Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Lullaby ❯ Doctors and Owls ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By: Lacus Klein

Disclaimer: No characters mine, though I can dream....

Notes: Third chapter! Can't believe I wrote it so fast ^_^; But it was a boring day at work and I had time on my hands, so I just started working on this. Hey, better to be productive (Just don't tell my boss!).

Quote: Sometimes things are better then they might seem.

Chapter Three

Doctors and Owls

"I told you it wouldn't be so bad."

Watari sat back on the couch and watched as Tatsumi hung up his coat. They had just arrived back from the doctor's office, and things seemed to be winding down.

It had been two weeks since the first annoucement of Watari's expecting. Despite the approval from the king, Tatsumi had still be somewhat apprehensive over the entire thing. He didn't say anything around anyone else, but Watari had caught on pretty quickly. And meeting the doctor for the first time was something they both had talked and talked about. Tatsumi still didn't trust the Ministry, and it was quite obvious to anyone who had eyes.

"No. But I don't think she needs to poke her nose into everything we do." Tatsumi said, sitting down beside him.

Watari sat back and smiled. "You worry too much. She just wants to make sure that everything goes smoothly. Nothing she asked was out of the ordinary." he said.

Nearby, 003 hooted and flew over. She landed on Watari's shoulder, fluffing her feathers. "I suppose she's putting her two sense into it as well?" Tatsumi said, though there was an amused smile on his face.

"Of course she is. She's been in this since the beginning too." Watari said, petting her feathers.

Tatsumi shook his head and sat back. "Either way, I'm still not sure of what their interest is in this. It's all too convenet." he admitted.

Watari sighed, turning to face him. "I know. But we can't change it, so we'll just have to go with it. Besides, it's not like they're going to take her away or anything." he said.

For a moment, they sat in silence. Tatsumi watched Watari look up at him with a hopeful smile. Then he had to smile back. "By the way, how is it you've come to keep calling it a her?" he asked.

Watari sat up, a bit surprised. "Actually, I didn't realize I was saying that." he admitted.

"Really? You've been saying it for the last week." Tatsumi said.

"I guess I didn't really think about it. Sixth sense, maybe?" Watari suggested.

"Yutaka, we're already dead you know." Tatsumi said. He was sounding very amused though.

003 hooted, flapping her wings. Watari smiled at her. "I think she's agreeing. She says it a girl." he said.

Tatsumi shook his head. "And I suppose you'll say it's an owl's sixth sense now?"

"Oh come on." Watari teased. "You really don't think it's a girl?"

"I didn't say that. I don't know what it will be." Tatsumi answered matter of factly.

"Then I'll ask you. What do you think it's going to be? Boy or girl?" Watari went on.

"I don't know." Tatsumi replied.

"Seiichiro! You must have some idea!" Watari pressed on.

Tatsumi shrugged. "No clue whatsoever."

Watari gave him a pouting look. Tatsumi certainly was stubborn when he wanted to be. "Well then, what about names then?" he suggested.

"What? Picking out names already?" Tatsumi said, looking a bit surprised.

"Why not? We don't really know what it is, so we can go through boys or girls. Besides, Akiko seemed to think it was a good idea to plan ahead." Watari told him.

Tatsumi sighed. "Again with the doctor. I take it you're going to follow everything she says now?"

"Yep!" Watari chimed happily. "I'm not taking chances you know."

"Maybe later." Tatsumi said, getting up.

Watari gave him a dirty look and followed him to their bedroom. "Seii! I'm serious!" he pouted.

Tatsumi turned and kissed him gently. "I know. But right now, I think we should get some rest. It's getting late." he whispered.

Sighing, Watari agreed.


The next morning was like any other. Sitting at his desk, Watari sighed and looked over his notes. He was still thinking over everything that had happened the day before. He'd finally met the doctor they'd appointed, and it seemed to go well. Her name was Akiko. Watari had heard of her before. She served as the doctor in another part of the Ministry, and was highly respected. That had made him feel a bit better about going to her. And she'd been very nice and understanding.

From what she estimated, he had about five more months to go. His stomach was already starting to poke out a little, and he wondered when he'd start feeling the baby moving. The thought thrilled him, especially when he thought of when it would be born. He had to smile as the word "she" came to mind again. I just keep thinking it's a girl, he laughed silently to himself. Maybe I am having a sixth sense to it.

