Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ False Echoes ❯ Fire Fights and Frozen Food ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Witch Hunter Robin
False Echoes

Chapter IV -
Fire Fights and Frozen Food

: You know by now I don't own Witch Hunter Robin® which belongs to Sunrise® and Sci-Fi® Channel. If I owned the show Robin would have vanished with Michael at the end.

Nor do I own the song False Echoes; I just borrowed its title.

Storyline, Plot, Kenny Avery©, Roger Williams© and, David Rica© are mine.

Author Notes

I've got too much I want to say, so I've saved it for the end.

Sorry for the delay, I spent part of yesterday working on my new WHR RPG website, and then I went out for lunch with some friends, and while outside I got hit with an allergy attack. >< Oi. I couldn't stop blowing my nose long enough to make a good action chapter.



"You've grown."

Kichiro Wantanabee was grinning from ear to ear as he held the tiny silver necklace out in front of him. Kichiro's teeth were yellow and nasty but they gleamed with an eerie golden light as he smiled his polluted smile. His grin widened as Sakaki's eyes filled with more and more fear. It gave him such pleasure to watch his son in such fear and agony. He knew that right now Sakaki could hear the voices of both himself and the boy's dead mother.

The alleyway was dark and the moon's eerie shadow was cast down upon them like a silver fiend watching the unfolding chaos. The hoary haze that had befallen the alley between Harry's and the street was only a echo of the pain to come.

Sakaki did not respond to Kichiro's words, which only furthered Kichiro's pleasure in his son's horror. The man hated his son. Just as he had hated his wife. The reasons for that hatred were unknown, even to him. He did not care, however. What mattered now was ending Haruto's life slowly, and then reporting back to Zaizen.

"You've grown but you're still scrawny. Like a midget lobster in the tank at the restaurant that no one ever wants so eventually the chef has to kill it. Too bad. But I'm the chef."

Sakaki seamed to be in a trance. Unable to move or think or resist in any way. His gun was in his hands, and he could have easily pulled the trigger. The problem was that ever second he heard the sounds of his mother crying, or he heard the sound of his father laughing.

Kichiro began to walk forward, his grin full of malice and his eyes full of hate. His mind was filled with many ideas of how to kill his son. It would be fun. Of course Haruto would die today, but he'd die slowly. Kichiro wanted to make him suffer. And he was very good at that.

It was then, as Kichiro began to walk forward with that malicious grin that Sakaki seamed to snap back into reality with a painful jolt. He growled and squeezed the cold metal trigger, sending one of the nine millimeter bullets flying towards his father as fast as it would travel. Kichiro didn't even flinch as the bullet stopped in mid air and fell harmlessly to the ground.

Kichiro didn't move his right hand, which held the necklace aloft. Sakaki fired three more shots out of anger, not thinking about his father being a witch in the least. The bullets all paused in mid air and hit the ground. Kichiro's left hand slowly went towards his pocket, his fingers slowly wrapped around the butt of his gun. He was very good with guns, that why he used them despite his Witch's power. He could shoot Sakaki full of five entire clips, and if he shot him in the right spots, Sakaki would not die.

Sakaki would scream. He would bleed. The young boy would be on the ground as burgundy blood discharged from his body by the masses. Sakaki would cry tears of bittersweet salt and he would whine and beg for the sweet release of death before he was finally given it.

"Sayonara Musuko." (Goodbye Son) These were the only words that escaped his lips as he raised the gun. Sakaki saw it but he did not try to move. He had run from his father since he was just a boy, and the seventeen-year-old STN rookie was not about to run again. He fired the remaining bullets off his gun's clip but Kichiro stopped them.

Then the car horn honked, like a ancient Samurai battle cry from horseback.

Kichiro didn't have time to react as Doujima's car went sailing into his back, sending him to the ground with a painful thud and a snapping crunch. Sakaki blinked as he looked up to see a grinning Yurika sitting behind the wheel. He hadn't even noticed her leave, and neither had Kichiro.

"Get in!" She snapped quickly.

Sakaki ignored her. He walked over to where his father was now lying, blood oozing from the man's back. Sakaki reached down and picked up the sleek black automatic handgun where his father had dropped it and he cocked it. Doujima closed her eyes. She knew Sakaki would do it. She just didn't want to watch.

Sakaki then reached down and picked up the small silver necklace in the shape of a flower and he put it in his pocket. With a sneer he pressed the gun into the back of his father's head. Then the gun shot from his hand and flew into Kichiro's outstretched palm.

