Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Lullaby ❯ Final Goodbye? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By: Lacus Klein

Disclaimer: My characters mine, except for Myobi.

Notes: Okay, so this isn't exactly a happy story. But what's life without a little sadness? Anyways, I'm planning a sequel too. So please don't hate me ^^: Also, sorry I haven't updated in a while. Time is a hard thing to come by sometimes. And my internet at work is down, so I can't post anything from there.

Chapter Eight

Final Goodbye?

Watari sensed that something was wrong when he called the center and Myobi wasn't there. Immediately, he called for
Akiko. If anyone had the authrity to take her out of there, it was her. But there was no answer there either. So he went out to see for himself.

Meanwhile, Tatsumi was sitting in his office when the phone rang. Picking it up, he was surprised to hear Akiko's voice on the other end of the line. "What's going on?" he asked, immediately suspicious.

"I must speak with you. I want you and Watari to meet me at my office as soon as possible." she told him. Then she hung up.

Getting up, Tatsumi left his papers on his desk and went to Watari's office. He was surprised to find him not there. So he decided to check to the center where Myobi was. Surely Watari must have been checking up on her, he kept telling himself. But inside, he had a sick feeling that something wasn't right.

"Seii, I can't find Myobi!" Watari said as he was coming out of the center and saw him. That was when Tatsumi knew his gut feeling was right.

"Come on. We're going to meet Akiko." he said, grabbing his hand and pulling him along.

"What's going on? Why is she with Akiko?" Watari asked, still not sure of what was going on. But inside, his stomach was in a knot.

Tatsumi didn't answer. Instead, he was deep in thought over the recent events. Myobi's recent actions could very well have caused concern for the king. He may have seen her as dangerous. But what did he intend to do with her?

Coming up to Akiko's house, they both stopped to see her standing in the doorway. She had a grim look to her. Watari immediately felt the panic rise within him. "Where's Myobi?" he asked, stepping forward.

Akiko sighed. "Please, come with me." she said.


"What do you mean we can't see her again?"

Watari's words said it all. Akiko shook her head, expecting as much. Of course they wouldn't like this. But it was the only way. "Myobi can't stay here. If she does, the king will have her killed. So the count and I took steps to ensure that it doesn't happen." she told them.

"And how exactly are you doing this if he wants her dead?" Tatsumi asked, trying to keep a cool head. He knew it was the only way they'd get answers.

Akiko sighed. "I've put a doll in her place. As far as the rest of this world knows, Myobi is dead. Instead of it happening to the real her, we've sent her into the human world. She'll live there." she explained.

"But then why can't we see her? No one will know where we're going." Watari argued.

"We can't take that chance. Even now, I'm not sure I'll know where she is sent. It's something we have to take if we want her to live." Akiko told him.

Watari looked down. Beside him, Tatsumi sighed. "So what you're saying is that for all intent and purpose, our daughter is dead." he clarified.

Akiko nodded. She really couldn't help but bit her lip. It was hard to tell them that. In a way, Myobi had been as much a part of her life as theirs. "Maybe in this world. But at least she'll stand a chance in another." she offered.

Watari bit his lip. "It isn't right though. What right do they have to take her away from us?" he whispered.

Tatsumi gently touched his shoulder. "There's no choice. And it's a much better alternative then seeing her die." he told him.

"I'm sorry. But this is all I can do." Akiko said softly.

The two left in silence. Watari still looked at the ground, and Tatsumi wasn't too sure of what to say to him. For most of the walk back, they remained in silence. But coming into the house, Watari suddenly turned and held onto him, crying into his shirt. Tatsumi just held him tightly and felt a few tears slid down his own cheeks. There really was no choice in this. This was just how it was going to be now.


Notes: Okay, really short. But I guess the point got across. There is going to be a sequel, and it's coming soon. BTW, backround music really set the mood for this ending. Sadame Piano version from X, that was the one that clenched it.Sorry for the shortness. More soon in the sequel!