The flapping of wings made him look up. To his surprise, 003 flew in, a small book in her talons. "What's this?" he asked as he took it from her.

The little owl hooted and landed on the table by him. Watari looked at the book and was surprised to see that it was a book of baby names. "Oh, I see. You wanted to discuss names last night, didn't you?" he laughed.

003 hooted at him. Apparently, that was what she intended to do. Watari opened the book and looked through it. He immediately turned to the girls names, considering his gut feeling. After going through a few of them, he stopped at one. "What a pretty name. Myobi." he said. Then he looked over at his little owl. "What do you think?"

She hooted excitedly. Watari smiled. "Maybe we'll use this. I'll have to run it by Seii later." he said, closing the book.

A knock at the door made him look up. Akiko peeked in. "You mind if I come in?" she asked.

"No. I'm not busy." Watari said, putting the book away. 003 hopped up on his shoulder.

Akiko came in and closed the door. "I just thought I'd stop by and see how you were feeling." she said.

Watari smiled. "I've been feeling better. I was just looking over some things." he said.

"That's good. I know my coming here is a bit of a surprise, but I wanted to make sure. How's Tatsumi holding up?" Akiko asked.

"He's fine now. He's still a little nervous, but he's doing better. I think he's just worried that something might happen to me or the baby." Watari told her.

Akiko smiled. "I understand. This is a big thing. But I think everything will be fine." she said.

Watari sat back, studying her. Akiko didn't seem like she had anything to hide. In fact, she seemed genuinly concerned over it. That made him feel better as well. "003 and I were just thinking about names, beings Tatsumi thought it was too early last night." he told her.

"Why not? If you have a feeling, you may as well. You'll have to pick one eventually." Akiko said.

"Well, personally, we think it's a girl. Tatsumi won't say what he thinks." Watari laughed.

Akiko laughed. "Give him time. I'm sure he'll lighten up. But as for right now, we'll just have to take things as they go. This is a first here." she said.

At that, Watari turned a bit more serious. "Akiko, can I ask you something?" he said.

"Go on." she replied.

"Why is it the king is so interested in this child? It can't just be because of us." Watari asked her.

For a moment, she was quiet. Then she looked up. "Well, I'm not at total liberty to say yet. But Shinigami having children is completely new. Perhaps there's a chance there could be more in the future. But yours will determine that, depending on how it develops." Akiko admitted.

Watari took in her words. She was right about some things in that. Shinigami had never had children before. This child was a first, and more then likely to be considered a new race. "Well, it won't matter to me. As long as she's safe and we can keep her, I don't care what she turns out to be." he told her.

"I see your point, and I'm not going against it. Personally, I think it would be wonderful for the Shinigami to be able to have children and families. You all do lead lonely paths. And I really don't think there will be anything that different about it." Akiko admitted.

With that, she excused herself. Watari watched her walk out. Then, to his surprise, the door opened again and Tatsumi came in. "Were you waiting out there?" he asked him.

"No. I just happened to catch the tail end of the conversation. I suppose you could say it was curious to me." Tatsumi admitted.

Watari nodded, placing his hands on his stomach. "And what do you think? Are you still worried?" he asked.

Tatsumi shook his head. "Not as much. More curious then anything now. But I suppose she's right. We'll have to take things as they come." he said.

Then he turned to walk back out. Watari smiled down at his belly and turned back to his desk. But Tatsumi's voice made him look back up. "Yes?" he said, looking over his shoulder.

"If you don't mind, I do have a request." Tatsumi said, standing in the doorway.

"Sure. What is it?" Watari asked.

"If it is a girl, I'd like to use the name you were talking to 003 about." Tatsumi told him.

Watari looked at him for a moment, then realized that he must have overheard the conversation before Akiko came in. "Myobi?" he asked.

"Yes. If it is a girl, I'd like that name. It was my mother's." Tatsumi admitted.

Watari just smiled at him. "Sure."


Notes: I liked that ending for this chapter. It was something I just thought up, considering I have no idea what Tatsumi's mother's name was. If anybody does, I'm sorry if I'm wrong. I just thought it would be sweet. So, what does everybody think so far? Any questions, comments, perhaps suggestions? I'm always open to them. Reviews?