Kichiro lifted his head and laughed as he rolled over onto his back and aimed the gun at his son. Of course the witch was hurt and it hurt his legs even more to roll over like that, but he didn't care. Haruto would die.

Sakaki, however, was able to jump aside as the bullets came flying. He quickly scrambled over towards the car where Doujima had already opened the door for him. Quickly he got inside and then threw an arm around her.

"Run him over!" He shouted quickly.

Doujima hesitated.

"Now, before his powers kick in!" Sakaki shouted once again.

But Sakaki's voice wasn't the only one echoing in her mind.

"Time for the birdie to die." Rica smiled.

"Time for the puppy to bite the jackass." Doujima's voice snapped. Rica blinked his one remaining eye and looked down to the ground where he had thrown away his gun. Doujima now held the gun in her hand.

Rica changed the flow of his water jet from Robin's face to Doujima's side but he was too later, the blonde had pulled the trigger and the bullet had flown from his own gun into Rica's one remaining eye.

Rica let out a second scream even worse than the first as he fell backwards right into an ugly chair, blood pouring out of his right eye just as it had from his left. Doujima blinked after the water stopped pounding her chest and looked up at the chair. Rica lay in the chair lopsided, his head rolled on his shoulder and his tongue sticking out of his mouth.

Doujima looked at his dead body. Doujima looked and felt the horror in taking a life for the first time in her own. She felt all of the emotions that came when you end another human beings existence. And she didn't like it.

Doujima could not pull the car forward. She could not take another life. Even if this life, like the last one she'd taken, was a life of evil and hate. Sakaki tried to grab the wheel but it was impossible with the frozen Yurika in his way.

Then to both of their equal horror, the windshield exploded. Kichiro was climbing up to his uneasy feet and his eyes were glowing with the craft as he began to crush the car around them.

Doujima was still out, and Sakaki had one hell of a time putting the car in reverse and speeding away from where his father stood. He was angry and he wanted to kill the bastard, but enough sense had come back to him for him to know he could not fight a craft-user without the Orbo.

"I'm sorry." Doujima cried.

"Shut up." Sakaki snapped as he continued to lean over her to drive the car away from Harry's, and away from the alley where Kichiro stood. This was her fault. If she had just ran him over like he said then that bastard who killed his mother would finally be dead.

He didn't even notice the tears streaming from Doujima's eyes.


Touko was worried.

It was late and she was cold, wrapping her coat around her body as tight as she could. Her mind was still trying to adjust to what the doctor had said. She was not worried about what Amon would say. Of course he had broken up with her, and they knew that after what happened two years ago they would never be happy together, but maybe this was a second chance.

Of course the problem was her father. She could not stay in Japan, he would find out. He would notice it. And if she went to New York to live with her mother, than he father would become suspicious. And if he found out . . .

You have no proof he had anything to do with last time. He's your father! He wouldn't do that.

And still, she believed in her heart that Takuma Zaizen, the man who had given her life, had committed the ultimate crime against her two years ago. Zaizen had committed a crime against Amon as well, but Touko had lied to him. She had forbidden herself or her mother to tell Amon the truth.

Still, ever since it happened she knew Amon didn't love her anymore. She couldn't blame him, either. What had happened was horrible.

And she prayed it didn't happen this time.


Karasuma hated shopping.

Most nineteen-year-old girls would have had a completely other view on that subject, but not Miho Karasuma. She hated it. Of course she hadn't acted her age since she was ten, and even then she seamed more like twelve to most.

Still, shopping was important. She'd already had to buy a new suit for the office, new shoes to go with it, and of course the basic provisions for the small room in her apartment that some may have called a kitchen. She sighed. It really was no fun.

Miho was now standing in the middle of the frozen food section, trying to decide between a TV dinner and a frozen pizza. They both sounded horrible to her, but she was too tired to cook anything and even if she did it'd probably taste the same as this stuff.

"You should be careful in this section; you're so hot you'll melt all the food."

Karasuma narrowed her eyes as she turned around and then both she and Nagira gasped. Nagira then laughed.

"Sorry, force of habit. What are the odd, err, Miho, right?"

"Karasuma." Miho said colder than the frozen dinner in her hand. Nagira laughed again as he gave a puff on his cigarette. Then he blinked.

"Shouldn't you be out at work right now. I thought Witches were most active at night."

Karasuma rolled her eyes. "That's a cliché, and besides, we're off work until the first of the month." She paused. "Didn't Amon tell you?"

Nagira laughed a third time. "Amon and I don't talk much."

