Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ The gap between ages ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 7 )

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Chapter 6: Revelations
“ Shes the Avatar.”
They all stared at Aang, who had just got up.
“What do you mean with all the “shes the avatar” stuff? There can only be one avatar in every generation!”
“Remember the time when we fell in the swamp? The guru that was in there told me that time and space are an illusion. My guess is that the hole in the sky when Robin and I met was some kinda window between her time and our time. Maybe she needed to discover something or maybe I am the one who needs to learn something from her.”
Katara run towards Robin to make sure she was Ok. She lifted her, but Robin stopped her.
“Amon” She whispered, “Go check on him, Im Ok”
“Ok I will. Just stay here and try to rest. I know what is like when somebody gets out the Avatar State, Aang always end up drained up.”
She rushed next to Amon, but by the time she got to his side, he was already sitting up. He looked a little banged up, but nothing was serious. She lifted some water and healed his cuts and scratches in no time. Then, he got up.
“What happened with Robin? How did she do that with the wind?”
“Shes the Avatar, one of my future reincarnations. Maybe thats why Katara found her familiar. She was looking at me, but in a different body.”
“So, what does it mean?”
“Shes the spirit of earth in its human form. Maybe we can train her to handle the rest of the elements, so she can go back to her time. The Avatar is the hope of the world. The hope of a peaceful world, were everybody understand each other.”
“The hope?” Robin said, “thats how my mother used to call me before she died. She said I was the hope of all witches.”
“It cant be a coincidence. Maybe your mother knew the power you held, and she was just trying to help you assume the responsibility as your times Avatar.”
“How could she knew? She died giving birth to me. Besides, I wasnt born in a natural way. I was manufactured in a lab by scientists. They used to call me the Devils child.”
“Sorry to break it to you, but I have no idea what you just said.” Toph said, “And we better get moving, because Azula and her bunch of circus freaks will be back in every moment.”
“Yeah Toph, you are right, we should be moving now.”
In the present time…
Sakaki walked to Michaels desk. In his hand were some of the results of the tests on Horubes craft.
“Ive got it! She sent them to the past. Very far from ours, but it can be pointed making her concentrate and open a void that will lead us right into the time they are.”
“But how are we going to communicate to let us know that you found them and you need another gate to come back?
“Can you adapt our cell phones so they can be able to receive transmitions from the past? And vice-versa?”
“I could do it, but I would have to calibrate them to all the distortions in time-space, and that will take days, if not weeks”
“Well, I think you should get started.”
Robin was walking next to Aang, asking him a lot of questions about being the Avatar. Amon was walking right behind her, with Toph, Sokka and Katara behind him. They all agreed in one thing: The guy was scary! Even if he was with Robin, they couldnt stop feeling intimidated with his presence, except Toph. She could tell that behind that tough and cold appearance, the guy was actually a softie when it come to the firebender girl. His heartbeat increased when he was close to her, but she felt him trying to control it.
While they kept walking, night came. Robin and Toph agreed that they would start training her in earthbending the next day, with Aang, and in the afternoon, theyll train their waterbending with Katara. Anag would train her in her airbending.
They all settled their sleeping bags and Toph created her rock tent. Since Amon and Robin had no place to sleep, Aang told them to sleep on Appa.
“Amon?” Robin asked
“are you scared of me?”
“What kind of ridiculous question is that? Why are you asking such a thing? I thought that you knew me long enough to know the answer to that.”
“I just thought that the whole idea of me being the spirit of the earth in a human form would freak you out, and that you would… hunt me.”
“It seems to me that you are in control of that. Besides, you heard what Aang said. The control of the Avatar State can be reached. You just have to stay here long enough to learn it.”
“Im glad that we are together in this.”
“Me too.”
And with those words said, they all fell asleep.
AHHHHHHHHHH! Amon&Robin fluff!! Im new in this, so don't complain if its lame!! Major Aang&Katara fluff coming in the next chapters!!!