in the mornings? It's not like you have a girlfriend or

"None of your business."

"Wow, the ice-prince has finally said something besides 'hn' and 'omae o korosu.'
This must be a miracle!" Yohji teased.


"Don't start to go all 'Hn' again, Aya."

Aya rolled his eyes and started walking towards the store. "We have to look after
the store."

"But it's too early to work." Yohji wined like a child. His bottom lip pouted and
expression turned winy.

"It's two in the afternoon not morning. Get up!"

"Oh, fine. Maybe there'll be some cute girls out today."

"Hn." Aya and Yohji stepped into the store and proceeded to care for the plants.
Yohji went to help Ken water the plants as Omi cleaned the floor with a broom. Aya got
his apron, tied it around himself and walked to the cash register to start calculating the
month's payments. After a few minutes of calm silence the door to the Koneko no Sumu
Ie opened and a girl walked in.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt you but I was wondering if you could help me."

Yohji and Aya looked up from whatever work they were working on and glanced
at the girl. The girl wore a black turtleneck and knee length blue skirt. Black boots and a
belt chain completed the outfit. A pair of chopsticks pinned her black and somewhat
reddish hair into a bun as some of her bangs fell to the side of her face. The girl looked
perfectly normal except for her eyes. Her eyes were a never stopping array of color. At
one minute it was blue while next it would be green or maybe violet. The girl looked at
the two men in the store with questioning eyes. Omi and Ken had left to go to the storage
room to get more roses.

Yohji stared at the girl with a small smile then turned back to Aya with a look in
his eyes as if saying 'you handle it. She's too young for me.' Then he turned to back to
his flowers and began to water them.

Aya sighed and looked at the girl. "Were you looking for any flower in particular?"

"Ah, yes. I was looking for some African flowers. I'm not sure if you have any
since it's hard to get them here."

"We do stock African flowers. What kind?"

"Oh, the Acacia Pulchella, Telopea Oreacles, Protea Aurea, Lythraceac,
Greyiaceae, and the Erythrina Latissima. Can you give me half a dozen if you have them
in stock. If you don't then it's okay." The girl replied.

Aya took his list then went into the backroom just as Omi and Ken decided to go
back into the store.

"Konnichiwa. Can I help you with anything?"

"No, someone is already helping me but thanks anyway."

"Oh, no problem." Omi smiled then went to help Ken stack the roses on the display
case. Aya came back carrying the roses that she wanted.

"We don't carry the Erythrina Latissima but the others were in stock. Is that all?"


"The total is 1,290 yen." The girl handed Aya her credit card. "If you can sign here
Miss..." Aya glanced at the card. "...Kari McCrae."

"Is that all?" Kari asked.

Aya nodded and handed her the flowers. Yohji came up and leaned his elbows on
the counter. "Do you need any help, Kari?" Yohji flirted.

"I think I can handle it. Arigatou. (4)" Kari smiled then gathered her flowers.

"Hajimete o-me-ni kakarimasu (5)" Omi said as she walked out the door.

"She seems nice." Ken commented as he watched the girl leave the store.

"Nice legs, nice waist, nice face, nice everything. She was perfect! Too bad she's
too young for me." Yohji eyes narrowed in thought and glanced evilly at Omi. "Hey


"She's about the right age for you. You guys would make a kawaii couple. I could
see it now. Kari and Omi in loooovvvveee. Hurry and run on out and get her. You might
be able to catch her in time. Go ask her on a date or to the movies. Probably the movies
since its dark and you two could make out. Teenagers are always hor-"

"YOHJI-KUN!" Omi shouted. His cheeks beginning to turn into a nice shade of

"Oh look at little Omi. He's blushing. Isn't he just so adorable? He's just like a
little pup..."

"Yohji..." Aya interrupted. "Stop bothering Omi."

"Yeah." Ken added. "Stop harassing Omi's love life.

"Or lack of one."


"What did you say oh powerful leader."


"So we'll back to the 'Hn' again. Aya, you really should consider expanding your
vocabulary. It's not very healthy if you keep on saying the same things over and over
again. Well, people might start to think that you're a..."

"Am I interrupting boys?" A voice interrupted the conversation. All four heads
turned toward the back door. There was a women standing there with her hands on her
hips and head tilted slightly to the side. She raised a delicate eyebrow in question.

"Iie." Aya answered and went to put up the close sign on the window.

"Hey Manx. Long time no see. Great timing. Business is slow so I can go on my
break and maybe we could go for a little snack and..."

"Perhaps another time Yohji." When Manx saw that she had the boys' attention
then she continued. "You have a mission a carry out."

(1) Bishounen-pretty boy
(2) Sugoi-great
(3) Omae o korosu-I'll kill you
(4) Arigatou-thank you
(5) Hajimete o-me-ni kakarimasu-Nice meeting you