Karasuma was surprised. She had met Nagira in the hospital three months ago after Amon had been shot in the neck by David Rica. From what Nagira said he and Amon sounded like friends. "Why not?"

"I think he's still mad at dad."

"Amon's mad at your dad?"

"Amon's mad at our dad."

Karasuma blinked. "Our? Amon is your brother?"

Nagira nodded as he gave one last puff of his cigarette, put it out on the edge of his shopping cart, and then threw the butt of it into the open frozen food door. Karasuma was disgusted by this but said nothing. She was far more intrigued that Amon, who she had known for almost six years, had never mentioned a brother.

"Why?" Karasuma asked as she watched Nagira starts digging in the TV dinner's for those Hot Pockets.

"'Cause my dad had him with a Witch." Nagira said digging around.

Karasuma said nothing, obviously wanting to hear more. Nagira found his Hot Pockets and threw them into his cart. "Look, I don't even remember it that well. I was four years old when Amon was born. His ma' was a Witch. She was always real nice to me, though. Then she awakened and Amon was with her. Ever since he's been . . . different. Would you believe he was as cold and dark as he is now since he was eight?"

Karasuma smiled to herself. "I don't think he's cold."

Nagira shrugged. "Well the girlfriend never does."

Karasuma, though she blushed something awful, also narrowed her eyes. "I'm not Amon's girlfriend."

Nagira laughed. "I know that. Touko is. Or was. But you want to be."

"I do not."

"Let me guess, a few years ago the two of you had a kiss or something and every night before you sleep you think about him and sigh."

Karasuma slapped him.

Nagira laughed. "Yep, I knew it."


Kenny sighed. The airlines had refused to sell him more than two scotches, and after learning that his traveling companion was a zombie-witch hybrid creature, he had needed more alcohol.

"Hurry along puppy." Rica called over his shoulder. The London weather was nice today, not too hot, but not too cold. Kenny had always liked London. Rica thought their food was bad.

Rica looked around from behind his sunglasses (it was then Kenny wondered how he could even see) and in a moment Rica's face lit up into a smug smirk and he began to saunter towards a souvenir stand.

A man stood leaning against the wall of the stand, he was tall and gawky with messy red hair and a face full of freckles. The man looked perturbed almost as if he was expecting to pick up a relative he didn't like at the airport. David stopped in front of him.

"Mr. Williams?" Rica inquired.

The redhead groaned. "You must be David Rica."

Rica smiled his appalling smile. "That I am sir. Do you have the plane tickets to Tokyo?"

The redhead nodded slowly and grimly. "I do sir."

Rica was pleased. Everything was working out perfectly. "Ah, right. British puppy, meet Yankee puppy." He pulled Kenny over towards the redhead.

"Roger Williams, this is Kenny Avery. Like you he can't keep it in his pants and has been blackmailed into working for me."

"Nice to meet you mate." Roger said in an air of fake satisfaction.

"Likewise." Kenny sighed. "You know any good bars around here?"

Roger nodded. "There's an excellent pub just down the street. Great place to get smashed."

"It'll have to wait." Rica grinned, taking pleasure in how much the two of them were suffering at his hands. "We have to get to Tokyo. I don't want to keep my favorite puppy waiting."

Rica's mind was overflowing with thoughts of sugary retribution against Yurika Doujima.


The museum, like everything in Tokyo, was state-of-the-art.

The door and windows all had steel security plates that would cover them when the place was closed, which deterred most thieves. But high, cold steel doors could also keep people inside. This is why when they smashed down into the concrete walls, many people screamed.

It was now entirely black; the lights had vanished in an instant like candles in the wind. Of course it wasn't a power failure as Michael had heard someone say to try to soothe his screaming wife. If it was the power then the security system wouldn't have kicked in like that.

Michael felt someone brush against his side and he became tense, but a moment later he realized it was only Robin, who was now holding his hand. "Michael?"

She didn't have to say anymore. "Something's going on; this is no ordinary power failure."

Robin nodded and cast her bottle green eyes around in the shade, looking for any indication of whatever could have knocked off the lights and at the same moment issued the security system.

Suddenly to their left there was a sound of glass breaking and Michael could see something stirring in the shadows. His eyes were not fully adjusted to the dark but he saw well enough to see the glass case containing the bracelet, the sword and the pocket watch was now shattered and someone stood at the edge of the case, holding the sword aloft in their hand.

Michael tensed. He quickly tugged on Robin's arm and pulled her over in the shadow, down behind a large case that held several small objects and small square painting. Robin had now noticed the shadows and her petite hand had shot into her black skirt and pulled out the small, curved glasses and slipped them over her pale nose.

"No." Michael said quickly, realizing what she was doing, setting a strong hand on her shoulder. Robin nodded, but made no move to remove her glasses.

They had lost the shadowy figure that had held the English foil aloft and their eyes tried desperately to find him. Many shadows moved around, some of them the rich people who had come for the display that night, one of them undoubtedly Jyou who was trying to calm people.

And then there was the scream.

Michael and Robin both spun around quickly in the darkness as they saw two outlines of figures. It was like trying to look around with a black veil over your eyes, but even with all of the trouble they saw the shape of an overweight man falling to the ground, and the shade of a tall, lean figure standing with a long rapier sword above his head.

"Shit." Michael cussed quietly as he grabbed for Robin but she had already taken off like a bullet towards the shadow. Her lime eyes had caught the shape of the sword-wielding stature and in a second an explosion of fire had illuminated the darkness as the man caught ablaze.

Many more people screamed as flames shot high into the sky and licked away the darkness like a pink puppy tongue cleaning dirt from its master's hand. Robin had stopped, her eyes focused on the now burning shadow. The man, his face was hidden by flames, seamed to be staring back at Robin and not even aware of the inferno that bit at his body.

The man began to run towards Robin, his sword still held above his head and a battle cry echoing from out of his burning throat. Michael had not been sitting on his ass and watching his girlfriend attack the foil-holding maniac, no, he had quickly ran through the now enlightened room and found Jyou.

Without a word to his father's former best friend, Michael shot his hand to the security guard's belt and grabbed the black handgun up from the holster. If Jyou even noticed this he made no move to show it, since his eyes were locked on the burning man and the young woman who attacked it.

Michael ran forward and fired a bullet into the man's flaming chest. By now the hacker had realized that this thing was not an ordinary human and therefore would not go down by a bullet, but still he had to draw its attention away from Robin. Of course Michael Lee, the STN-J's hacker was not thinking right now. He did not think that Robin was much more experienced in fighting the supernatural than he was, all that he was thinking about was the fact a burning creature obviously not human was waving a sword at the woman he loved.

The man stopped as the bullet sailed into his ribs and out his back. He turned a burning face towards Michael, and then suddenly the man's eerie black eyes illuminated with a color so dark it was darker than black.



*Listening to Kenny Chesney and Uncle Kracker's When the Sun goes Down*


Well folks, lots of notes today so get ready.

One, big thanks to Kuroi Bara no Twilight, who has helped me out with the ages of the characters. I am so sorry I got them wrong, but I couldn't find any official statements of anyone's age except for Robin, so I just had to estimate.

(I still don't believe Karasuma's only 19…)

For my story I'm just going to say Michael had a birthday sometime in those three months since Rica's attack and he is now seventeen. Actually I'm doing a songfic that takes place between F&R and FE about his birthday. So look for that soon.

Anyway, secondly, to Manny PenPen,

Firstly let me say that has to be the longest review in the history of Fanfiction.net. *heh* and with that said, I know what you mean. >< I'm bad at grammar and spelling. Especially grammar. I asked for a beta reader back a long time ago, and it looked like I almost had one (I won't say who) but it looks like she's stopped reading my fanfics, or is just offline a lot.

And since Manny's brought this to my attention, if any of you readers out there have good knowledge of grammar, and can handle the task of having to read through my chapters before I post them (That means about a chapter every day or two, you know how fast I write) then email me, okay? Cause I really need a good Beta. It'd be nice if the beta had AIM or MSN so we could actually talk live about what I need to fix.

Oh and Manny, when did Sakaki get a telekinesis craft? That sounds frickin' awesome but I've never heard that before.

Thirdly, to Kanno.
You called your sister "Little Puppy"?
Heh. I never imagined anyone would quote my stories, much less my villain. Ah well, I guess that's good news for Rica, since it means he's popular and can stick around a little while longer, eh?

Fourthly Angel Spirit

Yes, you've caught me. I stole Tai Lee and Jyou's names from Digimon. But it's hard to think of names from a foreign country! Actually the Japanese actress who plays Robin's last name is very similar to Wantanabee.

And finally as for the Celebrity Witch Hunting update, I will be making it sometime in the near future.

Also, this Tuesday is the last episode of WHR on Adult Swim, so I'll start Coffee and Donuts chapter two on Wednesday.

That's enough outta me.

Ja Ne

~ Golden-sama